* the first commit in the merged dnn: convert some public API from Blob's to Mat's
* temporarily or permantently removed OpenCL optimizations, which are not always stable nor usually very efficient; we'll likely use Halide instead
* got rid of Blob and BlobShape completely; use cv::Mat and std::vector<int> instead
* fixed a few compile errors
* got rid of separate .hpp files with layer declarations; instead, put everything into the respective .cpp files
* normalized all the layers' constructors; we concentrate on loading deep networks layers from files instead of constructing them from scratch, so we retained only SomeLayer::SomeLayer(const LayerParams& params); constructors
* fixed sample compilation
* suppress doxygen warnings
* trying to fix python bindings generation for DNN module
* temporarily disable python bindings while we refactor the module
* fix win32/win64 compile errors; remove trailing whitespaces
* fix win32/win64 compile errors; remove trailing whitespaces
Correcting bgsegm module descriptions. (#493)
* Correcting bgsegm module descriptions. The algorithm implementation doesn't have multi target tracking as mentioned in original paper. it only does foreground/background segmentation.
* Removing opencv_ from heading
Removing opencv_ from description
new corner refinement method :: using the contour-lines (#973)
* doCornerRefinement to CornerRefinementMethod :: detected contours points are used to detect the corners
* some little corrections
* samples edited
* documented :)
* tabs corrected
* Docu corrections
* refinement for all candidates
* refinement for all candidates :: copy paste error corrected
* comment
aruco: make public the getBoardObjectAndImagePoints function (#1108)
* Made the private static getBoardObjectAndImagePoints function public to be used for calibration.
* Switched the arguments detectedIds and detectedCorners, and objPoints and imgPoints on getBoardObjectandImagePoints function for consistency with calibrateCamera and calibrateCameraAruco functions.
* Added the flag CV_EXPORTS_W to the getBoardObjectAndImagePoints function.
- made some of dependencies explicit
- removed dependencies to highgui and some other modules where possible
- modified some samples to build without modules