Correcting bgsegm module descriptions. (#493)
* Correcting bgsegm module descriptions. The algorithm implementation doesn't have multi target tracking as mentioned in original paper. it only does foreground/background segmentation.
* Removing opencv_ from heading
Removing opencv_ from description
* Support freetype2
* Before call pkg_search_module() check it is available.
* If using libraries are unavailable, this module is shown in unavailable list.
* using ocv_define_modules() insted of target_link_libraries().
* Fix inner indentation in C++ namespaces
* Remove mImg from freetype2 and Create UserData class to refer in path drawing callbacks.
* to split interface and implementation details.
( and to avoid 3rd headers in public headers)
* PKG_CONFIG_FOUND is used instead of COMMAND okg_search_modules
* Update Document using Doxygen
* Add ocv_module_include_directories()
* Do no put pixels over image boundaries.
* Fix SIGSEGV (only valgrind) and missing text in top border line
* Fix trailing whitespace.
* Use Header File Macros
* Fix CMP0023 warning in cmake
* std::string to cv::String
* Fix trailing whitespace
* Change splitnumber from unsigned int to int to support python
* ocv_include_directories() should be define before ocv_define_module()
* Fix boundary problem in putTextBitmapBlend()
* Fix to draw an outline glyph which are on the boundary of image.
* Remove precomp.cpp
* Fix CMakeLists.txt to right order.
* Remove prototype definition of removed function.
* Add CV_Assert() where FreeType and Harfbuzz are called
* Add CV_Assert() to check InputOutputArray and line_type
removed warnings
clip tab warning fixed
fixed tab size warning
added a new sample
the new sample
fixed spacing problem
added a testing for the penalties
fixed sample warning
fixed last warnings
added tests and modified a bit the sources
added the tests
fixed warning
removed redundant samples
Rename Sample3.cpp to sample.cpp
renamed from Sample3 to sample
refactored sample
repaired descriptor test
added test data
usless info erased from test block matching
added last tests
did some modifications to the files
whitespace removal
did some modifications to the testing files
fixed test descriptor issue
Revert "whitespace removal"
This reverts commit 76d4aa530fee8f7444de6c80ecb4fc9c80ec0677.
corrected part of the comments
made modifications so the sources build successfully
fixed some issue for sub pixel
refactored sample
fixed small issue at testing
added some performance files
performance tests and other corrections
corrected the paths and added some images
fixed a bug
Delete imgKitty.bmp
Delete imgKittyl.bmp
performance tests again....
added larger images
fixed issues
did some last changes
added the copyright notice
fixed some linux errors