#include "test_precomp.hpp" #include #include using namespace cv; using namespace cv::sfm; using namespace std; namespace cvtest { void generateTwoViewRandomScene( cvtest::TwoViewDataSet &data ) { vector > points2d; vector Rs; vector ts; vector Ps; Matx33d K; Mat_ points3d; int nviews = 2; int npoints = 30; bool is_projective = true; generateScene(nviews, npoints, is_projective, K, Rs, ts, Ps, points3d, points2d); // Internal parameters (same K) data.K1 = K; data.K2 = K; // Rotation data.R1 = Rs[0]; data.R2 = Rs[1]; // Translation data.t1 = ts[0]; data.t2 = ts[1]; // Projection matrix, P = K(R|t) data.P1 = Ps[0]; data.P2 = Ps[1]; // Fundamental matrix fundamentalFromProjections( data.P1, data.P2, data.F ); // 3D points data.X = points3d; // Projected points data.x1 = points2d[0]; data.x2 = points2d[1]; } /** Check the properties of a fundamental matrix: * * 1. The determinant is 0 (rank deficient) * 2. The condition x'T*F*x = 0 is satisfied to precision. */ void expectFundamentalProperties( const cv::Matx33d &F, const cv::Mat_ &ptsA, const cv::Mat_ &ptsB, double precision ) { EXPECT_NEAR( 0, determinant(F), precision ); int n = ptsA.cols; EXPECT_EQ( n, ptsB.cols ); cv::Mat_ x1, x2; euclideanToHomogeneous( ptsA, x1 ); euclideanToHomogeneous( ptsB, x2 ); for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { double residual = Vec3d(x2(0,i),x2(1,i),x2(2,i)).ddot( F * Vec3d(x1(0,i),x1(1,i),x1(2,i)) ); EXPECT_NEAR( 0.0, residual, precision ); } } void parser_2D_tracks(const string &_filename, std::vector &points2d ) { ifstream myfile(_filename.c_str()); if (!myfile.is_open()) CV_Error(cv::Error::StsError, string("Unable to read file: ") + _filename + "\n"); else { double x, y; string line_str; Mat nan_mat = Mat(2, 1 , CV_64F, -1); int n_frames = 0, n_tracks = 0, track = 0; while ( getline(myfile, line_str) ) { istringstream line(line_str); if ( track > n_tracks ) { n_tracks = track; for (int i = 0; i < n_frames; ++i) cv::hconcat(points2d[i], nan_mat, points2d[i]); } for (int frame = 1; line >> x >> y; ++frame) { if ( frame > n_frames ) { n_frames = frame; points2d.push_back(nan_mat); } points2d[frame-1].at(0,track) = x; points2d[frame-1].at(1,track) = y; } ++track; } myfile.close(); } } } // namespace cvtest