6 changed files with 3368 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
#INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(/data1/lz/LilianTests/ARPACKLAB/arpack++/include/) |
#INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(/data1/lz/LilianTests/ARPACKLAB/arpack++) |
INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(/usr/include/arpack++/include/) |
INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(/usr/include/arpack++) |
#project name |
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) |
if(COMMAND cmake_policy) |
cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) |
endif(COMMAND cmake_policy) |
## where are user-specific cmake modules |
# MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "BIAS lib not found.") |
INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${BIAS_INCLUDE_DIR} /usr/local/include/BIAS /usr/include/ImageMagick /usr/local/include/opencv2 ${WXWIDGETS_INCLUDE_DIR}) |
# source files of library "LineMatchingLib" to be created |
SET(LineMatchingLib_SRCS |
#src/PairwiseLineMatching.cpp |
src/LineDescriptor.cpp |
src/EDLineDetector.cpp |
) |
# header files to be installed |
SET(LineMatchingLib_HEADER |
#include/PairwiseLineMatching.hh |
include/LineDescriptor.hh |
include/EDLineDetector.hh |
include/LineStructure.hh |
) |
ADD_LIBRARY(LineMatchingLib |
${LineMatchingLib_SRCS} |
${LineMatchingLib_HEADER}) |
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(LineMatchingLib /usr/lib/ opencv_core opencv_highgui opencv_imgproc) |
#ADD_EXECUTABLE(TestLineMatchingAlgorithm src/TestLineMatchingAlgorithm.cpp) |
#TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(TestLineMatchingAlgorithm LineMatchingLib ) |
@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ |
By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license. |
If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install, |
copy or use the software. |
License Agreement |
For Open Source Computer Vision Library |
Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Lilian Zhang, all rights reserved. |
Copyright (C) 2013, Manuele Tamburrano, Stefano Fabri, all rights reserved. |
Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, |
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
* The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products |
derived from this software without specific prior written permission. |
This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and |
any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied |
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. |
In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct, |
indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages |
(including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; |
loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused |
and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, |
or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of |
the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. |
*/ |
#include <vector> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <list> |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp> |
#include <array> |
struct Pixel{ |
unsigned int x;//X coordinate
unsigned int y;//Y coordinate
}; |
struct EdgeChains{ |
std::vector<unsigned int> xCors;//all the x coordinates of edge points
std::vector<unsigned int> yCors;//all the y coordinates of edge points
std::vector<unsigned int> sId; //the start index of each edge in the coordinate arrays
unsigned int numOfEdges;//the number of edges whose length are larger than minLineLen; numOfEdges < sId.size;
}; |
struct LineChains{ |
std::vector<unsigned int> xCors;//all the x coordinates of line points
std::vector<unsigned int> yCors;//all the y coordinates of line points
std::vector<unsigned int> sId; //the start index of each line in the coordinate arrays
unsigned int numOfLines;//the number of lines whose length are larger than minLineLen; numOfLines < sId.size;
}; |
typedef std::list<Pixel> PixelChain;//each edge is a pixel chain
struct EDLineParam{ |
int ksize; |
float sigma; |
float gradientThreshold; |
float anchorThreshold; |
int scanIntervals; |
int minLineLen; |
double lineFitErrThreshold; |
}; |
#define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 |
#define log_gamma(x) ((x)>15.0?log_gamma_windschitl(x):log_gamma_lanczos(x)) |
inline void writeMat(cv::Mat m, std::string name, int n) |
{ |
std::stringstream ss; |
std::string s; |
ss << n; |
ss >> s; |
std::string fileNameConf = name + s; |
cv::FileStorage fsConf(fileNameConf, cv::FileStorage::WRITE); |
fsConf << "m" << m; |
fsConf.release(); |
} |
/* This class is used to detect lines from input image.
* First, edges are extracted from input image following the method presented in Cihan Topal and |
* Cuneyt Akinlar's paper:"Edge Drawing: A Heuristic Approach to Robust Real-Time Edge Detection", 2010. |
* Then, lines are extracted from the edge image following the method presented in Cuneyt Akinlar and |
* Cihan Topal's paper:"EDLines: A real-time line segment detector with a false detection control", 2011 |
* PS: The linking step of edge detection has a little bit difference with the Edge drawing algorithm |
* described in the paper. The edge chain doesn't stop when the pixel direction is changed. |
*/ |
class EDLineDetector |
{ |
public: |
EDLineDetector(); |
EDLineDetector(EDLineParam param); |
~EDLineDetector(); |
/*extract edges from image
*image: In, gray image; |
*edges: Out, store the edges, each edge is a pixel chain |
*smoothed: In, flag to mark whether the image has already been smoothed by Gaussian filter. |
*return -1: error happen |
*/ |
int EdgeDrawing(cv::Mat &image, EdgeChains &edgeChains, bool smoothed=false); |
/*extract lines from image
*image: In, gray image; |
*lines: Out, store the extracted lines, |
*smoothed: In, flag to mark whether the image has already been smoothed by Gaussian filter. |
*return -1: error happen |
*/ |
int EDline(cv::Mat &image, LineChains &lines, bool smoothed=false); |
/*extract line from image, and store them*/ |
int EDline(cv::Mat &image, bool smoothed=false); |
cv::Mat dxImg_;//store the dxImg;
cv::Mat dyImg_;//store the dyImg;
cv::Mat gImgWO_;//store the gradient image without threshold;
LineChains lines_; //store the detected line chains;
//store the line Equation coefficients, vec3=[w1,w2,w3] for line w1*x + w2*y + w3=0;
std::vector<std::array<double, 3> > lineEquations_; |
//store the line endpoints, [x1,y1,x2,y3]
std::vector<std::array<float, 4> > lineEndpoints_; |
//store the line direction
std::vector<float> lineDirection_; |
//store the line salience, which is the summation of gradients of pixels on line
std::vector<float> lineSalience_; |
unsigned int imageWidth; |
unsigned int imageHeight; |
/*The threshold of line fit error;
*If lineFitErr is large than this threshold, then |
*the pixel chain is not accepted as a single line segment.*/ |
double lineFitErrThreshold_; |
/*the threshold of pixel gradient magnitude.
*Only those pixel whose gradient magnitude are larger than this threshold will be |
*taken as possible edge points. Default value is 36*/ |
short gradienThreshold_; |
/*If the pixel's gradient value is bigger than both of its neighbors by a
*certain threshold (ANCHOR_THRESHOLD), the pixel is marked to be an anchor. |
*Default value is 8*/ |
unsigned char anchorThreshold_; |
/*anchor testing can be performed at different scan intervals, i.e.,
*every row/column, every second row/column etc. |
*Default value is 2*/ |
unsigned int scanIntervals_; |
int minLineLen_;//minimal acceptable line length
private: |
void InitEDLine_(); |
/*For an input edge chain, find the best fit line, the default chain length is minLineLen_
*xCors: In, pointer to the X coordinates of pixel chain; |
*yCors: In, pointer to the Y coordinates of pixel chain; |
*offsetS:In, start index of this chain in array; |
*lineEquation: Out, [a,b] which are the coefficient of lines y=ax+b(horizontal) or x=ay+b(vertical); |
*return: line fit error; -1:error happens; |
*/ |
double LeastSquaresLineFit_(unsigned int *xCors, unsigned int *yCors, |
unsigned int offsetS, std::array<double, 2> &lineEquation); |
/*For an input pixel chain, find the best fit line. Only do the update based on new points.
*For A*x=v, Least square estimation of x = Inv(A^T * A) * (A^T * v); |
*If some new observations are added, i.e, [A; A'] * x = [v; v'], |
*then x' = Inv(A^T * A + (A')^T * A') * (A^T * v + (A')^T * v'); |
*xCors: In, pointer to the X coordinates of pixel chain; |
*yCors: In, pointer to the Y coordinates of pixel chain; |
*offsetS:In, start index of this chain in array; |
*newOffsetS: In, start index of extended part; |
*offsetE:In, end index of this chain in array; |
*lineEquation: Out, [a,b] which are the coefficient of lines y=ax+b(horizontal) or x=ay+b(vertical); |
*return: line fit error; -1:error happens; |
*/ |
double LeastSquaresLineFit_(unsigned int *xCors, unsigned int *yCors, |
unsigned int offsetS, unsigned int newOffsetS, |
unsigned int offsetE, std::array<double, 2> &lineEquation); |
/* Validate line based on the Helmholtz principle, which basically states that
* for a structure to be perceptually meaningful, the expectation of this structure |
* by chance must be very low. |
*/ |
bool LineValidation_(unsigned int *xCors, unsigned int *yCors, |
unsigned int offsetS, unsigned int offsetE, |
std::array<double, 3> &lineEquation, float &direction); |
bool bValidate_;//flag to decide whether line will be validated
int ksize_; //the size of Gaussian kernel: ksize X ksize, default value is 5.
float sigma_;//the sigma of Gaussian kernal, default value is 1.0.
/*For example, there two edges in the image:
*edge1 = [(7,4), (8,5), (9,6),| (10,7)|, (11, 8), (12,9)] and |
*edge2 = [(14,9), (15,10), (16,11), (17,12),| (18, 13)|, (19,14)] ; then we store them as following: |
*pFirstPartEdgeX_ = [10, 11, 12, 18, 19];//store the first part of each edge[from middle to end]
*pFirstPartEdgeY_ = [7, 8, 9, 13, 14]; |
*pFirstPartEdgeS_ = [0,3,5];// the index of start point of first part of each edge
*pSecondPartEdgeX_ = [10, 9, 8, 7, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14];//store the second part of each edge[from middle to front]
*pSecondPartEdgeY_ = [7, 6, 5, 4, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9];//anchor points(10, 7) and (18, 13) are stored again
*pSecondPartEdgeS_ = [0, 4, 9];// the index of start point of second part of each edge
*This type of storage order is because of the order of edge detection process. |
*For each edge, start from one anchor point, first go right, then go left or first go down, then go up*/ |
unsigned int *pFirstPartEdgeX_;//store the X coordinates of the first part of the pixels for chains
unsigned int *pFirstPartEdgeY_;//store the Y coordinates of the first part of the pixels for chains
unsigned int *pFirstPartEdgeS_;//store the start index of every edge chain in the first part arrays
unsigned int *pSecondPartEdgeX_;//store the X coordinates of the second part of the pixels for chains
unsigned int *pSecondPartEdgeY_;//store the Y coordinates of the second part of the pixels for chains
unsigned int *pSecondPartEdgeS_;//store the start index of every edge chain in the second part arrays
unsigned int *pAnchorX_;//store the X coordinates of anchors
unsigned int *pAnchorY_;//store the Y coordinates of anchors
cv::Mat edgeImage_; |
cv::Mat gImg_;//store the gradient image;
cv::Mat dirImg_;//store the direction image
double logNT_; |
cv::Mat_<float> ATA; //the previous matrix of A^T * A;
cv::Mat_<float> ATV; //the previous vector of A^T * V;
cv::Mat_<float> fitMatT; //the matrix used in line fit function;
cv::Mat_<float> fitVec; //the vector used in line fit function;
cv::Mat_<float> tempMatLineFit; //the matrix used in line fit function;
cv::Mat_<float> tempVecLineFit; //the vector used in line fit function;
/** Compare doubles by relative error.
The resulting rounding error after floating point computations |
depend on the specific operations done. The same number computed by |
different algorithms could present different rounding errors. For a |
useful comparison, an estimation of the relative rounding error |
should be considered and compared to a factor times EPS. The factor |
should be related to the accumulated rounding error in the chain of |
computation. Here, as a simplification, a fixed factor is used. |
*/ |
static int double_equal(double a, double b) |
{ |
double abs_diff,aa,bb,abs_max; |
/* trivial case */ |
if( a == b ) return true; |
abs_diff = fabs(a-b); |
aa = fabs(a); |
bb = fabs(b); |
abs_max = aa > bb ? aa : bb; |
/* DBL_MIN is the smallest normalized number, thus, the smallest
number whose relative error is bounded by DBL_EPSILON. For |
smaller numbers, the same quantization steps as for DBL_MIN |
are used. Then, for smaller numbers, a meaningful "relative" |
error should be computed by dividing the difference by DBL_MIN. */ |
if( abs_max < DBL_MIN ) abs_max = DBL_MIN; |
/* equal if relative error <= factor x eps */ |
return (abs_diff / abs_max) <= (RELATIVE_ERROR_FACTOR * DBL_EPSILON); |
} |
/** Computes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of
the gamma function of x using the Lanczos approximation. |
The formula used is |
@f[ |
\Gamma(x) = \frac{ \sum_{n=0}^{N} q_n x^n }{ \Pi_{n=0}^{N} (x+n) } |
(x+5.5)^{x+0.5} e^{-(x+5.5)} |
@f] |
so |
@f[ |
\log\Gamma(x) = \log\left( \sum_{n=0}^{N} q_n x^n \right) |
+ (x+0.5) \log(x+5.5) - (x+5.5) - \sum_{n=0}^{N} \log(x+n) |
@f] |
and |
q0 = 75122.6331530, |
q1 = 80916.6278952, |
q2 = 36308.2951477, |
q3 = 8687.24529705, |
q4 = 1168.92649479, |
q5 = 83.8676043424, |
q6 = 2.50662827511. |
*/ |
static double log_gamma_lanczos(double x) |
{ |
static double q[7] = { 75122.6331530, 80916.6278952, 36308.2951477, |
8687.24529705, 1168.92649479, 83.8676043424, |
2.50662827511 }; |
double a = (x+0.5) * log(x+5.5) - (x+5.5); |
double b = 0.0; |
int n; |
for(n=0;n<7;n++){ |
a -= log( x + (double) n ); |
b += q[n] * pow( x, (double) n ); |
} |
return a + log(b); |
} |
/** Computes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of
the gamma function of x using Windschitl method. |
The formula used is |
@f[ |
\Gamma(x) = \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{x}} \left( \frac{x}{e} |
\sqrt{ x\sinh(1/x) + \frac{1}{810x^6} } \right)^x |
@f] |
so |
@f[ |
\log\Gamma(x) = 0.5\log(2\pi) + (x-0.5)\log(x) - x |
+ 0.5x\log\left( x\sinh(1/x) + \frac{1}{810x^6} \right). |
@f] |
This formula is a good approximation when x > 15. |
*/ |
static double log_gamma_windschitl(double x) |
{ |
return 0.918938533204673 + (x-0.5)*log(x) - x |
+ 0.5*x*log( x*sinh(1/x) + 1/(810.0*pow(x,6.0)) ); |
} |
/** Computes -log10(NFA).
NFA stands for Number of False Alarms: |
@f[ |
\mathrm{NFA} = NT \cdot B(n,k,p) |
@f] |
- NT - number of tests |
- B(n,k,p) - tail of binomial distribution with parameters n,k and p: |
@f[ |
B(n,k,p) = \sum_{j=k}^n |
\left(\begin{array}{c}n\\j\end{array}\right) |
p^{j} (1-p)^{n-j} |
@f] |
The value -log10(NFA) is equivalent but more intuitive than NFA: |
- -1 corresponds to 10 mean false alarms |
- 0 corresponds to 1 mean false alarm |
- 1 corresponds to 0.1 mean false alarms |
- 2 corresponds to 0.01 mean false alarms |
- ... |
Used this way, the bigger the value, better the detection, |
and a logarithmic scale is used. |
@param n,k,p binomial parameters. |
@param logNT logarithm of Number of Tests |
The computation is based in the gamma function by the following |
relation: |
@f[ |
\left(\begin{array}{c}n\\k\end{array}\right) |
= \frac{ \Gamma(n+1) }{ \Gamma(k+1) \cdot \Gamma(n-k+1) }. |
@f] |
We use efficient algorithms to compute the logarithm of |
the gamma function. |
To make the computation faster, not all the sum is computed, part |
of the terms are neglected based on a bound to the error obtained |
(an error of 10% in the result is accepted). |
*/ |
static double nfa(int n, int k, double p, double logNT) |
{ |
double tolerance = 0.1; /* an error of 10% in the result is accepted */ |
double log1term,term,bin_term,mult_term,bin_tail,err,p_term; |
int i; |
/* check parameters */ |
if( n<0 || k<0 || k>n || p<=0.0 || p>=1.0 ){ |
std::cout<<"nfa: wrong n, k or p values."<<std::endl; |
exit(0); |
} |
/* trivial cases */ |
if( n==0 || k==0 ) return -logNT; |
if( n==k ) return -logNT - (double) n * log10(p); |
/* probability term */ |
p_term = p / (1.0-p); |
/* compute the first term of the series */ |
binomial_tail(n,k,p) = sum_{i=k}^n bincoef(n,i) * p^i * (1-p)^{n-i} |
where bincoef(n,i) are the binomial coefficients. |
But |
bincoef(n,k) = gamma(n+1) / ( gamma(k+1) * gamma(n-k+1) ). |
We use this to compute the first term. Actually the log of it. |
*/ |
log1term = log_gamma( (double) n + 1.0 ) - log_gamma( (double) k + 1.0 ) |
- log_gamma( (double) (n-k) + 1.0 ) |
+ (double) k * log(p) + (double) (n-k) * log(1.0-p); |
term = exp(log1term); |
/* in some cases no more computations are needed */ |
if( double_equal(term,0.0) ){ /* the first term is almost zero */ |
if( (double) k > (double) n * p ) /* at begin or end of the tail? */ |
return -log1term / M_LN10 - logNT; /* end: use just the first term */ |
else |
return -logNT; /* begin: the tail is roughly 1 */ |
} |
/* compute more terms if needed */ |
bin_tail = term; |
for(i=k+1;i<=n;i++){ |
/* As
term_i = bincoef(n,i) * p^i * (1-p)^(n-i) |
and |
bincoef(n,i)/bincoef(n,i-1) = n-i+1 / i, |
then, |
term_i / term_i-1 = (n-i+1)/i * p/(1-p) |
and |
term_i = term_i-1 * (n-i+1)/i * p/(1-p). |
p/(1-p) is computed only once and stored in 'p_term'. |
*/ |
bin_term = (double) (n-i+1) / (double) i; |
mult_term = bin_term * p_term; |
term *= mult_term; |
bin_tail += term; |
if(bin_term<1.0){ |
/* When bin_term<1 then mult_term_j<mult_term_i for j>i.
Then, the error on the binomial tail when truncated at |
the i term can be bounded by a geometric series of form |
term_i * sum mult_term_i^j. */ |
err = term * ( ( 1.0 - pow( mult_term, (double) (n-i+1) ) ) / |
(1.0-mult_term) - 1.0 ); |
/* One wants an error at most of tolerance*final_result, or:
tolerance * abs(-log10(bin_tail)-logNT). |
Now, the error that can be accepted on bin_tail is |
given by tolerance*final_result divided by the derivative |
of -log10(x) when x=bin_tail. that is: |
tolerance * abs(-log10(bin_tail)-logNT) / (1/bin_tail) |
Finally, we truncate the tail if the error is less than: |
tolerance * abs(-log10(bin_tail)-logNT) * bin_tail */ |
if( err < tolerance * fabs(-log10(bin_tail)-logNT) * bin_tail ) break; |
} |
} |
return -log10(bin_tail) - logNT; |
} |
}; |
#endif /* EDLINEDETECTOR_HH_ */ |
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ |
By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license. |
If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install, |
copy or use the software. |
License Agreement |
For Open Source Computer Vision Library |
Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Lilian Zhang, all rights reserved. |
Copyright (C) 2013, Manuele Tamburrano, Stefano Fabri, all rights reserved. |
Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, |
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
* The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products |
derived from this software without specific prior written permission. |
This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and |
any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied |
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. |
In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct, |
indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages |
(including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; |
loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused |
and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, |
or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of |
the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. |
*/ |
#include "EDLineDetector.hh" |
#include "LineStructure.hh" |
#include <map> |
struct OctaveLine{ |
unsigned int octaveCount;//the octave which this line is detected
unsigned int lineIDInOctave;//the line ID in that octave image
unsigned int lineIDInScaleLineVec;//the line ID in Scale line vector
float lineLength; //the length of line in original image scale
}; |
/* This class is used to generate the line descriptors from multi-scale images */ |
class LineDescriptor |
{ |
public: |
LineDescriptor(int n_octave); |
LineDescriptor(unsigned int numOfBand, unsigned int widthOfBand, int n_octave); |
~LineDescriptor(); |
enum{ |
NearestNeighbor=0, //the nearest neighbor is taken as matching
NNDR=1//nearest/next ratio
}; |
/*This function is used to detect lines from multi-scale images.*/ |
int OctaveKeyLines(cv::Mat & image, ScaleLines &keyLines); |
int GetLineDescriptor(cv::Mat & image, |
ScaleLines &keyLines); |
int GetLineDescriptor(cv::Mat & image, |
ScaleLines &keyLines, bool lsd); |
void findNearestParallelLines(ScaleLines & keyLines); |
void GetLineBinaryDescriptor(std::vector<cv::Mat> & oct_binaryDescMat, ScaleLines & keyLines); |
int MatchLineByDescriptor(ScaleLines &keyLinesLeft, ScaleLines &keyLinesRight, |
std::vector<short> &matchLeft, std::vector<short> &matchRight, |
int criteria=NNDR); |
float LowestThreshold;//global threshold for line descriptor distance, default is 0.35
float NNDRThreshold;//the NNDR threshold for line descriptor distance, default is 0.6
int ksize_; //the size of Gaussian kernel: ksize X ksize, default value is 5.
unsigned int numOfOctave_;//the number of image octave
unsigned int numOfBand_;//the number of band used to compute line descriptor
unsigned int widthOfBand_;//the width of band;
std::vector<float> gaussCoefL_;//the local gaussian coefficient apply to the orthogonal line direction within each band;
std::vector<float> gaussCoefG_;//the global gaussian coefficient apply to each Row within line support region
private: |
void sample(float *igray,float *ogray, float factor, int width, int height) |
{ |
int swidth = (int)((float) width / factor); |
int sheight = (int)((float) height / factor); |
for(int j=0; j < sheight; j++) |
for(int i=0; i < swidth; i++) |
ogray[j*swidth + i] = igray[(int)((float) j * factor) * width + (int) ((float) i*factor)]; |
} |
void sampleUchar(uchar *igray,uchar *ogray, float factor, int width, int height) |
{ |
int swidth = (int)((float) width / factor); |
int sheight = (int)((float) height / factor); |
for(int j=0; j < sheight; j++) |
for(int i=0; i < swidth; i++) |
ogray[j*swidth + i] = igray[(int)((float) j * factor) * width + (int) ((float) i*factor)]; |
} |
/*Compute the line descriptor of input line set. This function should be called
*after OctaveKeyLines() function; */ |
int ComputeLBD_(ScaleLines &keyLines); |
/*For each octave of image, we define an EDLineDetector, because we can get gradient images (dxImg, dyImg, gImg)
*from the EDLineDetector class without extra computation cost. Another reason is that, if we use |
*a single EDLineDetector to detect lines in different octave of images, then we need to allocate and release |
*memory for gradient images (dxImg, dyImg, gImg) repeatedly for their varying size*/ |
std::vector<EDLineDetector*> edLineVec_; |
}; |
#endif /* LINEDESCRIPTOR_HH_ */ |
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ |
By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license. |
If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install, |
copy or use the software. |
License Agreement |
For Open Source Computer Vision Library |
Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Lilian Zhang, all rights reserved. |
Copyright (C) 2013, Manuele Tamburrano, Stefano Fabri, all rights reserved. |
Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, |
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
* The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products |
derived from this software without specific prior written permission. |
This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and |
any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied |
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. |
In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct, |
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the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. |
*/ |
#include <vector> |
// A 2D line (normal equation parameters).
struct SingleLine |
{ |
//note: rho and theta are based on coordinate origin, i.e. the top-left corner of image
double rho;//unit: pixel length
double theta;//unit: rad
double linePointX;// = rho * cos(theta);
double linePointY;// = rho * sin(theta);
//for EndPoints, the coordinate origin is the top-left corner of image.
double startPointX; |
double startPointY; |
double endPointX; |
double endPointY; |
//direction of a line, the angle between positive line direction (dark side is in the left) and positive X axis.
double direction; |
//mean gradient magnitude
double gradientMagnitude; |
//mean gray value of pixels in dark side of line
double darkSideGrayValue; |
//mean gray value of pixels in light side of line
double lightSideGrayValue; |
//the length of line
double lineLength; |
//the width of line;
double width; |
//number of pixels
int numOfPixels; |
//the decriptor of line
std::vector<double> descriptor; |
}; |
// Specifies a vector of lines.
typedef std::vector<SingleLine> Lines_list; |
struct OctaveSingleLine |
{ |
/*endPoints, the coordinate origin is the top-left corner of the original image.
*startPointX = sPointInOctaveX * (factor)^octaveCount; */ |
float startPointX; |
float startPointY; |
float endPointX; |
float endPointY; |
//endPoints, the coordinate origin is the top-left corner of the octave image.
float sPointInOctaveX; |
float sPointInOctaveY; |
float ePointInOctaveX; |
float ePointInOctaveY; |
//direction of a line, the angle between positive line direction (dark side is in the left) and positive X axis.
float direction; |
//the summation of gradient magnitudes of pixels on lines
float salience; |
//the length of line
float lineLength; |
//number of pixels
unsigned int numOfPixels; |
//the octave which this line is detected
unsigned int octaveCount; |
//the decriptor of line
std::vector<float> descriptor; |
}; |
// Specifies a vector of lines.
typedef std::vector<OctaveSingleLine> LinesVec; |
typedef std::vector<LinesVec> ScaleLines;//each element in ScaleLines is a vector of lines which corresponds the same line detected in different octave images.
#endif /* LINESTRUCTURE_HH_ */ |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in new issue