15 changed files with 708 additions and 52 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ |
//Copyright (C) 2011 Carl Rogers
//Released under MIT License
//license available in LICENSE file, or at
#include"cnpy.h" |
#include<complex> |
#include<cstdlib> |
#include<algorithm> |
#include<cstring> |
#include<iomanip> |
char cnpy::BigEndianTest() { |
unsigned char x[] = {1,0}; |
short y = *(short*) x; |
return y == 1 ? '<' : '>'; |
} |
char cnpy::map_type(const std::type_info& t) |
{ |
if(t == typeid(float) ) return 'f'; |
if(t == typeid(double) ) return 'f'; |
if(t == typeid(long double) ) return 'f'; |
if(t == typeid(int) ) return 'i'; |
if(t == typeid(char) ) return 'i'; |
if(t == typeid(short) ) return 'i'; |
if(t == typeid(long) ) return 'i'; |
if(t == typeid(long long) ) return 'i'; |
if(t == typeid(unsigned char) ) return 'u'; |
if(t == typeid(unsigned short) ) return 'u'; |
if(t == typeid(unsigned long) ) return 'u'; |
if(t == typeid(unsigned long long) ) return 'u'; |
if(t == typeid(unsigned int) ) return 'u'; |
if(t == typeid(bool) ) return 'b'; |
if(t == typeid(std::complex<float>) ) return 'c'; |
if(t == typeid(std::complex<double>) ) return 'c'; |
if(t == typeid(std::complex<long double>) ) return 'c'; |
else return '?'; |
} |
template<> std::vector<char>& cnpy::operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const std::string rhs) { |
lhs.insert(lhs.end(),rhs.begin(),rhs.end()); |
return lhs; |
} |
template<> std::vector<char>& cnpy::operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const char* rhs) { |
//write in little endian
size_t len = strlen(rhs); |
lhs.reserve(len); |
for(size_t byte = 0; byte < len; byte++) { |
lhs.push_back(rhs[byte]); |
} |
return lhs; |
} |
void cnpy::parse_npy_header(FILE* fp, unsigned int& word_size, unsigned int*& shape, unsigned int& ndims, bool& fortran_order) {
char buffer[256]; |
size_t res = fread(buffer,sizeof(char),11,fp);
if(res != 11) |
throw std::runtime_error("parse_npy_header: failed fread"); |
std::string header = fgets(buffer,256,fp); |
assert(header[header.size()-1] == '\n'); |
int loc1, loc2; |
//fortran order
loc1 = header.find("fortran_order")+16; |
fortran_order = (header.substr(loc1,5) == "True" ? true : false); |
loc1 = header.find("("); |
loc2 = header.find(")"); |
std::string str_shape = header.substr(loc1+1,loc2-loc1-1); |
if(str_shape[str_shape.size()-1] == ',') ndims = 1; |
else ndims = std::count(str_shape.begin(),str_shape.end(),',')+1; |
shape = new unsigned int[ndims]; |
for(unsigned int i = 0;i < ndims;i++) { |
loc1 = str_shape.find(","); |
shape[i] = atoi(str_shape.substr(0,loc1).c_str()); |
str_shape = str_shape.substr(loc1+1); |
} |
//endian, word size, data type
//byte order code | stands for not applicable.
//not sure when this applies except for byte array
loc1 = header.find("descr")+9; |
bool littleEndian = (header[loc1] == '<' || header[loc1] == '|' ? true : false); |
assert(littleEndian); |
//char type = header[loc1+1];
//assert(type == map_type(T));
std::string str_ws = header.substr(loc1+2); |
loc2 = str_ws.find("'"); |
word_size = atoi(str_ws.substr(0,loc2).c_str()); |
} |
void cnpy::parse_zip_footer(FILE* fp, unsigned short& nrecs, unsigned int& global_header_size, unsigned int& global_header_offset) |
{ |
std::vector<char> footer(22); |
fseek(fp,-22,SEEK_END); |
size_t res = fread(&footer[0],sizeof(char),22,fp); |
if(res != 22) |
throw std::runtime_error("parse_zip_footer: failed fread"); |
unsigned short disk_no, disk_start, nrecs_on_disk, comment_len; |
disk_no = *(unsigned short*) &footer[4]; |
disk_start = *(unsigned short*) &footer[6]; |
nrecs_on_disk = *(unsigned short*) &footer[8]; |
nrecs = *(unsigned short*) &footer[10]; |
global_header_size = *(unsigned int*) &footer[12]; |
global_header_offset = *(unsigned int*) &footer[16]; |
comment_len = *(unsigned short*) &footer[20]; |
assert(disk_no == 0); |
assert(disk_start == 0); |
assert(nrecs_on_disk == nrecs); |
assert(comment_len == 0); |
} |
cnpy::NpyArray load_the_npy_file(FILE* fp) { |
unsigned int* shape; |
unsigned int ndims, word_size; |
bool fortran_order; |
cnpy::parse_npy_header(fp,word_size,shape,ndims,fortran_order); |
unsigned long long size = 1; //long long so no overflow when multiplying by word_size
for(unsigned int i = 0;i < ndims;i++) size *= shape[i]; |
cnpy::NpyArray arr; |
arr.word_size = word_size; |
arr.shape = std::vector<unsigned int>(shape,shape+ndims); |
delete[] shape; |
| = new char[size*word_size];
arr.fortran_order = fortran_order; |
size_t nread = fread(,word_size,size,fp); |
if(nread != size) |
throw std::runtime_error("load_the_npy_file: failed fread"); |
return arr; |
} |
cnpy::npz_t cnpy::npz_load(std::string fname) { |
FILE* fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"rb"); |
if(!fp) printf("npz_load: Error! Unable to open file %s!\n",fname.c_str()); |
assert(fp); |
cnpy::npz_t arrays;
while(1) { |
std::vector<char> local_header(30); |
size_t headerres = fread(&local_header[0],sizeof(char),30,fp); |
if(headerres != 30) |
throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); |
//if we've reached the global header, stop reading
if(local_header[2] != 0x03 || local_header[3] != 0x04) break; |
//read in the variable name
unsigned short name_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[26]; |
std::string varname(name_len,' '); |
size_t vname_res = fread(&varname[0],sizeof(char),name_len,fp); |
if(vname_res != name_len) |
throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); |
//erase the lagging .npy
varname.erase(varname.end()-4,varname.end()); |
//read in the extra field
unsigned short extra_field_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[28]; |
if(extra_field_len > 0) { |
std::vector<char> buff(extra_field_len); |
size_t efield_res = fread(&buff[0],sizeof(char),extra_field_len,fp); |
if(efield_res != extra_field_len) |
throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); |
} |
arrays[varname] = load_the_npy_file(fp); |
} |
fclose(fp); |
return arrays;
} |
cnpy::NpyArray cnpy::npz_load(std::string fname, std::string varname) { |
FILE* fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"rb"); |
if(!fp) { |
printf("npz_load: Error! Unable to open file %s!\n",fname.c_str()); |
abort(); |
while(1) { |
std::vector<char> local_header(30); |
size_t header_res = fread(&local_header[0],sizeof(char),30,fp); |
if(header_res != 30) |
throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); |
//if we've reached the global header, stop reading
if(local_header[2] != 0x03 || local_header[3] != 0x04) break; |
//read in the variable name
unsigned short name_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[26]; |
std::string vname(name_len,' '); |
size_t vname_res = fread(&vname[0],sizeof(char),name_len,fp);
if(vname_res != name_len) |
throw std::runtime_error("npz_load: failed fread"); |
vname.erase(vname.end()-4,vname.end()); //erase the lagging .npy
//read in the extra field
unsigned short extra_field_len = *(unsigned short*) &local_header[28]; |
fseek(fp,extra_field_len,SEEK_CUR); //skip past the extra field
if(vname == varname) { |
NpyArray array = load_the_npy_file(fp); |
fclose(fp); |
return array; |
} |
else { |
//skip past the data
unsigned int size = *(unsigned int*) &local_header[22]; |
fseek(fp,size,SEEK_CUR); |
} |
} |
fclose(fp); |
printf("npz_load: Error! Variable name %s not found in %s!\n",varname.c_str(),fname.c_str()); |
abort(); |
} |
cnpy::NpyArray cnpy::npy_load(std::string fname) { |
FILE* fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "rb"); |
if(!fp) { |
printf("npy_load: Error! Unable to open file %s!\n",fname.c_str()); |
} |
NpyArray arr = load_the_npy_file(fp); |
fclose(fp); |
return arr; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ |
//Copyright (C) 2011 Carl Rogers
//Released under MIT License
//license available in LICENSE file, or at
#ifndef LIBCNPY_H_ |
#define LIBCNPY_H_ |
#include<string> |
#include<stdexcept> |
#include<sstream> |
#include<vector> |
#include<cstdio> |
#include<typeinfo> |
#include<iostream> |
#include<cassert> |
#include<zlib.h> |
#include<map> |
namespace cnpy { |
struct NpyArray { |
char* data; |
std::vector<unsigned int> shape; |
unsigned int word_size; |
bool fortran_order; |
void destruct() {delete[] data;} |
}; |
struct npz_t : public std::map<std::string, NpyArray> |
{ |
void destruct() |
{ |
npz_t::iterator it = this->begin(); |
for(; it != this->end(); ++it) (*it).second.destruct(); |
} |
}; |
char BigEndianTest(); |
char map_type(const std::type_info& t); |
template<typename T> std::vector<char> create_npy_header(const T* data, const unsigned int* shape, const unsigned int ndims); |
void parse_npy_header(FILE* fp,unsigned int& word_size, unsigned int*& shape, unsigned int& ndims, bool& fortran_order); |
void parse_zip_footer(FILE* fp, unsigned short& nrecs, unsigned int& global_header_size, unsigned int& global_header_offset); |
npz_t npz_load(std::string fname); |
NpyArray npz_load(std::string fname, std::string varname); |
NpyArray npy_load(std::string fname); |
template<typename T> std::vector<char>& operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const T rhs) { |
//write in little endian
for(char byte = 0; byte < sizeof(T); byte++) { |
char val = *((char*)&rhs+byte);
lhs.push_back(val); |
} |
return lhs; |
} |
template<> std::vector<char>& operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const std::string rhs);
template<> std::vector<char>& operator+=(std::vector<char>& lhs, const char* rhs);
template<typename T> std::string tostring(T i, int pad = 0, char padval = ' ') { |
std::stringstream s; |
s << i; |
return s.str(); |
} |
template<typename T> void npy_save(std::string fname, const T* data, const unsigned int* shape, const unsigned int ndims, std::string mode = "w") { |
FILE* fp = NULL; |
if(mode == "a") fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"r+b"); |
if(fp) { |
//file exists. we need to append to it. read the header, modify the array size
unsigned int word_size, tmp_dims; |
unsigned int* tmp_shape = 0; |
bool fortran_order; |
parse_npy_header(fp,word_size,tmp_shape,tmp_dims,fortran_order); |
assert(!fortran_order); |
if(word_size != sizeof(T)) { |
std::cout<<"libnpy error: "<<fname<<" has word size "<<word_size<<" but npy_save appending data sized "<<sizeof(T)<<"\n"; |
assert( word_size == sizeof(T) ); |
} |
if(tmp_dims != ndims) { |
std::cout<<"libnpy error: npy_save attempting to append misdimensioned data to "<<fname<<"\n"; |
assert(tmp_dims == ndims); |
} |
for(int i = 1; i < ndims; i++) { |
if(shape[i] != tmp_shape[i]) { |
std::cout<<"libnpy error: npy_save attempting to append misshaped data to "<<fname<<"\n"; |
assert(shape[i] == tmp_shape[i]); |
} |
} |
tmp_shape[0] += shape[0]; |
fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); |
std::vector<char> header = create_npy_header(data,tmp_shape,ndims); |
fwrite(&header[0],sizeof(char),header.size(),fp); |
fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); |
delete[] tmp_shape; |
} |
else { |
fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"wb"); |
std::vector<char> header = create_npy_header(data,shape,ndims); |
fwrite(&header[0],sizeof(char),header.size(),fp); |
} |
unsigned int nels = 1; |
for(int i = 0;i < ndims;i++) nels *= shape[i]; |
fwrite(data,sizeof(T),nels,fp); |
fclose(fp); |
} |
template<typename T> void npz_save(std::string zipname, std::string fname, const T* data, const unsigned int* shape, const unsigned int ndims, std::string mode = "w") |
{ |
//first, append a .npy to the fname
fname += ".npy"; |
//now, on with the show
FILE* fp = NULL; |
unsigned short nrecs = 0; |
unsigned int global_header_offset = 0; |
std::vector<char> global_header; |
if(mode == "a") fp = fopen(zipname.c_str(),"r+b"); |
if(fp) { |
//zip file exists. we need to add a new npy file to it.
//first read the footer. this gives us the offset and size of the global header
//then read and store the global header.
//below, we will write the the new data at the start of the global header then append the global header and footer below it
unsigned int global_header_size; |
parse_zip_footer(fp,nrecs,global_header_size,global_header_offset); |
fseek(fp,global_header_offset,SEEK_SET); |
global_header.resize(global_header_size); |
size_t res = fread(&global_header[0],sizeof(char),global_header_size,fp); |
if(res != global_header_size){ |
throw std::runtime_error("npz_save: header read error while adding to existing zip"); |
} |
fseek(fp,global_header_offset,SEEK_SET); |
} |
else { |
fp = fopen(zipname.c_str(),"wb"); |
} |
std::vector<char> npy_header = create_npy_header(data,shape,ndims); |
unsigned long nels = 1; |
for (int m=0; m<ndims; m++ ) nels *= shape[m]; |
int nbytes = nels*sizeof(T) + npy_header.size(); |
//get the CRC of the data to be added
unsigned int crc = crc32(0L,(unsigned char*)&npy_header[0],npy_header.size()); |
crc = crc32(crc,(unsigned char*)data,nels*sizeof(T)); |
//build the local header
std::vector<char> local_header; |
local_header += "PK"; //first part of sig
local_header += (unsigned short) 0x0403; //second part of sig
local_header += (unsigned short) 20; //min version to extract
local_header += (unsigned short) 0; //general purpose bit flag
local_header += (unsigned short) 0; //compression method
local_header += (unsigned short) 0; //file last mod time
local_header += (unsigned short) 0; //file last mod date
local_header += (unsigned int) crc; //crc
local_header += (unsigned int) nbytes; //compressed size
local_header += (unsigned int) nbytes; //uncompressed size
local_header += (unsigned short) fname.size(); //fname length
local_header += (unsigned short) 0; //extra field length
local_header += fname; |
//build global header
global_header += "PK"; //first part of sig
global_header += (unsigned short) 0x0201; //second part of sig
global_header += (unsigned short) 20; //version made by
global_header.insert(global_header.end(),local_header.begin()+4,local_header.begin()+30); |
global_header += (unsigned short) 0; //file comment length
global_header += (unsigned short) 0; //disk number where file starts
global_header += (unsigned short) 0; //internal file attributes
global_header += (unsigned int) 0; //external file attributes
global_header += (unsigned int) global_header_offset; //relative offset of local file header, since it begins where the global header used to begin
global_header += fname; |
//build footer
std::vector<char> footer; |
footer += "PK"; //first part of sig
footer += (unsigned short) 0x0605; //second part of sig
footer += (unsigned short) 0; //number of this disk
footer += (unsigned short) 0; //disk where footer starts
footer += (unsigned short) (nrecs+1); //number of records on this disk
footer += (unsigned short) (nrecs+1); //total number of records
footer += (unsigned int) global_header.size(); //nbytes of global headers
footer += (unsigned int) (global_header_offset + nbytes + local_header.size()); //offset of start of global headers, since global header now starts after newly written array
footer += (unsigned short) 0; //zip file comment length
//write everything
fwrite(&local_header[0],sizeof(char),local_header.size(),fp); |
fwrite(&npy_header[0],sizeof(char),npy_header.size(),fp); |
fwrite(data,sizeof(T),nels,fp); |
fwrite(&global_header[0],sizeof(char),global_header.size(),fp); |
fwrite(&footer[0],sizeof(char),footer.size(),fp); |
fclose(fp); |
} |
template<typename T> std::vector<char> create_npy_header(const T* data, const unsigned int* shape, const unsigned int ndims) {
std::vector<char> dict; |
dict += "{'descr': '"; |
dict += BigEndianTest(); |
dict += map_type(typeid(T)); |
dict += tostring(sizeof(T)); |
dict += "', 'fortran_order': False, 'shape': ("; |
dict += tostring(shape[0]); |
for(int i = 1;i < ndims;i++) { |
dict += ", "; |
dict += tostring(shape[i]); |
} |
if(ndims == 1) dict += ","; |
dict += "), }"; |
//pad with spaces so that preamble+dict is modulo 16 bytes. preamble is 10 bytes. dict needs to end with \n
int remainder = 16 - (10 + dict.size()) % 16; |
dict.insert(dict.end(),remainder,' '); |
dict.back() = '\n'; |
std::vector<char> header; |
header += (char) 0x93; |
header += "NUMPY"; |
header += (char) 0x01; //major version of numpy format
header += (char) 0x00; //minor version of numpy format
header += (unsigned short) dict.size(); |
header.insert(header.end(),dict.begin(),dict.end()); |
return header; |
} |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ |
#include "test_precomp.hpp" |
#include <iostream> |
#include "cnpy.h" |
namespace cvtest |
{ |
using namespace std; |
using namespace testing; |
using namespace cv; |
using namespace cv::dnn; |
static std::string getOpenCVExtraDir() |
{ |
return cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
} |
template<typename TStr> |
static std::string getTestFile(TStr filename) |
{ |
return (getOpenCVExtraDir() + "/dnn/layers/") + filename; |
} |
template<typename T, int n> |
bool isEqual(const cv::Vec<T, n> &l, const cv::Vec<T, n> &r) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) |
{ |
if (l[i] != r[i]) |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
Blob loadNpyBlob(String name) |
{ |
cnpy::NpyArray npyBlob = cnpy::npy_load(getTestFile(name)); |
Blob blob; |
blob.fill((int)npyBlob.shape.size(), (int*)&npyBlob.shape[0], CV_32F,; |
npyBlob.destruct(); |
return blob; |
} |
static void testLayer(String proto, String caffemodel = String()) |
{ |
Blob inp = loadNpyBlob("blob.npy"); |
Blob ref = loadNpyBlob(proto + ".caffe.npy"); |
Net net; |
{ |
Ptr<Importer> importer = createCaffeImporter(getTestFile(proto), caffemodel); |
ASSERT_TRUE(importer != NULL); |
importer->populateNet(net); |
} |
net.setBlob("input", inp); |
net.forward(); |
Blob out = net.getBlob("output"); |
EXPECT_TRUE(isEqual(ref.shape(), out.shape())); |
Mat &mRef = ref.getMatRef(); |
Mat &mOut = out.getMatRef(); |
size_t N =; |
double normL1 = cvtest::norm(mRef, mOut, NORM_L1)/N; |
EXPECT_LE(normL1, 0.0001); |
double normInf = cvtest::norm(mRef, mOut, NORM_INF); |
EXPECT_LE(normInf, 0.0001); |
} |
TEST(Layer_Softmax_Test, Accuracy) |
{ |
testLayer("softmax.prototxt"); |
} |
TEST(Layer_LRN_spatial_Test, Accuracy) |
{ |
testLayer("lrn_spatial.prototxt"); |
} |
TEST(Layer_LRN_channels_Test, Accuracy) |
{ |
testLayer("lrn_channels.prototxt"); |
} |
} |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
name: "test_LRN_channels" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
name: "norm1" |
type: "LRN" |
lrn_param { |
norm_region: ACROSS_CHANNELS; |
local_size: 5 |
alpha: 1.1 |
beta: 0.75 |
} |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
name: "test_LRN_spatial" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
name: "norm1" |
type: "LRN" |
lrn_param { |
norm_region: WITHIN_CHANNEL; |
local_size: 5 |
alpha: 0.9 |
beta: 0.75 |
} |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
name: "test_Softmax" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 5 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
name: "Softmax" |
type: "Softmax" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
Binary file not shown.
Reference in new issue