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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/rgbd/kinfu.hpp>
#include <opencv2/rgbd/large_kinfu.hpp>
#include <opencv2/rgbd/colored_kinfu.hpp>
namespace cv
namespace io_utils
static std::vector<std::string> readDepth(const std::string& fileList)
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::fstream file(fileList);
if (!file.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read depth list");
std::string dir;
size_t slashIdx = fileList.rfind('/');
slashIdx = slashIdx != std::string::npos ? slashIdx : fileList.rfind('\\');
dir = fileList.substr(0, slashIdx);
while (!file.eof())
std::string s, imgPath;
std::getline(file, s);
if (s.empty() || s[0] == '#')
std::stringstream ss;
ss << s;
double thumb;
ss >> thumb >> imgPath;
v.push_back(dir + '/' + imgPath);
return v;
struct DepthWriter
DepthWriter(std::string fileList) : file(fileList, std::ios::out), count(0), dir()
size_t slashIdx = fileList.rfind('/');
slashIdx = slashIdx != std::string::npos ? slashIdx : fileList.rfind('\\');
dir = fileList.substr(0, slashIdx);
if (!file.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to write depth list");
file << "# depth maps saved from device" << std::endl;
file << "# useless_number filename" << std::endl;
void append(InputArray _depth)
Mat depth = _depth.getMat();
std::string depthFname = cv::format("%04d.png", count);
std::string fullDepthFname = dir + '/' + depthFname;
if (!imwrite(fullDepthFname, depth))
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to write depth to file " + fullDepthFname);
file << count++ << " " << depthFname << std::endl;
std::fstream file;
int count;
std::string dir;
namespace Kinect2Params
static const Size depth_frameSize = Size(512, 424);
// approximate values, no guarantee to be correct
static const float depth_focal = 366.1f;
static const float depth_cx = 258.2f;
static const float depth_cy = 204.f;
static const float depth_k1 = 0.12f;
static const float depth_k2 = -0.34f;
static const float depth_k3 = 0.12f;
static const Size rgb_frameSize = Size(640, 480);
static const float rgb_focal = 525.0f;
static const float rgb_cx = 319.5f;
static const float rgb_cy = 239.5f;
static const float rgb_k1 = 0.0f;
static const float rgb_k2 = 0.0f;
static const float rgb_k3 = 0.0f;
}; // namespace Kinect2Params
namespace AstraParams
static const Size depth_frameSize = Size(640, 480);
// approximate values, no guarantee to be correct
static const float depth_fx = 535.4f;
static const float depth_fy = 539.2f;
static const float depth_cx = 320.1f;
static const float depth_cy = 247.6f;
static const float depth_k1 = 0.0f;
static const float depth_k2 = 0.0f;
static const float depth_k3 = 0.0f;
static const Size rgb_frameSize = Size(640, 480);
static const float rgb_focal = 525.0f;
static const float rgb_cx = 319.5f;
static const float rgb_cy = 239.5f;
static const float rgb_k1 = 0.0f;
static const float rgb_k2 = 0.0f;
static const float rgb_k3 = 0.0f;
}; // namespace Kinect2Params
struct DepthSource
enum Type
DepthSource(int cam) : DepthSource("", cam) {}
DepthSource(String fileListName) : DepthSource(fileListName, -1) {}
DepthSource(String fileListName, int cam)
: depthFileList(fileListName.empty() ? std::vector<std::string>()
: readDepth(fileListName)),
if (cam >= 0)
vc = VideoCapture(VideoCaptureAPIs::CAP_OPENNI2 + cam);
if (vc.isOpened())
if(cam == 20)
sourceType = Type::DEPTH_ASTRA;
sourceType = Type::DEPTH_KINECT2;
vc = VideoCapture(VideoCaptureAPIs::CAP_REALSENSE + cam);
if (vc.isOpened())
sourceType = Type::DEPTH_REALSENSE;
vc = VideoCapture();
sourceType = Type::DEPTH_KINECT2_LIST;
UMat getDepth()
UMat out;
if (!vc.isOpened())
if (frameIdx < depthFileList.size())
Mat f = cv::imread(depthFileList[frameIdx++], IMREAD_ANYDEPTH);
return UMat();
switch (sourceType)
case Type::DEPTH_KINECT2: vc.retrieve(out, CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_MAP); break;
case Type::DEPTH_REALSENSE: vc.retrieve(out, CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_MAP); break;
// unknown depth source
// workaround for Kinect 2
if (sourceType == Type::DEPTH_KINECT2)
out = out(Rect(Point(), Kinect2Params::depth_frameSize));
UMat outCopy;
// linear remap adds gradient between valid and invalid pixels
// which causes garbage, use nearest instead
remap(out, outCopy, undistortMap1, undistortMap2, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
cv::flip(outCopy, out, 1);
if (out.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("Matrix is empty");
return out;
bool empty() { return depthFileList.empty() && !(vc.isOpened()); }
void updateIntrinsics(Matx33f& _intrinsics, Size& _frameSize, float& _depthFactor)
if (vc.isOpened())
// this should be set in according to user's depth sensor
int w = (int)vc.get(VideoCaptureProperties::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);
int h = (int)vc.get(VideoCaptureProperties::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
// it's recommended to calibrate sensor to obtain its intrinsics
float fx, fy, cx, cy;
float depthFactor = 1000.f;
Size frameSize;
if (sourceType == Type::DEPTH_KINECT2)
fx = fy = Kinect2Params::depth_focal;
cx = Kinect2Params::depth_cx;
cy = Kinect2Params::depth_cy;
frameSize = Kinect2Params::depth_frameSize;
else if (sourceType == Type::DEPTH_ASTRA)
fx = AstraParams::depth_fx;
fy = AstraParams::depth_fy;
cx = AstraParams::depth_cx;
cy = AstraParams::depth_cy;
frameSize = AstraParams::depth_frameSize;
if (sourceType == Type::DEPTH_REALSENSE)
depthFactor = 1.f / (float)vc.get(CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_SATURATION_VALUE);
fx = fy =
cx = w / 2 - 0.5f;
cy = h / 2 - 0.5f;
frameSize = Size(w, h);
Matx33f camMatrix = Matx33f(fx, 0, cx, 0, fy, cy, 0, 0, 1);
_intrinsics = camMatrix;
_frameSize = frameSize;
_depthFactor = depthFactor;
void updateVolumeParams(const Vec3i& _resolution, float& _voxelSize, float& _tsdfTruncDist,
Affine3f& _volumePose, float& _depthTruncateThreshold)
float volumeSize = 3.0f;
_depthTruncateThreshold = 0.0f;
// RealSense has shorter depth range, some params should be tuned
if (sourceType == Type::DEPTH_REALSENSE)
volumeSize = 1.f;
_voxelSize = volumeSize / _resolution[0];
_tsdfTruncDist = 0.01f;
_depthTruncateThreshold = 2.5f;
_volumePose = Affine3f().translate(Vec3f(-volumeSize / 2.f, -volumeSize / 2.f, 0.05f));
void updateICPParams(float& _icpDistThresh, float& _bilateralSigmaDepth)
_icpDistThresh = 0.1f;
_bilateralSigmaDepth = 0.04f;
// RealSense has shorter depth range, some params should be tuned
if (sourceType == Type::DEPTH_REALSENSE)
_icpDistThresh = 0.01f;
_bilateralSigmaDepth = 0.01f;
void updateParams(large_kinfu::Params& params)
if (vc.isOpened())
updateIntrinsics(params.intr, params.frameSize, params.depthFactor);
updateVolumeParams(params.volumeParams.resolution, params.volumeParams.voxelSize,
params.volumeParams.tsdfTruncDist, params.volumeParams.pose,
updateICPParams(params.icpDistThresh, params.bilateral_sigma_depth);
if (sourceType == Type::DEPTH_KINECT2)
Matx<float, 1, 5> distCoeffs;
distCoeffs(0) = Kinect2Params::depth_k1;
distCoeffs(1) = Kinect2Params::depth_k2;
distCoeffs(4) = Kinect2Params::depth_k3;
initUndistortRectifyMap(params.intr, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), params.intr,
params.frameSize, CV_16SC2, undistortMap1, undistortMap2);
void updateParams(kinfu::Params& params)
if (vc.isOpened())
updateIntrinsics(params.intr, params.frameSize, params.depthFactor);
updateVolumeParams(params.volumeDims, params.voxelSize,
params.tsdf_trunc_dist, params.volumePose, params.truncateThreshold);
updateICPParams(params.icpDistThresh, params.bilateral_sigma_depth);
if (sourceType == Type::DEPTH_KINECT2)
Matx<float, 1, 5> distCoeffs;
distCoeffs(0) = Kinect2Params::depth_k1;
distCoeffs(1) = Kinect2Params::depth_k2;
distCoeffs(4) = Kinect2Params::depth_k3;
initUndistortRectifyMap(params.intr, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), params.intr,
params.frameSize, CV_16SC2, undistortMap1, undistortMap2);
void updateParams(colored_kinfu::Params& params)
if (vc.isOpened())
updateIntrinsics(params.intr, params.frameSize, params.depthFactor);
updateVolumeParams(params.volumeDims, params.voxelSize,
params.tsdf_trunc_dist, params.volumePose, params.truncateThreshold);
updateICPParams(params.icpDistThresh, params.bilateral_sigma_depth);
if (sourceType == Type::DEPTH_KINECT2)
Matx<float, 1, 5> distCoeffs;
distCoeffs(0) = Kinect2Params::depth_k1;
distCoeffs(1) = Kinect2Params::depth_k2;
distCoeffs(4) = Kinect2Params::depth_k3;
initUndistortRectifyMap(params.intr, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), params.intr,
params.frameSize, CV_16SC2, undistortMap1, undistortMap2);
std::vector<std::string> depthFileList;
size_t frameIdx;
VideoCapture vc;
UMat undistortMap1, undistortMap2;
Type sourceType;
static std::vector<std::string> readRGB(const std::string& fileList)
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::fstream file(fileList);
if (!file.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read rgb list");
std::string dir;
size_t slashIdx = fileList.rfind('/');
slashIdx = slashIdx != std::string::npos ? slashIdx : fileList.rfind('\\');
dir = fileList.substr(0, slashIdx);
while (!file.eof())
std::string s, imgPath;
std::getline(file, s);
if (s.empty() || s[0] == '#')
std::stringstream ss;
ss << s;
double thumb;
ss >> thumb >> imgPath;
v.push_back(dir + '/' + imgPath);
return v;
struct RGBWriter
RGBWriter(std::string fileList) : file(fileList, std::ios::out), count(0), dir()
size_t slashIdx = fileList.rfind('/');
slashIdx = slashIdx != std::string::npos ? slashIdx : fileList.rfind('\\');
dir = fileList.substr(0, slashIdx);
if (!file.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to write rgb list");
file << "# rgb maps saved from device" << std::endl;
file << "# useless_number filename" << std::endl;
void append(InputArray _rgb)
Mat rgb = _rgb.getMat();
std::string rgbFname = cv::format("%04d.png", count);
std::string fullRGBFname = dir + '/' + rgbFname;
if (!imwrite(fullRGBFname, rgb))
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to write rgb to file " + fullRGBFname);
file << count++ << " " << rgbFname << std::endl;
std::fstream file;
int count;
std::string dir;
struct RGBSource
enum Type
RGBSource(int cam) : RGBSource("", cam) {}
RGBSource(String fileListName) : RGBSource(fileListName, -1) {}
RGBSource(String fileListName, int cam)
: rgbFileList(fileListName.empty() ? std::vector<std::string>()
: readRGB(fileListName)),
if (cam >= 0)
vc = VideoCapture(VideoCaptureAPIs::CAP_OPENNI2 + cam);
if (vc.isOpened())
if(cam == 20)
sourceType = Type::RGB_ASTRA;
sourceType = Type::RGB_KINECT2;
vc = VideoCapture(VideoCaptureAPIs::CAP_REALSENSE + cam);
if (vc.isOpened())
sourceType = Type::RGB_REALSENSE;
vc = VideoCapture();
sourceType = Type::RGB_KINECT2_LIST;
UMat getRGB()
UMat out;
if (!vc.isOpened())
if (frameIdx < rgbFileList.size())
Mat f = cv::imread(rgbFileList[frameIdx++], IMREAD_COLOR);
return UMat();
switch (sourceType)
case Type::RGB_KINECT2: vc.retrieve(out, CAP_OPENNI_BGR_IMAGE); break;
case Type::RGB_REALSENSE: vc.retrieve(out, CAP_INTELPERC_IMAGE); break;
// unknown rgb source
// workaround for Kinect 2
if (sourceType == Type::RGB_KINECT2)
out = out(Rect(Point(), Kinect2Params::rgb_frameSize));
UMat outCopy;
// linear remap adds gradient between valid and invalid pixels
// which causes garbage, use nearest instead
remap(out, outCopy, undistortMap1, undistortMap2, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
cv::flip(outCopy, out, 1);
if (out.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("Matrix is empty");
return out;
bool empty() { return rgbFileList.empty() && !(vc.isOpened()); }
void updateIntrinsics(Matx33f& _rgb_intrinsics, Size& _rgb_frameSize)
if (vc.isOpened())
// this should be set in according to user's rgb sensor
int w = (int)vc.get(VideoCaptureProperties::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);
int h = (int)vc.get(VideoCaptureProperties::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
// it's recommended to calibrate sensor to obtain its intrinsics
float rgb_fx, rgb_fy, rgb_cx, rgb_cy;
Size rgb_frameSize;
if (sourceType == Type::RGB_KINECT2)
rgb_fx = rgb_fy = Kinect2Params::rgb_focal;
rgb_cx = Kinect2Params::rgb_cx;
rgb_cy = Kinect2Params::rgb_cy;
rgb_frameSize = Kinect2Params::rgb_frameSize;
else if (sourceType == Type::RGB_ASTRA)
rgb_fx = rgb_fy = AstraParams::rgb_focal;
rgb_cx = AstraParams::rgb_cx;
rgb_cy = AstraParams::rgb_cy;
rgb_frameSize = AstraParams::rgb_frameSize;
// TODO: replace to rgb types
rgb_fx = rgb_fy = Kinect2Params::rgb_focal;
rgb_cx = Kinect2Params::rgb_cx;
rgb_cy = Kinect2Params::rgb_cy;
rgb_frameSize = Size(w, h);
Matx33f rgb_camMatrix = Matx33f(rgb_fx, 0, rgb_cx, 0, rgb_fy, rgb_cy, 0, 0, 1);
_rgb_intrinsics = rgb_camMatrix;
_rgb_frameSize = rgb_frameSize;
void updateVolumeParams(const Vec3i&, float&, float&, Affine3f&)
// TODO: do this settings for rgb image
void updateICPParams(float&)
// TODO: do this settings for rgb image icp
void updateParams(colored_kinfu::Params& params)
if (vc.isOpened())
updateIntrinsics(params.rgb_intr, params.rgb_frameSize);
updateVolumeParams(params.volumeDims, params.voxelSize,
params.tsdf_trunc_dist, params.volumePose);
if (sourceType == Type::RGB_KINECT2)
Matx<float, 1, 5> distCoeffs;
distCoeffs(0) = Kinect2Params::rgb_k1;
distCoeffs(1) = Kinect2Params::rgb_k2;
distCoeffs(4) = Kinect2Params::rgb_k3;
initUndistortRectifyMap(params.intr, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), params.intr,
params.frameSize, CV_16SC2, undistortMap1, undistortMap2);
std::vector<std::string> rgbFileList;
size_t frameIdx;
VideoCapture vc;
UMat undistortMap1, undistortMap2;
Type sourceType;
} // namespace io_utils
} // namespace cv
#endif /* ifndef OPENCV_RGBS_IO_UTILS_HPP */