@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# pragma once
# include <opencv2/features2d.hpp>
# include <opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp>
//#include <opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp>
# include "LBSP.h"
@ -13,31 +13,32 @@
This algorithm is currently NOT thread - safe .
class BackgroundSubtractorLBSP /* : public cv::BackgroundSubtractor */ {
public :
class BackgroundSubtractorLBSP /* : public cv::BackgroundSubtractor */
public :
//! full constructor
BackgroundSubtractorLBSP ( float fRelLBSPThreshold , size_t nDescDistThreshold , size_t nLBSPThresholdOffset = 0 ) ;
BackgroundSubtractorLBSP ( float fRelLBSPThreshold , size_t nDescDistThreshold , size_t nLBSPThresholdOffset = 0 ) ;
//! default destructor
virtual ~ BackgroundSubtractorLBSP ( ) ;
//! (re)initiaization method; needs to be called before starting background subtraction
virtual void initialize ( const cv : : Mat & oInitImg ) ;
virtual void initialize ( const cv : : Mat & oInitImg ) ;
//! (re)initiaization method; needs to be called before starting background subtraction (note: also reinitializes the keypoints vector)
virtual void initialize ( const cv : : Mat & oInitImg , const std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > & voKeyPoints ) = 0 ;
virtual void initialize ( const cv : : Mat & oInitImg , const std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > & voKeyPoints ) = 0 ;
//! primary model update function; the learning param is used to override the internal learning speed (ignored when <= 0)
virtual void operator ( ) ( cv : : InputArray image , cv : : OutputArray fgmask , double learningRate = 0 ) = 0 ;
virtual void operator ( ) ( cv : : InputArray image , cv : : OutputArray fgmask , double learningRate = 0 ) = 0 ;
//! unused, always returns nullptr
virtual cv : : AlgorithmInfo * info ( ) const ;
cv : : AlgorithmInfo * info ( ) const ;
//! returns a copy of the latest reconstructed background descriptors image
virtual void getBackgroundDescriptorsImage ( cv : : OutputArray backgroundDescImage ) const ;
virtual void getBackgroundDescriptorsImage ( cv : : OutputArray backgroundDescImage ) const ;
//! returns the keypoints list used for descriptor extraction (note: by default, these are generated from the DenseFeatureDetector class, and the border points are removed)
virtual std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > getBGKeyPoints ( ) const ;
//! sets the keypoints to be used for descriptor extraction, effectively setting the BGModel ROI (note: this function will remove all border keypoints)
virtual void setBGKeyPoints ( std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > & keypoints ) ;
virtual void setBGKeyPoints ( std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > & keypoints ) ;
// ######## DEBUG PURPOSES ONLY ##########
int nDebugCoordX , nDebugCoordY ;
protected :
protected :
//! background model descriptors samples (tied to m_voKeyPoints but shaped like the input frames)
std : : vector < cv : : Mat > m_voBGDescSamples ;
//! background model keypoints used for LBSP descriptor extraction (specific to the input image size)
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ protected:
//! LBSP relative internal threshold (kept here since we don't keep an LBSP object)
const float m_fRelLBSPThreshold ;
//! pre-allocated internal LBSP threshold values for all possible 8-bit intensity values
size_t m_anLBSPThreshold_8bitLUT [ UCHAR_MAX + 1 ] ;
size_t m_anLBSPThreshold_8bitLUT [ UCHAR_MAX + 1 ] ;
//! defines whether or not the subtractor is fully initialized
bool m_bInitialized ;
} ;