@ -9,6 +9,31 @@
@ defgroup ovis OGRE 3 D Visualiser
ovis is a simplified rendering wrapper around [ ogre3d ] ( https : //www.ogre3d.org/).
The [ Ogre terminology ] ( https : //ogrecave.github.io/ogre/api/latest/_the-_core-_objects.html) is used in the API
and [ Ogre Script ] ( https : //ogrecave.github.io/ogre/api/latest/_scripts.html) is assumed to be used for advanced customization.
Besides the API you see here , there are several environment variables that control the behavior of ovis .
They are documented in @ ref createWindow .
# # Loading geometry
You can create geometry [ on the fly ] ( @ ref createTriangleMesh ) or by loading Ogre ` . mesh ` files .
# ## Blender
For converting / creating geometry [ Blender ] ( https : //www.blender.org/) is recommended.
- Blender 2.7 x is better tested , but Blender 2.8 x should work too
- install [ blender2ogre ] ( https : //github.com/OGRECave/blender2ogre) matching your Blender version
- download the [ Ogre MSVC SDK ] ( https : //www.ogre3d.org/download/sdk/sdk-ogre) which contains `OgreXMLConverter.exe` (in `bin/`) and set the path in the blender2ogre settings
- get [ ogre - meshviewer ] ( https : //github.com/OGRECave/ogre-meshviewer) to enable the preview function in blender2ogre as well as for verifying the exported files
- in case the exported materials are not exactly how you want them , consult the [ Ogre Manual ] ( https : //ogrecave.github.io/ogre/api/latest/_material-_scripts.html)
# ## Assimp
When using Ogre 1.12 .9 or later , enabling the Assimp plugin allows to load arbitrary geometry .
Simply pass ` bunny . obj ` instead of ` bunny . mesh ` as ` meshname ` in @ ref WindowScene : : createEntity .
You should still use ogre - meshviewer to verify that the geometry is converted correctly .
namespace cv {