@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ namespace cv{ |
TrackerKCFImpl( const TrackerKCF::Params ¶meters = TrackerKCF::Params() ); |
void read( const FileNode& /*fn*/ ); |
void write( FileStorage& /*fs*/ ) const; |
void setFeatureExtractor(void (*f)(const Mat, const Rect, Mat&), bool pca_func = false); |
protected: |
@ -86,19 +87,22 @@ namespace cv{ |
* KCF functions and vars |
*/ |
void createHanningWindow(OutputArray _dst, const cv::Size winSize, const int type) const; |
void inline fft2(const Mat src, std::vector<Mat> & dest) const; |
void createHanningWindow(OutputArray dest, const cv::Size winSize, const int type) const; |
void inline fft2(const Mat src, std::vector<Mat> & dest, std::vector<Mat> & layers_data) const; |
void inline fft2(const Mat src, Mat & dest) const; |
void inline ifft2(const Mat src, Mat & dest) const; |
void inline pixelWiseMult(const std::vector<Mat> src1, const std::vector<Mat> src2, std::vector<Mat> & dest, const int flags, const bool conjB=false) const; |
void inline sumChannels(std::vector<Mat> src, Mat & dest) const; |
void inline updateProjectionMatrix(const Mat src, Mat & old_cov,Mat & _proj_mtx,double pca_rate, int compressed_sz) const; |
void inline compress(const Mat _proj_mtx, const Mat src, Mat & dest) const; |
bool getSubWindow(const Mat img, const Rect roi, Mat& patch) const; |
void extractCN(Mat _patch, Mat & cnFeatures) const; |
void denseGaussKernel(const double sigma, const Mat _x, const Mat _y, Mat & _k) const; |
void calcResponse(const Mat _alphaf, const Mat _k, Mat & _response) const; |
void calcResponse(const Mat _alphaf, const Mat _alphaf_den, const Mat _k, Mat & _response) const; |
void inline updateProjectionMatrix(const Mat src, Mat & old_cov,Mat & proj_matrix,double pca_rate, int compressed_sz, |
std::vector<Mat> & layers_pca,std::vector<Scalar> & average, Mat pca_data, Mat new_cov, Mat w, Mat u, Mat v) const; |
void inline compress(const Mat proj_matrix, const Mat src, Mat & dest, Mat & data, Mat & compressed) const; |
bool getSubWindow(const Mat img, const Rect roi, Mat& feat, Mat& patch, TrackerKCF::MODE desc = GRAY) const; |
bool getSubWindow(const Mat img, const Rect roi, Mat& feat, void (*f)(const Mat, const Rect, Mat& )) const; |
void extractCN(Mat patch_data, Mat & cnFeatures) const; |
void denseGaussKernel(const double sigma, const Mat , const Mat y_data, Mat & k_data, |
std::vector<Mat> & layers_data,std::vector<Mat> & xf_data,std::vector<Mat> & yf_data, std::vector<Mat> xyf_v, Mat xy, Mat xyf ) const; |
void calcResponse(const Mat alphaf_data, const Mat kf_data, Mat & response_data, Mat & spec_data) const; |
void calcResponse(const Mat alphaf_data, const Mat alphaf_den_data, const Mat kf_data, Mat & response_data, Mat & spec_data, Mat & spec2_data) const; |
void shiftRows(Mat& mat) const; |
void shiftRows(Mat& mat, int n) const; |
@ -108,17 +112,46 @@ namespace cv{ |
double output_sigma; |
Rect2d roi; |
Mat hann; //hann window filter
Mat hann_cn; //10 dimensional hann-window filter for CN features,
Mat y,yf; // training response and its FFT
Mat x,xf; // observation and its FFT
Mat x; // observation and its FFT
Mat k,kf; // dense gaussian kernel and its FFT
Mat kf_lambda; // kf+lambda
Mat new_alphaf, alphaf; // training coefficients
Mat new_alphaf_den, alphaf_den; // for splitted training coefficients
Mat z, new_z; // model
Mat z; // model
Mat response; // detection result
Mat old_cov_mtx, proj_mtx; // for feature compression
// pre-defined Mat variables for optimization of private functions
Mat spec, spec2; |
std::vector<Mat> layers; |
std::vector<Mat> vxf,vyf,vxyf; |
Mat xy_data,xyf_data; |
Mat data_temp, compress_data; |
std::vector<Mat> layers_pca_data; |
std::vector<Scalar> average_data; |
Mat img_Patch; |
// storage for the extracted features, KRLS model, KRLS compressed model
Mat X[2],Z[2],Zc[2]; |
// storage of the extracted features
std::vector<Mat> features_pca; |
std::vector<Mat> features_npca; |
std::vector<MODE> descriptors_pca; |
std::vector<MODE> descriptors_npca; |
// optimization variables for updateProjectionMatrix
Mat data_pca, new_covar,w_data,u_data,vt_data; |
// custom feature extractor
bool use_custom_extractor_pca; |
bool use_custom_extractor_npca; |
std::vector<void(*)(const Mat img, const Rect roi, Mat& output)> extractor_pca; |
std::vector<void(*)(const Mat img, const Rect roi, Mat& output)> extractor_npca; |
bool resizeImage; // resize the image whenever needed and the patch size is large
int frame; |
@ -135,8 +168,9 @@ namespace cv{ |
{ |
isInit = false; |
resizeImage = false; |
use_custom_extractor_pca = false; |
use_custom_extractor_npca = false; |
CV_Assert(params.descriptor == GRAY || params.descriptor == CN /*|| params.descriptor == CN2*/); |
} |
void TrackerKCFImpl::read( const cv::FileNode& fn ){ |
@ -179,10 +213,10 @@ namespace cv{ |
// initialize the hann window filter
createHanningWindow(hann, roi.size(), CV_64F); |
if(params.descriptor==CN){ |
Mat layers[] = {hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann}; |
merge(layers, 10, hann); |
} |
// hann window filter for CN feature
Mat _layer[] = {hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann, hann}; |
merge(_layer, 10, hann_cn); |
// create gaussian response
y=Mat::zeros((int)roi.height,(int)roi.width,CV_64F); |
@ -200,6 +234,28 @@ namespace cv{ |
model=Ptr<TrackerKCFModel>(new TrackerKCFModel(params)); |
// record the non-compressed descriptors
if((params.desc_npca & GRAY) == GRAY)descriptors_npca.push_back(GRAY); |
if((params.desc_npca & CN) == CN)descriptors_npca.push_back(CN); |
if(use_custom_extractor_npca)descriptors_npca.push_back(CUSTOM); |
features_npca.resize(descriptors_npca.size()); |
// record the compressed descriptors
if((params.desc_pca & GRAY) == GRAY)descriptors_pca.push_back(GRAY); |
if((params.desc_pca & CN) == CN)descriptors_pca.push_back(CN); |
if(use_custom_extractor_pca)descriptors_pca.push_back(CUSTOM); |
features_pca.resize(descriptors_pca.size()); |
// accept only the available descriptor modes
CV_Assert( |
(params.desc_pca & GRAY) == GRAY |
|| (params.desc_npca & GRAY) == GRAY |
|| (params.desc_pca & CN) == CN |
|| (params.desc_npca & CN) == CN |
|| use_custom_extractor_pca |
|| use_custom_extractor_npca |
); |
// TODO: return true only if roi inside the image
return true; |
} |
@ -210,33 +266,71 @@ namespace cv{ |
bool TrackerKCFImpl::updateImpl( const Mat& image, Rect2d& boundingBox ){ |
double minVal, maxVal; // min-max response
Point minLoc,maxLoc; // min-max location
Mat zc; |
Mat img=image.clone(); |
// check the channels of the input image, grayscale is preferred
CV_Assert(image.channels() == 1 || image.channels() == 3); |
CV_Assert(img.channels() == 1 || img.channels() == 3); |
// resize the image whenever needed
if(resizeImage)resize(img,img,Size(img.cols/2,img.rows/2)); |
// extract and pre-process the patch
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, x))return false; |
// detection part
if(frame>0){ |
// extract and pre-process the patch
// get non compressed descriptors
for(unsigned i=0;i<descriptors_npca.size()-extractor_npca.size();i++){ |
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, features_npca[i], img_Patch, descriptors_npca[i]))return false; |
} |
//get non-compressed custom descriptors
for(unsigned i=0,j=(unsigned)(descriptors_npca.size()-extractor_npca.size());i<extractor_npca.size();i++,j++){ |
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, features_npca[j], extractor_npca[i]))return false; |
} |
if(features_npca.size()>0)merge(features_npca,X[1]); |
// get compressed descriptors
for(unsigned i=0;i<descriptors_pca.size()-extractor_pca.size();i++){ |
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, features_pca[i], img_Patch, descriptors_pca[i]))return false; |
} |
//get compressed custom descriptors
for(unsigned i=0,j=(unsigned)(descriptors_pca.size()-extractor_pca.size());i<extractor_pca.size();i++,j++){ |
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, features_pca[j], extractor_pca[i]))return false; |
} |
if(features_pca.size()>0)merge(features_pca,X[0]); |
//compress the features and the KRSL model
if(params.desc_pca !=0){ |
compress(proj_mtx,X[0],X[0],data_temp,compress_data); |
compress(proj_mtx,Z[0],Zc[0],data_temp,compress_data); |
} |
// copy the compressed KRLS model
Zc[1] = Z[1]; |
// merge all features
if(features_npca.size()==0){ |
x = X[0]; |
z = Zc[0]; |
}else if(features_pca.size()==0){ |
x = X[1]; |
z = Z[1]; |
}else{ |
merge(X,2,x); |
merge(Zc,2,z); |
} |
//compute the gaussian kernel
if(params.compress_feature){ |
compress(proj_mtx,x,x); |
compress(proj_mtx,z,zc); |
denseGaussKernel(params.sigma,x,zc,k); |
}else |
denseGaussKernel(params.sigma,x,z,k); |
denseGaussKernel(params.sigma,x,z,k,layers,vxf,vyf,vxyf,xy_data,xyf_data); |
// compute the fourier transform of the kernel
fft2(k,kf); |
if(frame==1)spec2=Mat_<Vec2d >(kf.rows, kf.cols); |
// calculate filter response
if(params.split_coeff) |
calcResponse(alphaf,alphaf_den,k,response); |
calcResponse(alphaf,alphaf_den,kf,response, spec, spec2); |
else |
calcResponse(alphaf,k,response); |
calcResponse(alphaf,kf,response, spec); |
// extract the maximum response
minMaxLoc( response, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc ); |
@ -249,43 +343,84 @@ namespace cv{ |
} |
// extract the patch for learning purpose
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, x))return false; |
// get non compressed descriptors
for(unsigned i=0;i<descriptors_npca.size()-extractor_npca.size();i++){ |
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, features_npca[i], img_Patch, descriptors_npca[i]))return false; |
} |
//get non-compressed custom descriptors
for(unsigned i=0,j=(unsigned)(descriptors_npca.size()-extractor_npca.size());i<extractor_npca.size();i++,j++){ |
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, features_npca[j], extractor_npca[i]))return false; |
} |
if(features_npca.size()>0)merge(features_npca,X[1]); |
// get compressed descriptors
for(unsigned i=0;i<descriptors_pca.size()-extractor_pca.size();i++){ |
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, features_pca[i], img_Patch, descriptors_pca[i]))return false; |
} |
//get compressed custom descriptors
for(unsigned i=0,j=(unsigned)(descriptors_pca.size()-extractor_pca.size());i<extractor_pca.size();i++,j++){ |
if(!getSubWindow(img,roi, features_pca[j], extractor_pca[i]))return false; |
} |
if(features_pca.size()>0)merge(features_pca,X[0]); |
//update the training data
new_z=x.clone(); |
if(frame==0) |
z=x.clone(); |
else |
z=(1.0-params.interp_factor)*z+params.interp_factor*new_z; |
if(frame==0){ |
Z[0] = X[0].clone(); |
Z[1] = X[1].clone(); |
}else{ |
Z[0]=(1.0-params.interp_factor)*Z[0]+params.interp_factor*X[0]; |
Z[1]=(1.0-params.interp_factor)*Z[1]+params.interp_factor*X[1]; |
} |
if(params.desc_pca !=0 || use_custom_extractor_pca){ |
// initialize the vector of Mat variables
if(frame==0){ |
layers_pca_data.resize(Z[0].channels()); |
average_data.resize(Z[0].channels()); |
} |
if(params.compress_feature){ |
// feature compression
updateProjectionMatrix(z,old_cov_mtx,proj_mtx,params.pca_learning_rate,params.compressed_size); |
compress(proj_mtx,x,x); |
updateProjectionMatrix(Z[0],old_cov_mtx,proj_mtx,params.pca_learning_rate,params.compressed_size,layers_pca_data,average_data,data_pca, new_covar,w_data,u_data,vt_data); |
compress(proj_mtx,X[0],X[0],data_temp,compress_data); |
} |
// merge all features
if(features_npca.size()==0) |
x = X[0]; |
else if(features_pca.size()==0) |
x = X[1]; |
else |
merge(X,2,x); |
// initialize some required Mat variables
if(frame==0){ |
layers.resize(x.channels()); |
vxf.resize(x.channels()); |
vyf.resize(x.channels()); |
vxyf.resize(vyf.size()); |
new_alphaf=Mat_<Vec2d >(yf.rows, yf.cols); |
} |
// Kernel Regularized Least-Squares, calculate alphas
denseGaussKernel(params.sigma,x,x,k); |
denseGaussKernel(params.sigma,x,x,k,layers,vxf,vyf,vxyf,xy_data,xyf_data); |
// compute the fourier transform of the kernel and add a small value
fft2(k,kf); |
kf_lambda=kf+params.lambda; |
/* TODO: optimize this element-wise division
* new_alphaf=yf./kf |
* z=(a+bi)/(c+di)[(ac+bd)+i(bc-ad)]/(c^2+d^2) |
*/ |
new_alphaf=Mat_<Vec2d >(yf.rows, yf.cols); |
std::complex<double> temp; |
double den; |
if(params.split_coeff){ |
mulSpectrums(yf,kf,new_alphaf,0); |
mulSpectrums(kf,kf_lambda,new_alphaf_den,0); |
}else{ |
for(int i=0;i<yf.rows;i++){ |
for(int j=0;j<yf.cols;j++){ |
temp=std::complex<double>(yf.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0],yf.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1])/(std::complex<double>(kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0],kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1])/*+std::complex<double>(0.0000000001,0.0000000001)*/); |
new_alphaf.at<Vec2d >(i,j)[0]=temp.real(); |
new_alphaf.at<Vec2d >(i,j)[1]=temp.imag(); |
den = 1.0/(kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]*kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]+kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]*kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]); |
new_alphaf.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]= |
(yf.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]*kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]+yf.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]*kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1])*den; |
new_alphaf.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]= |
(yf.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]*kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]-yf.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]*kf_lambda.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1])*den; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -311,11 +446,11 @@ namespace cv{ |
* hann window filter |
*/ |
void TrackerKCFImpl::createHanningWindow(OutputArray _dst, const cv::Size winSize, const int type) const { |
void TrackerKCFImpl::createHanningWindow(OutputArray dest, const cv::Size winSize, const int type) const { |
CV_Assert( type == CV_32FC1 || type == CV_64FC1 ); |
_dst.create(winSize, type); |
Mat dst = _dst.getMat(); |
dest.create(winSize, type); |
Mat dst = dest.getMat(); |
int rows = dst.rows, cols = dst.cols; |
@ -350,27 +485,14 @@ namespace cv{ |
* simplification of fourier transform function in opencv |
*/ |
void inline TrackerKCFImpl::fft2(const Mat src, Mat & dest) const { |
std::vector<Mat> layers(src.channels()); |
std::vector<Mat> outputs(src.channels()); |
split(src, layers); |
for(int i=0;i<src.channels();i++){ |
dft(layers[i],outputs[i],DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); |
} |
merge(outputs,dest); |
dft(src,dest,DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); |
} |
void inline TrackerKCFImpl::fft2(const Mat src, std::vector<Mat> & dest) const { |
std::vector<Mat> layers(src.channels()); |
dest.clear(); |
dest.resize(src.channels()); |
split(src, layers); |
void inline TrackerKCFImpl::fft2(const Mat src, std::vector<Mat> & dest, std::vector<Mat> & layers_data) const { |
split(src, layers_data); |
for(int i=0;i<src.channels();i++){ |
dft(layers[i],dest[i],DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); |
dft(layers_data[i],dest[i],DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); |
} |
} |
@ -385,9 +507,6 @@ namespace cv{ |
* Point-wise multiplication of two Multichannel Mat data |
*/ |
void inline TrackerKCFImpl::pixelWiseMult(const std::vector<Mat> src1, const std::vector<Mat> src2, std::vector<Mat> & dest, const int flags, const bool conjB) const { |
dest.clear(); |
dest.resize(src1.size()); |
for(unsigned i=0;i<src1.size();i++){ |
mulSpectrums(src1[i], src2[i], dest[i],flags,conjB); |
} |
@ -406,55 +525,51 @@ namespace cv{ |
* obtains the projection matrix using PCA |
*/ |
void inline TrackerKCFImpl::updateProjectionMatrix(const Mat src, Mat & old_cov,Mat & _proj_mtx, double pca_rate, int compressed_sz) const { |
void inline TrackerKCFImpl::updateProjectionMatrix(const Mat src, Mat & old_cov,Mat & proj_matrix, double pca_rate, int compressed_sz, |
std::vector<Mat> & layers_pca,std::vector<Scalar> & average, Mat pca_data, Mat new_cov, Mat w, Mat u, Mat vt) const { |
CV_Assert(compressed_sz<=src.channels()); |
// compute average
std::vector<Mat> layers(src.channels()); |
std::vector<Scalar> average(src.channels()); |
split(src,layers); |
split(src,layers_pca); |
for (int i=0;i<src.channels();i++){ |
average[i]=mean(layers[i]); |
layers[i]-=average[i]; |
average[i]=mean(layers_pca[i]); |
layers_pca[i]-=average[i]; |
} |
// calc covariance matrix
Mat data,new_cov; |
merge(layers,data); |
data=data.reshape(1,src.rows*src.cols); |
merge(layers_pca,pca_data); |
pca_data=pca_data.reshape(1,src.rows*src.cols); |
new_cov=1.0/(double)(src.rows*src.cols-1)*(data.t()*data); |
new_cov=1.0/(double)(src.rows*src.cols-1)*(pca_data.t()*pca_data); |
if(old_cov.rows==0)old_cov=new_cov.clone(); |
// calc PCA
Mat w, u, vt; |
SVD::compute((1.0-pca_rate)*old_cov+pca_rate*new_cov, w, u, vt); |
// extract the projection matrix
_proj_mtx=u(Rect(0,0,compressed_sz,src.channels())).clone(); |
Mat proj_vars=Mat::eye(compressed_sz,compressed_sz,_proj_mtx.type()); |
proj_matrix=u(Rect(0,0,compressed_sz,src.channels())).clone(); |
Mat proj_vars=Mat::eye(compressed_sz,compressed_sz,proj_matrix.type()); |
for(int i=0;i<compressed_sz;i++){ |
proj_vars.at<double>(i,i)=w.at<double>(i); |
} |
// update the covariance matrix
old_cov=(1.0-pca_rate)*old_cov+pca_rate*_proj_mtx*proj_vars*_proj_mtx.t(); |
old_cov=(1.0-pca_rate)*old_cov+pca_rate*proj_matrix*proj_vars*proj_matrix.t(); |
} |
* compress the features |
*/ |
void inline TrackerKCFImpl::compress(const Mat _proj_mtx, const Mat src, Mat & dest) const { |
Mat data=src.reshape(1,src.rows*src.cols); |
Mat compressed=data*_proj_mtx; |
dest=compressed.reshape(_proj_mtx.cols,src.rows).clone(); |
void inline TrackerKCFImpl::compress(const Mat proj_matrix, const Mat src, Mat & dest, Mat & data, Mat & compressed) const { |
data=src.reshape(1,src.rows*src.cols); |
compressed=data*proj_matrix; |
dest=compressed.reshape(proj_matrix.cols,src.rows).clone(); |
} |
* obtain the patch and apply hann window filter to it |
*/ |
bool TrackerKCFImpl::getSubWindow(const Mat img, const Rect _roi, Mat& patch) const { |
bool TrackerKCFImpl::getSubWindow(const Mat img, const Rect _roi, Mat& feat, Mat& patch, TrackerKCF::MODE desc) const { |
Rect region=_roi; |
@ -486,77 +601,108 @@ namespace cv{ |
if(patch.rows==0 || patch.cols==0)return false; |
// extract the desired descriptors
switch(params.descriptor){ |
case GRAY: |
if(img.channels()>1)cvtColor(patch,patch, CV_BGR2GRAY); |
patch.convertTo(patch,CV_64F); |
patch=patch/255.0-0.5; // normalize to range -0.5 .. 0.5
break; |
switch(desc){ |
case CN: |
CV_Assert(img.channels() == 3); |
extractCN(patch,patch); |
extractCN(patch,feat); |
feat=feat.mul(hann_cn); // hann window filter
break; |
case CN2: |
if(patch.channels()>1)cvtColor(patch,patch, CV_BGR2GRAY); |
default: // GRAY
if(img.channels()>1) |
cvtColor(patch,feat, CV_BGR2GRAY); |
else |
feat=patch; |
feat.convertTo(feat,CV_64F); |
feat=feat/255.0-0.5; // normalize to range -0.5 .. 0.5
feat=feat.mul(hann); // hann window filter
break; |
} |
patch=patch.mul(hann); // hann window filter
return true; |
} |
* get feature using external function |
*/ |
bool TrackerKCFImpl::getSubWindow(const Mat img, const Rect _roi, Mat& feat, void (*f)(const Mat, const Rect, Mat& )) const{ |
// return false if roi is outside the image
if((_roi.x+_roi.width<0) |
||(_roi.y+_roi.height<0) |
||(_roi.x>=img.cols) |
||(_roi.y>=img.rows) |
)return false; |
f(img, _roi, feat); |
if(_roi.width != feat.cols || _roi.height != feat.rows){ |
printf("error in customized function of features extractor!\n"); |
printf("Rules: roi.width==feat.cols && roi.height = feat.rows \n"); |
} |
Mat hann_win; |
std::vector<Mat> _layers; |
for(int i=0;i<feat.channels();i++) |
_layers.push_back(hann); |
merge(_layers, hann_win); |
feat=feat.mul(hann_win); // hann window filter
return true; |
} |
/* Convert BGR to ColorNames
*/ |
void TrackerKCFImpl::extractCN(Mat _patch, Mat & cnFeatures) const { |
Vec3b & pixel = _patch.at<Vec3b>(0,0); |
void TrackerKCFImpl::extractCN(Mat patch_data, Mat & cnFeatures) const { |
Vec3b & pixel = patch_data.at<Vec3b>(0,0); |
unsigned index; |
Mat temp = Mat::zeros(_patch.rows,_patch.cols,CV_64FC(10)); |
if(cnFeatures.type() != CV_64FC(10)) |
cnFeatures = Mat::zeros(patch_data.rows,patch_data.cols,CV_64FC(10)); |
for(int i=0;i<_patch.rows;i++){ |
for(int j=0;j<_patch.cols;j++){ |
pixel=_patch.at<Vec3b>(i,j); |
for(int i=0;i<patch_data.rows;i++){ |
for(int j=0;j<patch_data.cols;j++){ |
pixel=patch_data.at<Vec3b>(i,j); |
index=(unsigned)(floor(pixel[2]/8)+32*floor(pixel[1]/8)+32*32*floor(pixel[0]/8)); |
//copy the values
for(int _k=0;_k<10;_k++){ |
temp.at<Vec<double,10> >(i,j)[_k]=ColorNames[index][_k]; |
cnFeatures.at<Vec<double,10> >(i,j)[_k]=ColorNames[index][_k]; |
} |
} |
} |
cnFeatures=temp.clone(); |
} |
* dense gauss kernel function |
*/ |
void TrackerKCFImpl::denseGaussKernel(const double sigma, const Mat _x, const Mat _y, Mat & _k) const { |
std::vector<Mat> _xf,_yf,xyf_v; |
Mat xy,xyf; |
void TrackerKCFImpl::denseGaussKernel(const double sigma, const Mat x_data, const Mat y_data, Mat & k_data, |
std::vector<Mat> & layers_data,std::vector<Mat> & xf_data,std::vector<Mat> & yf_data, std::vector<Mat> xyf_v, Mat xy, Mat xyf ) const { |
double normX, normY; |
fft2(_x,_xf); |
fft2(_y,_yf); |
fft2(x_data,xf_data,layers_data); |
fft2(y_data,yf_data,layers_data); |
normX=norm(_x); |
normX=norm(x_data); |
normX*=normX; |
normY=norm(_y); |
normY=norm(y_data); |
normY*=normY; |
pixelWiseMult(_xf,_yf,xyf_v,0,true); |
pixelWiseMult(xf_data,yf_data,xyf_v,0,true); |
sumChannels(xyf_v,xyf); |
ifft2(xyf,xyf); |
if(params.wrap_kernel){ |
shiftRows(xyf, _x.rows/2); |
shiftCols(xyf, _x.cols/2); |
shiftRows(xyf, x_data.rows/2); |
shiftCols(xyf, x_data.cols/2); |
} |
//(xx + yy - 2 * xy) / numel(x)
xy=(normX+normY-2*xyf)/(_x.rows*_x.cols*_x.channels()); |
xy=(normX+normY-2*xyf)/(x_data.rows*x_data.cols*x_data.channels()); |
// TODO: check wether we really need thresholding or not
//threshold(xy,xy,0.0,0.0,THRESH_TOZERO);//max(0, (xx + yy - 2 * xy) / numel(x))
@ -568,7 +714,7 @@ namespace cv{ |
double sig=-1.0/(sigma*sigma); |
xy=sig*xy; |
exp(xy,_k); |
exp(xy,k_data); |
} |
@ -626,36 +772,42 @@ namespace cv{ |
* calculate the detection response |
*/ |
void TrackerKCFImpl::calcResponse(const Mat _alphaf, const Mat _k, Mat & _response) const { |
void TrackerKCFImpl::calcResponse(const Mat alphaf_data, const Mat kf_data, Mat & response_data, Mat & spec_data) const { |
//alpha f--> 2channels ; k --> 1 channel;
Mat _kf; |
fft2(_k,_kf); |
Mat spec; |
mulSpectrums(_alphaf,_kf,spec,0,false); |
ifft2(spec,_response); |
mulSpectrums(alphaf_data,kf_data,spec_data,0,false); |
ifft2(spec_data,response_data); |
} |
* calculate the detection response for splitted form |
*/ |
void TrackerKCFImpl::calcResponse(const Mat _alphaf, const Mat _alphaf_den, const Mat _k, Mat & _response) const { |
Mat _kf; |
fft2(_k,_kf); |
Mat spec; |
Mat spec2=Mat_<Vec2d >(_k.rows, _k.cols); |
std::complex<double> temp; |
mulSpectrums(_alphaf,_kf,spec,0,false); |
for(int i=0;i<_k.rows;i++){ |
for(int j=0;j<_k.cols;j++){ |
temp=std::complex<double>(spec.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0],spec.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1])/(std::complex<double>(_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0],_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1])/*+std::complex<double>(0.0000000001,0.0000000001)*/); |
spec2.at<Vec2d >(i,j)[0]=temp.real(); |
spec2.at<Vec2d >(i,j)[1]=temp.imag(); |
void TrackerKCFImpl::calcResponse(const Mat alphaf_data, const Mat _alphaf_den, const Mat kf_data, Mat & response_data, Mat & spec_data, Mat & spec2_data) const { |
mulSpectrums(alphaf_data,kf_data,spec_data,0,false); |
double den; |
for(int i=0;i<kf_data.rows;i++){ |
for(int j=0;j<kf_data.cols;j++){ |
den=1.0/(_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]*_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]+_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]*_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]); |
spec2_data.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]= |
(spec_data.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]*_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]+spec_data.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]*_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1])*den; |
spec2_data.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]= |
(spec_data.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1]*_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]-spec_data.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[0]*_alphaf_den.at<Vec2d>(i,j)[1])*den; |
} |
} |
ifft2(spec2,_response); |
ifft2(spec2_data,response_data); |
} |
void TrackerKCFImpl::setFeatureExtractor(void (*f)(const Mat, const Rect, Mat&), bool pca_func){ |
if(pca_func){ |
extractor_pca.push_back(f); |
use_custom_extractor_pca = true; |
}else{ |
extractor_npca.push_back(f); |
use_custom_extractor_npca = true; |
} |
} |
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
@ -669,9 +821,10 @@ namespace cv{ |
output_sigma_factor=1.0/16.0; |
resize=true; |
max_patch_size=80*80; |
descriptor=CN; |
split_coeff=true; |
wrap_kernel=false; |
desc_npca = GRAY; |
desc_pca = CN; |
//feature compression
compress_feature=true; |
@ -683,4 +836,6 @@ namespace cv{ |
void TrackerKCF::Params::write( cv::FileStorage& /*fs*/ ) const{} |
void TrackerKCF::setFeatureExtractor(void (*)(const Mat, const Rect, Mat&), bool ){}; |
} /* namespace cv */ |