Repository for OpenCV's extra modules
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Vitaliy Lyudvichenko 383715d330 libprotobuf is optional dependency now 10 years ago
adas Fix build of tools with hal module 10 years ago
bioinspired Merge pull request #223 from albenoit/master 10 years ago
datasets added INRIA pedestrian dataset 10 years ago
dnn libprotobuf is optional dependency now 10 years ago
line_descriptor Merge pull request #136 from Dikay900/fix_line_descriptor_module 10 years ago
matlab Updated CMakeLists.txt to support protobuf Messages auto generation. 10 years ago
optflow Merge pull request #214 from LaurentBerger/bugfix4269 10 years ago
reg Adapt reg sample to changes in features detectors 10 years ago
rgbd fixed contrib code to match the HAL 10 years ago
saliency added test for; 10 years ago
text Fix for Bug #3633: do away with "quads [2][3] = 255;" The four lowest bits in each quads[i][j] correspond to the 2x2 binary patterns Q_1, Q_2, Q_3 in the NM paper [1] (see in page 4 at the end of first column). Q_1 and Q_2 have four patterns, while Q_3 has only two. 10 years ago
tracking fixed compile error and warning 10 years ago
xfeatures2d Bugfix Normalization / Enhance "double" mode queries for DAISY. 10 years ago
ximgproc Merge pull request #239 from sbokov/disparityFiltering 10 years ago
xobjdetect Bug fix for feature extraction 10 years ago
xphoto fixed compile error and warning 10 years ago

An overview of the contrib modules and a small explanation

This list gives an overview of all modules available inside the contrib repository. These are also the correct names for disabling the building of a specific module by adding

$ cmake -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=<opencv_contrib>/modules -D BUILD_opencv_reponame=OFF <opencv_source_directory>
  1. opencv_adas: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems module with Forward Collision Warning.

  2. opencv_bgsegm: Improved Adaptive Background Mixture Model for Real-time Tracking / Visual Tracking of Human Visitors under Variable-Lighting Conditions.

  3. opencv_bioinspired: Biologically inspired vision models and derivated tools.

  4. opencv_ ccalib: Custom Calibration Pattern for 3D reconstruction.

  5. opencv_cvv: GUI for Interactive Visual Debugging of Computer Vision Programs.

  6. opencv_datasets: Interface for interfacing with existing computer vision databases.

  7. opencv_datasettools: Tools for working with different datasets.

  8. opencv_face: Recently added face recognition software which is not yet stabalized.

  9. opencv_latentsvm: Implementation of the LatentSVM detector algorithm.

  10. opencv_line_descriptor: Binary descriptors for lines extracted from an image.

  11. opencv_matlab: OpenCV Matlab Code Generator.

  12. opencv_optflow: Optical Flow Algorithms for tracking points.

  13. opencv_reg: Image Registration module.

  14. opencv_rgbd: RGB-Depth Processing module.

  15. opencv_saliency: Saliency API, understanding where humans focus given a scene.

  16. opencv_surface_matching: Surface Matching Algorithm Through 3D Features.

  17. opencv_text: Scene Text Detection and Recognition in Natural Scene Images.

  18. opencv_tracking: Long-term optical tracking API.

  19. opencv_xfeatures2d: Extra 2D Features Framework containing experimental and non-free 2D feature algorithms.

  20. opencv_ximgproc: Extended Image Processing: Structured Forests / Domain Transform Filter / Guided Filter / Adaptive Manifold Filter / Joint Bilateral Filter / Superpixels.

  21. opencv_xobjdetect: Integral Channel Features Detector Framework.

  22. opencv_xphoto: Additional photo processing algorithms: Color balance / Denoising / Inpainting.