@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ Now real life isn't perfect. You simply can't guarantee perfect light settings i
So in order to get good recognition rates you'll need at least 8(+-1) images for each person and the Fisherfaces method doesn't really help here. The above experiment is a 10-fold cross validated result carried out with the facerec framework at: `https://github.com/bytefish/facerec <https://github.com/bytefish/facerec>`_. This is not a publication, so I won't back these figures with a deep mathematical analysis. Please have a look into [KM01]_ for a detailed analysis of both methods, when it comes to small training datasets.
So some research concentrated on extracting local features from images. The idea is to not look at the whole image as a high-dimensional vector, but describe only local features of an object. The features you extract this way will have a low-dimensionality implicitly. A fine idea! But you'll soon observe the image representation we are given doesn't only suffer from illumination variations. Think of things like scale, translation or rotation in images - your local description has to be at least a bit robust against those things. Just like :ocv:class:`SIFT`, the Local Binary Patterns methodology has its roots in 2D texture analysis. The basic idea of Local Binary Patterns is to summarize the local structure in an image by comparing each pixel with its neighborhood. Take a pixel as center and threshold its neighbors against. If the intensity of the center pixel is greater-equal its neighbor, then denote it with 1 and 0 if not. You'll end up with a binary number for each pixel, just like 11001111. So with 8 surrounding pixels you'll end up with 2^8 possible combinations, called *Local Binary Patterns* or sometimes referred to as *LBP codes*. The first LBP operator described in literature actually used a fixed 3 x 3 neighborhood just like this:
So some research concentrated on extracting local features from images. The idea is to not look at the whole image as a high-dimensional vector, but describe only local features of an object. The features you extract this way will have a low-dimensionality implicitly. A fine idea! But you'll soon observe the image representation we are given doesn't only suffer from illumination variations. Think of things like scale, translation or rotation in images - your local description has to be at least a bit robust against those things. Just like ``SIFT``, the Local Binary Patterns methodology has its roots in 2D texture analysis. The basic idea of Local Binary Patterns is to summarize the local structure in an image by comparing each pixel with its neighborhood. Take a pixel as center and threshold its neighbors against. If the intensity of the center pixel is greater-equal its neighbor, then denote it with 1 and 0 if not. You'll end up with a binary number for each pixel, just like 11001111. So with 8 surrounding pixels you'll end up with 2^8 possible combinations, called *Local Binary Patterns* or sometimes referred to as *LBP codes*. The first LBP operator described in literature actually used a fixed 3 x 3 neighborhood just like this: