Merge pull request #1941 from surgical-vision:quasi-dense-stereo

Implementation of Quasi Dense Stereo algorithm. (#1941)

* initial commit.

* Remove license header.

* Fix python wrap flags

* Change std::string to cv::String, in function declarations, to resolve compilation issues.

* Add python wrapper extending header

* Fix python wrapper conflicts

* Fix implicit type conversions

* Change C API types and enums to C++.

* Remove redundant included headers and move wanted headers to src/precomp.hpp

* Remove saturate header

* Remove unnecessary python wrapping flags

* Removed defaults parameter header

* Split declaration and implementation of the class using Pimpl.

* Fix to comply with new public API.

* Remove unnecessary modules

* Fix maybe-uninitialized warnings on linux

* Migration to stereo module

* Remove CV_PROP_RW flag.

* Remove CV_EXPORTS flags from class members.

* Fix: Removed misplaced flag

* Remove empty lines.

* Move queue to private headers.

* Fix default arguments of public methods.

* Add authors information and switch to the compact version of license header.

* Reorganize and fix markdown files. Create a table of content and move tutorials in new directories. Modify samples and tutorials to use snippet and include Doxygen commands.

* Change argument name dMatch->denseMatch, to avoid confusion with cv::DMatch build-in type.

* Remove duplicate snippet.

* Fix: change vector resize to reserve.

* Fix: replace extensive license header with the compact version.
Dimitrios Psychogyios 6 years ago committed by Alexander Alekhin
parent 2522124473
commit b1e9dd5454
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 7
  4. 33
  5. 1
  6. 197
  7. 64
  8. 22
  9. 685
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  11. 39
  12. 14

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ $ cmake -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=<opencv_contrib>/modules -D BUILD_opencv_<r
- **sfm**: Structure from Motion -- This module contains algorithms to perform 3d reconstruction from 2d images. The core of the module is a light version of Libmv.
- **stereo**: Stereo Correspondence -- Stereo matching done with different descriptors: Census / CS-Census / MCT / BRIEF / MV.
- **stereo**: Stereo Correspondence -- Stereo matching done with different descriptors: Census / CS-Census / MCT / BRIEF / MV and dense stereo correspondence using Quasi Dense Stereo method.
- **structured_light**: Structured Light Use -- How to generate and project gray code patterns and use them to find dense depth in a scene.

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
set(the_description "Stereo Correspondence")
ocv_define_module(stereo opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_core opencv_calib3d)
ocv_define_module(stereo opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_core opencv_calib3d opencv_tracking opencv_video)

@ -2,3 +2,10 @@ Stereo Correspondence with different descriptors
Stereo matching done with different descriptors: Census / CS-Census / MCT / BRIEF / MV.
Quasi Dense Stereo
Quasi Dense Stereo is method for performing dense stereo matching.
The code uses pyramidal Lucas-Kanade with Shi-Tomasi features to get the initial seed correspondences.
Then these seeds are propagated by using mentioned growing scheme.

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
author="Stoyanov, Danail
and Scarzanella, Marco Visentini
and Pratt, Philip
and Yang, Guang-Zhong",
editor="Jiang, Tianzi
and Navab, Nassir
and Pluim, Josien P. W.
and Viergever, Max A.",
title="Real-Time Stereo Reconstruction in Robotically Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery",
booktitle="Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2010)",
publisher="Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
address="Berlin, Heidelberg",
abstract="The recovery of 3D tissue structure and morphology during robotic assisted surgery is an important step towards accurate deployment of surgical guidance and control techniques in minimally invasive therapies. In this article, we present a novel stereo reconstruction algorithm that propagates disparity information around a set of candidate feature matches. This has the advantage of avoiding problems with specular highlights, occlusions from instruments and view dependent illumination bias. Furthermore, the algorithm can be used with any feature matching strategy allowing the propagation of depth in very disparate views. Validation is provided for a phantom model with known geometry and this data is available online in order to establish a structured validation scheme in the field. The practical value of the proposed method is further demonstrated by reconstructions on various in vivo images of robotic assisted procedures, which are also available to the community.",
abstract = {A new robust dense matching algorithm is introduced. The algorithm$\backslash$nstarts from matching the most textured points, then a match propagation$\backslash$nalgorithm is developed with the best first strategy to dense matching.$\backslash$nNext, the matching map is regularised by using the local geometric$\backslash$nconstraints encoded by planar affine applications and by using the$\backslash$nglobal geometric constraint encoded by the fundamental matrix. Two most$\backslash$ndistinctive features are a match propagation strategy developed by$\backslash$nanalogy to region growing and a successive regularisation by local and$\backslash$nglobal geometric constraints. The algorithm is efficient, robust and can$\backslash$ncope with wide disparity. The algorithm is demonstrated on many real$\backslash$nimage pairs, and applications on image interpolation and a creation of$\backslash$nnovel views are also presented},
author = {Lhuillier, Maxime and Quan, Long},
doi = {10.1109/ICPR.2000.905620},
file = {:home/dimitrisps/Desktop/ucl/papers/quasiDenseMatching.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {0-7695-0750-6},
issn = {10514651},
journal = {Proceedings-International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
number = {1},
pages = {968--972},
title = {{Robust dense matching using local and global geometric constraints}},
volume = {15},
year = {2000}

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include "opencv2/core/affine.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stereo/descriptor.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stereo/matching.hpp"
#include <opencv2/stereo/quasi_dense_stereo.hpp>
@defgroup stereo Stereo Correspondance Algorithms

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
//authors: Danail Stoyanov, Evangelos Mazomenos, Dimitrios Psychogyios
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
namespace cv
namespace stereo
/** \addtogroup stereo
* @{
// A basic match structure
struct CV_EXPORTS Match
cv::Point2i p0;
cv::Point2i p1;
float corr;
bool operator < (const Match & rhs) const//fixme may be used uninitialized in this function
return this->corr < rhs.corr;
struct CV_EXPORTS PropagationParameters
int corrWinSizeX; // similarity window
int corrWinSizeY;
int borderX; // border to ignore
int borderY;
float correlationThreshold; // correlation threshold
float textrureThreshold; // texture threshold
int neighborhoodSize; // neighborhood size
int disparityGradient; // disparity gradient threshold
// Parameters for LK flow algorithm
int lkTemplateSize;
int lkPyrLvl;
int lkTermParam1;
float lkTermParam2;
// Parameters for GFT algorithm.
float gftQualityThres;
int gftMinSeperationDist;
int gftMaxNumFeatures;
* @brief Class containing the methods needed for Quasi Dense Stereo computation.
* This module contains the code to perform quasi dense stereo matching.
* The method initially starts with a sparse 3D reconstruction based on feature matching across a
* stereo image pair and subsequently propagates the structure into neighboring image regions.
* To obtain initial seed correspondences, the algorithm locates Shi and Tomashi features in the
* left image of the stereo pair and then tracks them using pyramidal Lucas-Kanade in the right image.
* To densify the sparse correspondences, the algorithm computes the zero-mean normalized
* cross-correlation (ZNCC) in small patches around every seed pair and uses it as a quality metric
* for each match. In this code, we introduce a custom structure to store the location and ZNCC value
* of correspondences called "Match". Seed Matches are stored in a priority queue sorted according to
* their ZNCC value, allowing for the best quality Match to be readily available. The algorithm pops
* Matches and uses them to extract new matches around them. This is done by considering a small
* neighboring area around each Seed and retrieving correspondences above a certain texture threshold
* that are not previously computed. New matches are stored in the seed priority queue and used as seeds.
* The propagation process ends when no additional matches can be retrieved.
* @sa This code represents the work presented in @cite Stoyanov2010.
* If this code is useful for your work please cite @cite Stoyanov2010.
* Also the original growing scheme idea is described in @cite Lhuillier2000
class CV_EXPORTS QuasiDenseStereo
* @brief destructor
* Method to free all the memory allocated by matrices and vectors in this class.
virtual ~QuasiDenseStereo() = 0;
* @brief Load a file containing the configuration parameters of the class.
* @param[in] filepath The location of the .YAML file containing the configuration parameters.
* @note default value is an empty string in which case the default parameters will be loaded.
* @retval 1: If the path is not empty and the program loaded the parameters successfully.
* @retval 0: If the path is empty and the program loaded default parameters.
* @retval -1: If the file location is not valid or the program could not open the file and
* loaded default parameters from defaults.hpp.
* @note The method is automatically called in the constructor and configures the class.
* @note Loading different parameters will have an effect on the output. This is useful for tuning
* in case of video processing.
* @sa loadParameters
virtual int loadParameters(cv::String filepath) = 0;
* @brief Save a file containing all the configuration parameters the class is currently set to.
* @param[in] filepath The location to store the parameters file.
* @note Calling this method with no arguments will result in storing class parameters to a file
* names "qds_parameters.yaml" in the root project folder.
* @note This method can be used to generate a template file for tuning the class.
* @sa loadParameters
virtual int saveParameters(cv::String filepath) = 0;
* @brief Get The sparse corresponding points.
* @param[out] sMatches A vector containing all sparse correspondences.
* @note The method clears the sMatches vector.
* @note The returned Match elements inside the sMatches vector, do not use corr member.
virtual void getSparseMatches(std::vector<stereo::Match> &sMatches) = 0;
* @brief Get The dense corresponding points.
* @param[out] denseMatches A vector containing all dense matches.
* @note The method clears the denseMatches vector.
* @note The returned Match elements inside the sMatches vector, do not use corr member.
virtual void getDenseMatches(std::vector<stereo::Match> &denseMatches) = 0;
* @brief Main process of the algorithm. This method computes the sparse seeds and then densifies them.
* Initially input images are converted to gray-scale and then the sparseMatching method
* is called to obtain the sparse stereo. Finally quasiDenseMatching is called to densify the corresponding
* points.
* @param[in] imgLeft The left Channel of a stereo image pair.
* @param[in] imgRight The right Channel of a stereo image pair.
* @note If input images are in color, the method assumes that are BGR and converts them to grayscale.
* @sa sparseMatching
* @sa quasiDenseMatching
virtual void process(const cv::Mat &imgLeft ,const cv::Mat &imgRight) = 0;
* @brief Specify pixel coordinates in the left image and get its corresponding location in the right image.
* @param[in] x The x pixel coordinate in the left image channel.
* @param[in] y The y pixel coordinate in the left image channel.
* @retval cv::Point(x, y) The location of the corresponding pixel in the right image.
* @retval cv::Point(0, 0) (NO_MATCH) if no match is found in the right image for the specified pixel location in the left image.
* @note This method should be always called after process, otherwise the matches will not be correct.
virtual cv::Point2f getMatch(const int x, const int y) = 0;
* @brief Compute and return the disparity map based on the correspondences found in the "process" method.
* @param[in] disparityLvls The level of detail in output disparity image.
* @note Default level is 50
* @return cv::Mat containing a the disparity image in grayscale.
* @sa computeDisparity
* @sa quantizeDisparity
virtual cv::Mat getDisparity(uint8_t disparityLvls=50) = 0;
static cv::Ptr<QuasiDenseStereo> create(cv::Size monoImgSize, cv::String paramFilepath = cv::String());
PropagationParameters Param;
} //namespace cv
} //namespace stereo
/** @}*/

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <opencv2/stereo.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
//! [load]
cv::Mat rightImg, leftImg;
leftImg = imread("./imgLeft.png", IMREAD_COLOR);
rightImg = imread("./imgRight.png", IMREAD_COLOR);
//! [load]
//! [create]
cv::Size frameSize = leftImg.size();
Ptr<stereo::QuasiDenseStereo> stereo = stereo::QuasiDenseStereo::create(frameSize);
//! [create]
//! [process]
stereo->process(leftImg, rightImg);
//! [process]
//! [disp]
uint8_t displvl = 80;
cv::Mat disp;
disp = stereo->getDisparity(displvl);
cv::namedWindow("disparity map");
cv::imshow("disparity map", disp);
//! [disp]
cv::namedWindow("right channel");
cv::namedWindow("left channel");
cv::imshow("left channel", leftImg);
cv::imshow("right channel", rightImg);
//! [export]
vector<stereo::Match> matches;
std::ofstream dense("./dense.txt", std::ios::out);
for (uint i=0; i< matches.size(); i++)
dense << matches[i].p0 << matches[i].p1 << endl;
//! [export]
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/stereo.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//! [create]
Ptr<stereo::QuasiDenseStereo> stereo = stereo::QuasiDenseStereo::create(cv::Size(5,5));
//! [create]
//! [write]
std::string parameterFileLocation = "./parameters.yaml";
if (argc > 1)
parameterFileLocation = argv[1];
//! [write]
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <opencv2/video/tracking.hpp>
#include <opencv2/stereo/quasi_dense_stereo.hpp>
#include <queue>
namespace cv {
namespace stereo {
#define NO_MATCH cv::Point(0,0)
typedef std::priority_queue<Match, std::vector<Match>, std::less<Match> > t_matchPriorityQueue;
class QuasiDenseStereoImpl : public QuasiDenseStereo
QuasiDenseStereoImpl(cv::Size monoImgSize, cv::String paramFilepath)
width = monoImgSize.width;
height = monoImgSize.height;
refMap = cv::Mat_<cv::Point2i>(monoImgSize);
mtcMap = cv::Mat_<cv::Point2i>(monoImgSize);
cv::Size integralSize = cv::Size(monoImgSize.width+1, monoImgSize.height+1);
sum0 = cv::Mat_<int32_t>(integralSize);
sum1 = cv::Mat_<int32_t>(integralSize);
ssum0 = cv::Mat_<double>(integralSize);
ssum1 = cv::Mat_<double>(integralSize);
// the disparity image.
disparity = cv::Mat_<float>(monoImgSize);
disparityImg = cv::Mat_<uchar>(monoImgSize);
// texture images.
textureDescLeft = cv::Mat_<int> (monoImgSize);
textureDescRight = cv::Mat_<int> (monoImgSize);
// the disparity image.
// texture images.
* @brief Computes sparse stereo. The output is stores in refMap and mthMap.
* This method used the "goodFeaturesToTrack" function of OpenCV to extracts salient points
* in the left image. Feature locations are used as inputs in the "calcOpticalFlowPyrLK"
* function of OpenCV along with the left and right images. The optical flow algorithm estimates
* tracks the locations of the features in the right image. The two set of locations constitute
* the sparse set of matches. These are then used as seeds in the intensification stage of the
* algorithm.
* @param[in] imgLeft The left Channel of a stereo image.
* @param[in] imgRight The right Channel of a stereo image.
* @param[out] featuresLeft (vector of points) The location of the features in the left image.
* @param[out] featuresRight (vector of points) The location of the features in the right image.
* @note featuresLeft and featuresRight must have the same length and corresponding features
* must be indexed the same way in both vectors.
void sparseMatching(const cv::Mat &imgLeft ,const cv::Mat &imgRight,
std::vector< cv::Point2f > &featuresLeft,
std::vector< cv::Point2f > &featuresRight)
std::vector< uchar > featureStatus;
std::vector< float > error;
cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(imgLeft, featuresLeft, Param.gftMaxNumFeatures,
Param.gftQualityThres, Param.gftMinSeperationDist);
cv::Size templateSize(Param.lkTemplateSize,Param.lkTemplateSize);
cv::TermCriteria termination(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER | cv::TermCriteria::EPS,
Param.lkTermParam1, Param.lkTermParam2);
cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imgLeft, imgRight, featuresLeft, featuresRight,
featureStatus, error,
templateSize, Param.lkPyrLvl, termination);
//discard bad features.
for(size_t i=0; i<featuresLeft.size();)
if( featureStatus[i]==0 )
std::swap(featuresLeft[i], featuresLeft.back());
std::swap(featureStatus[i], featureStatus.back());
std::swap(featuresRight[i], featuresRight.back());
* @brief Based on the seeds computed in sparse stereo, this method calculates the semi dense
* set of correspondences.
* The method initially discards low quality matches based on their zero-normalized cross
* correlation (zncc) value. This is done by calling the "extractSparseSeeds" method. Remaining
* high quality Matches stored in a t_matchPriorityQueue sorted according to their zncc value.
* The priority queue allows for new matches to be added while keeping track of the best Match.
* The algorithm then process the queue iteratively. In every iteration a Match is popped from
* the queue. The algorithm then tries to find candidate matches by matching every point in a
* small patch around the left Match feature, with a point within a same sized patch around the
* corresponding right feature. For each candidate point match, the zncc is computed and if it
* surpasses a threshold, the candidate pair is stored in a temporary priority queue. After this
* process completed the candidate matches are popped from the Local priority queue and if a
* match is not registered in refMap, it means that is the best match for this point. The
* algorithm registers this point in refMap and also push it to the Seed queue. If a candidate
* match is already registered, it means that is not the best and the algorithm discards it.
* @note This method does not have input arguments, but uses the "leftFeatures" and
* "rightFeatures" vectors.
* Also there is no output since the method used refMap and mtcMap to store the results.
* @param[in] featuresLeft The location of the features in the left image.
* @param[in] featuresRight The location of the features in the right image.
void quasiDenseMatching(const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &featuresLeft,
const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &featuresRight)
dMatchesLen = 0;
refMap = cv::Mat_<cv::Point2i>(cv::Size(width, height), cv::Point2i(0, 0));
mtcMap = cv::Point2i(0, 0);
// build texture homogeneity reference maps.
buildTextureDescriptor(grayLeft, textureDescLeft);
buildTextureDescriptor(grayRight, textureDescRight);
// generate the intergal images for fast variable window correlation calculations
cv::integral(grayLeft, sum0, ssum0);
cv::integral(grayRight, sum1, ssum1);
// Seed priority queue. The algorithm wants to pop the best seed available in order to densify
//the sparse set.
t_matchPriorityQueue seeds = extractSparseSeeds(featuresLeft, featuresRight,
refMap, mtcMap);
// Do the propagation part
t_matchPriorityQueue Local;
// Get the best seed at the moment
Match m =;
// Ignore the border
if(!CheckBorder(m, Param.borderX, Param.borderY, width, height))
// For all neighbours of the seed in image 1
//the neighborghoud is defined with Param.N*2 dimentrion
for(int y=-Param.neighborhoodSize;y<=Param.neighborhoodSize;y++)
for(int x=-Param.neighborhoodSize;x<=Param.neighborhoodSize;x++)
cv::Point2i p0 = cv::Point2i(m.p0.x+x,m.p0.y+y);
// Check if its unique in ref
if(<cv::Point2i>(p0.y,p0.x) != NO_MATCH)
// Check the texture descriptor for a boundary
if(<int>(p0.y, p0.x) > Param.textrureThreshold)
// For all candidate matches.
for(int wy=-Param.disparityGradient; wy<=Param.disparityGradient; wy++)
for(int wx=-Param.disparityGradient; wx<=Param.disparityGradient; wx++)
cv::Point p1 = cv::Point(m.p1.x+x+wx,m.p1.y+y+wy);
// Check if its unique in ref
if(<cv::Point2i>(p1.y, p1.x) != NO_MATCH)
// Check the texture descriptor for a boundary
if(<int>(p1.y, p1.x) > Param.textrureThreshold)
// Calculate ZNCC and store local match.
float corr = iZNCC_c1(p0,p1,Param.corrWinSizeX,Param.corrWinSizeY);
// push back if this is valid match
if( corr > Param.correlationThreshold )
Match nm;
nm.p0 = p0;
nm.p1 = p1;
nm.corr = corr;
// Get seeds from the local
while( !Local.empty() )
Match lm =;
// Check if its unique in both ref and dst.
if(<cv::Point2i>(lm.p0.y, lm.p0.x) != NO_MATCH)
if(<cv::Point2i>(lm.p1.y, lm.p1.x) != NO_MATCH)
// Unique match<cv::Point2i>(lm.p0.y, lm.p0.x) = lm.p1;<cv::Point2i>(lm.p1.y, lm.p1.x) = lm.p0;
// Add to the seed list
* @brief Compute the disparity map based on the Euclidean distance of corresponding points.
* @param[in] matchMap A matrix of points, the same size as the left channel. Each cell of this
* matrix stores the location of the corresponding point in the right image.
* @param[out] dispMat The disparity map.
* @sa quantizeDisparity
* @sa getDisparity
void computeDisparity(const cv::Mat_<cv::Point2i> &matchMap,
cv::Mat_<float> &dispMat)
for(int row=0; row< height; row++)
for(int col=0; col<width; col++)
cv::Point2d tmpPoint(col, row);
if (<cv::Point2i>(tmpPoint) == NO_MATCH)
{<float>(tmpPoint) = 200;
//if a match is found, compute the difference in location of the match and current
int dx =<cv::Point2i>(tmpPoint).x;
int dy =<cv::Point2i>(tmpPoint).y;
//calculate disparity of current pixel.<float>(tmpPoint) = sqrt(float(dx*dx+dy*dy));
* @brief Disparity map normalization for display purposes. If needed specify the quantization
* level as input argument.
* @param[in] dispMat The disparity Map.
* @param[in] lvls The quantization level of the output disparity map.
* @return Disparity image.
* @note Stores the output in the disparityImage class variable.
* @sa computeDisparity
* @sa getDisparity
cv::Mat quantiseDisparity(const cv::Mat_<float> &dispMat, const int lvls)
float tmpPixelVal ;
double min, max;
// minMaxLoc(disparity, &min, &max);
min = 0;
max = lvls;
for(int row=0; row<height; row++)
for(int col=0; col<width; col++)
tmpPixelVal =<float>(row, col);
tmpPixelVal = (float) (255. - 255.0*(tmpPixelVal-min)/(max-min));<uchar>(row, col) = (uint8_t) tmpPixelVal;
return disparityImg;
* @brief Compute the Zero-mean Normalized Cross-correlation.
* Compare a patch in the left image, centered in point p0 with a patch in the right image,
* centered in point p1. Patches are defined by wy, wx and the patch size is (2*wx+1) by
* (2*wy+1).
* @param [in] p0 The central point of the patch in the left image.
* @param [in] p1 The central point of the patch in the right image.
* @param [in] wx The distance from the center of the patch to the border in the x direction.
* @param [in] wy The distance from the center of the patch to the border in the y direction.
* @return The value of the the zero-mean normalized cross correlation.
* @note Default value for wx, wy is 1. in this case the patch is 3x3.
float iZNCC_c1(const cv::Point2i p0, const cv::Point2i p1, const int wx=1, const int wy=1)
float m0=0.0 ,m1=0.0 ,s0=0.0 ,s1=0.0;
float wa = (float)(2*wy+1)*(2*wx+1);
float zncc=0.0;
patchSumSum2(p0, sum0, ssum0, m0, s0, wx, wy);
patchSumSum2(p1, sum1, ssum1, m1, s1, wx, wy);
m0 /= wa;
m1 /= wa;
// standard deviations
s0 = sqrt(s0-wa*m0*m0);
s1 = sqrt(s1-wa*m1*m1);
for (int col=-wy; col<=wy; col++)
for (int row=-wx; row<=wx; row++)
zncc += (float)<uchar>(p0.y+row, p0.x+col) *
(float)<uchar>(p1.y+row, p1.x+col);
zncc = (zncc-wa*m0*m1)/(s0*s1);
return zncc;
* @brief Compute the sum of values and the sum of squared values of a patch with dimensions
* 2*xWindow+1 by 2*yWindow+1 and centered in point p, using the integral image and integral
* image of squared pixel values.
* @param[in] p The center of the patch we want to calculate the sum and sum of squared values.
* @param[in] s The integral image
* @param[in] ss The integral image of squared values.
* @param[out] sum The sum of pixels inside the patch.
* @param[out] ssum The sum of squared values inside the patch.
* @param [in] xWindow The distance from the central pixel of the patch to the border in x
* direction.
* @param [in] yWindow The distance from the central pixel of the patch to the border in y
* direction.
* @note Default value for xWindow, yWindow is 1. in this case the patch is 3x3.
* @note integral images are very useful to sum values of patches in constant time independent
* of their size. For more information refer to the cv::Integral function OpenCV page.
void patchSumSum2(const cv::Point2i p, const cv::Mat &sum, const cv::Mat &ssum,
float &s, float &ss, const int xWindow=1, const int yWindow=1)
cv::Point2i otl(p.x-xWindow, p.y-yWindow);
//outer top right
cv::Point2i otr(p.x+xWindow+1, p.y-yWindow);
//outer bottom left
cv::Point2i obl(p.x-xWindow, p.y+yWindow+1);
//outer bottom right
cv::Point2i obr(p.x+xWindow+1, p.y+yWindow+1);
// sum and squared sum for right window
s = (float)(<int>(otl) -<int>(otr)
-<int>(obl) +<int>(obr));
ss = (float)(<double>(otl) -<double>(otr)
-<double>(obl) +<double>(obr));
* @brief Create a priority queue containing sparse Matches
* This method computes the zncc for each Match extracted in "sparseMatching". If the zncc is
* over the correlation threshold then the Match is inserted in the output priority queue.
* @param[in] featuresLeft The feature locations in the left image.
* @param[in] featuresRight The features locations in the right image.
* @param[out] leftMap A matrix of points, of the same size as the left image. Each cell of this
* matrix stores the location of the corresponding point in the right image.
* @param[out] rightMap A matrix of points, the same size as the right image. Each cell of this
* matrix stores the location of the corresponding point in the left image.
* @return Priority queue containing sparse matches.
t_matchPriorityQueue extractSparseSeeds(const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &featuresLeft,
const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &featuresRight,
cv::Mat_<cv::Point2i> &leftMap,
cv::Mat_<cv::Point2i> &rightMap)
t_matchPriorityQueue seeds;
for(uint i=0; i < featuresLeft.size(); i++)
// Calculate correlation and store match in Seeds.
Match m;
m.p0 = cv::Point2i(featuresLeft[i]);
m.p1 = cv::Point2i(featuresRight[i]);
m.corr = 0;
// Check if too close to boundary.
if(!CheckBorder(m,Param.borderX,Param.borderY, width, height))
m.corr = iZNCC_c1(m.p0, m.p1, Param.corrWinSizeX, Param.corrWinSizeY);
// Can we add it to the list
if( m.corr > Param.correlationThreshold )
seeds.push(m);<cv::Point2i>(m.p0.y, m.p0.x) = m.p1;<cv::Point2i>(m.p1.y, m.p1.x) = m.p0;
return seeds;
* @brief Check if a match is close to the boarder of an image.
* @param[in] m The match containing points in both image.
* @param[in] bx The offset of the image edge that defines the border in x direction.
* @param[in] by The offset of the image edge that defines the border in y direction.
* @param[in] w The width of the image.
* @param[in] h The height of the image.
* @retval true If the feature is in the border of the image.
* @retval false If the feature is not in the border of image.
bool CheckBorder(Match m, int bx, int by, int w, int h)
if(m.p0.x<bx || m.p0.x>w-bx || m.p0.y<by || m.p0.y>h-by ||
m.p1.x<bx || m.p1.x>w-bx || m.p1.y<by || m.p1.y>h-by)
return false;
return true;
* @brief Build a texture descriptor
* @param[in] img The image we need to compute the descriptor for.
* @param[out] descriptor The texture descriptor of the image.
void buildTextureDescriptor(cv::Mat &img,cv::Mat &descriptor)
float a, b, c, d;
uint8_t center, top, bottom, right, left;
//reset descriptors
// traverse every pixel.
for(int row=1; row<height-1; row++)
for(int col=1; col<width-1; col++)
// the values of the current pixel.
center =<uchar>(row,col);
top =<uchar>(row-1,col);
bottom =<uchar>(row+1,col);
left =<uchar>(row,col-1);
right =<uchar>(row,col+1);
a = (float)abs(center - top);
b = (float)abs(center - bottom);
c = (float)abs(center - left);
d = (float)abs(center - right);
//choose the biggest of them.
int val = (int) std::max(a, std::max(b, std::max(c, d)));<int>(row, col) = val;
void getSparseMatches(std::vector<stereo::Match> &sMatches) override
Match tmpMatch;
for (uint i=0; i<leftFeatures.size(); i++)
tmpMatch.p0 = leftFeatures[i];
tmpMatch.p1 = rightFeatures[i];
int loadParameters(cv::String filepath) override
cv::FileStorage fs;
//if user specified a pathfile, try to use it.
if (!filepath.empty())
{, cv::FileStorage::READ);
// If the file opened, read the parameters.
if (fs.isOpened())
fs["borderX"] >> Param.borderX;
fs["borderY"] >> Param.borderY;
fs["corrWinSizeX"] >> Param.corrWinSizeX;
fs["corrWinSizeY"] >> Param.corrWinSizeY;
fs["correlationThreshold"] >> Param.correlationThreshold;
fs["textrureThreshold"] >> Param.textrureThreshold;
fs["neighborhoodSize"] >> Param.neighborhoodSize;
fs["disparityGradient"] >> Param.disparityGradient;
fs["lkTemplateSize"] >> Param.lkTemplateSize;
fs["lkPyrLvl"] >> Param.lkPyrLvl;
fs["lkTermParam1"] >> Param.lkTermParam1;
fs["lkTermParam2"] >> Param.lkTermParam2;
fs["gftQualityThres"] >> Param.gftQualityThres;
fs["gftMinSeperationDist"] >> Param.gftMinSeperationDist;
fs["gftMaxNumFeatures"] >> Param.gftMaxNumFeatures;
return 1;
// If the filepath was incorrect or non existent, load default parameters.
Param.borderX = 15;
Param.borderY = 15;
// corr window size
Param.corrWinSizeX = 5;
Param.corrWinSizeY = 5;
Param.correlationThreshold = (float)0.5;
Param.textrureThreshold = 200;
Param.neighborhoodSize = 5;
Param.disparityGradient = 1;
Param.lkTemplateSize = 3;
Param.lkPyrLvl = 3;
Param.lkTermParam1 = 3;
Param.lkTermParam2 = (float)0.003;
Param.gftQualityThres = (float)0.01;
Param.gftMinSeperationDist = 10;
Param.gftMaxNumFeatures = 500;
// Return 0 if there was no filepath provides.
// Return -1 if there was a problem opening the filepath provided.
return 0;
return -1;
int saveParameters(cv::String filepath) override
cv::FileStorage fs(filepath, cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
if (fs.isOpened())
fs << "borderX" << Param.borderX;
fs << "borderY" << Param.borderY;
fs << "corrWinSizeX" << Param.corrWinSizeX;
fs << "corrWinSizeY" << Param.corrWinSizeY;
fs << "correlationThreshold" << Param.correlationThreshold;
fs << "textrureThreshold" << Param.textrureThreshold;
fs << "neighborhoodSize" << Param.neighborhoodSize;
fs << "disparityGradient" << Param.disparityGradient;
fs << "lkTemplateSize" << Param.lkTemplateSize;
fs << "lkPyrLvl" << Param.lkPyrLvl;
fs << "lkTermParam1" << Param.lkTermParam1;
fs << "lkTermParam2" << Param.lkTermParam2;
fs << "gftQualityThres" << Param.gftQualityThres;
fs << "gftMinSeperationDist" << Param.gftMinSeperationDist;
fs << "gftMaxNumFeatures" << Param.gftMaxNumFeatures;
return -1;
void getDenseMatches(std::vector<stereo::Match> &denseMatches) override
Match tmpMatch;
for (int row=0; row<height; row++)
for(int col=0; col<width; col++)
tmpMatch.p0 = cv::Point(col, row);
tmpMatch.p1 =<Point2i>(row, col);
if (tmpMatch.p1 == NO_MATCH)
void process(const cv::Mat &imgLeft , const cv::Mat &imgRight) override
if (imgLeft.channels()>1)
cv::cvtColor(imgLeft, grayLeft, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cv::cvtColor(imgRight, grayRight, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
grayLeft = imgLeft.clone();
grayRight = imgRight.clone();
sparseMatching(grayLeft, grayRight, leftFeatures, rightFeatures);
quasiDenseMatching(leftFeatures, rightFeatures);
cv::Point2f getMatch(const int x, const int y) override
return<cv::Point2i>(y, x);
cv::Mat getDisparity(uint8_t disparityLvls) override
computeDisparity(refMap, disparity);
return quantiseDisparity(disparity, disparityLvls);
// Variables used at sparse feature extraction.
// Container for left images' features, extracted with GFT algorithm.
std::vector< cv::Point2f > leftFeatures;
// Container for right images' features, matching is done with LK flow algorithm.
std::vector< cv::Point2f > rightFeatures;
// Width and height of a single image.
int width;
int height;
int dMatchesLen;
// Containers to store input images.
cv::Mat grayLeft;
cv::Mat grayRight;
// Containers to store the locations of each points pair.
cv::Mat_<cv::Point2i> refMap;
cv::Mat_<cv::Point2i> mtcMap;
cv::Mat_<int32_t> sum0;
cv::Mat_<int32_t> sum1;
cv::Mat_<double> ssum0;
cv::Mat_<double> ssum1;
// Container to store the disparity un-normalized
cv::Mat_<float> disparity;
// Container to store the disparity image.
cv::Mat_<uchar> disparityImg;
// Containers to store textures descriptors.
cv::Mat_<int> textureDescLeft;
cv::Mat_<int> textureDescRight;
cv::Ptr<QuasiDenseStereo> QuasiDenseStereo::create(cv::Size monoImgSize, cv::String paramFilepath)
return cv::makePtr<QuasiDenseStereoImpl>(monoImgSize, paramFilepath);

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Exporting a template parameter file {#tutorial_qds_export_parameters}
In this tutorial you will learn how to
- create a simple parameter file template.
@include ./samples/export_param_file.cpp
## Explanation:
The class supports loading configuration parameters from a .yaml file using the method `loadParameters()`.
This is very useful for fine-tuning the class' parameters on the fly. To extract a template of this
parameter file you run the following code.
We create an instance of a `QuasiDenseStereo` object. Not specifying the second argument of the constructor,
makes the object to load default parameters.
@snippet ./samples/export_param_file.cpp create
By calling the method `saveParameters()`, we store the template file to the location specified by `parameterFileLocation`
@snippet ./samples/export_param_file.cpp write

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Quasi dense Stereo {#tutorial_qds_quasi_dense_stereo}
In this tutorial you will learn how to
- Configure a QuasiDenseStero object
- Compute dense Stereo correspondences.
@include ./samples/dense_disparity.cpp
## Explanation:
The program loads a stereo image pair.
After importing the images.
@snippet ./samples/dense_disparity.cpp load
We need to know the frame size of a single image, in order to create an instance of a `QuasiDesnseStereo` object.
@snippet ./samples/dense_disparity.cpp create
Because we didn't specify the second argument in the constructor, the `QuasiDesnseStereo` object will
load default parameters.
We can then pass the imported stereo images in the process method like this
@snippet ./samples/dense_disparity.cpp process
The process method contains most of the functionality of the class and does two main things.
- Computes a sparse stereo based in "Good Features to Track" and "pyramidal Lucas-Kanade" flow algorithm
- Based on those sparse stereo points, densifies the stereo correspondences using Quasi Dense Stereo method.
After the execution of `process()` we can display the disparity Image of the stereo.
@snippet ./samples/dense_disparity.cpp disp
At this point we can also extract all the corresponding points using `getDenseMatches()` method and export them in a file.
@snippet ./samples/dense_disparity.cpp export

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Quasi Dense Stereo (stereo module) {#tutorial_table_of_content_quasi_dense_stereo}
Quasi Dense Stereo is method for performing dense stereo matching. `QuasiDenseStereo` implements this process.
The code uses pyramidal Lucas-Kanade with Shi-Tomasi features to get the initial seed correspondences.
Then these seeds are propagated by using mentioned growing scheme.
- @subpage tutorial_qds_quasi_dense_stereo
Example showing how to get dense correspondences from a stereo image pair.
- @subpage tutorial_qds_export_parameters
Example showing how to genereate a parameter file template.