@ -228,11 +228,12 @@ public: |
std::vector<std::vector<float> > priorVariances; |
GetPriorBBoxes(priorData, numPriors, &priorBBoxes, &priorVariances); |
const bool clip_bbox = false; |
// Decode all loc predictions to bboxes.
std::vector<LabelBBox> allDecodedBBoxes; |
DecodeBBoxesAll(allLocationPredictions, priorBBoxes, priorVariances, num, |
_shareLocation, _numLocClasses, _backgroundLabelId, |
_codeType, _varianceEncodedInTarget, &allDecodedBBoxes); |
_codeType, _varianceEncodedInTarget, clip_bbox, &allDecodedBBoxes); |
int numKept = 0; |
std::vector<std::map<int, std::vector<int> > > allIndices; |
@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ public: |
} |
const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& bboxes = |
decodeBBoxes.find(label)->second; |
ApplyNMSFast(bboxes, scores, _confidenceThreshold, _nmsThreshold, |
ApplyNMSFast(bboxes, scores, _confidenceThreshold, _nmsThreshold, 1.0, |
_topK, &(indices[c])); |
numDetections += indices[c].size(); |
} |
@ -358,8 +359,7 @@ public: |
outputsData[count * 7] = i; |
outputsData[count * 7 + 1] = label; |
outputsData[count * 7 + 2] = scores[idx]; |
caffe::NormalizedBBox clipBBox; |
ClipBBox(bboxes[idx], &clipBBox); |
caffe::NormalizedBBox clipBBox = bboxes[idx]; |
outputsData[count * 7 + 3] = clipBBox.xmin(); |
outputsData[count * 7 + 4] = clipBBox.ymin(); |
outputsData[count * 7 + 5] = clipBBox.xmax(); |
@ -417,140 +417,124 @@ public: |
} |
// Decode a bbox according to a prior bbox.
void DecodeBBox(const caffe::NormalizedBBox& priorBBox, const std::vector<float>& priorVariance, |
const CodeType codeType, const bool varianceEncodedInTarget, |
const caffe::NormalizedBBox& bbox, caffe::NormalizedBBox* decodeBBox) |
{ |
if (codeType == caffe::PriorBoxParameter_CodeType_CORNER) |
{ |
if (varianceEncodedInTarget) |
{ |
void DecodeBBox( |
const caffe::NormalizedBBox& prior_bbox, const std::vector<float>& prior_variance, |
const CodeType code_type, const bool variance_encoded_in_target, |
const bool clip_bbox, const caffe::NormalizedBBox& bbox, |
caffe::NormalizedBBox* decode_bbox) { |
if (code_type == caffe::PriorBoxParameter_CodeType_CORNER) { |
if (variance_encoded_in_target) { |
// variance is encoded in target, we simply need to add the offset
// predictions.
decodeBBox->set_xmin(priorBBox.xmin() + bbox.xmin()); |
decodeBBox->set_ymin(priorBBox.ymin() + bbox.ymin()); |
decodeBBox->set_xmax(priorBBox.xmax() + bbox.xmax()); |
decodeBBox->set_ymax(priorBBox.ymax() + bbox.ymax()); |
} |
else |
{ |
decode_bbox->set_xmin(prior_bbox.xmin() + bbox.xmin()); |
decode_bbox->set_ymin(prior_bbox.ymin() + bbox.ymin()); |
decode_bbox->set_xmax(prior_bbox.xmax() + bbox.xmax()); |
decode_bbox->set_ymax(prior_bbox.ymax() + bbox.ymax()); |
} else { |
// variance is encoded in bbox, we need to scale the offset accordingly.
decodeBBox->set_xmin( |
priorBBox.xmin() + priorVariance[0] * bbox.xmin()); |
decodeBBox->set_ymin( |
priorBBox.ymin() + priorVariance[1] * bbox.ymin()); |
decodeBBox->set_xmax( |
priorBBox.xmax() + priorVariance[2] * bbox.xmax()); |
decodeBBox->set_ymax( |
priorBBox.ymax() + priorVariance[3] * bbox.ymax()); |
} |
} |
else if (codeType == caffe::PriorBoxParameter_CodeType_CENTER_SIZE) |
{ |
float priorWidth = priorBBox.xmax() - priorBBox.xmin(); |
CV_Assert(priorWidth > 0); |
float priorHeight = priorBBox.ymax() - priorBBox.ymin(); |
CV_Assert(priorHeight > 0); |
float priorCenterX = (priorBBox.xmin() + priorBBox.xmax()) / 2.; |
float priorCenterY = (priorBBox.ymin() + priorBBox.ymax()) / 2.; |
float decodeBBoxCenterX, decodeBBoxCenterY; |
float decodeBBoxWidth, decodeBBoxHeight; |
if (varianceEncodedInTarget) |
{ |
decode_bbox->set_xmin( |
prior_bbox.xmin() + prior_variance[0] * bbox.xmin()); |
decode_bbox->set_ymin( |
prior_bbox.ymin() + prior_variance[1] * bbox.ymin()); |
decode_bbox->set_xmax( |
prior_bbox.xmax() + prior_variance[2] * bbox.xmax()); |
decode_bbox->set_ymax( |
prior_bbox.ymax() + prior_variance[3] * bbox.ymax()); |
} |
} else if (code_type == caffe::PriorBoxParameter_CodeType_CENTER_SIZE) { |
float prior_width = prior_bbox.xmax() - prior_bbox.xmin(); |
CV_Assert(prior_width > 0); |
float prior_height = prior_bbox.ymax() - prior_bbox.ymin(); |
CV_Assert(prior_height > 0); |
float prior_center_x = (prior_bbox.xmin() + prior_bbox.xmax()) / 2.; |
float prior_center_y = (prior_bbox.ymin() + prior_bbox.ymax()) / 2.; |
float decode_bbox_center_x, decode_bbox_center_y; |
float decode_bbox_width, decode_bbox_height; |
if (variance_encoded_in_target) { |
// variance is encoded in target, we simply need to retore the offset
// predictions.
decodeBBoxCenterX = bbox.xmin() * priorWidth + priorCenterX; |
decodeBBoxCenterY = bbox.ymin() * priorHeight + priorCenterY; |
decodeBBoxWidth = exp(bbox.xmax()) * priorWidth; |
decodeBBoxHeight = exp(bbox.ymax()) * priorHeight; |
} |
else |
{ |
decode_bbox_center_x = bbox.xmin() * prior_width + prior_center_x; |
decode_bbox_center_y = bbox.ymin() * prior_height + prior_center_y; |
decode_bbox_width = exp(bbox.xmax()) * prior_width; |
decode_bbox_height = exp(bbox.ymax()) * prior_height; |
} else { |
// variance is encoded in bbox, we need to scale the offset accordingly.
decodeBBoxCenterX = |
priorVariance[0] * bbox.xmin() * priorWidth + priorCenterX; |
decodeBBoxCenterY = |
priorVariance[1] * bbox.ymin() * priorHeight + priorCenterY; |
decodeBBoxWidth = |
exp(priorVariance[2] * bbox.xmax()) * priorWidth; |
decodeBBoxHeight = |
exp(priorVariance[3] * bbox.ymax()) * priorHeight; |
} |
decodeBBox->set_xmin(decodeBBoxCenterX - decodeBBoxWidth / 2.); |
decodeBBox->set_ymin(decodeBBoxCenterY - decodeBBoxHeight / 2.); |
decodeBBox->set_xmax(decodeBBoxCenterX + decodeBBoxWidth / 2.); |
decodeBBox->set_ymax(decodeBBoxCenterY + decodeBBoxHeight / 2.); |
} |
else |
{ |
decode_bbox_center_x = |
prior_variance[0] * bbox.xmin() * prior_width + prior_center_x; |
decode_bbox_center_y = |
prior_variance[1] * bbox.ymin() * prior_height + prior_center_y; |
decode_bbox_width = |
exp(prior_variance[2] * bbox.xmax()) * prior_width; |
decode_bbox_height = |
exp(prior_variance[3] * bbox.ymax()) * prior_height; |
} |
decode_bbox->set_xmin(decode_bbox_center_x - decode_bbox_width / 2.); |
decode_bbox->set_ymin(decode_bbox_center_y - decode_bbox_height / 2.); |
decode_bbox->set_xmax(decode_bbox_center_x + decode_bbox_width / 2.); |
decode_bbox->set_ymax(decode_bbox_center_y + decode_bbox_height / 2.); |
} else { |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Unknown LocLossType."); |
} |
float bboxSize = BBoxSize(*decodeBBox); |
decodeBBox->set_size(bboxSize); |
float bbox_size = BBoxSize(*decode_bbox); |
decode_bbox->set_size(bbox_size); |
if (clip_bbox) { |
ClipBBox(*decode_bbox, decode_bbox); |
} |
} |
// Decode a set of bboxes according to a set of prior bboxes.
void DecodeBBoxes(const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& priorBBoxes, |
const std::vector<std::vector<float> >& priorVariances, |
const CodeType codeType, const bool varianceEncodedInTarget, |
const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& bboxes, |
std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>* decodeBBoxes) |
{ |
CV_Assert(priorBBoxes.size() == priorVariances.size()); |
CV_Assert(priorBBoxes.size() == bboxes.size()); |
int numBBoxes = priorBBoxes.size(); |
if (numBBoxes >= 1) |
{ |
CV_Assert(priorVariances[0].size() == 4); |
} |
decodeBBoxes->clear(); |
for (int i = 0; i < numBBoxes; ++i) |
{ |
caffe::NormalizedBBox decodeBBox; |
DecodeBBox(priorBBoxes[i], priorVariances[i], codeType, |
varianceEncodedInTarget, bboxes[i], &decodeBBox); |
decodeBBoxes->push_back(decodeBBox); |
void DecodeBBoxes( |
const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& prior_bboxes, |
const std::vector<std::vector<float> >& prior_variances, |
const CodeType code_type, const bool variance_encoded_in_target, |
const bool clip_bbox, const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& bboxes, |
std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>* decode_bboxes) { |
CV_Assert(prior_bboxes.size() == prior_variances.size()); |
CV_Assert(prior_bboxes.size() == bboxes.size()); |
int num_bboxes = prior_bboxes.size(); |
if (num_bboxes >= 1) { |
CV_Assert(prior_variances[0].size() == 4); |
} |
decode_bboxes->clear(); |
for (int i = 0; i < num_bboxes; ++i) { |
caffe::NormalizedBBox decode_bbox; |
DecodeBBox(prior_bboxes[i], prior_variances[i], code_type, |
variance_encoded_in_target, clip_bbox, bboxes[i], &decode_bbox); |
decode_bboxes->push_back(decode_bbox); |
} |
} |
// Decode all bboxes in a batch.
void DecodeBBoxesAll(const std::vector<LabelBBox>& allLocPreds, |
const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& priorBBoxes, |
const std::vector<std::vector<float> >& priorVariances, |
const size_t num, const bool shareLocation, |
const int numLocClasses, const int backgroundLabelId, |
const CodeType codeType, const bool varianceEncodedInTarget, |
std::vector<LabelBBox>* allDecodeBBoxes) |
{ |
CV_Assert(allLocPreds.size() == num); |
allDecodeBBoxes->clear(); |
allDecodeBBoxes->resize(num); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) |
{ |
void DecodeBBoxesAll(const std::vector<LabelBBox>& all_loc_preds, |
const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& prior_bboxes, |
const std::vector<std::vector<float> >& prior_variances, |
const int num, const bool share_location, |
const int num_loc_classes, const int background_label_id, |
const CodeType code_type, const bool variance_encoded_in_target, |
const bool clip, std::vector<LabelBBox>* all_decode_bboxes) { |
CV_Assert(all_loc_preds.size() == num); |
all_decode_bboxes->clear(); |
all_decode_bboxes->resize(num); |
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { |
// Decode predictions into bboxes.
LabelBBox& decodeBBoxes = (*allDecodeBBoxes)[i]; |
for (int c = 0; c < numLocClasses; ++c) |
{ |
int label = shareLocation ? -1 : c; |
if (label == backgroundLabelId) |
{ |
LabelBBox& decode_bboxes = (*all_decode_bboxes)[i]; |
for (int c = 0; c < num_loc_classes; ++c) { |
int label = share_location ? -1 : c; |
if (label == background_label_id) { |
// Ignore background class.
continue; |
} |
if (allLocPreds[i].find(label) == allLocPreds[i].end()) |
{ |
if (all_loc_preds[i].find(label) == all_loc_preds[i].end()) { |
// Something bad happened if there are no predictions for current label.
util::make_error<int>("Could not find location predictions for label ", label); |
} |
const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& labelLocPreds = |
allLocPreds[i].find(label)->second; |
DecodeBBoxes(priorBBoxes, priorVariances, |
codeType, varianceEncodedInTarget, |
labelLocPreds, &(decodeBBoxes[label])); |
const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& label_loc_preds = |
all_loc_preds[i].find(label)->second; |
DecodeBBoxes(prior_bboxes, prior_variances, |
code_type, variance_encoded_in_target, clip, |
label_loc_preds, &(decode_bboxes[label])); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -686,11 +670,9 @@ public: |
// top_k: if not -1, keep at most top_k picked indices.
// indices: the kept indices of bboxes after nms.
void ApplyNMSFast(const std::vector<caffe::NormalizedBBox>& bboxes, |
const std::vector<float>& scores, |
const float score_threshold, |
const float nms_threshold, const int top_k, |
std::vector<int>* indices) |
{ |
const std::vector<float>& scores, const float score_threshold, |
const float nms_threshold, const float eta, const int top_k, |
std::vector<int>* indices) { |
// Sanity check.
CV_Assert(bboxes.size() == scores.size()); |
@ -699,29 +681,27 @@ public: |
GetMaxScoreIndex(scores, score_threshold, top_k, &score_index_vec); |
// Do nms.
float adaptive_threshold = nms_threshold; |
indices->clear(); |
while (score_index_vec.size() != 0) |
{ |
while (score_index_vec.size() != 0) { |
const int idx = score_index_vec.front().second; |
bool keep = true; |
for (size_t k = 0; k < indices->size(); ++k) |
{ |
if (keep) |
{ |
for (int k = 0; k < indices->size(); ++k) { |
if (keep) { |
const int kept_idx = (*indices)[k]; |
float overlap = JaccardOverlap(bboxes[idx], bboxes[kept_idx]); |
keep = overlap <= nms_threshold; |
} |
else |
{ |
keep = overlap <= adaptive_threshold; |
} else { |
break; |
} |
} |
if (keep) |
{ |
if (keep) { |
indices->push_back(idx); |
} |
score_index_vec.erase(score_index_vec.begin()); |
if (keep && eta < 1 && adaptive_threshold > 0.5) { |
adaptive_threshold *= eta; |
} |
} |
} |