15 changed files with 1081 additions and 108 deletions
After Width: | Height: | Size: 23 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 26 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 792 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 51 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 56 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ |
#include <opencv2/line_descriptor.hpp> |
#include "opencv2/core/utility.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/core/private.hpp" |
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/features2d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <vector> |
using namespace cv; |
static const char* keys = |
{ |
"{@image_path1 | | Image path 1 }" |
"{@image_path2 | | Image path 2 }" |
}; |
static void help() |
{ |
std::cout << "\nThis example shows the functionalities of descriptors matching\n" << |
"Please, run this sample using a command in the form\n" << |
"./example_line_descriptor_matching <path_to_input_image 1>" |
<< "<path_to_input_image 2>" << std::endl; |
} |
/* invert numBits bits in input char */ |
uchar invertSingleBits (uchar dividend_char, int numBits) |
{ |
std::vector<int> bin_vector; |
long dividend; |
long bin_num; |
/* convert input char to a long */ |
dividend = (long)dividend_char; |
/*if a 0 has been obtained, just generate a 8-bit long vector of zeros */ |
if(dividend == 0) |
bin_vector = std::vector<int>(8, 0); |
/* else, apply classic decimal to binary conversion */ |
else |
{ |
while ( dividend >= 1 ) |
{ |
bin_num = dividend % 2; |
dividend /= 2; |
bin_vector.push_back(bin_num); |
} |
} |
/* ensure that binary vector always has length 8 */ |
if(bin_vector.size()<8){ |
std::vector<int> zeros (8-bin_vector.size(), 0); |
bin_vector.insert(bin_vector.end(), zeros.begin(), zeros.end()); |
} |
/* invert numBits bits */ |
for(int index = 0; index<numBits; index++) |
{ |
if(bin_vector[index] == 0) |
bin_vector[index] = 1; |
else |
bin_vector[index] = 0; |
} |
/* reconvert to decimal */ |
uchar result; |
for(int i = (int)bin_vector.size()-1; i>=0; i--) |
result += bin_vector[i]*pow(2, i); |
return result; |
} |
int main( int argc, char** argv ) |
{ |
/* get parameters from comand line */ |
CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv, keys ); |
String image_path1 = parser.get<String>( 0 ); |
String image_path2 = parser.get<String>( 1 ); |
if(image_path1.empty() || image_path2.empty()) |
{ |
help(); |
return -1; |
} |
/* load image */ |
cv::Mat imageMat1 = imread(image_path1, 1); |
cv::Mat imageMat2 = imread(image_path2, 1); |
if( == NULL || == NULL) |
{ |
std::cout << "Error, images could not be loaded. Please, check their paths" |
<< std::endl; |
} |
/* create binary masks */ |
cv::Mat mask1 = Mat::ones(imageMat1.size(), CV_8UC1); |
cv::Mat mask2 = Mat::ones(imageMat2.size(), CV_8UC1); |
/* create a pointer to a BinaryDescriptor object with default parameters */ |
Ptr<BinaryDescriptor> bd = BinaryDescriptor::createBinaryDescriptor(); |
/* compute lines */ |
std::vector<KeyLine> keylines1, keylines2; |
bd->detect(imageMat1, keylines1, mask1); |
bd->detect(imageMat2, keylines2, mask2); |
/* compute descriptors */ |
cv::Mat descr1, descr2; |
bd->compute(imageMat1, keylines1, descr1); |
bd->compute(imageMat2, keylines2, descr2); |
/* create a BinaryDescriptorMatcher object */ |
Ptr<BinaryDescriptorMatcher> bdm = BinaryDescriptorMatcher::createBinaryDescriptorMatcher(); |
/* make a copy of descr2 mat */ |
Mat descr2Copy = descr1.clone(); |
/* randomly change some bits in original descriptors */ |
srand (time(NULL)); |
for(int j = 0; j<descr1.rows; j++) |
{ |
/* select a random column */ |
int randCol = rand() % 32; |
/* get correspondent data */ |
uchar u =<uchar>(j, randCol); |
/* change bits */ |
for(int k = 1; k<=5; k++) |
{ |
/* copy current row to train matrix */ |
descr2Copy.push_back(descr1.row(j)); |
/* invert k bits */ |
uchar uc = invertSingleBits(u, k); |
/* update current row in train matrix */ |
||||<uchar>(descr2Copy.rows-1, randCol) = uc; |
} |
} |
/* prepare a structure to host matches */ |
std::vector<std::vector<DMatch> > matches; |
/* require knn match */ |
bdm->knnMatch(descr1, descr2, matches, 6); |
/* visualize matches and Hamming distances */ |
for(size_t v = 0; v<matches.size(); v++) |
{ |
for(size_t m = 0; m<matches[v].size(); m++) |
{ |
DMatch dm = matches[v][m]; |
std::cout << dm.queryIdx << " " << dm.trainIdx << " " |
<< dm.distance << std::endl; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ |
#include <opencv2/line_descriptor.hpp> |
#include "opencv2/core/utility.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/core/private.hpp" |
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/features2d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <vector> |
using namespace cv; |
static const std::string images[] = |
{ |
"cameraman.jpg", |
"church.jpg", |
"church2.png", |
"einstein.jpg", |
"stuff.jpg" |
}; |
static const char* keys = |
{ |
"{@image_path | | Image path }" |
}; |
static void help() |
{ |
std::cout << "\nThis example shows the functionalities of radius matching " << |
"Please, run this sample using a command in the form\n" << |
"./example_line_descriptor_radius_matching <path_to_input_images>/" |
<< std::endl; |
} |
int main( int argc, char** argv ) |
{ |
/* get parameters from comand line */ |
CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv, keys ); |
String pathToImages = parser.get<String>( 0 ); |
/* create structures for hosting KeyLines and descriptors */ |
int num_elements = sizeof( images ) / sizeof( images[0] ); |
std::vector<Mat> descriptorsMat; |
std::vector<std::vector<KeyLine> > linesMat; |
/*create a pointer to a BinaryDescriptor object */ |
Ptr<BinaryDescriptor> bd = BinaryDescriptor::createBinaryDescriptor(); |
/* compute lines and descriptors */ |
for(int i = 0; i<num_elements; i++) |
{ |
/* get path to image */ |
std::stringstream image_path; |
image_path << pathToImages << images[i]; |
/* load image */ |
Mat loadedImage = imread(image_path.str().c_str(), 1); |
if( == NULL) |
{ |
std::cout << "Could not load images." << std::endl; |
help(); |
exit(-1); |
} |
/* compute lines and descriptors */ |
std::vector<KeyLine> lines; |
Mat computedDescr; |
bd->detect(loadedImage, lines); |
bd->compute(loadedImage, lines, computedDescr); |
descriptorsMat.push_back(computedDescr); |
linesMat.push_back(lines); |
} |
/* compose a queries matrix */ |
Mat queries; |
for(size_t j = 0; j<descriptorsMat.size(); j++) |
{ |
if(descriptorsMat[j].rows >= 5) |
queries.push_back(descriptorsMat[j].rowRange(0, 5)); |
else if(descriptorsMat[j].rows >0 && descriptorsMat[j].rows<5) |
queries.push_back(descriptorsMat[j]); |
} |
std::cout << "It has been generated a matrix of " << queries.rows |
<< " descriptors" << std::endl; |
/* create a BinaryDescriptorMatcher object */ |
Ptr<BinaryDescriptorMatcher> bdm = BinaryDescriptorMatcher::createBinaryDescriptorMatcher(); |
/* populate matcher */ |
bdm->add(descriptorsMat); |
/* compute matches */ |
std::vector<std::vector<DMatch> > matches; |
bdm->radiusMatch(queries, matches, 30); |
/* print matches */ |
for(size_t q = 0; q<matches.size(); q++) |
{ |
for(size_t m = 0; m<matches[q].size(); m++) |
{ |
DMatch dm = matches[q][m]; |
std::cout << "Descriptor: " << q << " Image: " << dm.imgIdx |
<< " Distance: " << dm.distance << std::endl; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ |
#include "precomp.hpp" |
namespace cv |
{ |
/* draw matches between two images */ |
void drawLineMatches( const Mat& img1, const std::vector<KeyLine>& keylines1, |
const Mat& img2, const std::vector<KeyLine>& keylines2, |
const std::vector<DMatch>& matches1to2, |
Mat& outImg, const Scalar& matchColor, |
const Scalar& singleLineColor, |
const std::vector<char>& matchesMask, int flags ) |
{ |
/* initialize output matrix (if necessary) */ |
if(flags == DrawLinesMatchesFlags::DEFAULT) |
{ |
/* check how many rows are necessary for output matrix */ |
int totalRows = img1.rows >= img2.rows?img1.rows:img2.rows; |
/* initialize output matrix */ |
outImg = Mat::zeros(totalRows, img1.cols+img2.cols, img1.type()); |
} |
/* initialize random seed: */ |
srand (time(NULL)); |
Scalar singleLineColorRGB; |
if(singleLineColor == Scalar::all(-1)) |
{ |
int R = (rand() % (int)(255 + 1)); |
int G = (rand() % (int)(255 + 1)); |
int B = (rand() % (int)(255 + 1)); |
singleLineColorRGB = Scalar(R, G, B); |
} |
else |
singleLineColorRGB = singleLineColor; |
/* copy input images to output images */ |
Mat roi_left(outImg, Rect(0,0,img1.cols,img1.rows)); |
Mat roi_right(outImg, Rect(img1.cols,0,img2.cols,img2.rows)); |
img1.copyTo(roi_left); |
img2.copyTo(roi_right); |
/* get columns offset */ |
int offset = img1.cols; |
/* if requested, draw lines from both images */ |
if(flags != DrawLinesMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_LINES) |
{ |
for(size_t i = 0; i<keylines1.size(); i++) |
{ |
KeyLine k1 = keylines1[i]; |
line(outImg,Point(k1.startPointX, k1.startPointY), |
Point(k1.endPointX, k1.endPointY), singleLineColorRGB, 2); |
} |
for(size_t j = 0; j<keylines2.size(); j++) |
{ |
KeyLine k2 = keylines2[j]; |
line(outImg,Point(k2.startPointX+offset, k2.startPointY), |
Point(k2.endPointX+offset, k2.endPointY), singleLineColorRGB, 2); |
} |
} |
/* draw matches */ |
for(size_t counter = 0; counter<matches1to2.size(); counter++) |
{ |
if(matchesMask[counter] != 0) |
{ |
DMatch dm = matches1to2[counter]; |
KeyLine left = keylines1[dm.queryIdx]; |
KeyLine right = keylines2[dm.trainIdx]; |
Scalar matchColorRGB; |
if(matchColor == Scalar::all(-1)) |
{ |
int R = (rand() % (int)(255 + 1)); |
int G = (rand() % (int)(255 + 1)); |
int B = (rand() % (int)(255 + 1)); |
matchColorRGB = Scalar(R, G, B); |
if(singleLineColor == Scalar::all(-1)) |
singleLineColorRGB = matchColorRGB; |
} |
else |
matchColorRGB = matchColor; |
/* draw lines if necessary */ |
line(outImg, Point(left.startPointX, left.startPointY), |
Point(left.endPointX, left.endPointY), singleLineColorRGB, 2); |
line(outImg, Point(right.startPointX+offset, right.startPointY), |
Point(right.endPointX+offset, right.endPointY), singleLineColorRGB, 2); |
/* link correspondent lines */ |
line(outImg, Point(left.startPointX, left.startPointY), |
Point(right.startPointX+offset, right.startPointY), matchColorRGB, 1); |
} |
} |
} |
/* draw extracted lines on original image */ |
void drawKeylines( const Mat& image, |
const std::vector<KeyLine>& keylines, |
Mat& outImage, |
const Scalar& color, |
int flags ) |
{ |
if(flags == DrawLinesMatchesFlags::DEFAULT) |
outImage = image.clone(); |
for(size_t i = 0; i<keylines.size(); i++) |
{ |
/* decide lines' color */ |
Scalar lineColor; |
if(color != Scalar::all(-1)) |
{ |
int R = (rand() % (int)(255 + 1)); |
int G = (rand() % (int)(255 + 1)); |
int B = (rand() % (int)(255 + 1)); |
lineColor = Scalar(R, G, B); |
} |
else |
lineColor = color; |
/* get line */ |
KeyLine k = keylines[i]; |
/* draw line */ |
line(outImage, Point(k.startPointX, k.startPointY), |
Point(k.endPointX, k.endPointY), lineColor, 1); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue