@ -1,6 +1,11 @@ |
#include "precomp.hpp" |
#include "precomp.hpp" |
#include "layers.hpp" |
#include "layers.hpp" |
#include <math.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include <float.h> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <algorithm> |
using std::max; |
using std::min; |
namespace cv |
namespace cv |
{ |
{ |
@ -43,31 +48,211 @@ REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(InnerProduct, FullyConnectedLayer) |
static void getKernelParams(LayerParams ¶ms, int &kernelH, int &kernelW, int &padH, int &padW, int &strideH, int &strideW) |
{ |
if (params.has("kernel_h") && params.has("kernel_w")) |
{ |
kernelH = params.get<int>("kernel_h"); |
kernelW = params.get<int>("kernel_w"); |
} |
else if (params.has("kernel_size")) |
{ |
kernelH = kernelW = params.get<int>("kernel_size"); |
} |
else |
{ |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsBadArg, "kernel_size (or kernel_h and kernel_w) not specified"); |
} |
if (params.has("pad_h") && params.has("pad_w")) |
{ |
padH = params.get<int>("pad_h"); |
padW = params.get<int>("pad_w"); |
} |
else |
{ |
padH = padW = params.get<int>("pad", 0); |
} |
if (params.has("stride_h") && params.has("stride_w")) |
{ |
strideH = params.get<int>("stride_h"); |
strideW = params.get<int>("stride_w"); |
} |
else |
{ |
strideH = strideW = params.get<int>("stride", 1); |
} |
CV_Assert(kernelH > 0 && kernelW > 0 && padH >= 0 && padW >= 0 && strideH > 0 & strideW > 0); |
} |
PoolingLayer::PoolingLayer(LayerParams ¶ms) |
PoolingLayer::PoolingLayer(LayerParams ¶ms) |
{ |
{ |
if (params.has("pool")) |
{ |
String pool = params.get<String>("pool").toLowerCase(); |
if (pool == "max") |
type = MAX; |
else if (pool == "ave") |
type = AVE; |
else if (pool == "stochastic") |
type = STOCHASTIC; |
else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsBadArg, "Unknown pooling type \"" + pool + "\""); |
} |
else |
{ |
type = MAX; |
} |
getKernelParams(params, kernelH, kernelW, padH, padW, strideH, strideW); |
} |
} |
void PoolingLayer::allocate(const std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
void PoolingLayer::allocate(const std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
{ |
{ |
CV_Assert(inputs.size() > 0); |
inH = inputs[0]->cols(); |
inW = inputs[0]->rows(); |
computeOutputShape(inH, inW); |
outputs.resize(inputs.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) |
{ |
CV_Assert(inputs[i]->rows() == inH && inputs[i]->cols() == inW); |
outputs[i].create(inputs[i]->num(), inputs[i]->channels(), pooledH, pooledW); |
} |
} |
} |
void PoolingLayer::forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
void PoolingLayer::forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
{ |
{ |
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < inputs.size(); ii++) |
{ |
switch (type) |
{ |
case MAX: |
maxPooling(*inputs[ii], outputs[ii]); |
break; |
default: |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Not implemented"); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
void PoolingLayer::maxPooling(Blob &input, Blob &output) |
{ |
CV_DbgAssert(output.rows() == pooledH && output.cols() == pooledW); |
for (int n = 0; n < input.num(); ++n)
{ |
for (int c = 0; c < input.channels(); ++c) |
{ |
float *srcData = input.ptr<float>(n, c); |
float *dstData = output.ptr<float>(n, c); |
for (int ph = 0; ph < pooledH; ++ph) |
{ |
for (int pw = 0; pw < pooledW; ++pw) |
{ |
int hstart = ph * strideH - padH; |
int wstart = pw * strideW - padW; |
int hend = min(hstart + kernelH, inH); |
int wend = min(wstart + kernelW, inW); |
hstart = max(hstart, 0); |
wstart = max(wstart, 0); |
const int pool_index = ph * pooledW + pw; |
float max_val = -FLT_MAX; |
for (int h = hstart; h < hend; ++h) |
for (int w = wstart; w < wend; ++w)
{ |
const int index = h * inW + w; |
if (srcData[index] > max_val) |
max_val = srcData[index]; |
} |
dstData[pool_index] = max_val; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void PoolingLayer::computeOutputShape(int inH, int inW) |
{ |
//Yeah something strange Caffe scheme-)
pooledH = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<float>(inH + 2 * padH - kernelH) / strideH)) + 1; |
pooledW = static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<float>(inW + 2 * padW - kernelW) / strideW)) + 1; |
if (padH || padW) |
{ |
// If we have padding, ensure that the last pooling starts strictly
// inside the image (instead of at the padding); otherwise clip the last.
if ((pooledH - 1) * strideH >= inH + padH) |
--pooledH; |
if ((pooledW - 1) * strideW >= inW + padW) |
--pooledW; |
CV_Assert((pooledH - 1) * strideH < inH + padH); |
CV_Assert((pooledW - 1) * strideW < inW + padW); |
} |
} |
} |
ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(LayerParams ¶ms) |
ConvolutionLayer::ConvolutionLayer(LayerParams ¶ms) |
{ |
{ |
getKernelParams(params, kernelH, kernelW, padH, padW, strideH, strideW); |
numOutput = params.get<int>("num_output"); |
bias = params.get<bool>("bias_term", true); |
group = params.get<int>("group", 1); |
CV_Assert(numOutput % group == 0); |
CV_Assert(params.learnedBlobs.size() >= 1 && (!bias || params.learnedBlobs.size() >= 2)); |
learnedParams.assign(params.learnedBlobs.begin(), params.learnedBlobs.begin() + (bias ? 2 : 1)); |
Blob &weightBlob = learnedParams[0]; |
CV_Assert(weightBlob.cols() == kernelW && weightBlob.rows() == kernelH && weightBlob.num() == numOutput); |
if (bias) |
{ |
Blob &biasBlob = learnedParams[1]; |
CV_Assert(biasBlob.total() == numOutput); |
} |
} |
} |
void ConvolutionLayer::allocate(const std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
void ConvolutionLayer::allocate(const std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
{ |
{ |
CV_Assert(inputs.size() > 0); |
Blob &weightBlob = learnedParams[0]; |
inCn = inputs[0]->channels(); |
CV_Assert(inCn % group == 0 && weightBlob.channels() == inCn); |
inH = inputs[0]->rows(); |
inW = inputs[0]->cols(); |
computeOutputShape(inH, inW); |
outputs.resize(inputs.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) |
{ |
CV_Assert(inputs[i]->rows() == inH && inputs[i]->cols() == inW && inputs[i]->channels() == inCn); |
int num = inputs[i]->num(); |
outputs[i].create(num, numOutput, outH, outW); |
} |
colCn = kernelH * kernelW * inCn; |
imColsMat.create(colCn, outH * outW, CV_32F); |
if (bias) |
{ |
biasOnesMat = Mat::ones(1, outH * outW, CV_32F); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -102,29 +287,104 @@ void im2col_cpu(const Dtype* data_im, const int channels, |
void ConvolutionLayer::forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
void ConvolutionLayer::forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
{ |
{ |
CV_Assert(inputs.size() == outputs.size()); |
CV_Assert(inputs.size() == outputs.size()); |
float *colPtr = imColsMat.ptr<float>(); |
float *weigtsPtr = learnedParams[0].ptr<float>(); |
float *biasPtr = (bias) ? learnedParams[1].ptr<float>() : NULL; |
CV_Assert(group == 1); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); i++) |
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < outputs.size(); ii++) |
{ |
{ |
int num = inputs[ii]->num(); |
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) |
{ |
float *srcImPtr = inputs[ii]->ptr<float>(n); |
float *dstImPtr = outputs[ii].ptr<float>(n); |
im2col_cpu(srcImPtr, inCn, inH, inW, kernelH, kernelW, padH, padW, strideH, strideW, colPtr); |
Mat weightsMat(numOutput, colCn, CV_32F, weigtsPtr); |
Mat dstIm(numOutput, outH*outW, CV_32F, dstImPtr); |
cv::gemm(weightsMat, imColsMat, 1, noArray(), 0, dstIm); |
if (bias) |
{ |
Mat biasMat(numOutput, 1, CV_32F, biasPtr); |
cv::gemm(biasMat, biasOnesMat, 1, dstIm, 1, dstIm); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void ConvolutionLayer::computeOutputShape(int inH, int inW) |
{ |
outH = (inH + 2 * padH - kernelH) / strideH + 1; |
outW = (inW + 2 * padW - kernelW) / strideW + 1; |
} |
FullyConnectedLayer::FullyConnectedLayer(LayerParams ¶ms) |
FullyConnectedLayer::FullyConnectedLayer(LayerParams ¶ms) |
{ |
{ |
numOutputs = params.get<int>("num_output"); |
bias = params.get<bool>("bias_term", true); |
CV_Assert(params.learnedBlobs.size() >= 1); |
CV_Assert(!bias || (params.learnedBlobs.size() >= 2 && params.learnedBlobs[1].total() == numOutputs)); |
learnedParams.resize(bias ? 2 : 1); |
learnedParams[0] = params.learnedBlobs[0]; |
if (bias) |
{ |
learnedParams[1] = params.learnedBlobs[1]; |
} |
} |
} |
void FullyConnectedLayer::allocate(const std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
void FullyConnectedLayer::allocate(const std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
{ |
{ |
CV_Assert(inputs.size() > 0); |
inC = inputs[0]->channels(); |
inH = inputs[0]->rows(); |
inW = inputs[0]->cols(); |
inSize = inC * inH * inW; |
CV_Assert(inSize * numOutputs == learnedParams[0].total()); |
outputs.resize(inputs.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) |
{ |
if (i != 0) |
CV_Assert(inputs[i]->channels() == inC && inputs[i]->rows() == inH && inputs[i]->cols() == inW); |
outputs[i].create(inputs[i]->num(), numOutputs, 1, 1); |
} |
} |
} |
void FullyConnectedLayer::forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
void FullyConnectedLayer::forward(std::vector<Blob*> &inputs, std::vector<Blob> &outputs) |
{ |
{ |
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) |
{ |
int M = inputs[i]->num(); |
int N = numOutputs; |
int K = inSize; |
Mat srcMat(M, K, CV_32F, inputs[i]->ptr<float>()); |
Mat weights(K, N, CV_32F, learnedParams[0].ptr<float>()); |
Mat dstMat(M, N, CV_32F, outputs[i].ptr<float>()); |
cv::gemm(srcMat, weights, 1, noArray(), 0, dstMat); |
if (bias) |
{ |
Mat biasOnesMat = Mat::ones(M, 1, CV_32F); |
Mat biasMat(1, N, CV_32F, learnedParams[1].ptr<float>()); |
cv::gemm(biasOnesMat, biasMat, 1, dstMat, 1, dstMat); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |