@ -43,151 +43,151 @@ namespace cv |
namespace hdf |
{ |
class HDF5Impl : public HDF5 |
class HDF5Impl CV_FINAL : public HDF5 |
{ |
public: |
HDF5Impl( const String& HDF5Filename ); |
virtual ~HDF5Impl() { close(); }; |
virtual ~HDF5Impl() CV_OVERRIDE { close(); }; |
// close and release
virtual void close( ); |
virtual void close( ) CV_OVERRIDE; |
* h5 generic |
*/ |
// check if object / link exists
virtual bool hlexists( const String& label ) const; |
virtual bool hlexists( const String& label ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual bool atexists(const String& atlabel) const; |
virtual void atdelete(const String& atlabel); |
virtual bool atexists(const String& atlabel) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual void atdelete(const String& atlabel) CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual void atwrite(const int value, const String& atlabel); |
virtual void atread(int* value, const String& atlabel); |
virtual void atwrite(const int value, const String& atlabel) CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual void atread(int* value, const String& atlabel) CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual void atwrite(const double value, const String& atlabel); |
virtual void atread(double* value, const String& atlabel); |
virtual void atwrite(const double value, const String& atlabel) CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual void atread(double* value, const String& atlabel) CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual void atwrite(const String& value, const String& atlabel); |
virtual void atread(String* value, const String& atlabel); |
virtual void atwrite(const String& value, const String& atlabel) CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual void atread(String* value, const String& atlabel) CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual void atwrite(InputArray value, const String& atlabel); |
virtual void atread(OutputArray value, const String& atlabel); |
virtual void atwrite(InputArray value, const String& atlabel) CV_OVERRIDE; |
virtual void atread(OutputArray value, const String& atlabel) CV_OVERRIDE; |
* h5 group |
*/ |
// create a group
virtual void grcreate( const String& grlabel ); |
virtual void grcreate( const String& grlabel ) CV_OVERRIDE; |
* cv::Mat |
*/ |
// get sizes of dataset
virtual vector<int> dsgetsize( const String& dslabel, int dims_flag = H5_GETDIMS ) const; |
virtual vector<int> dsgetsize( const String& dslabel, int dims_flag = H5_GETDIMS ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
/* get data type of dataset */ |
virtual int dsgettype( const String& dslabel ) const; |
virtual int dsgettype( const String& dslabel ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dscreate() #1
virtual void dscreate( const int rows, const int cols, const int type, const String& dslabel ) const; |
virtual void dscreate( const int rows, const int cols, const int type, const String& dslabel ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dscreate() #2
virtual void dscreate( const int rows, const int cols, const int type, const String& dslabel, |
const int compresslevel ) const; |
const int compresslevel ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dscreate() #3
virtual void dscreate( const int rows, const int cols, const int type, const String& dslabel, |
const int compresslevel, const vector<int>& dims_chunks ) const; |
const int compresslevel, const vector<int>& dims_chunks ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
/* create two dimensional single or mutichannel dataset */ |
virtual void dscreate( const int rows, const int cols, const int type, const String& dslabel, |
const int compresslevel, const int* dims_chunks ) const; |
const int compresslevel, const int* dims_chunks ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dscreate() #1
virtual void dscreate( const int n_dims, const int* sizes, const int type, |
const String& dslabel ) const; |
const String& dslabel ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dscreate() #2
virtual void dscreate( const int n_dims, const int* sizes, const int type, |
const String& dslabel, const int compresslevel ) const; |
const String& dslabel, const int compresslevel ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dscreate() #3
virtual void dscreate( const vector<int>& sizes, const int type, const String& dslabel, |
const int compresslevel = H5_NONE, const vector<int>& dims_chunks = vector<int>() ) const; |
const int compresslevel = H5_NONE, const vector<int>& dims_chunks = vector<int>() ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
/* create n-dimensional single or mutichannel dataset */ |
virtual void dscreate( const int n_dims, const int* sizes, const int type, |
const String& dslabel, const int compresslevel, const int* dims_chunks ) const; |
const String& dslabel, const int compresslevel, const int* dims_chunks ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dswrite() #1
virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel ) const; |
virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dswrite() #2
virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel, const int* dims_offset ) const; |
virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel, const int* dims_offset ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dswrite() #3
virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel, const vector<int>& dims_offset, |
const vector<int>& dims_counts = vector<int>() ) const; |
const vector<int>& dims_counts = vector<int>() ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
/* write into dataset */ |
virtual void dswrite( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel, |
const int* dims_offset, const int* dims_counts ) const; |
const int* dims_offset, const int* dims_counts ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dsinsert() #1
virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel ) const; |
virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dsinsert() #2
virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel, const int* dims_offset ) const; |
virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel, const int* dims_offset ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dsinsert() #3
virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel, |
const vector<int>& dims_offset, const vector<int>& dims_counts = vector<int>() ) const; |
const vector<int>& dims_offset, const vector<int>& dims_counts = vector<int>() ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
/* append / merge into dataset */ |
virtual void dsinsert( InputArray Array, const String& dslabel, |
const int* dims_offset = NULL, const int* dims_counts = NULL ) const; |
const int* dims_offset = NULL, const int* dims_counts = NULL ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dsread() #1
virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array, const String& dslabel ) const; |
virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array, const String& dslabel ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dsread() #2
virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array, const String& dslabel, const int* dims_offset ) const; |
virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array, const String& dslabel, const int* dims_offset ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// overload dsread() #3
virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array, const String& dslabel, |
const vector<int>& dims_offset, const vector<int>& dims_counts = vector<int>() ) const; |
const vector<int>& dims_offset, const vector<int>& dims_counts = vector<int>() ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// read from dataset
virtual void dsread( OutputArray Array, const String& dslabel, |
const int* dims_offset, const int* dims_counts ) const; |
const int* dims_offset, const int* dims_counts ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
* std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> |
*/ |
// get size of keypoints dataset
virtual int kpgetsize( const String& kplabel, int dims_flag = H5_GETDIMS ) const; |
virtual int kpgetsize( const String& kplabel, int dims_flag = H5_GETDIMS ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// create KeyPoint structure
virtual void kpcreate( const int size, const String& kplabel, |
const int compresslevel = H5_NONE, const int chunks = H5_NONE ) const; |
const int compresslevel = H5_NONE, const int chunks = H5_NONE ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// write KeyPoint structures
virtual void kpwrite( const vector<KeyPoint> keypoints, const String& kplabel, |
const int offset = H5_NONE, const int counts = H5_NONE ) const; |
const int offset = H5_NONE, const int counts = H5_NONE ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// append / merge KeyPoint structures
virtual void kpinsert( const vector<KeyPoint> keypoints, const String& kplabel, |
const int offset = H5_NONE, const int counts = H5_NONE ) const; |
const int offset = H5_NONE, const int counts = H5_NONE ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
// read KeyPoint structure
virtual void kpread( vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, const String& kplabel, |
const int offset = H5_NONE, const int counts = H5_NONE ) const; |
const int offset = H5_NONE, const int counts = H5_NONE ) const CV_OVERRIDE; |
private: |