@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static const char* keys = |
{ "{@saliency_algorithm | | Saliency algorithm <saliencyAlgorithmType.[saliencyAlgorithmTypeSubType]> }" |
"{@video_name | | video name }" |
"{@start_frame |1| Start frame }" |
"{@training_path |1| Path of the folder containing the trained files}" }; |
"{@training_path |ObjectnessTrainedModel| Path of the folder containing the trained files}" }; |
static void help() |
{ |
@ -150,11 +150,28 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) |
saliencyAlgorithm = ObjectnessBING::create(); |
vector<Vec4i> saliencyMap; |
saliencyAlgorithm.dynamicCast<ObjectnessBING>()->setTrainingPath( training_path ); |
saliencyAlgorithm.dynamicCast<ObjectnessBING>()->setBBResDir( training_path + "/Results" ); |
saliencyAlgorithm.dynamicCast<ObjectnessBING>()->setBBResDir( "Results" ); |
if( saliencyAlgorithm->computeSaliency( image, saliencyMap ) ) |
{ |
std::cout << "Objectness done" << std::endl; |
int ndet = int(saliencyMap.size()); |
std::cout << "Objectness done " << ndet << std::endl; |
// The result are sorted by objectness. We only use the first maxd boxes here.
int maxd = 7, step = 255 / maxd, jitter=9; // jitter to seperate single rects
Mat draw = image.clone(); |
for (int i = 0; i < std::min(maxd, ndet); i++) { |
Vec4i bb = saliencyMap[i]; |
Scalar col = Scalar(((i*step)%255), 50, 255-((i*step)%255)); |
Point off(theRNG().uniform(-jitter,jitter), theRNG().uniform(-jitter,jitter)); |
rectangle(draw, Point(bb[0]+off.x, bb[1]+off.y), Point(bb[2]+off.x, bb[3]+off.y), col, 2); |
rectangle(draw, Rect(20, 20+i*10, 10,10), col, -1); // mini temperature scale
} |
imshow("BING", draw); |
waitKey(); |
} |
else |
{ |
std::cout << "No saliency found for " << video_name << std::endl; |
} |
} |