removed warnings
clip tab warning fixed
fixed tab size warning
added a new sample
the new sample
fixed spacing problem
added a testing for the penalties
fixed sample warning
fixed last warnings
added tests and modified a bit the sources
added the tests
fixed warning
removed redundant samples
Rename Sample3.cpp to sample.cpp
renamed from Sample3 to sample
refactored sample
repaired descriptor test
added test data
usless info erased from test block matching
added last tests
did some modifications to the files
whitespace removal
did some modifications to the testing files
fixed test descriptor issue
Revert "whitespace removal"
This reverts commit 76d4aa530fee8f7444de6c80ecb4fc9c80ec0677.
corrected part of the comments
made modifications so the sources build successfully
fixed some issue for sub pixel
refactored sample
fixed small issue at testing
added some performance files
performance tests and other corrections
corrected the paths and added some images
fixed a bug
Delete imgKitty.bmp
Delete imgKittyl.bmp
performance tests again....
added larger images
fixed issues
did some last changes
added the copyright notice
fixed some linux errors
Removed the matching cpp file as it is no longer usefull
removed warnings
header for some used functions
fixed the popcnt issue
changes according to comments
fixed that unused variable warning
fixed windows warnings
Added 2 samples just to show how to access functionality
fixed issues
added the up to date version of sbm
modified samples to be warning free
changed the ptr<StereBinaryBM> to ptr<cv::stereo::StereoBinaryBM>
modified the documentation
modified documentation for the stereo_c
fixed two issues
modfified the precomp.hpp header by explicitly adding the cvdef header from core
modified comments for documentation for stereo and removed some headers
added a header and modified some function definition
test 2
changed exports_w to exports
removed the correct matches module