#include "opencv2/stereo.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace cv; using namespace cv::stereo; enum { STEREO_BINARY_BM, STEREO_BINARY_SGM }; static cv::CommandLineParser parse_argument_values(int argc, char **argv, string &left, string &right, int &kernel_size, int &number_of_disparities, int &aggregation_window, int &P1, int &P2, float &scale, int &algo, int &binary_descriptor_type, int &success); int main(int argc, char** argv) { string left, right; int kernel_size = 0, number_of_disparities = 0, aggregation_window = 0, P1 = 0, P2 = 0; float scale = 4; int algo = STEREO_BINARY_BM; int binary_descriptor_type = 0; int success; // here we extract the values that were added as arguments // we also test to see if they are provided correcly cv::CommandLineParser parser = parse_argument_values(argc, argv, left, right, kernel_size, number_of_disparities, aggregation_window, P1, P2, scale, algo, binary_descriptor_type,success); if (!parser.check() || !success) { parser.printMessage(); return 1; } // verify if the user inputs the correct number of parameters Mat image1, image2; // we read a pair of images from the disk image1 = imread(left, CV_8UC1); image2 = imread(right, CV_8UC1); // verify if they are loaded correctly if (image1.empty() || image2.empty()) { cout << " --(!) Error reading images \n"; parser.printMessage(); return 1; } // we display the parsed parameters const char *b[7] = { "CV_DENSE_CENSUS", "CV_SPARSE_CENSUS", "CV_CS_CENSUS", "CV_MODIFIED_CS_CENSUS", "CV_MODIFIED_CENSUS_TRANSFORM", "CV_MEAN_VARIATION", "CV_STAR_KERNEL" }; cout << "Program Name: " << argv[0]; cout << "\nPath to left image " << left << " \n" << "Path to right image " << right << "\n"; cout << "\nkernel size " << kernel_size << "\n" << "numberOfDisparities " << number_of_disparities << "\n" << "aggregationWindow " << aggregation_window << "\n" << "scallingFactor " << scale << "\n" << "Descriptor name : " << b[binary_descriptor_type] << "\n"; Mat imgDisparity16S2 = Mat(image1.rows, image1.cols, CV_16S); Mat imgDisparity8U2 = Mat(image1.rows, image1.cols, CV_8UC1); imshow("Original Left image", image1); if (algo == STEREO_BINARY_BM) { Ptr sbm = StereoBinaryBM::create(number_of_disparities, kernel_size); // we set the corresponding parameters sbm->setPreFilterCap(31); sbm->setMinDisparity(0); sbm->setTextureThreshold(10); sbm->setUniquenessRatio(0); sbm->setSpeckleWindowSize(400); // speckle size sbm->setSpeckleRange(200); sbm->setDisp12MaxDiff(0); sbm->setScalleFactor((int)scale); // the scaling factor sbm->setBinaryKernelType(binary_descriptor_type); // binary descriptor kernel sbm->setAgregationWindowSize(aggregation_window); // the user can choose between the average speckle removal algorithm or // the classical version that was implemented in OpenCV sbm->setSpekleRemovalTechnique(CV_SPECKLE_REMOVAL_AVG_ALGORITHM); sbm->setUsePrefilter(false); //-- calculate the disparity image sbm->compute(image1, image2, imgDisparity8U2); imshow("Disparity", imgDisparity8U2); } else if (algo == STEREO_BINARY_SGM) { // we set the corresponding parameters Ptr sgbm = StereoBinarySGBM::create(0, number_of_disparities, kernel_size); // setting the penalties for sgbm sgbm->setP1(P1); sgbm->setP2(P2); sgbm->setMinDisparity(0); sgbm->setUniquenessRatio(5); sgbm->setSpeckleWindowSize(400); sgbm->setSpeckleRange(0); sgbm->setDisp12MaxDiff(1); sgbm->setBinaryKernelType(binary_descriptor_type); sgbm->setSpekleRemovalTechnique(CV_SPECKLE_REMOVAL_AVG_ALGORITHM); sgbm->setSubPixelInterpolationMethod(CV_SIMETRICV_INTERPOLATION); sgbm->compute(image1, image2, imgDisparity16S2); /*Alternative for scalling imgDisparity16S2.convertTo(imgDisparity8U2, CV_8UC1, scale); */ double minVal; double maxVal; minMaxLoc(imgDisparity16S2, &minVal, &maxVal); imgDisparity16S2.convertTo(imgDisparity8U2, CV_8UC1, 255 / (maxVal - minVal)); //show the disparity image imshow("Windowsgm", imgDisparity8U2); } waitKey(0); return 0; } static cv::CommandLineParser parse_argument_values(int argc, char **argv, string &left, string &right, int &kernel_size, int &number_of_disparities, int &aggregation_window, int &P1, int &P2, float &scale, int &algo, int &binary_descriptor_type, int &success) { static const char* keys = "{ @left | | }" "{ @right | | }" "{ k kernel_size | 9 | }" "{ d disparity | 128 | }" "{ w aggregation_window | 9 | }" "{ P1 | 100 | }" "{ P2 | 1000 | }" "{ b binary_descriptor | 4 | Index of the descriptor type:\n 0 - CV_DENSE_CENSUS,\n 1 - CV_SPARSE_CENSUS,\n 2 - CV_CS_CENSUS,\n 3 - CV_MODIFIED_CS_CENSUS,\n 4 - CV_MODIFIED_CENSUS_TRANSFORM,\n 5 - CV_MEAN_VARIATION,\n 6 - CV_STAR_KERNEL}" "{ s scale | 1.01593 | }" "{ a algorithm | sgm | }" ; cv::CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv, keys ); left = parser.get(0); right = parser.get(1); kernel_size = parser.get("kernel_size"); number_of_disparities = parser.get("disparity"); aggregation_window = parser.get("aggregation_window"); P1 = parser.get("P1"); P2 = parser.get("P2"); binary_descriptor_type = parser.get("binary_descriptor"); scale = parser.get("scale"); algo = parser.get("algorithm") == "sgm" ? STEREO_BINARY_SGM : STEREO_BINARY_BM; parser.about("\nDemo stereo matching converting L and R images into disparity images using BM and SGBM\n"); success = 1; //TEST if the provided parameters are correct if(binary_descriptor_type == CV_DENSE_CENSUS && kernel_size > 5) { cout << "For the dense census transform the maximum kernel size should be 5\n"; success = 0; } if((binary_descriptor_type == CV_MEAN_VARIATION || binary_descriptor_type == CV_MODIFIED_CENSUS_TRANSFORM || binary_descriptor_type == CV_STAR_KERNEL) && kernel_size != 9) { cout <<" For Mean variation and the modified census transform the kernel size should be equal to 9\n"; success = 0; } if((binary_descriptor_type == CV_CS_CENSUS || binary_descriptor_type == CV_MODIFIED_CS_CENSUS) && kernel_size > 7) { cout << " The kernel size should be smaller or equal to 7 for the CS census and modified center symetric census\n"; success = 0; } if(binary_descriptor_type == CV_SPARSE_CENSUS && kernel_size > 11) { cout << "The kernel size for the sparse census must be smaller or equal to 11\n"; success = 0; } if(number_of_disparities < 10) { cout << "Number of disparities should be greater than 10\n"; success = 0; } if(aggregation_window < 3) { cout << "Aggregation window should be > 3"; success = 0; } if(scale < 1) { cout << "The scale should be a positive number \n"; success = 0; } if(P1 != 0) { if(P2 / P1 < 2) { cout << "You should probably choose a greater P2 penalty\n"; success = 0; } } else { cout << " Penalties should be greater than 0\n"; success = 0; } return parser; }