Vladislav Samsonov 9 years ago
parent 2d68b30528
commit e57df756a6
  1. 3
  2. 65
  3. 156

@ -93,11 +93,12 @@ protected:
const float retainedCornersFraction; // [0 .. 1]
const float occlusionsThreshold;
const float dampingFactor;
const float claheClip;
OpticalFlowPCAFlow( Ptr<const PCAPrior> _prior = Ptr<const PCAPrior>(), const Size _basisSize = Size( 18, 14 ),
float _sparseRate = 0.024, float _retainedCornersFraction = 0.2,
float _occlusionsThreshold = 0.0003, float _dampingFactor = 0.00002 );
float _occlusionsThreshold = 0.0003, float _dampingFactor = 0.00002, float _claheClip = 14 );
void calc( InputArray I0, InputArray I1, InputOutputArray flow );
void collectGarbage();

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
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@ -47,20 +47,10 @@ namespace cv
namespace optflow
OpticalFlowPCAFlow::OpticalFlowPCAFlow( Ptr<const PCAPrior> _prior, const Size _basisSize, float _sparseRate,
float _retainedCornersFraction, float _occlusionsThreshold,
float _dampingFactor )
: prior( _prior ), basisSize( _basisSize ), sparseRate( _sparseRate ),
retainedCornersFraction( _retainedCornersFraction ), occlusionsThreshold( _occlusionsThreshold ),
dampingFactor( _dampingFactor )
CV_Assert( sparseRate > 0 && sparseRate <= 0.1 );
CV_Assert( retainedCornersFraction >= 0 && retainedCornersFraction <= 1.0 );
CV_Assert( occlusionsThreshold > 0 );
template <typename T> static inline int mathSign( T val ) { return ( T( 0 ) < val ) - ( val < T( 0 ) ); }
template <typename T> inline int mathSign( T val ) { return ( T( 0 ) < val ) - ( val < T( 0 ) ); }
/* Stable symmetric Householder reflection that gives c and s such that
* [ c s ][a] = [d],
@ -72,7 +62,7 @@ template <typename T> static inline int mathSign( T val ) { return ( T( 0 ) < va
* s -- sine(theta)
* r -- two-norm of [a; b]
static inline void symOrtho( double a, double b, double &c, double &s, double &r )
inline void symOrtho( double a, double b, double &c, double &s, double &r )
if ( b == 0 )
@ -114,8 +104,7 @@ static inline void symOrtho( double a, double b, double &c, double &s, double &r
* Output:
* x -- approximate solution
static void solveLSQR( const Mat &A, const Mat &b, OutputArray xOut, const double damp = 0.0,
const unsigned iter_lim = 10 )
void solveLSQR( const Mat &A, const Mat &b, OutputArray xOut, const double damp = 0.0, const unsigned iter_lim = 10 )
const int n = A.size().width;
CV_Assert( A.size().height == b.size().height );
@ -187,6 +176,67 @@ static void solveLSQR( const Mat &A, const Mat &b, OutputArray xOut, const doubl
inline void _cpu_fillDCTSampledPoints( float *row, const Point2f &p, const Size &basisSize, const Size &size )
for ( int n1 = 0; n1 < basisSize.width; ++n1 )
for ( int n2 = 0; n2 < basisSize.height; ++n2 )
row[n1 * basisSize.height + n2] =
cosf( ( n1 * M_PI / size.width ) * ( p.x + 0.5 ) ) * cosf( ( n2 * M_PI / size.height ) * ( p.y + 0.5 ) );
ocl::ProgramSource _ocl_fillDCTSampledPointsSource(
"__kernel void fillDCTSampledPoints(__global const uchar* features, int fstep, int foff, __global "
"uchar* A, int Astep, int Aoff, int fs, int bsw, int bsh, int sw, int sh) {"
"const int i = get_global_id(0);"
"const int n1 = get_global_id(1);"
"const int n2 = get_global_id(2);"
"if (i >= fs || n1 >= bsw || n2 >= bsh) return;"
"__global const float2* f = features + (fstep * i + foff);"
"__global float* a = A + (Astep * i + Aoff + (n1 * bsh + n2) * 4);"
"const float2 p = f[0];"
"a[0] = cos((n1 * M_PI / sw) * (p.x + 0.5)) * cos((n2 * M_PI / sh) * (p.y + 0.5));"
"}" );
void applyCLAHE( UMat &img, float claheClip )
Ptr<CLAHE> clahe = createCLAHE();
clahe->setClipLimit( claheClip );
clahe->apply( img, img );
void reduceToFlow( const Mat &w1, const Mat &w2, Mat &flow, const Size &basisSize )
const Size size = flow.size();
Mat flowX( size, CV_32F, 0.0f );
Mat flowY( size, CV_32F, 0.0f );
const float mult = sqrt( size.area() ) * 0.5;
for ( int i = 0; i < basisSize.width; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < basisSize.height; ++j )
flowX.at<float>( j, i ) = w1.at<float>( i * basisSize.height + j ) * mult;
flowY.at<float>( j, i ) = w2.at<float>( i * basisSize.height + j ) * mult;
for ( int i = 0; i < basisSize.height; ++i )
flowX.at<float>( i, 0 ) *= M_SQRT2;
flowY.at<float>( i, 0 ) *= M_SQRT2;
for ( int i = 0; i < basisSize.width; ++i )
flowX.at<float>( 0, i ) *= M_SQRT2;
flowY.at<float>( 0, i ) *= M_SQRT2;
dct( flowX, flowX, DCT_INVERSE );
dct( flowY, flowY, DCT_INVERSE );
for ( int i = 0; i < size.height; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < size.width; ++j )
flow.at<Point2f>( i, j ) = Point2f( flowX.at<float>( i, j ), flowY.at<float>( i, j ) );
void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::findSparseFeatures( UMat &from, UMat &to, std::vector<Point2f> &features,
std::vector<Point2f> &predictedFeatures ) const
@ -248,27 +298,6 @@ void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::removeOcclusions( UMat &from, UMat &to, std::vector<Poi
predictedFeatures.resize( j );
static inline void _cpu_fillDCTSampledPoints( float *row, const Point2f &p, const Size &basisSize, const Size &size )
for ( int n1 = 0; n1 < basisSize.width; ++n1 )
for ( int n2 = 0; n2 < basisSize.height; ++n2 )
row[n1 * basisSize.height + n2] =
cosf( ( n1 * M_PI / size.width ) * ( p.x + 0.5 ) ) * cosf( ( n2 * M_PI / size.height ) * ( p.y + 0.5 ) );
static ocl::ProgramSource _ocl_fillDCTSampledPointsSource(
"__kernel void fillDCTSampledPoints(__global const uchar* features, int fstep, int foff, __global "
"uchar* A, int Astep, int Aoff, int fs, int bsw, int bsh, int sw, int sh) {"
"const int i = get_global_id(0);"
"const int n1 = get_global_id(1);"
"const int n2 = get_global_id(2);"
"if (i >= fs || n1 >= bsw || n2 >= bsh) return;"
"__global const float2* f = features + (fstep * i + foff);"
"__global float* a = A + (Astep * i + Aoff + (n1 * bsh + n2) * 4);"
"const float2 p = f[0];"
"a[0] = cos((n1 * M_PI / sw) * (p.x + 0.5)) * cos((n2 * M_PI / sh) * (p.y + 0.5));"
"}" );
void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::getSystem( OutputArray AOut, OutputArray b1Out, OutputArray b2Out,
const std::vector<Point2f> &features, const std::vector<Point2f> &predictedFeatures,
const Size size )
@ -370,45 +399,6 @@ void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::getSystem( OutputArray A1Out, OutputArray A2Out, Output
b1.ptr<float>( features.size(), 0 ), b2.ptr<float>( features.size(), 0 ) );
static void applyCLAHE( UMat &img )
Ptr<CLAHE> clahe = createCLAHE();
clahe->setClipLimit( 14 );
clahe->apply( img, img );
static void reduceToFlow( const Mat &w1, const Mat &w2, Mat &flow, const Size &basisSize )
const Size size = flow.size();
Mat flowX( size, CV_32F, 0.0f );
Mat flowY( size, CV_32F, 0.0f );
const float mult = sqrt( size.area() ) * 0.5;
for ( int i = 0; i < basisSize.width; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < basisSize.height; ++j )
flowX.at<float>( j, i ) = w1.at<float>( i * basisSize.height + j ) * mult;
flowY.at<float>( j, i ) = w2.at<float>( i * basisSize.height + j ) * mult;
for ( int i = 0; i < basisSize.height; ++i )
flowX.at<float>( i, 0 ) *= M_SQRT2;
flowY.at<float>( i, 0 ) *= M_SQRT2;
for ( int i = 0; i < basisSize.width; ++i )
flowX.at<float>( 0, i ) *= M_SQRT2;
flowY.at<float>( 0, i ) *= M_SQRT2;
dct( flowX, flowX, DCT_INVERSE );
dct( flowY, flowY, DCT_INVERSE );
for ( int i = 0; i < size.height; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < size.width; ++j )
flow.at<Point2f>( i, j ) = Point2f( flowX.at<float>( i, j ), flowY.at<float>( i, j ) );
void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::calc( InputArray I0, InputArray I1, InputOutputArray flowOut )
const Size size = I0.size();
@ -439,8 +429,8 @@ void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::calc( InputArray I0, InputArray I1, InputOutputArray fl
const Mat fromOrig = from.getMat( ACCESS_READ ).clone();
applyCLAHE( from );
applyCLAHE( to );
applyCLAHE( from, claheClip );
applyCLAHE( to, claheClip );
std::vector<Point2f> features, predictedFeatures;
findSparseFeatures( from, to, features, predictedFeatures );
@ -470,6 +460,18 @@ void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::calc( InputArray I0, InputArray I1, InputOutputArray fl
ximgproc::fastGlobalSmootherFilter( fromOrig, flow, flow, 500, 2 );
OpticalFlowPCAFlow::OpticalFlowPCAFlow( Ptr<const PCAPrior> _prior, const Size _basisSize, float _sparseRate,
float _retainedCornersFraction, float _occlusionsThreshold,
float _dampingFactor, float _claheClip )
: prior( _prior ), basisSize( _basisSize ), sparseRate( _sparseRate ),
retainedCornersFraction( _retainedCornersFraction ), occlusionsThreshold( _occlusionsThreshold ),
dampingFactor( _dampingFactor ), claheClip( _claheClip )
CV_Assert( sparseRate > 0 && sparseRate <= 0.1 );
CV_Assert( retainedCornersFraction >= 0 && retainedCornersFraction <= 1.0 );
CV_Assert( occlusionsThreshold > 0 );
void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::collectGarbage() {}
Ptr<DenseOpticalFlow> createOptFlow_PCAFlow() { return makePtr<OpticalFlowPCAFlow>(); }
