Merge pull request #2882 from LaurentBerger:python_viz
* python binding for viz tutorial widget pose reset test_tutorial 2 & 3 sample py 9 test sur 22 test PyWCloudNormal 16 sur 22 end? python test * oops * bug * comment but( this is not solved * review 2 * oversight * oversight oops * viz: move out Py* classes from public C++ headers * viz: recover PyColor Co-authored-by: Alexander Alekhin <>pull/2914/head
10 changed files with 2038 additions and 21 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ |
#include "python_viz.hpp" |
namespace cv { namespace viz { |
PyAffine3d makeTransformToGlobalPy(const Vec3d& axis_x, const Vec3d& axis_y, const Vec3d& axis_z, const Vec3d& origin) |
{ |
return makeTransformToGlobal(axis_x, axis_y, axis_z, origin); |
} |
PyAffine3d makeCameraPosePy(const Vec3d& position, const Vec3d& focal_point, const Vec3d& y_dir) |
{ |
return makeCameraPose(position, focal_point, y_dir); |
} |
#define WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1 return Viz3d::showWidget(id, *widget.widget.get()) |
#define WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2 return Viz3d::showWidget(id, *widget.widget.get(), pose) |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWLine &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWLine &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWSphere &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWSphere &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCameraPosition &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCameraPosition &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWArrow &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWArrow &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCircle &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCircle &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWPlane &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWPlane &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCone &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCone &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCube &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCube &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCylinder &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCylinder &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCoordinateSystem &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWPaintedCloud &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWPaintedCloud &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCloudCollection &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCloudCollection &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWGrid &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWGrid &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, const cv::Ptr<WMesh> &widget) { return Viz3d::showWidget(id, *widget.get()); } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, const cv::Ptr<WMesh> &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { return Viz3d::showWidget(id, *widget.get(), pose); } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWPolyLine &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWPolyLine &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCloud &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCloud &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWImage3D &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWImage3D &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWImageOverlay &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWImageOverlay &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWText &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWText &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWText3D &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWText3D &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCloudNormals &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWCloudNormals &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWTrajectory &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWTrajectory &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWTrajectorySpheres &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWTrajectorySpheres &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWTrajectoryFrustums &widget, PyAffine3d &pose) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_2; } |
inline void PyViz3d::showWidget(const String &id, PyWTrajectoryFrustums &widget) { WRAP_SHOW_WIDGET_1; } |
PyWGrid::PyWGrid(InputArray cells, InputArray cells_spacing, const PyColor& color) |
{ |
if (cells.kind() == _InputArray::MAT && cells_spacing.kind() == _InputArray::MAT) |
{ |
Mat k = cells.getMat(); |
Mat l = cells_spacing.getMat(); |
if ( == 2 && == 2 ) |
{ |
CV_Assert(k.type() == CV_64FC1 && k.type() == CV_64FC1); |
Vec2i c1((int)<double>(0), (int)<double>(1)); |
Vec2d c2(<double>(0),<double>(1)); |
widget = cv::makePtr<WGrid>(c1, c2, color); |
} |
else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsVecLengthErr, "unknown size"); |
} |
else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "unknown type"); |
} |
PyWTrajectoryFrustums::PyWTrajectoryFrustums(InputArray path, InputArray K, double scale, const PyColor& color) |
{ |
if (K.kind() == _InputArray::MAT) |
{ |
Mat k = K.getMat(); |
if (k.rows == 3 && k.cols == 3) |
{ |
Matx33d x = k; |
widget = cv::makePtr<WTrajectoryFrustums>(path, x, scale, color); |
} |
else if ( == 2) |
widget = cv::makePtr<WTrajectoryFrustums>(path, Vec2d(<double>(0),<double>(1)), 1.0, color); |
else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsVecLengthErr, "unknown size"); |
} |
else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsVecLengthErr, "unknown size"); |
} |
}} // namespace
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,439 @@ |
import os |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 as cv |
from tests_common import NewOpenCVTests |
def generate_test_trajectory(): |
result = [] |
angle_i = np.arange(0, 271, 3) |
angle_j = np.arange(0, 1200, 10) |
for i, j in zip(angle_i, angle_j): |
x = 2 * np.cos(i * 3 * np.pi/180.0) * (1.0 + 0.5 * np.cos(1.2 + i * 1.2 * np.pi/180.0)) |
y = 0.25 + i/270.0 + np.sin(j * np.pi/180.0) * 0.2 * np.sin(0.6 + j * 1.5 * np.pi/180.0) |
z = 2 * np.sin(i * 3 * np.pi/180.0) * (1.0 + 0.5 * np.cos(1.2 + i * np.pi/180.0)) |
result.append(cv.viz.makeCameraPose((x, y, z), (0.0, 0, 0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0))) |
x = np.zeros(shape=(len(result), 1, 16 ), dtype= np.float64) |
for idx, m in enumerate(result): |
x[idx, 0, :] = m.mat().reshape(16) |
return x, result |
def tutorial3(camera_pov, filename): |
myWindow = cv.viz_Viz3d("Coordinate Frame") |
myWindow.showWidget("axe",cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
cam_origin = (3.0, 3.0, 3.0) |
cam_focal_point = (3.0,3.0,2.0) |
cam_y_dir = (-1.0,0.0,0.0) |
camera_pose = cv.viz.makeCameraPose(cam_origin, cam_focal_point, cam_y_dir) |
transform = cv.viz.makeTransformToGlobal((0.0,-1.0,0.0), (-1.0,0.0,0.0), (0.0,0.0,-1.0), cam_origin) |
dragon_cloud,_,_ = cv.viz.readCloud(filename) |
cloud_widget = cv.viz_WCloud(dragon_cloud, cv.viz_Color().green()) |
cloud_pose = cv.viz_Affine3d() |
cloud_pose = cv.viz_Affine3d().rotate((0, np.pi / 2, 0)).translate((0, 0, 3)) |
cloud_pose_global = transform.product(cloud_pose) |
myWindow.showWidget("CPW_FRUSTUM", cv.viz_WCameraPosition((0.889484, 0.523599)), camera_pose) |
if not camera_pov: |
myWindow.showWidget("CPW", cv.viz_WCameraPosition(0.5), camera_pose) |
myWindow.showWidget("dragon", cloud_widget, cloud_pose_global) |
if camera_pov: |
myWindow.setViewerPose(camera_pose) |
class viz_test(NewOpenCVTests): |
def setUp(self): |
super(viz_test, self).setUp() |
if not bool(os.environ.get('OPENCV_PYTEST_RUN_VIZ', False)): |
self.skipTest("Use OPENCV_PYTEST_RUN_VIZ=1 to enable VIZ UI tests") |
def test_viz_tutorial3_global_view(self): |
tutorial3(False, self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
def test_viz_tutorial3_camera_view(self): |
tutorial3(True, self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
def test_viz(self): |
dragon_cloud,_,_ = cv.viz.readCloud(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
myWindow = cv.viz_Viz3d("abc") |
myWindow.showWidget("coo", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem(1)) |
myWindow.showWidget("cloud", cv.viz_WPaintedCloud(dragon_cloud)) |
myWindow.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_simple_widgets(self): |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_simple_widgets") |
viz.setBackgroundMeshLab() |
viz.showWidget("coos", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("cube", cv.viz_WCube()) |
viz.showWidget("cub0", cv.viz_WCube((-1.0, -1, -1), (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), False, cv.viz_Color().indigo())) |
viz.showWidget("arro", cv.viz_WArrow((-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.009, cv.viz_Color().raspberry())) |
viz.showWidget("cir1", cv.viz_WCircle(0.5, 0.01, cv.viz_Color.bluberry())) |
viz.showWidget("cir2", cv.viz_WCircle(0.5, (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.01, cv.viz_Color().apricot())) |
viz.showWidget("cyl0", cv.viz_WCylinder((-0.5, 0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, -0.5), 0.125, 30, cv.viz_Color().brown())) |
viz.showWidget("con0", cv.viz_WCone(0.25, 0.125, 6, cv.viz_Color().azure())) |
viz.showWidget("con1", cv.viz_WCone(0.125, (0.5, -0.5, 0.5), (0.5, -1.0, 0.5), 6, cv.viz_Color().turquoise())) |
text2d = cv.viz_WText("Different simple widgets", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green()) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", text2d) |
text3d = cv.viz_WText3D("Simple 3D text", ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.125, False, cv.viz_Color().green()) |
viz.showWidget("text3d", text3d) |
viz.showWidget("plane1", cv.viz_WPlane((0.25, 0.75))) |
viz.showWidget("plane2", cv.viz_WPlane((0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.5), cv.viz_Color().gold())) |
viz.showWidget("grid1", cv.viz_WGrid((7,7), (0.75,0.75), cv.viz_Color().gray()), cv.viz_Affine3d().translate((0.0, 0.0, -1.0))) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
text2d.setText("Different simple widgets (updated)") |
text3d.setText("Updated text 3D") |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_overlay_image(self): |
lena = cv.imread(self.find_file("viz/lena.png")) |
gray = cv.cvtColor(lena, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
rows = lena.shape[0] |
cols = lena.shape[1] |
half_lsize = (lena.shape[1] // 2, lena.shape[0] // 2) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_overlay_image") |
viz.setBackgroundMeshLab(); |
vsz = viz.getWindowSize() |
viz.showWidget("coos", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("cube", cv.viz_WCube()) |
x = cv.viz_WImageOverlay(lena, (10, 10, half_lsize[1], half_lsize[0])) |
viz.showWidget("img1", x) |
viz.showWidget("img2", cv.viz_WImageOverlay(gray, (vsz[0] - 10 - cols // 2, 10, half_lsize[1], half_lsize[0]))) |
viz.showWidget("img3", cv.viz_WImageOverlay(gray, (10, vsz[1] - 10 - rows // 2, half_lsize[1], half_lsize[0]))) |
viz.showWidget("img5", cv.viz_WImageOverlay(lena, (vsz[0] - 10 - cols // 2, vsz[1] - 10 - rows // 2, half_lsize[1], half_lsize[0]))) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Overlay images", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
i = 0 |
for num in range(50): |
i = i + 1 |
a = i % 360 |
pose = (3 * np.sin(a * np.pi/180), 2.1, 3 * np.cos(a * np.pi/180)); |
viz.setViewerPose(cv.viz.makeCameraPose(pose , (0.0, 0.5, 0.0), (0.0, 0.1, 0.0))) |
img = lena * (np.sin(i * 10 * np.pi/180) * 0.5 + 0.5) |
x.setImage(img.astype(np.uint8)) |
viz.spinOnce(100, True) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Overlay images (stopped)", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_image_3d(self): |
lena = cv.imread(self.find_file("viz/lena.png")) |
lena_gray = cv.cvtColor(lena, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_image_3d") |
viz.setBackgroundMeshLab() |
viz.showWidget("coos", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("cube", cv.viz_WCube()); |
viz.showWidget("arr0", cv.viz_WArrow((0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.5, 0.0, 0.0), 0.009, cv.viz_Color().raspberry())) |
x = cv.viz_WImage3D(lena, (1.0, 1.0)) |
viz.showWidget("img0", x, cv.viz_Affine3d((0.0, np.pi/2, 0.0), (.5, 0.0, 0.0))) |
viz.showWidget("arr1", cv.viz_WArrow((-0.5, -0.5, 0.0), (0.2, 0.2, 0.0), 0.009, cv.viz_Color().raspberry())) |
viz.showWidget("img1", cv.viz_WImage3D(lena_gray, (1.0, 1.0), (-0.5, -0.5, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0))) |
viz.showWidget("arr3", cv.viz_WArrow((-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.009, cv.viz_Color().raspberry())) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Images in 3D", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
i = 0 |
for num in range(50): |
img = lena * (np.sin(i*7.5*np.pi/180) * 0.5 + 0.5) |
x.setImage(img.astype(np.uint8)) |
i = i + 1 |
viz.spinOnce(100, True); |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Images in 3D (stopped)", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_cloud_bluberry(self): |
dragon_cloud,_,_ = cv.viz.readCloud(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
pose = cv.viz_Affine3d() |
pose = pose.rotate((0, 0.8, 0)); |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_cloud_bluberry") |
viz.setBackgroundColor(cv.viz_Color().black()) |
viz.showWidget("coosys", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("dragon", cv.viz_WCloud(dragon_cloud, cv.viz_Color().bluberry()), pose) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Bluberry cloud", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_cloud_random_color(self): |
dragon_cloud,_,_ = cv.viz.readCloud(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
colors = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(dragon_cloud.shape[0],dragon_cloud.shape[1],3), dtype=np.uint8) |
pose = cv.viz_Affine3d() |
pose = pose.rotate((0, 0.8, 0)); |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_cloud_random_color") |
viz.setBackgroundMeshLab() |
viz.showWidget("coosys", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("dragon", cv.viz_WCloud(dragon_cloud, colors), pose) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Random color cloud", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_cloud_masked(self): |
dragon_cloud,_,_ = cv.viz.readCloud(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
qnan = np.NAN |
for idx in range(dragon_cloud.shape[0]): |
if idx % 15 != 0: |
dragon_cloud[idx,:] = qnan |
pose = cv.viz_Affine3d() |
pose = pose.rotate((0, 0.8, 0)) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_cloud_masked"); |
viz.showWidget("coosys", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("dragon", cv.viz_WCloud(dragon_cloud), pose) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Nan masked cloud", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_cloud_collection(self): |
cloud,_,_ = cv.viz.readCloud(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
ccol = cv.viz_WCloudCollection() |
pose = cv.viz_Affine3d() |
pose1 = cv.viz_Affine3d().translate((0, 0, 0)).rotate((np.pi/2, 0, 0)) |
ccol.addCloud(cloud, cv.viz_Color().white(), cv.viz_Affine3d().translate((0, 0, 0)).rotate((np.pi/2, 0, 0))) |
ccol.addCloud(cloud, cv.viz_Color().blue(), cv.viz_Affine3d().translate((1, 0, 0))) |
ccol.addCloud(cloud, cv.viz_Color().red(), cv.viz_Affine3d().translate((2, 0, 0))) |
ccol.finalize(); |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_cloud_collection") |
viz.setBackgroundColor(cv.viz_Color().mlab()) |
viz.showWidget("coosys", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()); |
viz.showWidget("ccol", ccol); |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Cloud collection", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color(0, 255,0 ))) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_painted_clouds(self): |
cloud,_,_ = cv.viz.readCloud(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_painted_clouds") |
viz.setBackgroundMeshLab() |
viz.showWidget("coosys", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
pose1 = cv.viz_Affine3d((0.0, -np.pi/2, 0.0), (-1.5, 0.0, 0.0)) |
pose2 = cv.viz_Affine3d((0.0, np.pi/2, 0.0), (1.5, 0.0, 0.0)) |
viz.showWidget("cloud1", cv.viz_WPaintedCloud(cloud), pose1) |
viz.showWidget("cloud2", cv.viz_WPaintedCloud(cloud, (0.0, -0.75, -1.0), (0.0, 0.75, 0.0)), pose2); |
viz.showWidget("cloud3", cv.viz_WPaintedCloud(cloud, (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), cv.viz_Color().blue(), cv.viz_Color().red())) |
viz.showWidget("arrow", cv.viz_WArrow((0.0, 1.0, -1.0), (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.009, cv.viz_Color())) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Painted clouds", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color(0, 255, 0))) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_mesh(self): |
mesh = cv.viz.readMesh(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_mesh") |
viz.showWidget("coosys", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()); |
viz.showWidget("mesh", cv.viz_WMesh(mesh), cv.viz_Affine3d().rotate((0, 0.8, 0))); |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Just mesh", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_mesh_random_colors(self): |
mesh = cv.viz.readMesh(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
mesh.colors = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=mesh.colors.shape, dtype=np.uint8) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_mesh") |
viz.showWidget("coosys", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()); |
viz.showWidget("mesh", cv.viz_WMesh(mesh), cv.viz_Affine3d().rotate((0, 0.8, 0))) |
viz.setRenderingProperty("mesh", cv.viz.SHADING, cv.viz.SHADING_PHONG) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Random color mesh", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_textured_mesh(self): |
lena = cv.imread(self.find_file("viz/lena.png")) |
angle = np.arange(0,64) |
points0 = np.vstack((np.zeros(shape=angle.shape, dtype=np.float32), np.cos(angle * np.pi /128), np.sin(angle* np.pi /128))) |
points1 = np.vstack((1.57 * np.ones(shape=angle.shape, dtype=np.float32),np.cos(angle* np.pi /128), np.sin(angle* np.pi /128))) |
tcoords0 = np.vstack((np.zeros(shape=angle.shape, dtype=np.float32), angle / 64)) |
tcoords1 = np.vstack((np.ones(shape=angle.shape, dtype=np.float32), angle / 64)) |
points = np.zeros(shape=(points0.shape[0], points0.shape[1] * 2 ),dtype=np.float32) |
tcoords = np.zeros(shape=(tcoords0.shape[0], tcoords0.shape[1] * 2),dtype=np.float32) |
tcoords[:,0::2] = tcoords0 |
tcoords[:,1::2] = tcoords1 |
points[:,0::2] = points0 * 0.75 |
points[:,1::2] = points1 * 0.75 |
polygons = np.zeros(shape=(4 * (points.shape[1]-2)+1),dtype=np.int32) |
for idx in range(points.shape[1] // 2 - 1): |
polygons[8 * idx: 8 * (idx + 1)] = [3, 2*idx, 2*idx+1, 2*idx+2, 3, 2*idx+1, 2*idx+2, 2*idx+3] |
mesh = cv.viz_Mesh() |
|||| = points.transpose().reshape(1,points.shape[1],points.shape[0]) |
mesh.tcoords = tcoords.transpose().reshape(1,tcoords.shape[1],tcoords.shape[0]) |
mesh.polygons = polygons.reshape(1, 4 * (points.shape[1]-2)+1) |
mesh.texture = lena |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_textured_mesh") |
viz.setBackgroundMeshLab(); |
viz.showWidget("coosys", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()); |
viz.showWidget("mesh", cv.viz_WMesh(mesh)) |
viz.setRenderingProperty("mesh", cv.viz.SHADING, cv.viz.SHADING_PHONG) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Textured mesh", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())); |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_polyline(self): |
palette = [ cv.viz_Color().red(), |
cv.viz_Color().green(), |
cv.viz_Color().blue(), |
cv.viz_Color().gold(), |
cv.viz_Color().raspberry(), |
cv.viz_Color().bluberry(), |
cv.viz_Color().lime()] |
palette_size = len(palette) |
polyline = np.zeros(shape=(1, 32, 3), dtype=np.float32) |
colors = np.zeros(shape=(1, 32, 3), dtype=np.uint8) |
for i in range(polyline.shape[1]): |
polyline[0,i,0] = i / 16.0 |
polyline[0,i,1] = np.cos(i * np.pi/6) |
polyline[0,i,2] = np.sin(i * np.pi/6) |
colors[0,i,0] = palette[i % palette_size].get_blue() |
colors[0,i,1] = palette[i % palette_size].get_green() |
colors[0,i,2] = palette[i % palette_size].get_red() |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_polyline") |
viz.showWidget("polyline", cv.viz_WPolyLine(polyline, colors)) |
viz.showWidget("coosys", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Polyline", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_sampled_normals(self): |
mesh = cv.viz.readMesh(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
mesh.normals = cv.viz.computeNormals(mesh) |
pose = cv.viz_Affine3d().rotate((0, 0.8, 0)) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_sampled_normals") |
viz.showWidget("mesh", cv.viz_WMesh(mesh), pose) |
viz.showWidget("normals", cv.viz_WCloudNormals(, mesh.normals, 30, 0.1, cv.viz_Color().green()), pose) |
viz.setRenderingProperty("normals", cv.viz.LINE_WIDTH, 2.0) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Cloud or mesh normals", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True); |
def test_viz_show_cloud_shaded_by_normals(self): |
mesh = cv.viz.readMesh(self.find_file("viz/dragon.ply")) |
mesh.normals = cv.viz.computeNormals(mesh) |
pose = cv.viz_Affine3d().rotate((0, 0.8, 0)) |
cloud = cv.viz_WCloud(, cv.viz_Color().white(), mesh.normals) |
cloud.setRenderingProperty(cv.viz.SHADING, cv.viz.SHADING_GOURAUD) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_cloud_shaded_by_normals") |
viz.showWidget("cloud", cloud, pose) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Cloud shaded by normals", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_image_method(self): |
lena = cv.imread(self.find_file("viz/lena.png")) |
lena_gray = cv.cvtColor(lena, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_image_method") |
viz.showImage(lena) |
viz.spinOnce(1500, True) |
viz.showImage(lena, (lena.shape[1], lena.shape[0])) |
viz.spinOnce(1500, True) |
#cv.viz.imshow("show_image_method", lena_gray).spinOnce(500, True) BUG |
def test_viz_show_follower(self): |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_follower") |
viz.showWidget("coos", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("cube", cv.viz_WCube()) |
text_3d = cv.viz_WText3D("Simple 3D follower", (-0.5, -0.5, 0.5), 0.125, True, cv.viz_Color().green()) |
viz.showWidget("t3d_2", text_3d) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Follower: text always facing camera", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.setBackgroundMeshLab() |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
text_3d.setText("Updated follower 3D") |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_trajectory_reposition(self): |
mat, path = generate_test_trajectory() |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_trajectory_reposition_to_origin") |
viz.showWidget("coos", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("sub3", cv.viz_WTrajectory(mat[0: len(path) // 3,:,:], cv.viz.PyWTrajectory_BOTH, 0.2, cv.viz_Color().brown()), path[0].inv()) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Trajectory resposition to origin", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_trajectories(self): |
mat, path = generate_test_trajectory() |
size =len(path) |
sub0 = np.copy(mat[0: size//10+1,::]) |
sub1 = np.copy(mat[size//10: size//5+1,::]) |
sub2 = np.copy(mat[size//5: 11*size//12,::]) |
sub3 = np.copy(mat[11 * size // 12 : size,::]) |
sub4 = np.copy(mat[3 * size//4: 33*size//40,::]) |
sub5 = np.copy(mat[11*size//12: size,::]) |
K = np.array([[1024.0, 0.0, 320.0], [0.0, 1024.0, 240.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],dtype=np.float64) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_trajectories") |
viz.showWidget("coos", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem()) |
viz.showWidget("sub0", cv.viz_WTrajectorySpheres(sub0, 0.25, 0.07)) |
viz.showWidget("sub1", cv.viz_WTrajectory(sub1, cv.viz.PyWTrajectory_PATH, 0.2, cv.viz_Color().brown())) |
viz.showWidget("sub2", cv.viz_WTrajectory(sub2, cv.viz.PyWTrajectory_FRAMES, 0.2)) |
viz.showWidget("sub3", cv.viz_WTrajectory(sub3, cv.viz.PyWTrajectory_BOTH, 0.2, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.showWidget("sub4", cv.viz_WTrajectoryFrustums(sub4, K, 0.3, cv.viz_Color().yellow())) |
viz.showWidget("sub5", cv.viz_WTrajectoryFrustums(sub5, (0.78, 0.78), 0.15, cv.viz_Color().magenta())) #BUG |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Different kinds of supported trajectories", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
i = 0 |
for num in range(50): |
i = i - 1 |
a = i % 360 |
pose = (np.sin(a * np.pi/180)* 7.5, 0.7, np.cos(a * np.pi/180)* 7.5) |
viz.setViewerPose(cv.viz.makeCameraPose(pose , (0.0, 0.5, 0.0), (0.0, 0.1, 0.0))); |
viz.spinOnce(100, True) |
viz.resetCamera() |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
def test_viz_show_camera_positions(self): |
K = np.array([[1024.0, 0.0, 320.0], [0.0, 1024.0, 240.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],dtype=np.float64) |
lena = cv.imread(self.find_file("viz/lena.png")) |
lena_gray = cv.cvtColor(lena, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
poses = [] |
for i in range(2): |
pose = (5 * np.sin(3.14 + 2.7 + i*60 * np.pi/180), 2 - i*1.5, 5 * np.cos(3.14 + 2.7 + i*60 * np.pi/180)) |
poses.append(cv.viz.makeCameraPose(pose, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, -0.1, 0.0))) |
viz = cv.viz_Viz3d("show_camera_positions") |
viz.showWidget("sphe", cv.viz_WSphere((0,0,0), 1.0, 10, cv.viz_Color().orange_red())) |
viz.showWidget("coos", cv.viz_WCoordinateSystem(1.5)) |
viz.showWidget("pos1", cv.viz_WCameraPosition(0.75), poses[0]) |
viz.showWidget("pos2", cv.viz_WCameraPosition((0.78, 0.78), lena, 2.2, cv.viz_Color().green()), poses[0]) |
viz.showWidget("pos3", cv.viz_WCameraPosition(0.75), poses[0]) |
viz.showWidget("pos4", cv.viz_WCameraPosition(K, lena_gray, 3, cv.viz_Color().indigo()), poses[1]) |
viz.showWidget("text2d", cv.viz_WText("Camera positions with images", (20, 20), 20, cv.viz_Color().green())) |
viz.spinOnce(500, True) |
""" |
TEST(Viz, show_widget_merger) |
{ |
WWidgetMerger merger; |
merger.addWidget(WCube(Vec3d::all(0.0), Vec3d::all(1.0), true, Color::gold())); |
RNG& rng = theRNG(); |
for(int i = 0; i < 77; ++i) |
{ |
Vec3b c; |
rng.fill(c, RNG::NORMAL, Scalar::all(128), Scalar::all(48), true); |
merger.addWidget(WSphere(Vec3d(c)*(1.0/255.0), 7.0/255.0, 10, Color(c[2], c[1], c[0]))); |
} |
merger.finalize(); |
Viz3d viz("show_mesh_random_color"); |
viz.showWidget("coo", WCoordinateSystem()); |
viz.showWidget("merger", merger); |
viz.showWidget("text2d", WText("Widget merger", Point(20, 20), 20, Color::green())); |
viz.spinOnce(500, true); |
} |
""" |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
NewOpenCVTests.bootstrap() |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 as cv |
v = cv.viz.Viz3d_create("Viz Demo") |
print("First event loop is over") |
v.spin() |
print("Second event loop is over") |
v.spinOnce(1, True) |
while not v.wasStopped(): |
v.spinOnce(1, True) |
print("Last event loop is over") |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 as cv |
my_window = cv.viz_Viz3d("Coordinate Frame") |
axe = cv.viz_PyWCoordinateSystem() |
axis = cv.viz_PyWLine((-1.0,-1.0,-1.0), (1.0,1.0,1.0), cv.viz_PyColor().green()) |
axis.setRenderingProperty(cv.viz.LINE_WIDTH, 4.0); |
my_window.showWidget("axe",axis) |
plan = cv.viz_PyWPlane((-1.0,-1.0,-1.0), (1.0,.0,.0), (-.0,.0,-1.0)) |
#my_window.showWidget("plan", plan) |
cube = cv.viz_PyWCube((0.5,0.5,0.0), (0.0,0.0,-0.5), True, cv.viz_PyColor().blue()) |
#my_window.showWidget("Cube Widget",cube) |
pi = np.arccos(-1) |
print("First event loop is over") |
my_window.spin() |
print("Second event loop is over") |
my_window.spinOnce(1, True) |
translation_phase = 0.0 |
translation = 0.0 |
rot_mat = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3), dtype=np.float32) |
rot_vec = np.zeros(shape=(1,3),dtype=np.float32) |
while not my_window.wasStopped(): |
rot_vec[0, 0] += np.pi * 0.01 |
rot_vec[0, 1] += np.pi * 0.01 |
rot_vec[0, 2] += np.pi * 0.01 |
translation_phase += pi * 0.01 |
translation = np.sin(translation_phase) |
pose = cv.viz_PyAffine3(rot_vec, (translation, translation, translation)) |
my_window.setWidgetPosePy("Cube Widget", pose) |
my_window.spinOnce(1, True) |
print("Last event loop is over") |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 as cv |
def load_bunny(): |
with open(cv.samples.findFile("viz/bunny.ply"), 'r') as f: |
s = |
ligne = s.split('\n') |
if len(ligne) == 5753: |
pts3d = np.zeros(shape=(1,1889,3), dtype=np.float32) |
pts3d_c = 255 * np.ones(shape=(1,1889,3), dtype=np.uint8) |
pts3d_n = np.ones(shape=(1,1889,3), dtype=np.float32) |
for idx in range(12,1889): |
d = ligne[idx].split(' ') |
pts3d[0,idx-12,:] = (float(d[0]), float(d[1]), float(d[2])) |
pts3d = 5 * pts3d |
return cv.viz_PyWCloud(pts3d) |
myWindow = cv.viz_Viz3d("Coordinate Frame") |
axe = cv.viz_PyWCoordinateSystem() |
myWindow.showWidget("axe",axe) |
cam_pos = (3.0, 3.0, 3.0) |
cam_focal_point = (3.0,3.0,2.0) |
cam_y_dir = (-1.0,0.0,0.0) |
cam_pose = cv.viz.makeCameraPosePy(cam_pos, cam_focal_point, cam_y_dir) |
print("OK") |
transform = cv.viz.makeTransformToGlobalPy((0.0,-1.0,0.0), (-1.0,0.0,0.0), (0.0,0.0,-1.0), cam_pos) |
pw_bunny = load_bunny() |
cloud_pose = cv.viz_PyAffine3() |
cloud_pose = cloud_pose.translate((0, 0, 3)) |
cloud_pose_global = transform.product(cloud_pose) |
cpw = cv.viz_PyWCameraPosition(0.5) |
cpw_frustum = cv.viz_PyWCameraPosition(0.3) |
myWindow.showWidget("CPW", cpw); |
myWindow.showWidget("CPW_FRUSTUM", cpw_frustum) |
myWindow.setViewerPosePy(cam_pose) |
myWindow.showWidget("bunny", pw_bunny, cloud_pose_global) |
#myWindow.setWidgetPosePy("bunny") |
myWindow.spin(); |
print("Last event loop is over") |
Reference in new issue