@ -11,45 +11,106 @@ namespace dnn |
m = Mat(4, zeros, CV_32F, NULL); |
} |
Blob::Blob(InputArray in) |
static inline int getMatChannels(const Mat &mat) |
{ |
CV_Assert(in.isMat() || in.isUMat()); |
return (mat.dims <= 2) ? mat.channels() : mat.size[0]; |
} |
if (in.isMat()) |
static BlobShape getBlobShpae(std::vector<Mat> &vmat, int requestedCn = -1) |
{ |
Mat mat = in.getMat(); |
BlobShape shape(4); |
int cnSum = 0, matCn; |
CV_Assert(vmat.size() > 0); |
CV_Assert(mat.dims == 2); |
int rows = mat.rows; |
int cols = mat.cols; |
int cn = mat.channels(); |
int type = mat.type(); |
int dstType = CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), 1); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < vmat.size(); i++) |
{ |
Mat &mat = vmat[i]; |
CV_Assert(!mat.empty()); |
CV_Assert((mat.dims == 3 && mat.channels() == 1) || mat.dims <= 2); |
this->create(BlobShape(1, cn, rows, cols), dstType); |
uchar *data = m.data; |
int step = rows * cols * CV_ELEM_SIZE(dstType); |
matCn = getMatChannels(mat); |
cnSum += getMatChannels(mat); |
if (cn == 1) |
if (i == 0) |
{ |
Mat wrapper2D(rows, cols, dstType, m.data); |
mat.copyTo(wrapper2D); |
shape[-1] = mat.cols; |
shape[-2] = mat.rows; |
shape[-3] = (requestedCn <= 0) ? matCn : requestedCn; |
} |
else |
{ |
std::vector<Mat> wrappers(cn); |
for (int i = 0; i < cn; i++) |
if (mat.cols != shape[-1] || mat.rows != shape[-2]) |
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "Each Mat.size() must be equal"); |
if (requestedCn <= 0 && matCn != shape[-3]) |
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "Each Mat.chnannels() (or number of planes) must be equal"); |
} |
} |
if (cnSum % shape[-3] != 0) |
CV_Error(Error::StsError, "Total number of channels in vector is not a multiple of requsted channel number"); |
shape[0] = cnSum / shape[-3]; |
return shape; |
} |
static std::vector<Mat> extractMatVector(InputArray in) |
{ |
if (in.isMat() || in.isUMat()) |
{ |
return std::vector<Mat>(1, in.getMat()); |
} |
else if (in.isMatVector()) |
{ |
return *static_cast<const std::vector<Mat>*>(in.getObj()); |
} |
else if (in.isUMatVector()) |
{ |
wrappers[i] = Mat(rows, cols, dstType, data); |
data += step; |
std::vector<Mat> vmat; |
in.getMatVector(vmat); |
return vmat; |
} |
else |
{ |
CV_Assert(in.isMat() || in.isMatVector() || in.isUMat() || in.isUMatVector()); |
return std::vector<Mat>(); |
} |
} |
Blob::Blob(InputArray in, int dstCn) |
{ |
CV_Assert(dstCn == -1 || dstCn > 0); |
std::vector<Mat> inMats = extractMatVector(in); |
BlobShape dstShape = getBlobShpae(inMats, dstCn); |
m.create(dstShape.dims(), dstShape.ptr(), CV_32F); |
cv::split(mat, wrappers); |
std::vector<Mat> wrapBuf(dstShape[-3]); |
int elemSize = m.elemSize(); |
uchar *ptr = this->ptrRaw(); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < inMats.size(); i++) |
{ |
Mat inMat = inMats[i]; |
if (inMat.dims <= 2) |
{ |
inMat.convertTo(inMat, m.type()); |
wrapBuf.resize(0); |
for (int cn = 0; cn < inMat.channels(); cn++) |
{ |
wrapBuf.push_back(Mat(inMat.rows, inMat.cols, m.type(), ptr)); |
ptr += elemSize * inMat.total(); |
} |
cv::split(inMat, wrapBuf); |
} |
else |
{ |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Not Implemented"); |
inMat.convertTo(Mat(inMat.dims, inMat.size, m.type(), ptr), m.type()); |
ptr += elemSize * inMat.total(); |
} |
} |
} |