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// This file is part of the OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include <fstream>
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
const string FACE_DIR = "face";
const int WINDOW_SIZE = 64;
class MaceTest
MaceTest(bool salt);
void run();
Ptr<MACE> mace;
bool salt;
MaceTest::MaceTest(bool use_salt)
mace = MACE::create(WINDOW_SIZE);
salt = use_salt;
void MaceTest::run()
Rect david1 (125,66,58,56);
Rect david2 (132,69,73,74);
Rect detect (199,124,256,274);
string folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + FACE_DIR;
Mat train = imread(folder + "/david2.jpg", 0);
Mat tst_p = imread(folder + "/david1.jpg", 0);
Mat tst_n = imread(folder + "/detect.jpg", 0);
vector<Mat> sam_train;
sam_train.push_back( train(Rect(132,69,73,74)) );
sam_train.push_back( train(Rect(130,69,73,72)) );
sam_train.push_back( train(Rect(134,67,73,74)) );
sam_train.push_back( tst_p(Rect(125,66,58,56)) );
sam_train.push_back( tst_p(Rect(123,67,55,58)) );
sam_train.push_back( tst_p(Rect(125,65,58,60)) );
if (salt) mace->salt("it's david"); // "owner's" salt
bool self_ok = mace->same(train(david2));
if (salt) mace->salt("this is a test"); // "other's" salt
bool false_A = mace->same(tst_n(detect));
TEST(MACE_, unsalted)
MaceTest test(false);;
TEST(MACE_, salted)
MaceTest test(true);;
}} // namespace