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#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/aruco/charuco.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
namespace cv {
namespace aruco {
using namespace std;
void CharucoBoard::draw(Size outSize, OutputArray _img, int marginSize, int borderBits) {
CV_Assert(marginSize >= 0);
_img.create(outSize, CV_8UC1);
Mat out = _img.getMat();
Mat noMarginsImg =
out.colRange(marginSize, out.cols - marginSize).rowRange(marginSize, out.rows - marginSize);
double totalLengthX, totalLengthY;
totalLengthX = _squareLength * _squaresX;
totalLengthY = _squareLength * _squaresY;
// proportional transformation
double xReduction = totalLengthX / double(noMarginsImg.cols);
double yReduction = totalLengthY / double(noMarginsImg.rows);
// determine the zone where the chessboard is placed
Mat chessboardZoneImg;
if(xReduction > yReduction) {
int nRows = int(totalLengthY / xReduction);
int rowsMargins = (noMarginsImg.rows - nRows) / 2;
chessboardZoneImg = noMarginsImg.rowRange(rowsMargins, noMarginsImg.rows - rowsMargins);
} else {
int nCols = int(totalLengthX / yReduction);
int colsMargins = (noMarginsImg.cols - nCols) / 2;
chessboardZoneImg = noMarginsImg.colRange(colsMargins, noMarginsImg.cols - colsMargins);
// determine the margins to draw only the markers
// take the minimum just to be sure
double squareSizePixels = min(double(chessboardZoneImg.cols) / double(_squaresX),
double(chessboardZoneImg.rows) / double(_squaresY));
double diffSquareMarkerLength = (_squareLength - _markerLength) / 2;
int diffSquareMarkerLengthPixels =
int(diffSquareMarkerLength * squareSizePixels / _squareLength);
// draw markers
Mat markersImg;
aruco::_drawPlanarBoardImpl(this, chessboardZoneImg.size(), markersImg,
diffSquareMarkerLengthPixels, borderBits);
// now draw black squares
for(int y = 0; y < _squaresY; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < _squaresX; x++) {
if(y % 2 != x % 2) continue; // white corner, dont do anything
double startX, startY;
startX = squareSizePixels * double(x);
startY = double(chessboardZoneImg.rows) - squareSizePixels * double(y + 1);
Mat squareZone = chessboardZoneImg.rowRange(int(startY), int(startY + squareSizePixels))
.colRange(int(startX), int(startX + squareSizePixels));
Ptr<CharucoBoard> CharucoBoard::create(int squaresX, int squaresY, float squareLength,
float markerLength, const Ptr<Dictionary> &dictionary) {
CV_Assert(squaresX > 1 && squaresY > 1 && markerLength > 0 && squareLength > markerLength);
Ptr<CharucoBoard> res = makePtr<CharucoBoard>();
res->_squaresX = squaresX;
res->_squaresY = squaresY;
res->_squareLength = squareLength;
res->_markerLength = markerLength;
res->dictionary = dictionary;
float diffSquareMarkerLength = (squareLength - markerLength) / 2;
// calculate Board objPoints
for(int y = squaresY - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
for(int x = 0; x < squaresX; x++) {
if(y % 2 == x % 2) continue; // black corner, no marker here
vector< Point3f > corners;
corners[0] = Point3f(x * squareLength + diffSquareMarkerLength,
y * squareLength + diffSquareMarkerLength + markerLength, 0);
corners[1] = corners[0] + Point3f(markerLength, 0, 0);
corners[2] = corners[0] + Point3f(markerLength, -markerLength, 0);
corners[3] = corners[0] + Point3f(0, -markerLength, 0);
// first ids in dictionary
int nextId = (int)res->ids.size();
// now fill chessboardCorners
for(int y = 0; y < squaresY - 1; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < squaresX - 1; x++) {
Point3f corner;
corner.x = (x + 1) * squareLength;
corner.y = (y + 1) * squareLength;
corner.z = 0;
return res;
* Fill nearestMarkerIdx and nearestMarkerCorners arrays
void CharucoBoard::_getNearestMarkerCorners() {
unsigned int nMarkers = (unsigned int)ids.size();
unsigned int nCharucoCorners = (unsigned int)chessboardCorners.size();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nCharucoCorners; i++) {
double minDist = -1; // distance of closest markers
Point3f charucoCorner = chessboardCorners[i];
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < nMarkers; j++) {
// calculate distance from marker center to charuco corner
Point3f center = Point3f(0, 0, 0);
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
center += objPoints[j][k];
center /= 4.;
double sqDistance;
Point3f distVector = charucoCorner - center;
sqDistance = distVector.x * distVector.x + distVector.y * distVector.y;
if(j == 0 || fabs(sqDistance - minDist) < cv::pow(0.01 * _squareLength, 2)) {
// if same minimum distance (or first iteration), add to nearestMarkerIdx vector
minDist = sqDistance;
} else if(sqDistance < minDist) {
// if finding a closest marker to the charuco corner
nearestMarkerIdx[i].clear(); // remove any previous added marker
nearestMarkerIdx[i].push_back(j); // add the new closest marker index
minDist = sqDistance;
// for each of the closest markers, search the marker corner index closer
// to the charuco corner
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < nearestMarkerIdx[i].size(); j++) {
double minDistCorner = -1;
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
double sqDistance;
Point3f distVector = charucoCorner - objPoints[nearestMarkerIdx[i][j]][k];
sqDistance = distVector.x * distVector.x + distVector.y * distVector.y;
if(k == 0 || sqDistance < minDistCorner) {
// if this corner is closer to the charuco corner, assing its index
// to nearestMarkerCorners
minDistCorner = sqDistance;
nearestMarkerCorners[i][j] = k;
* Remove charuco corners if any of their minMarkers closest markers has not been detected
static int _filterCornersWithoutMinMarkers(const Ptr<CharucoBoard> &_board,
InputArray _allCharucoCorners,
InputArray _allCharucoIds,
InputArray _allArucoIds, int minMarkers,
OutputArray _filteredCharucoCorners,
OutputArray _filteredCharucoIds) {
CV_Assert(minMarkers >= 0 && minMarkers <= 2);
vector< Point2f > filteredCharucoCorners;
vector< int > filteredCharucoIds;
// for each charuco corner
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _allCharucoIds.getMat().total(); i++) {
int currentCharucoId = _allCharucoIds.getMat().at< int >(i);
int totalMarkers = 0; // nomber of closest marker detected
// look for closest markers
for(unsigned int m = 0; m < _board->nearestMarkerIdx[currentCharucoId].size(); m++) {
int markerId = _board->ids[_board->nearestMarkerIdx[currentCharucoId][m]];
bool found = false;
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < _allArucoIds.getMat().total(); k++) {
if(_allArucoIds.getMat().at< int >(k) == markerId) {
found = true;
if(found) totalMarkers++;
// if enough markers detected, add the charuco corner to the final list
if(totalMarkers >= minMarkers) {
filteredCharucoCorners.push_back(_allCharucoCorners.getMat().at< Point2f >(i));
// parse output
return (int);
* ParallelLoopBody class for the parallelization of the charuco corners subpixel refinement
* Called from function _selectAndRefineChessboardCorners()
class CharucoSubpixelParallel : public ParallelLoopBody {
CharucoSubpixelParallel(const Mat *_grey, vector< Point2f > *_filteredChessboardImgPoints,
vector< Size > *_filteredWinSizes, const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params)
: grey(_grey), filteredChessboardImgPoints(_filteredChessboardImgPoints),
filteredWinSizes(_filteredWinSizes), params(_params) {}
void operator()(const Range &range) const CV_OVERRIDE {
const int begin = range.start;
const int end = range.end;
for(int i = begin; i < end; i++) {
vector< Point2f > in;
Size winSize = (*filteredWinSizes)[i];
if(winSize.height == -1 || winSize.width == -1)
winSize = Size(params->cornerRefinementWinSize, params->cornerRefinementWinSize);
cornerSubPix(*grey, in, winSize, Size(),
TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | TermCriteria::EPS,
(*filteredChessboardImgPoints)[i] = in[0];
CharucoSubpixelParallel &operator=(const CharucoSubpixelParallel &); // to quiet MSVC
const Mat *grey;
vector< Point2f > *filteredChessboardImgPoints;
vector< Size > *filteredWinSizes;
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &params;
* @brief From all projected chessboard corners, select those inside the image and apply subpixel
* refinement. Returns number of valid corners.
static int _selectAndRefineChessboardCorners(InputArray _allCorners, InputArray _image,
OutputArray _selectedCorners,
OutputArray _selectedIds,
const vector< Size > &winSizes) {
const int minDistToBorder = 2; // minimum distance of the corner to the image border
// remaining corners, ids and window refinement sizes after removing corners outside the image
vector< Point2f > filteredChessboardImgPoints;
vector< Size > filteredWinSizes;
vector< int > filteredIds;
// filter corners outside the image
Rect innerRect(minDistToBorder, minDistToBorder, _image.getMat().cols - 2 * minDistToBorder,
_image.getMat().rows - 2 * minDistToBorder);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _allCorners.getMat().total(); i++) {
if(innerRect.contains(_allCorners.getMat().at< Point2f >(i))) {
filteredChessboardImgPoints.push_back(_allCorners.getMat().at< Point2f >(i));
// if none valid, return 0
if(filteredChessboardImgPoints.size() == 0) return 0;
// corner refinement, first convert input image to grey
Mat grey;
if(_image.type() == CV_8UC3)
cvtColor(_image, grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> params = DetectorParameters::create(); // use default params for corner refinement
//// For each of the charuco corners, apply subpixel refinement using its correspondind winSize
// for(unsigned int i=0; i<filteredChessboardImgPoints.size(); i++) {
// vector<Point2f> in;
// in.push_back(filteredChessboardImgPoints[i]);
// Size winSize = filteredWinSizes[i];
// if(winSize.height == -1 || winSize.width == -1)
// winSize = Size(params.cornerRefinementWinSize, params.cornerRefinementWinSize);
// cornerSubPix(grey, in, winSize, Size(),
// TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | TermCriteria::EPS,
// params->cornerRefinementMaxIterations,
// params->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy));
// filteredChessboardImgPoints[i] = in[0];
// this is the parallel call for the previous commented loop (result is equivalent)
Range(0, (int)filteredChessboardImgPoints.size()),
CharucoSubpixelParallel(&grey, &filteredChessboardImgPoints, &filteredWinSizes, params));
// parse output
return (int)filteredChessboardImgPoints.size();
* Calculate the maximum window sizes for corner refinement for each charuco corner based on the
* distance to their closest markers
static void _getMaximumSubPixWindowSizes(InputArrayOfArrays markerCorners, InputArray markerIds,
InputArray charucoCorners, const Ptr<CharucoBoard> &board,
vector< Size > &sizes) {
unsigned int nCharucoCorners = (unsigned int)charucoCorners.getMat().total();
sizes.resize(nCharucoCorners, Size(-1, -1));
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nCharucoCorners; i++) {
if(charucoCorners.getMat().at< Point2f >(i) == Point2f(-1, -1)) continue;
if(board->nearestMarkerIdx[i].size() == 0) continue;
double minDist = -1;
int counter = 0;
// calculate the distance to each of the closest corner of each closest marker
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < board->nearestMarkerIdx[i].size(); j++) {
// find marker
int markerId = board->ids[board->nearestMarkerIdx[i][j]];
int markerIdx = -1;
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < markerIds.getMat().total(); k++) {
if(markerIds.getMat().at< int >(k) == markerId) {
markerIdx = k;
if(markerIdx == -1) continue;
Point2f markerCorner =
markerCorners.getMat(markerIdx).at< Point2f >(board->nearestMarkerCorners[i][j]);
Point2f charucoCorner = charucoCorners.getMat().at< Point2f >(i);
double dist = norm(markerCorner - charucoCorner);
if(minDist == -1) minDist = dist; // if first distance, just assign it
minDist = min(dist, minDist);
// if this is the first closest marker, dont do anything
if(counter == 0)
else {
// else, calculate the maximum window size
int winSizeInt = int(minDist - 2); // remove 2 pixels for safety
if(winSizeInt < 1) winSizeInt = 1; // minimum size is 1
if(winSizeInt > 10) winSizeInt = 10; // maximum size is 10
sizes[i] = Size(winSizeInt, winSizeInt);
* Interpolate charuco corners using approximated pose estimation
static int _interpolateCornersCharucoApproxCalib(InputArrayOfArrays _markerCorners,
InputArray _markerIds, InputArray _image,
const Ptr<CharucoBoard> &_board,
InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs,
OutputArray _charucoCorners,
OutputArray _charucoIds) {
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().channels() == 1 || _image.getMat().channels() == 3);
CV_Assert( == _markerIds.getMat().total() &&
_markerIds.getMat().total() > 0);
// approximated pose estimation using marker corners
Mat approximatedRvec, approximatedTvec;
int detectedBoardMarkers;
Ptr<Board> _b = _board.staticCast<Board>();
detectedBoardMarkers =
aruco::estimatePoseBoard(_markerCorners, _markerIds, _b,
_cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, approximatedRvec, approximatedTvec);
if(detectedBoardMarkers == 0) return 0;
// project chessboard corners
vector< Point2f > allChessboardImgPoints;
projectPoints(_board->chessboardCorners, approximatedRvec, approximatedTvec, _cameraMatrix,
_distCoeffs, allChessboardImgPoints);
// calculate maximum window sizes for subpixel refinement. The size is limited by the distance
// to the closes marker corner to avoid erroneous displacements to marker corners
vector< Size > subPixWinSizes;
_getMaximumSubPixWindowSizes(_markerCorners, _markerIds, allChessboardImgPoints, _board,
// filter corners outside the image and subpixel-refine charuco corners
return _selectAndRefineChessboardCorners(allChessboardImgPoints, _image, _charucoCorners,
_charucoIds, subPixWinSizes);
* Interpolate charuco corners using local homography
static int _interpolateCornersCharucoLocalHom(InputArrayOfArrays _markerCorners,
InputArray _markerIds, InputArray _image,
const Ptr<CharucoBoard> &_board,
OutputArray _charucoCorners,
OutputArray _charucoIds) {
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().channels() == 1 || _image.getMat().channels() == 3);
CV_Assert( == _markerIds.getMat().total() &&
_markerIds.getMat().total() > 0);
unsigned int nMarkers = (unsigned int)_markerIds.getMat().total();
// calculate local homographies for each marker
vector< Mat > transformations;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nMarkers; i++) {
vector< Point2f > markerObjPoints2D;
int markerId = _markerIds.getMat().at< int >(i);
vector< int >::const_iterator it = find(_board->ids.begin(), _board->ids.end(), markerId);
if(it == _board->ids.end()) continue;
int boardIdx = (int)std::distance<std::vector<int>::const_iterator>(_board->ids.begin(), it);
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
markerObjPoints2D[j] =
Point2f(_board->objPoints[boardIdx][j].x, _board->objPoints[boardIdx][j].y);
transformations[i] = getPerspectiveTransform(markerObjPoints2D, _markerCorners.getMat(i));
unsigned int nCharucoCorners = (unsigned int)_board->chessboardCorners.size();
vector< Point2f > allChessboardImgPoints(nCharucoCorners, Point2f(-1, -1));
// for each charuco corner, calculate its interpolation position based on the closest markers
// homographies
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nCharucoCorners; i++) {
Point2f objPoint2D = Point2f(_board->chessboardCorners[i].x, _board->chessboardCorners[i].y);
vector< Point2f > interpolatedPositions;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < _board->nearestMarkerIdx[i].size(); j++) {
int markerId = _board->ids[_board->nearestMarkerIdx[i][j]];
int markerIdx = -1;
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < _markerIds.getMat().total(); k++) {
if(_markerIds.getMat().at< int >(k) == markerId) {
markerIdx = k;
if(markerIdx != -1) {
vector< Point2f > in, out;
perspectiveTransform(in, out, transformations[markerIdx]);
// none of the closest markers detected
if(interpolatedPositions.size() == 0) continue;
// more than one closest marker detected, take middle point
if(interpolatedPositions.size() > 1) {
allChessboardImgPoints[i] = (interpolatedPositions[0] + interpolatedPositions[1]) / 2.;
// a single closest marker detected
else allChessboardImgPoints[i] = interpolatedPositions[0];
// calculate maximum window sizes for subpixel refinement. The size is limited by the distance
// to the closes marker corner to avoid erroneous displacements to marker corners
vector< Size > subPixWinSizes;
_getMaximumSubPixWindowSizes(_markerCorners, _markerIds, allChessboardImgPoints, _board,
// filter corners outside the image and subpixel-refine charuco corners
return _selectAndRefineChessboardCorners(allChessboardImgPoints, _image, _charucoCorners,
_charucoIds, subPixWinSizes);
int interpolateCornersCharuco(InputArrayOfArrays _markerCorners, InputArray _markerIds,
InputArray _image, const Ptr<CharucoBoard> &_board,
OutputArray _charucoCorners, OutputArray _charucoIds,
InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs, int minMarkers) {
// if camera parameters are avaible, use approximated calibration
if( != 0) {
_interpolateCornersCharucoApproxCalib(_markerCorners, _markerIds, _image, _board,
_cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, _charucoCorners,
// else use local homography
else {
_interpolateCornersCharucoLocalHom(_markerCorners, _markerIds, _image, _board,
_charucoCorners, _charucoIds);
// to return a charuco corner, its closest aruco markers should have been detected
return _filterCornersWithoutMinMarkers(_board, _charucoCorners, _charucoIds, _markerIds,
minMarkers, _charucoCorners, _charucoIds);
void drawDetectedCornersCharuco(InputOutputArray _image, InputArray _charucoCorners,
InputArray _charucoIds, Scalar cornerColor) {
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().total() != 0 &&
(_image.getMat().channels() == 1 || _image.getMat().channels() == 3));
CV_Assert((_charucoCorners.getMat().total() == _charucoIds.getMat().total()) ||
_charucoIds.getMat().total() == 0);
unsigned int nCorners = (unsigned int)_charucoCorners.getMat().total();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nCorners; i++) {
Point2f corner = _charucoCorners.getMat().at< Point2f >(i);
// draw first corner mark
rectangle(_image, corner - Point2f(3, 3), corner + Point2f(3, 3), cornerColor, 1, LINE_AA);
// draw ID
if( != 0) {
int id = _charucoIds.getMat().at< int >(i);
stringstream s;
s << "id=" << id;
putText(_image, s.str(), corner + Point2f(5, -5), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,
cornerColor, 2);
* Check if a set of 3d points are enough for calibration. Z coordinate is ignored.
* Only axis parallel lines are considered
static bool _arePointsEnoughForPoseEstimation(const vector< Point3f > &points) {
if(points.size() < 4) return false;
vector< double > sameXValue; // different x values in points
vector< int > sameXCounter; // number of points with the x value in sameXValue
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
bool found = false;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < sameXValue.size(); j++) {
if(sameXValue[j] == points[i].x) {
found = true;
if(!found) {
// count how many x values has more than 2 points
int moreThan2 = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sameXCounter.size(); i++) {
if(sameXCounter[i] >= 2) moreThan2++;
// if we have more than 1 two xvalues with more than 2 points, calibration is ok
if(moreThan2 > 1)
return true;
return false;
bool estimatePoseCharucoBoard(InputArray _charucoCorners, InputArray _charucoIds,
const Ptr<CharucoBoard> &_board, InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs,
OutputArray _rvec, OutputArray _tvec, bool useExtrinsicGuess) {
CV_Assert((_charucoCorners.getMat().total() == _charucoIds.getMat().total()));
// need, at least, 4 corners
if(_charucoIds.getMat().total() < 4) return false;
vector< Point3f > objPoints;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _charucoIds.getMat().total(); i++) {
int currId = _charucoIds.getMat().at< int >(i);
CV_Assert(currId >= 0 && currId < (int)_board->chessboardCorners.size());
// points need to be in different lines, check if detected points are enough
if(!_arePointsEnoughForPoseEstimation(objPoints)) return false;
solvePnP(objPoints, _charucoCorners, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, _rvec, _tvec, useExtrinsicGuess);
return true;
double calibrateCameraCharuco(InputArrayOfArrays _charucoCorners, InputArrayOfArrays _charucoIds,
const Ptr<CharucoBoard> &_board, Size imageSize,
InputOutputArray _cameraMatrix, InputOutputArray _distCoeffs,
OutputArrayOfArrays _rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays _tvecs,
OutputArray _stdDeviationsIntrinsics,
OutputArray _stdDeviationsExtrinsics,
OutputArray _perViewErrors,
int flags, TermCriteria criteria) {
CV_Assert( > 0 && ( ==;
// Join object points of charuco corners in a single vector for calibrateCamera() function
vector< vector< Point3f > > allObjPoints;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) {
unsigned int nCorners = (unsigned int)_charucoIds.getMat(i).total();
CV_Assert(nCorners > 0 && nCorners == _charucoCorners.getMat(i).total());
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < nCorners; j++) {
int pointId = _charucoIds.getMat(i).at< int >(j);
CV_Assert(pointId >= 0 && pointId < (int)_board->chessboardCorners.size());
return calibrateCamera(allObjPoints, _charucoCorners, imageSize, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs,
_rvecs, _tvecs, _stdDeviationsIntrinsics, _stdDeviationsExtrinsics,
_perViewErrors, flags, criteria);
double calibrateCameraCharuco(InputArrayOfArrays _charucoCorners, InputArrayOfArrays _charucoIds,
const Ptr<CharucoBoard> &_board, Size imageSize,
InputOutputArray _cameraMatrix, InputOutputArray _distCoeffs,
OutputArrayOfArrays _rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays _tvecs, int flags,
TermCriteria criteria) {
return calibrateCameraCharuco(_charucoCorners, _charucoIds, _board, imageSize, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, _rvecs,
_tvecs, noArray(), noArray(), noArray(), flags, criteria);
void detectCharucoDiamond(InputArray _image, InputArrayOfArrays _markerCorners,
InputArray _markerIds, float squareMarkerLengthRate,
OutputArrayOfArrays _diamondCorners, OutputArray _diamondIds,
InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs) {
CV_Assert( > 0 && ==;
const float minRepDistanceRate = 1.302455f;
// create Charuco board layout for diamond (3x3 layout)
Ptr<Dictionary> dict = getPredefinedDictionary(PREDEFINED_DICTIONARY_NAME(0));
Ptr<CharucoBoard> _charucoDiamondLayout = CharucoBoard::create(3, 3, squareMarkerLengthRate, 1., dict);
vector< vector< Point2f > > diamondCorners;
vector< Vec4i > diamondIds;
// stores if the detected markers have been assigned or not to a diamond
vector< bool > assigned(, false);
if( < 4) return; // a diamond need at least 4 markers
// convert input image to grey
Mat grey;
if(_image.type() == CV_8UC3)
cvtColor(_image, grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
// for each of the detected markers, try to find a diamond
for(unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) {
if(assigned[i]) continue;
// calculate marker perimeter
float perimeterSq = 0;
Mat corners = _markerCorners.getMat(i);
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
Point2f edge =< Point2f >(c) -< Point2f >((c + 1) % 4);
perimeterSq += edge.x*edge.x + edge.y*edge.y;
// maximum reprojection error relative to perimeter
float minRepDistance = sqrt(perimeterSq) * minRepDistanceRate;
int currentId = _markerIds.getMat().at< int >(i);
// prepare data to call refineDetectedMarkers()
// detected markers (only the current one)
vector< Mat > currentMarker;
vector< int > currentMarkerId;
// marker candidates (the rest of markers if they have not been assigned)
vector< Mat > candidates;
vector< int > candidatesIdxs;
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < assigned.size(); k++) {
if(k == i) continue;
if(!assigned[k]) {
if(candidates.size() < 3) break; // we need at least 3 free markers
// modify charuco layout id to make sure all the ids are different than current id
for(int k = 1; k < 4; k++)
_charucoDiamondLayout->ids[k] = currentId + 1 + k;
// current id is assigned to [0], so it is the marker on the top
_charucoDiamondLayout->ids[0] = currentId;
// try to find the rest of markers in the diamond
vector< int > acceptedIdxs;
Ptr<Board> _b = _charucoDiamondLayout.staticCast<Board>();
aruco::refineDetectedMarkers(grey, _b,
currentMarker, currentMarkerId,
candidates, noArray(), noArray(), minRepDistance, -1, false,
// if found, we have a diamond
if(currentMarker.size() == 4) {
assigned[i] = true;
// calculate diamond id, acceptedIdxs array indicates the markers taken from candidates
// array
Vec4i markerId;
markerId[0] = currentId;
for(int k = 1; k < 4; k++) {
int currentMarkerIdx = candidatesIdxs[acceptedIdxs[k - 1]];
markerId[k] = _markerIds.getMat().at< int >(currentMarkerIdx);
assigned[currentMarkerIdx] = true;
// interpolate the charuco corners of the diamond
vector< Point2f > currentMarkerCorners;
Mat aux;
interpolateCornersCharuco(currentMarker, currentMarkerId, grey, _charucoDiamondLayout,
currentMarkerCorners, aux, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs);
// if everything is ok, save the diamond
if(currentMarkerCorners.size() > 0) {
// reorder corners
vector< Point2f > currentMarkerCornersReorder;
currentMarkerCornersReorder[0] = currentMarkerCorners[2];
currentMarkerCornersReorder[1] = currentMarkerCorners[3];
currentMarkerCornersReorder[2] = currentMarkerCorners[1];
currentMarkerCornersReorder[3] = currentMarkerCorners[0];
if(diamondIds.size() > 0) {
// parse output
_diamondCorners.create((int)diamondCorners.size(), 1, CV_32FC2);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < diamondCorners.size(); i++) {
_diamondCorners.create(4, 1, CV_32FC2, i, true);
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
_diamondCorners.getMat(i).at< Point2f >(j) = diamondCorners[i][j];
void drawCharucoDiamond(const Ptr<Dictionary> &dictionary, Vec4i ids, int squareLength, int markerLength,
OutputArray _img, int marginSize, int borderBits) {
CV_Assert(squareLength > 0 && markerLength > 0 && squareLength > markerLength);
CV_Assert(marginSize >= 0 && borderBits > 0);
// create a charuco board similar to a charuco marker and print it
Ptr<CharucoBoard> board =
CharucoBoard::create(3, 3, (float)squareLength, (float)markerLength, dictionary);
// assign the charuco marker ids
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
board->ids[i] = ids[i];
Size outSize(3 * squareLength + 2 * marginSize, 3 * squareLength + 2 * marginSize);
board->draw(outSize, _img, marginSize, borderBits);
void drawDetectedDiamonds(InputOutputArray _image, InputArrayOfArrays _corners,
InputArray _ids, Scalar borderColor) {
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().total() != 0 &&
(_image.getMat().channels() == 1 || _image.getMat().channels() == 3));
CV_Assert(( == || == 0);
// calculate colors
Scalar textColor, cornerColor;
textColor = cornerColor = borderColor;
swap(textColor.val[0], textColor.val[1]); // text color just sawp G and R
swap(cornerColor.val[1], cornerColor.val[2]); // corner color just sawp G and B
int nMarkers = (int);
for(int i = 0; i < nMarkers; i++) {
Mat currentMarker = _corners.getMat(i);
CV_Assert( == 4 && currentMarker.type() == CV_32FC2);
// draw marker sides
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Point2f p0, p1;
p0 =< Point2f >(j);
p1 =< Point2f >((j + 1) % 4);
line(_image, p0, p1, borderColor, 1);
// draw first corner mark
rectangle(_image,< Point2f >(0) - Point2f(3, 3),< Point2f >(0) + Point2f(3, 3), cornerColor, 1, LINE_AA);
// draw id composed by four numbers
if( != 0) {
Point2f cent(0, 0);
for(int p = 0; p < 4; p++)
cent +=< Point2f >(p);
cent = cent / 4.;
stringstream s;
s << "id=" << _ids.getMat().at< Vec4i >(i);
putText(_image, s.str(), cent, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, textColor, 2);