You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
394 lines
12 KiB
394 lines
12 KiB
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/tracking.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/videoio.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <time.h> |
#include <cstring> |
#include <climits> |
const int CMDLINEMAX = 30; |
const int ASSESS_TILL = 100; |
const int LINEMAX = 40; |
using namespace std; |
using namespace cv; |
/* TODO: |
do normalization ala Kalal's assessment protocol for TLD |
*/ |
static Mat image; |
static bool paused; |
static bool saveImageKey; |
static vector<Scalar> palette; |
void print_table(char* videos[],int videoNum,char* algorithms[],int algNum,const vector<vector<char*> >& results,char* tableName); |
static int lineToRect(char* line,Rect2d& res){ |
char * ptr=line,*pos=ptr; |
if(line==NULL || line[0]=='\0'){ |
return -1; |
} |
if(strcmp(line,"NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN\n")==0){ |
res.height=res.width=-1.0; |
return 0; |
} |
double nums[4]={0}; |
for(int i=0; i<4 && (ptr=strpbrk(ptr,"0123456789-"))!= NULL;i++,ptr=pos){ |
nums[i]=strtod(ptr,&pos); |
if(pos==ptr){ |
printf("lineToRect had problems with decoding line %s\n",line); |
return -1; |
} |
} |
res.x=cv::min(nums[0],nums[2]); |
res.y=cv::min(nums[1],nums[3]); |
res.width=cv::abs(nums[0]-nums[2]); |
res.height=cv::abs(nums[1]-nums[3]); |
return 0; |
} |
static inline double overlap(Rect2d r1,Rect2d r2){ |
if(r1.width<0 || r2.width<0 || r1.height<0 || r1.width<0)return -1.0; |
double a1=r1.area(), a2=r2.area(), a0=(r1&r2).area(); |
return a0/(a1+a2-a0); |
} |
static void help(){ |
cout << "\nThis example shows the functionality of \"Long-term optical tracking API\"" |
"-- pause video [p] and draw a bounding box around the target to start the tracker\n" |
"Example of <video_name> is in opencv_extra/testdata/cv/tracking/\n" |
"Call:\n" |
"./tracker [<keys and args>] <video_name> <ground_truth> <algorithm1> <init_box1> <algorithm2> <init_box2> ...\n" |
<< endl; |
cout << "\n\nHot keys: \n" |
"\tq - quit the program\n" |
"\tp - pause video\n"; |
} |
static void parseCommandLineArgs(int argc, char** argv,char* videos[],char* gts[], |
int* vc,char* algorithms[],char* initBoxes[][CMDLINEMAX],int* ac,char keys[CMDLINEMAX][LINEMAX]){ |
*ac=*vc=0; |
for(int i=1;i<argc;i++){ |
if(argv[i][0]=='-'){ |
for(int j=0;j<CMDLINEMAX;j++){ |
if(!strcmp(argv[i],keys[j])){ |
keys[j][0]='\0'; |
} |
} |
continue; |
} |
bool isVideo=false; |
for(int j=0,len=(int)strlen(argv[i]);j<len;j++){ |
if(!('A'<=argv[i][j] && argv[i][j]<='Z') && argv[i][j]!='.'){ |
isVideo=true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(isVideo){ |
videos[*vc]=argv[i]; |
i++; |
gts[*vc]=(i<argc)?argv[i]:NULL; |
(*vc)++; |
}else{ |
algorithms[*ac]=argv[i]; |
i++; |
for(int j=0;j<*vc;j++,i++){ |
initBoxes[*ac][j]=(i<argc)?argv[i]:NULL; |
} |
i--;(*ac)++; |
} |
} |
} |
void print_table(char* videos[],int videoNum,char* algorithms[],int algNum,const vector<vector<char*> >& results,char* tableName){ |
printf("\n%s",tableName); |
vector<int> grid(1+algNum,0); |
char spaces[100];memset(spaces,' ',100); |
for(int i=0;i<videoNum;i++){ |
grid[0]=std::max(grid[0],(int)strlen(videos[i])); |
} |
for(int i=0;i<algNum;i++){ |
grid[i+1]=(int)strlen(algorithms[i]); |
for(int j=0;j<videoNum;j++) |
grid[i+1]=std::max(grid[i+1],(int)strlen(results[j][i])); |
} |
printf("%.*s ",(int)grid[0],spaces); |
for(int i=0;i<algNum;i++) |
printf("%s%.*s",algorithms[i],(int)(grid[i+1]+1-strlen(algorithms[i])),spaces); |
printf("\n"); |
for(int i=0;i<videoNum;i++){ |
printf("%s%.*s",videos[i],(int)(grid[0]+1-strlen(videos[i])),spaces); |
for(int j=0;j<algNum;j++) |
printf("%s%.*s",results[i][j],(int)(grid[j+1]+1-strlen(results[i][j])),spaces); |
printf("\n"); |
} |
printf("*************************************************************\n"); |
} |
struct AssessmentRes{ |
class Assessment{ |
public: |
virtual int printf(char* buf)=0; |
virtual int printName(char* buf)=0; |
virtual void assess(const Rect2d& ethalon,const Rect2d& res)=0; |
virtual ~Assessment(){} |
}; |
AssessmentRes(int algnum); |
int len; |
char* videoName; |
vector<vector<Ptr<Assessment> > >results; |
}; |
class CorrectFrames : public AssessmentRes::Assessment{ |
public: |
CorrectFrames(double tol):tol_(tol),len_(1),correctFrames_(1){} |
int printf(char* buf){return sprintf(buf,"%d/%d",correctFrames_,len_);} |
int printName(char* buf){return sprintf(buf,(char*)"Num of correct frames (overlap>%g)\n",tol_);} |
void assess(const Rect2d& ethalon,const Rect2d& res){len_++;if(overlap(ethalon,res)>tol_)correctFrames_++;} |
private: |
double tol_; |
int len_; |
int correctFrames_; |
}; |
class AvgTime : public AssessmentRes::Assessment{ |
public: |
AvgTime(double res):res_(res){} |
int printf(char* buf){return sprintf(buf,"%gms",res_);} |
int printName(char* buf){return sprintf(buf,(char*)"Average frame tracking time\n");} |
void assess(const Rect2d& /*ethalon*/,const Rect2d&/* res*/){}; |
private: |
double res_; |
}; |
class PRF : public AssessmentRes::Assessment{ |
public: |
PRF():occurences_(0),responses_(0),true_responses_(0){}; |
int printName(char* buf){return sprintf(buf,(char*)"PRF\n");} |
int printf(char* buf){return sprintf(buf,"%g/%g/%g",(1.0*true_responses_)/responses_,(1.0*true_responses_)/occurences_, |
(2.0*true_responses_)/(responses_+occurences_));} |
void assess(const Rect2d& ethalon,const Rect2d& res){ |
if(res.height>=0)responses_++; |
if(ethalon.height>=0)occurences_++; |
if(ethalon.height>=0 && res.height>=0)true_responses_++; |
} |
private: |
int occurences_,responses_,true_responses_; |
}; |
AssessmentRes::AssessmentRes(int algnum):len(0),results(algnum){ |
for(int i=0;i<(int)results.size();i++){ |
results[i].push_back(Ptr<Assessment>(new CorrectFrames(0.0))); |
results[i].push_back(Ptr<Assessment>(new CorrectFrames(0.5))); |
results[i].push_back(Ptr<Assessment>(new PRF())); |
} |
} |
static AssessmentRes assessment(char* video,char* gt_str, char* algorithms[],char* initBoxes_str[],int algnum){ |
char buf[200]; |
int start_frame=0; |
int linecount=0; |
Rect2d boundingBox; |
vector<double> averageMillisPerFrame(algnum,0.0); |
static int videoNum=0; |
videoNum++; |
FILE* gt=fopen(gt_str,"r"); |
if(gt==NULL){ |
printf("cannot open the ground truth file %s\n",gt_str); |
} |
for(linecount=0;fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),gt)!=NULL;linecount++); |
if(linecount==0){ |
printf("ground truth file %s has no lines\n",gt_str); |
} |
fseek(gt,0,SEEK_SET); |
if(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),gt)==NULL){ |
printf("ground truth file %s has no lines\n",gt_str); |
} |
std::vector<Rect2d> initBoxes(algnum); |
for(int i=0;i<algnum;i++){ |
printf("%s %s\n",algorithms[i],initBoxes_str[CMDLINEMAX*i]); |
if(lineToRect(initBoxes_str[CMDLINEMAX*i],boundingBox)<0){ |
printf("please, specify bounding box for video %s, algorithm %s\n",video,algorithms[i]); |
printf("FYI, initial bounding box in ground truth is %s\n",buf); |
if(gt!=NULL){ |
fclose(gt); |
} |
}else{ |
initBoxes[i].x=boundingBox.x; |
initBoxes[i].y=boundingBox.y; |
initBoxes[i].width=boundingBox.width; |
initBoxes[i].height=boundingBox.height; |
} |
} |
VideoCapture cap; |
| String(video) ); |
cap.set( CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, start_frame ); |
if( !cap.isOpened() ){ |
printf("cannot open video %s\n",video); |
help(); |
} |
Mat frame; |
namedWindow( "Tracking API", 1 ); |
std::vector<Ptr<Tracker> >trackers(algnum); |
for(int i=0;i<algnum;i++){ |
trackers[i] = Tracker::create( algorithms[i] ); |
if( trackers[i] == NULL ){ |
printf("error in the instantiation of the tracker %s\n",algorithms[i]); |
if(gt!=NULL){ |
fclose(gt); |
} |
} |
} |
cap >> frame; |
frame.copyTo( image ); |
if(lineToRect(buf,boundingBox)<0){ |
if(gt!=NULL){ |
fclose(gt); |
} |
} |
rectangle( image, boundingBox,palette[0], 2, 1 ); |
for(int i=0;i<(int)trackers.size();i++){ |
rectangle(image,initBoxes[i],palette[i+1], 2, 1 ); |
if( !trackers[i]->init( frame, initBoxes[i] ) ){ |
printf("could not initialize tracker %s with box %s at video %s\n",algorithms[i],initBoxes_str[i],video); |
if(gt!=NULL){ |
fclose(gt); |
} |
} |
} |
imshow( "Tracking API", image ); |
int frameCounter = 0; |
AssessmentRes res((int)trackers.size()); |
for ( ;; ){ |
if( !paused ){ |
cap >> frame; |
if(frame.empty()){ |
break; |
} |
frame.copyTo( image ); |
if(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),gt)==NULL){ |
printf("ground truth is over\n"); |
break; |
} |
if(lineToRect(buf,boundingBox)<0){ |
if(gt!=NULL){ |
fclose(gt); |
} |
} |
rectangle( image, boundingBox,palette[0], 2, 1 ); |
frameCounter++; |
for(int i=0;i<(int)trackers.size();i++){ |
bool trackerRes=true; |
clock_t start;start=clock(); |
trackerRes=trackers[i]->update( frame, initBoxes[i] ); |
start=clock()-start; |
averageMillisPerFrame[i]+=1000.0*start/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; |
if(trackerRes==false){ |
initBoxes[i].height=initBoxes[i].width=-1.0; |
}else{ |
rectangle( image, initBoxes[i], palette[i+1], 2, 1 ); |
} |
for(int j=0;j<(int)res.results[i].size();j++) |
res.results[i][j]->assess(boundingBox,initBoxes[i]); |
} |
imshow( "Tracking API", image ); |
if(saveImageKey){ |
char inbuf[LINEMAX]; |
sprintf(inbuf,"image%d_%d.jpg",videoNum,frameCounter); |
imwrite(inbuf,image); |
} |
if((frameCounter+1)>=ASSESS_TILL){ |
break; |
} |
char c = (char) waitKey( 2 ); |
if( c == 'q' ) |
break; |
if( c == 'p' ) |
paused = !paused; |
} |
} |
if(gt!=NULL){ |
fclose(gt); |
} |
destroyWindow( "Tracking API"); |
res.len=linecount; |
res.videoName=video; |
for(int i=0;i<(int)res.results.size();i++) |
res.results[i].push_back(Ptr<AssessmentRes::Assessment>(new AvgTime(averageMillisPerFrame[i]/res.len))); |
return res; |
} |
int main( int argc, char** argv ){ |
palette.push_back(Scalar(255,0,0));//BGR |
palette.push_back(Scalar(0,0,255)); |
palette.push_back(Scalar(0,255,255)); |
int vcount=0,acount=0; |
char* videos[CMDLINEMAX],*gts[CMDLINEMAX],*algorithms[CMDLINEMAX],*initBoxes[CMDLINEMAX][CMDLINEMAX]; |
strcpy(keys[0],"-s"); |
parseCommandLineArgs(argc,argv,videos,gts,&vcount,algorithms,initBoxes,&acount,keys); |
saveImageKey=(keys[0][0]=='\0'); |
CV_Assert(acount<CMDLINEMAX && vcount<CMDLINEMAX); |
printf("videos and gts\n"); |
for(int i=0;i<vcount;i++){ |
printf("%s %s\n",videos[i],gts[i]); |
} |
printf("algorithms and boxes (%d)\n",acount); |
for(int i=0;i<acount;i++){ |
printf("%s ",algorithms[i]); |
for(int j=0;j<vcount;j++){ |
printf("%s ",initBoxes[i][j]); |
} |
printf("\n"); |
} |
std::vector<AssessmentRes> results; |
for(int i=0;i<vcount;i++){ |
results.push_back(assessment(videos[i],gts[i],algorithms,((char**)initBoxes)+i,acount)); |
} |
CV_Assert( (int)results[0].results[0].size() < CMDLINEMAX ); |
printf("\n\n"); |
vector<vector<char*> > resultStrings(vcount); |
vector<char*> nameStrings; |
for(int i=0;i<vcount;i++){ |
for(int j=0;j<acount;j++){ |
resultStrings[i].push_back(buf+i*CMDLINEMAX*LINEMAX + j*40); |
} |
} |
for(int i=0;i<(int)results[0].results[0].size();i++){ |
nameStrings.push_back(buf2+LINEMAX*i); |
} |
for(int tableCount=0;tableCount<(int)results[0].results[0].size();tableCount++){ |
CV_Assert(results[0].results[0][tableCount]->printName(nameStrings[tableCount])<LINEMAX); |
for(int videoCount=0;videoCount<(int)results.size();videoCount++) |
for(int algoCount=0;algoCount<(int)results[0].results.size();algoCount++){ |
(results[videoCount].results[algoCount][tableCount])->printf(resultStrings[videoCount][algoCount]); |
} |
print_table(videos,vcount,algorithms,acount,resultStrings,nameStrings[tableCount]); |
} |
return 0; |