aruco: port samples to cv::CommandLineParser

results in less code and more consistent parameter handling.
Pavel Rojtberg 10 years ago
parent 5e008c8758
commit 6b90a405df
  1. 130
  2. 134
  3. 105
  4. 102
  5. 96
  6. 86
  7. 113
  8. 114
  9. 126
  10. 114

@ -49,59 +49,31 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Calibration using a ArUco Planar Grid board" << endl;
cout << "How to Use:" << endl;
cout << "To capture a frame for calibration, press 'c'," << endl;
cout << "If input comes from video, press any key for next frame" << endl;
cout << "To finish capturing, press 'ESC' key and calibration starts." << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-w <nmarkers> # Number of markers in X direction" << endl;
cout << "-h <nmarkers> # Number of markers in Y direction" << endl;
cout << "-l <markerLength> # Marker side lenght (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-s <markerSeparation> # Separation between two consecutive"
<< "markers in the grid (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "-o <outputFile> # Output file with calibrated camera parameters" << endl;
cout << "[-v <videoFile>] # Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera" << endl;
cout << "[-ci <int>] # Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v). Default is 0" << endl;
cout << "[-dp <detectorParams>] # File of marker detector parameters" << endl;
cout << "[-rs] # Apply refind strategy" << endl;
cout << "[-zt] # Assume zero tangential distortion" << endl;
cout << "[-a <aspectRatio>] # Fix aspect ratio (fx/fy)" << endl;
cout << "[-p] # Fix the principal point at the center" << endl;
namespace {
const char* about =
"Calibration using a ArUco Planar Grid board\n"
" To capture a frame for calibration, press 'c',\n"
" If input comes from video, press any key for next frame\n"
" To finish capturing, press 'ESC' key and calibration starts.\n";
const char* keys =
"{w | | Number of squares in X direction }"
"{h | | Number of squares in Y direction }"
"{l | | Marker side lenght (in meters) }"
"{s | | Separation between two consecutive markers in the grid (in meters) }"
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{@outfile |<none> | Output file with calibrated camera parameters }"
"{v | | Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera }"
"{ci | 0 | Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v) }"
"{dp | | File of marker detector parameters }"
"{rs | false | Apply refind strategy }"
"{zt | false | Assume zero tangential distortion }"
"{a | | Fix aspect ratio (fx/fy) to this value }"
"{pc | false | Fix the principal point at the center }";
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
static bool readDetectorParameters(string filename, aruco::DetectorParameters &params) {
@ -177,55 +149,65 @@ static bool saveCameraParams(const string &filename, Size imageSize, float aspec
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(!isParam("-w", argc, argv) || !isParam("-h", argc, argv) || !isParam("-l", argc, argv) ||
!isParam("-s", argc, argv) || !isParam("-d", argc, argv) || !isParam("-o", argc, argv)) {
if(argc < 6) {
return 0;
int markersX = atoi(getParam("-w", argc, argv).c_str());
int markersY = atoi(getParam("-h", argc, argv).c_str());
float markerLength = (float)atof(getParam("-l", argc, argv).c_str());
float markerSeparation = (float)atof(getParam("-s", argc, argv).c_str());
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
string outputFile = getParam("-o", argc, argv);
int markersX = parser.get<int>("w");
int markersY = parser.get<int>("w");
float markerLength = parser.get<float>("l");
float markerSeparation = parser.get<float>("s");
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
string outputFile = parser.get<String>(0);
int calibrationFlags = 0;
float aspectRatio = 1;
if(isParam("-a", argc, argv)) {
if(parser.has("a")) {
calibrationFlags |= CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO;
aspectRatio = (float)atof(getParam("-a", argc, argv).c_str());
aspectRatio = parser.get<float>("a");
if(isParam("-zt", argc, argv)) calibrationFlags |= CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST;
if(isParam("-p", argc, argv)) calibrationFlags |= CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT;
if(parser.get<bool>("zt")) calibrationFlags |= CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST;
if(parser.get<bool>("pc")) calibrationFlags |= CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT;
aruco::DetectorParameters detectorParams;
if(isParam("-dp", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(getParam("-dp", argc, argv), detectorParams);
if(parser.has("dp")) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(parser.get<string>("dp"), detectorParams);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid detector parameters file" << endl;
return 0;
bool refindStrategy = false;
if(isParam("-rs", argc, argv)) refindStrategy = true;
bool refindStrategy = parser.get<bool>("rs");
int camId = parser.get<int>("ci");
String video;
if(parser.has("v")) {
video = parser.get<String>("v");
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
VideoCapture inputVideo;
int waitTime;
if(isParam("-v", argc, argv)) {"-v", argc, argv));
if(!video.empty()) {;
waitTime = 0;
} else {
int camId = 0;
if(isParam("-ci", argc, argv)) camId = atoi(getParam("-ci", argc, argv).c_str());;
waitTime = 10;
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
// create board object
aruco::GridBoard board =
aruco::GridBoard::create(markersX, markersY, markerLength, markerSeparation, dictionary);

@ -48,60 +48,32 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Calibration using a ChArUco board" << endl;
cout << "How to Use:" << endl;
cout << "To capture a frame for calibration, press 'c'," << endl;
cout << "If input comes from video, press any key for next frame" << endl;
cout << "To finish capturing, press 'ESC' key and calibration starts." << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-w <nmarkers> # Number of markers in X direction" << endl;
cout << "-h <nsquares> # Number of squares in Y direction" << endl;
cout << "-sl <squareLength> # Square side lenght (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-ml <markerLength> # Marker side lenght (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "-o <outputFile> # Output file with calibrated camera parameters" << endl;
cout << "[-v <videoFile>] # Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera" << endl;
cout << "[-ci <int>] # Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v). Default is 0" << endl;
cout << "[-dp <detectorParams>] # File of marker detector parameters" << endl;
cout << "[-rs] # Apply refind strategy" << endl;
cout << "[-zt] # Assume zero tangential distortion" << endl;
cout << "[-a <aspectRatio>] # Fix aspect ratio (fx/fy)" << endl;
cout << "[-p] # Fix the principal point at the center" << endl;
cout << "[-sc] # Show detected chessboard corners after calibration" << endl;
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
namespace {
const char* about =
"Calibration using a ChArUco board\n"
" To capture a frame for calibration, press 'c',\n"
" If input comes from video, press any key for next frame\n"
" To finish capturing, press 'ESC' key and calibration starts.\n";
const char* keys =
"{w | | Number of squares in X direction }"
"{h | | Number of squares in Y direction }"
"{sl | | Square side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{ml | | Marker side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{@outfile |<none> | Output file with calibrated camera parameters }"
"{v | | Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera }"
"{ci | 0 | Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v) }"
"{dp | | File of marker detector parameters }"
"{rs | false | Apply refind strategy }"
"{zt | false | Assume zero tangential distortion }"
"{a | | Fix aspect ratio (fx/fy) to this value }"
"{pc | false | Fix the principal point at the center }"
"{sc | false | Show detected chessboard corners after calibration }";
static bool readDetectorParameters(string filename, aruco::DetectorParameters &params) {
@ -177,57 +149,67 @@ static bool saveCameraParams(const string &filename, Size imageSize, float aspec
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(!isParam("-w", argc, argv) || !isParam("-h", argc, argv) || !isParam("-sl", argc, argv) ||
!isParam("-ml", argc, argv) || !isParam("-d", argc, argv) || !isParam("-o", argc, argv)) {
if(argc < 7) {
return 0;
int squaresX = atoi(getParam("-w", argc, argv).c_str());
int squaresY = atoi(getParam("-h", argc, argv).c_str());
float squareLength = (float)atof(getParam("-sl", argc, argv).c_str());
float markerLength = (float)atof(getParam("-ml", argc, argv).c_str());
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
string outputFile = getParam("-o", argc, argv);
int squaresX = parser.get<int>("w");
int squaresY = parser.get<int>("h");
float squareLength = parser.get<float>("sl");
float markerLength = parser.get<float>("ml");
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
string outputFile = parser.get<string>(0);
bool showChessboardCorners = isParam("-sc", argc, argv);
bool showChessboardCorners = parser.get<bool>("sc");
int calibrationFlags = 0;
float aspectRatio = 1;
if(isParam("-a", argc, argv)) {
if(parser.has("a")) {
calibrationFlags |= CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO;
aspectRatio = (float)atof(getParam("-a", argc, argv).c_str());
aspectRatio = parser.get<float>("a");
if(isParam("-zt", argc, argv)) calibrationFlags |= CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST;
if(isParam("-p", argc, argv)) calibrationFlags |= CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT;
if(parser.get<bool>("zt")) calibrationFlags |= CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST;
if(parser.get<bool>("pc")) calibrationFlags |= CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT;
aruco::DetectorParameters detectorParams;
if(isParam("-dp", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(getParam("-dp", argc, argv), detectorParams);
if(parser.has("dp")) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(parser.get<string>("dp"), detectorParams);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid detector parameters file" << endl;
return 0;
bool refindStrategy = false;
if(isParam("-rs", argc, argv)) refindStrategy = true;
bool refindStrategy = parser.get<bool>("rs");
int camId = parser.get<int>("ci");
String video;
if(parser.has("v")) {
video = parser.get<String>("v");
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
VideoCapture inputVideo;
int waitTime;
if(isParam("-v", argc, argv)) {"-v", argc, argv));
if(!video.empty()) {;
waitTime = 0;
} else {
int camId = 0;
if(isParam("-ci", argc, argv)) camId = atoi(getParam("-ci", argc, argv).c_str());;
waitTime = 10;
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
// create charuco board object
aruco::CharucoBoard board =
aruco::CharucoBoard::create(squaresX, squaresY, squareLength, markerLength, dictionary);

@ -39,92 +39,63 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Create an ArUco grid board image" << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-o <image> # Output image" << endl;
cout << "-w <nmarkers> # Number of markers in X direction" << endl;
cout << "-h <nmarkers> # Number of markers in Y direction" << endl;
cout << "-l <markerLength> # Marker side lenght (in pixels)" << endl;
cout << "-s <markerSeparation> # Separation between two consecutive"
<< "markers in the grid (in pixels)" << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "[-m <marginSize>] # Margins size (in pixels)"
<< "Default is marker separation" << endl;
cout << "[-bb <int>] # Number of bits in marker borders. Default is 1" << endl;
cout << "[-si] # show generated image" << endl;
namespace {
const char* about = "Create an ArUco grid board image";
const char* keys =
"{@outfile |<none> | Output image }"
"{w | | Number of markers in X direction }"
"{h | | Number of markers in Y direction }"
"{l | | Marker side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{s | | Separation between two consecutive markers in the grid (in pixels)}"
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{m | | Margins size (in pixels). Default is marker separation (-s) }"
"{bb | 1 | Number of bits in marker borders }"
"{si | false | show generated image }";
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(!isParam("-w", argc, argv) || !isParam("-h", argc, argv) || !isParam("-l", argc, argv) ||
!isParam("-s", argc, argv) || !isParam("-d", argc, argv) || !isParam("-o", argc, argv)) {
if(argc < 7) {
return 0;
int markersX = atoi(getParam("-w", argc, argv).c_str());
int markersY = atoi(getParam("-h", argc, argv).c_str());
int markerLength = atoi(getParam("-l", argc, argv).c_str());
int markerSeparation = atoi(getParam("-s", argc, argv).c_str());
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
int markersX = parser.get<int>("w");
int markersY = parser.get<int>("h");
int markerLength = parser.get<int>("l");
int markerSeparation = parser.get<int>("s");
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
int margins = markerSeparation;
if(isParam("-m", argc, argv)) {
margins = atoi(getParam("-m", argc, argv).c_str());
if(parser.has("m")) {
margins = parser.get<int>("m");
int borderBits = 1;
if(isParam("-bb", argc, argv)) {
borderBits = atoi(getParam("-bb", argc, argv).c_str());
int borderBits = parser.get<int>("bb");
bool showImage = parser.get<bool>("si");
bool showImage = false;
if(isParam("-si", argc, argv)) showImage = true;
String out = parser.get<String>(0);
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
Size imageSize;
imageSize.width = markersX * (markerLength + markerSeparation) - markerSeparation + 2 * margins;
imageSize.height =
markersY * (markerLength + markerSeparation) - markerSeparation + 2 * margins;
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
aruco::GridBoard board = aruco::GridBoard::create(markersX, markersY, float(markerLength),
float(markerSeparation), dictionary);
@ -137,7 +108,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
imwrite(getParam("-o", argc, argv), boardImage);
imwrite(out, boardImage);
return 0;

@ -39,85 +39,57 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/aruco/charuco.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Create a ChArUco board image" << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-o <image> # Output image" << endl;
cout << "-w <nsquares> # Number of squares in X direction" << endl;
cout << "-h <nsquares> # Number of squares in Y direction" << endl;
cout << "-sl <squareLength> # Square side lenght (in pixels)" << endl;
cout << "-ml <markerLength> # Marker side lenght (in pixels)" << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "[-m <marginSize>] # Margins size (in pixels)"
<< "Default is (squareLength-markerLength)" << endl;
cout << "[-bb <int>] # Number of bits in marker borders. Default is 1" << endl;
cout << "[-si] # show generated image" << endl;
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
namespace {
const char* about = "Create a ChArUco board image";
const char* keys =
"{@outfile |<none> | Output image }"
"{w | | Number of squares in X direction }"
"{h | | Number of squares in Y direction }"
"{sl | | Square side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{ml | | Marker side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{m | | Margins size (in pixels). Default is (squareLength-markerLength) }"
"{bb | 1 | Number of bits in marker borders }"
"{si | false | show generated image }";
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(!isParam("-w", argc, argv) || !isParam("-h", argc, argv) || !isParam("-sl", argc, argv) ||
!isParam("-ml", argc, argv) || !isParam("-d", argc, argv) || !isParam("-o", argc, argv)) {
if(argc < 7) {
return 0;
int squaresX = atoi(getParam("-w", argc, argv).c_str());
int squaresY = atoi(getParam("-h", argc, argv).c_str());
int squareLength = atoi(getParam("-sl", argc, argv).c_str());
int markerLength = atoi(getParam("-ml", argc, argv).c_str());
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
int squaresX = parser.get<int>("w");
int squaresY = parser.get<int>("h");
int squareLength = parser.get<int>("sl");
int markerLength = parser.get<int>("ml");
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
int margins = squareLength - markerLength;
if(isParam("-m", argc, argv)) {
margins = atoi(getParam("-m", argc, argv).c_str());
if(parser.has("m")) {
margins = parser.get<int>("m");
int borderBits = 1;
if(isParam("-bb", argc, argv)) {
borderBits = atoi(getParam("-bb", argc, argv).c_str());
int borderBits = parser.get<int>("bb");
bool showImage = parser.get<bool>("si");
String out = parser.get<String>(0);
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
bool showImage = false;
if(isParam("-si", argc, argv)) showImage = true;
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
Size imageSize;
imageSize.width = squaresX * squareLength + 2 * margins;
@ -135,7 +107,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
imwrite(getParam("-o", argc, argv), boardImage);
imwrite(out, boardImage);
return 0;

@ -45,65 +45,50 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Create a ChArUco marker image" << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-o <image> # Output image" << endl;
cout << "-sl <squareLength> # Square side lenght (in pixels)" << endl;
cout << "-ml <markerLength> # Marker side lenght (in pixels)" << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "-ids <id1,id2,id3,id4> # Four ids for the ChArUco marker" << endl;
cout << "[-m <marginSize>] # Margins size (in pixels). Default is 0" << endl;
cout << "[-bb <int>] # Number of bits in marker borders. Default is 1" << endl;
cout << "[-si] # show generated image" << endl;
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
namespace {
const char* about = "Create a ChArUco marker image";
const char* keys =
"{@outfile |<none> | Output image }"
"{sl | | Square side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{ml | | Marker side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{ids |<none> | Four ids for the ChArUco marker: id1,id2,id3,id4 }"
"{m | 0 | Margins size (in pixels) }"
"{bb | 1 | Number of bits in marker borders }"
"{si | false | show generated image }";
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(argc < 4) {
return 0;
if(!isParam("-sl", argc, argv) || !isParam("-ml", argc, argv) || !isParam("-d", argc, argv) ||
!isParam("-ids", argc, argv)) {
int squareLength = parser.get<int>("sl");
int markerLength = parser.get<int>("ml");
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
string idsString = parser.get<string>("ids");
int margins = parser.get<int>("m");
int borderBits = parser.get<int>("bb");
bool showImage = parser.get<bool>("si");
String out = parser.get<String>(0);
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
int squareLength = atoi(getParam("-sl", argc, argv).c_str());
int markerLength = atoi(getParam("-ml", argc, argv).c_str());
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
string idsString = getParam("-ids", argc, argv);
istringstream ss(idsString);
vector< string > splittedIds;
string token;
@ -111,26 +96,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(splittedIds.size() < 4) {
cerr << "Incorrect ids format" << endl;
return 0;
Vec4i ids;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
ids[i] = atoi(splittedIds[i].c_str());
int margins = 0;
if(isParam("-m", argc, argv)) {
margins = atoi(getParam("-m", argc, argv).c_str());
int borderBits = 1;
if(isParam("-bb", argc, argv)) {
borderBits = atoi(getParam("-bb", argc, argv).c_str());
bool showImage = false;
if(isParam("-si", argc, argv)) showImage = true;
Mat markerImg;
aruco::drawCharucoDiamond(dictionary, ids, squareLength, markerLength, markerImg, margins,
@ -140,7 +112,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
imwrite(getParam("-o", argc, argv), markerImg);
imwrite(out, markerImg);
return 0;

@ -39,78 +39,48 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Create an ArUco marker image" << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-o <image> # Output image" << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "-id <int> # Marker id in the dictionary" << endl;
cout << "[-ms <int>] # Marker size in pixels. Default is 200" << endl;
cout << "[-bb <int>] # Number of bits in marker borders. Default is 1" << endl;
cout << "[-si] # show generated image" << endl;
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
namespace {
const char* about = "Create an ArUco marker image";
const char* keys =
"{@outfile |<none> | Output image }"
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{id | | Marker id in the dictionary }"
"{ms | 200 | Marker size in pixels }"
"{bb | 1 | Number of bits in marker borders }"
"{si | false | show generated image }";
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(!isParam("-d", argc, argv) || !isParam("-o", argc, argv)) {
if(argc < 4) {
return 0;
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
int markerId = parser.get<int>("id");
int borderBits = parser.get<int>("bb");
int markerSize = parser.get<int>("ms");
bool showImage = parser.get<bool>("si");
int markerId = atoi(getParam("-id", argc, argv).c_str());
int borderBits = 1;
if(isParam("-bb", argc, argv)) {
borderBits = atoi(getParam("-bb", argc, argv).c_str());
String out = parser.get<String>(0);
int markerSize = 200;
if(isParam("-ms", argc, argv)) {
markerSize = atoi(getParam("-ms", argc, argv).c_str());
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
bool showImage = false;
if(isParam("-si", argc, argv)) showImage = true;
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
Mat markerImg;
aruco::drawMarker(dictionary, markerId, markerSize, markerImg, borderBits);
@ -120,7 +90,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
imwrite(getParam("-o", argc, argv), markerImg);
imwrite(out, markerImg);
return 0;

@ -45,52 +45,25 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Pose estimation using a ArUco Planar Grid board" << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-w <nmarkers> # Number of markers in X direction" << endl;
cout << "-h <nmarkers> # Number of markers in Y direction" << endl;
cout << "-l <markerLength> # Marker side lenght (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-s <markerSeparation> # Separation between two consecutive"
<< "markers in the grid (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "-c <cameraParams> # Camera intrinsic parameters file" << endl;
cout << "[-v <videoFile>] # Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera" << endl;
cout << "[-ci <int>] # Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v). Default is 0" << endl;
cout << "[-dp <detectorParams>] # File of marker detector parameters" << endl;
cout << "[-rs] # Apply refind strategy" << endl;
cout << "[-r] # show rejected candidates too" << endl;
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
namespace {
const char* about = "Pose estimation using a ArUco Planar Grid board";
const char* keys =
"{w | | Number of squares in X direction }"
"{h | | Number of squares in Y direction }"
"{l | | Marker side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{s | | Separation between two consecutive markers in the grid (in pixels)}"
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{c | | Output file with calibrated camera parameters }"
"{v | | Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera }"
"{ci | 0 | Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v) }"
"{dp | | File of marker detector parameters }"
"{rs | | Apply refind strategy }"
"{r | | show rejected candidates too }";
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
static bool readCameraParameters(string filename, Mat &camMatrix, Mat &distCoeffs) {
@ -137,27 +110,27 @@ static bool readDetectorParameters(string filename, aruco::DetectorParameters &p
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(!isParam("-w", argc, argv) || !isParam("-h", argc, argv) || !isParam("-l", argc, argv) ||
!isParam("-s", argc, argv) || !isParam("-d", argc, argv) || !isParam("-c", argc, argv)) {
if(argc < 7) {
return 0;
int markersX = atoi(getParam("-w", argc, argv).c_str());
int markersY = atoi(getParam("-h", argc, argv).c_str());
float markerLength = (float)atof(getParam("-l", argc, argv).c_str());
float markerSeparation = (float)atof(getParam("-s", argc, argv).c_str());
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
int markersX = parser.get<int>("w");
int markersY = parser.get<int>("h");
float markerLength = parser.get<float>("l");
float markerSeparation = parser.get<float>("s");
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
bool showRejected = parser.has("r");
bool refindStrategy = parser.has("rs");
int camId = parser.get<int>("ci");
bool showRejected = false;
if(isParam("-r", argc, argv)) showRejected = true;
Mat camMatrix, distCoeffs;
if(isParam("-c", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readCameraParameters(getParam("-c", argc, argv), camMatrix, distCoeffs);
if(parser.has("c")) {
bool readOk = readCameraParameters(parser.get<string>("c"), camMatrix, distCoeffs);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid camera file" << endl;
return 0;
@ -165,8 +138,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
aruco::DetectorParameters detectorParams;
if(isParam("-dp", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(getParam("-dp", argc, argv), detectorParams);
if(parser.has("dp")) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(parser.get<string>("dp"), detectorParams);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid detector parameters file" << endl;
return 0;
@ -174,17 +147,25 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
detectorParams.doCornerRefinement = true; // do corner refinement in markers
bool refindStrategy = false;
if(isParam("-rs", argc, argv)) refindStrategy = true;
String video;
if(parser.has("v")) {
video = parser.get<String>("v");
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
VideoCapture inputVideo;
int waitTime;
if(isParam("-v", argc, argv)) {"-v", argc, argv));
if(!video.empty()) {;
waitTime = 0;
} else {
int camId = 0;
if(isParam("-ci", argc, argv)) camId = atoi(getParam("-ci", argc, argv).c_str());;
waitTime = 10;

@ -46,50 +46,25 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Pose estimation using a ChArUco board" << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-w <nmarkers> # Number of markers in X direction" << endl;
cout << "-h <nsquares> # Number of squares in Y direction" << endl;
cout << "-sl <squareLength> # Square side lenght (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-ml <markerLength> # Marker side lenght (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "[-c <cameraParams>] # Camera intrinsic parameters file" << endl;
cout << "[-v <videoFile>] # Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera" << endl;
cout << "[-ci <int>] # Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v). Default is 0" << endl;
cout << "[-dp <detectorParams>] # File of marker detector parameters" << endl;
cout << "[-rs] # Apply refind strategy" << endl;
cout << "[-r] # show rejected candidates too" << endl;
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
namespace {
const char* about = "Pose estimation using a ChArUco board";
const char* keys =
"{w | | Number of squares in X direction }"
"{h | | Number of squares in Y direction }"
"{sl | | Square side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{ml | | Marker side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{c | | Output file with calibrated camera parameters }"
"{v | | Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera }"
"{ci | 0 | Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v) }"
"{dp | | File of marker detector parameters }"
"{rs | | Apply refind strategy }"
"{r | | show rejected candidates too }";
static bool readCameraParameters(string filename, Mat &camMatrix, Mat &distCoeffs) {
@ -135,27 +110,31 @@ static bool readDetectorParameters(string filename, aruco::DetectorParameters &p
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(!isParam("-w", argc, argv) || !isParam("-h", argc, argv) || !isParam("-sl", argc, argv) ||
!isParam("-ml", argc, argv) || !isParam("-d", argc, argv)) {
if(argc < 6) {
return 0;
int squaresX = atoi(getParam("-w", argc, argv).c_str());
int squaresY = atoi(getParam("-h", argc, argv).c_str());
float squareLength = (float)atof(getParam("-sl", argc, argv).c_str());
float markerLength = (float)atof(getParam("-ml", argc, argv).c_str());
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
bool showRejected = false;
if(isParam("-r", argc, argv)) showRejected = true;
int squaresX = parser.get<int>("w");
int squaresY = parser.get<int>("h");
float squareLength = parser.get<float>("sl");
float markerLength = parser.get<float>("ml");
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
bool showRejected = parser.has("r");
bool refindStrategy = parser.has("rs");
int camId = parser.get<int>("ci");
String video;
if(parser.has("v")) {
video = parser.get<String>("v");
Mat camMatrix, distCoeffs;
if(isParam("-c", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readCameraParameters(getParam("-c", argc, argv), camMatrix, distCoeffs);
if(parser.has("c")) {
bool readOk = readCameraParameters(parser.get<string>("c"), camMatrix, distCoeffs);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid camera file" << endl;
return 0;
@ -163,25 +142,28 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
aruco::DetectorParameters detectorParams;
if(isParam("-dp", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(getParam("-dp", argc, argv), detectorParams);
if(parser.has("dp")) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(parser.get<string>("dp"), detectorParams);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid detector parameters file" << endl;
return 0;
bool refindStrategy = false;
if(isParam("-rs", argc, argv)) refindStrategy = true;
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
VideoCapture inputVideo;
int waitTime;
if(isParam("-v", argc, argv)) {"-v", argc, argv));
if(!video.empty()) {;
waitTime = 0;
} else {
int camId = 0;
if(isParam("-ci", argc, argv)) camId = atoi(getParam("-ci", argc, argv).c_str());;
waitTime = 10;
@ -251,7 +233,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(interpolatedCorners > 0) {
Scalar color;
color = Scalar(0, 0, 255);
color = Scalar(255, 0, 0);
aruco::drawDetectedCornersCharuco(imageCopy, charucoCorners, charucoIds, color);

@ -46,51 +46,26 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Detect ChArUco markers" << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-sl <squareLength> # Square side lenght (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-ml <markerLength> # Marker side lenght (in meters)" << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "[-c <cameraParams>] # Camera intrinsic parameters file" << endl;
cout << "[-as <float>] # Automatic scale. The provided number is multiplied by the last "
<< "diamond id becoming an indicator of the square length. In this case, the -sl and "
<< "-ml are only used to know the relative length relation between "
<< "squares and markers" << endl;
cout << "[-v <videoFile>] # Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera" << endl;
cout << "[-ci <int>] # Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v). Default is 0" << endl;
cout << "[-dp <detectorParams>] # File of marker detector parameters" << endl;
cout << "[-r] # show rejected candidates too" << endl;
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
namespace {
const char* about = "Detect ChArUco markers";
const char* keys =
"{sl | | Square side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{ml | | Marker side lenght (in pixels) }"
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{c | | Output file with calibrated camera parameters }"
"{as | | Automatic scale. The provided number is multiplied by the last"
"diamond id becoming an indicator of the square length. In this case, the -sl and "
"-ml are only used to know the relative length relation between squares and markers }"
"{v | | Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera }"
"{ci | 0 | Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v) }"
"{dp | | File of marker detector parameters }"
"{rs | | Apply refind strategy }"
"{r | | show rejected candidates too }";
static bool readCameraParameters(string filename, Mat &camMatrix, Mat &distCoeffs) {
@ -136,56 +111,61 @@ static bool readDetectorParameters(string filename, aruco::DetectorParameters &p
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(!isParam("-sl", argc, argv) || !isParam("-ml", argc, argv) || !isParam("-d", argc, argv)) {
if(argc < 4) {
return 0;
float squareLength = (float)atof(getParam("-sl", argc, argv).c_str());
float markerLength = (float)atof(getParam("-ml", argc, argv).c_str());
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
bool showRejected = false;
if(isParam("-r", argc, argv)) showRejected = true;
float squareLength = parser.get<float>("sl");
float markerLength = parser.get<float>("ml");
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
bool showRejected = parser.has("r");
bool estimatePose = parser.has("c");
bool autoScale = parser.has("as");
float autoScaleFactor = autoScale ? parser.get<float>("as") : 1.f;
bool estimatePose = false;
Mat camMatrix, distCoeffs;
if(isParam("-c", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readCameraParameters(getParam("-c", argc, argv), camMatrix, distCoeffs);
aruco::DetectorParameters detectorParams;
if(parser.has("dp")) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(parser.get<string>("dp"), detectorParams);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid camera file" << endl;
cerr << "Invalid detector parameters file" << endl;
return 0;
estimatePose = true;
bool autoScale = false;
float autoScaleFactor = 1.;
if(isParam("-as", argc, argv)) {
autoScaleFactor = (float)atof(getParam("-as", argc, argv).c_str());
autoScale = true;
int camId = parser.get<int>("ci");
String video;
if(parser.has("v")) {
video = parser.get<String>("v");
aruco::DetectorParameters detectorParams;
if(isParam("-dp", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(getParam("-dp", argc, argv), detectorParams);
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
Mat camMatrix, distCoeffs;
if(estimatePose) {
bool readOk = readCameraParameters(parser.get<string>("c"), camMatrix, distCoeffs);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid detector parameters file" << endl;
cerr << "Invalid camera file" << endl;
return 0;
VideoCapture inputVideo;
int waitTime;
if(isParam("-v", argc, argv)) {"-v", argc, argv));
if(!video.empty()) {;
waitTime = 0;
} else {
int camId = 0;
if(isParam("-ci", argc, argv)) camId = atoi(getParam("-ci", argc, argv).c_str());;
waitTime = 10;
@ -224,7 +204,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < diamondCorners.size(); i++) {
float autoSquareLength = autoScaleFactor * float(diamondIds[i].val[3]);
vector< vector< Point2f > > currentCorners;
vector< Mat > currentRvec, currentTvec;
vector< Vec3d > currentRvec, currentTvec;
aruco::estimatePoseSingleMarkers(currentCorners, autoSquareLength, camMatrix,
distCoeffs, currentRvec, currentTvec);

@ -39,56 +39,26 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static void help() {
cout << "Basic marker detection" << endl;
cout << "Parameters: " << endl;
cout << "-d <dictionary> # DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2, "
<< "DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
<< "DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
<< "DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16" << endl;
cout << "[-v <videoFile>] # Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera" << endl;
cout << "[-ci <int>] # Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v). Default is 0" << endl;
cout << "[-c <cameraParams>] # Camera intrinsic parameters. Needed for camera pose" << endl;
cout << "[-l <markerLength>] # Marker side lenght (in meters). Needed for correct"
<< "scale in camera pose, default 0.1" << endl;
cout << "[-dp <detectorParams>] # File of marker detector parameters" << endl;
cout << "[-r] # show rejected candidates too" << endl;
static bool isParam(string param, int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) return true;
return false;
namespace {
const char* about = "Basic marker detection";
const char* keys =
"{d | | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2,"
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, "
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12,"
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}"
"{v | | Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera }"
"{ci | 0 | Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v) }"
"{c | | Camera intrinsic parameters. Needed for camera pose }"
"{l | 0.1 | Marker side lenght (in meters). Needed for correct scale in camera pose }"
"{dp | | File of marker detector parameters }"
"{r | | show rejected candidates too }";
static string getParam(string param, int argc, char **argv, string defvalue = "") {
int idx = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < argc && idx == -1; i++)
if(string(argv[i]) == param) idx = i;
if(idx == -1 || (idx + 1) >= argc)
return defvalue;
return argv[idx + 1];
static bool readCameraParameters(string filename, Mat &camMatrix, Mat &distCoeffs) {
@ -136,49 +106,59 @@ static bool readDetectorParameters(string filename, aruco::DetectorParameters &p
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
if(!isParam("-d", argc, argv)) {
if(argc < 2) {
return 0;
int dictionaryId = atoi(getParam("-d", argc, argv).c_str());
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
bool showRejected = false;
if(isParam("-r", argc, argv)) showRejected = true;
int dictionaryId = parser.get<int>("d");
bool showRejected = parser.has("r");
bool estimatePose = parser.has("c");
float markerLength = parser.get<float>("l");
bool estimatePose = false;
Mat camMatrix, distCoeffs;
if(isParam("-c", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readCameraParameters(getParam("-c", argc, argv), camMatrix, distCoeffs);
aruco::DetectorParameters detectorParams;
if(parser.has("dp")) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(parser.get<string>("dp"), detectorParams);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid camera file" << endl;
cerr << "Invalid detector parameters file" << endl;
return 0;
estimatePose = true;
float markerLength = (float)atof(getParam("-l", argc, argv, "0.1").c_str());
detectorParams.doCornerRefinement = true; // do corner refinement in markers
int camId = parser.get<int>("ci");
String video;
if(parser.has("v")) {
video = parser.get<String>("v");
aruco::DetectorParameters detectorParams;
if(isParam("-dp", argc, argv)) {
bool readOk = readDetectorParameters(getParam("-dp", argc, argv), detectorParams);
if(!parser.check()) {
return 0;
aruco::Dictionary dictionary =
Mat camMatrix, distCoeffs;
if(estimatePose) {
bool readOk = readCameraParameters(parser.get<string>("c"), camMatrix, distCoeffs);
if(!readOk) {
cerr << "Invalid detector parameters file" << endl;
cerr << "Invalid camera file" << endl;
return 0;
detectorParams.doCornerRefinement = true; // do corner refinement in markers
VideoCapture inputVideo;
int waitTime;
if(isParam("-v", argc, argv)) {"-v", argc, argv));
if(!video.empty()) {;
waitTime = 0;
} else {
int camId = 0;
if(isParam("-ci", argc, argv)) camId = atoi(getParam("-ci", argc, argv).c_str());;
waitTime = 10;
