In some case, Discrete Fourier Transform in computeSaliencyImpl() returns
magnitude matrix which contains zero values.
Then, log() returns -inf values and normalization with blur() returns -nan.
When computeBinaryMap() is called double free or corruption exception occurs
because kmeans() fails to compute distance.
Signed-off-by: d.bouron <>
* update structured_edge_detection
update structured_edge_detection to read models from updated p. dollar toolbox
* Update structured_edge_detection.cpp
* Update structured_edge_detection.cpp
casting size_t to int
Bug fixes: using mask with BinaryDescriptor (#1652)
* Bug fixes: erasing an element from std::vector should not move iterator forward
* Bug fixes: add a NULL checking
* Remove the appoggio matrix generation, which is useless
* empty kinfu module created
* KinFu: skeleton is done
* some intermediate state fixed
* fixed normal calculation
* bilinear depth interp: fixing missing data
* TSDF integration optimized
* TSDF: adding constness
* utils: isNaN; Intr::Projector const reference fixed
* TSDF raycast: quality improvements
* TSDF fetchCloud is done
* render() added
* ICP implemented
* debug code moved to demo.cpp
* less TODOs
* partial refactoring
* TSDF: fetchPoints() and fetchNormals() rewritten in parallel manner
* platform choose added
* reordered
* data types isolated off the platform
* minor fixes
* ScopeTime added
* fixed iterations gathering
* volume::integrate() parallelized but works slow (big overhead for
* raycast is done in parallel
* got rid of kftype and p3type
* fetchNormals() fixed
* less code duplication
* nan check reduced, interpolate() refactored to fetchVoxel()
* ICP: optimizations
* TSDF: bilinear specialized
* TSDF: voxelSizeInv pushed away
* TSDF: interpolation optimized
* TSDF::integrate: parallel_for now works fast
* Frame::render: pow -> float ipow<int p>(x)
* ICP::getAb: parallel_for
* ICP::getAb: time print disabled
* ICP::getAb::bilinear: 2 calls joined
* refactored, extra functions removed
* optimized to use only 27 elems
* ICP::getAb: better optimized
* Points and Normals data type expanded to 4 channels
* ICP optimized (doesn't work)
* ICP::getAb is on intrinsics and it works
* NaN check is faster
* ICP::getAB: minors
* added non-SIMD code as fallback
* TSDF::fetchVoxel and interpolation: got rid of coord check
* TSDF::fetchVoxel: refactor
* TSDF::raycast: local copies of members
* TSDF::interpolate: refactored for simplier vectorization
* TSDF::getNormal: refactored for simplier vectorization
* minor
* include "intrin.hpp" moved to precomp.hpp
* TSDF::coords shifts moved to class body
* TSDF::getNormal vectorized
* TSDF::getNormal: little improvements
* TSDF::interpolate: little improvements
* TSDF::raycast vectorized
* more to precomp.hpp
* TSDF: minor optimizations
* TSDF::raycast cycles optimized
* TSDF::fetchPointsNormals instead of separate p and n
* TSDF::bilinearInterpolate: little speedup
* TSDF::interpolate: speed up
* TSDF::interpolate: more compact code
* TSDF::getNormal and raycast main cycle made faster
* ICP: few improvements
* Frame: a lot of parts parallelized
* TSDF::fetchPointsNormals minor improvements
* TSDF::integrate and bilinear vectorized
* TSDF::interpolate and getNormal: interpolation vectorized
* ICP: minor changes
* gradientDeltaFactor removed, coarseParams() added
* TSDF::raycast: fixed bug with tmin/tmax
* minors
* baseZ fixed
* ICP: interpolation fixed, non-parallelized code fixed
* TSDF::interpolate: bilinear fixed, less artifacts
* TSDF: minor refactoring
* TSDF: some members moved to parent class
* added tests for KinFu
* KinFu documented
* docs fixed
* warnings fixed
* license added, overrides added
* minors
* ScopeTime moved to separate file
* less memory allocations
* demo improved, java binding disabled
* viz module made optional
* fix to demo
* frameGenerator interface: got rid of refs to cv::Ptr
* demo made interactive
* trying to fix build
* trying to fix warnings
* warning fixed
* demo fixed
* raycast_step_factor tuned
* legal info added
* don't reset if ICP failed
* refactoring: KinFu::operator() => update()
* KinFu::KinFuParams => ::Params
* get/setParams
* fetch => get
* all src moved to cv::kinfu namespace
* struct Intr made internal
* kinfu_module merged into rgbd module
* License preambule updated
* minors
* frame.* renamed to kinfu_frame.*
* warnings fixed
* more warnings fixed
* RGBD normals: a fix against Inf/Nan values
* FastICP: fixed transformation direction
* RGBD Odometry tests: added epsilon for id transform; minors
* RGBD Odometry tests enabled
* modules list fixed
Added if condition, whether faces are detected or not, will help to keep program running for some images.
If imwrite used along with imshow, it may produce error for : No faces found.Aborting.. in function 'fit' (Bad Argument).