Merge pull request #1053 from Sahloul:features/surface_matching/ICP_accuracy

Alexander Alekhin 8 years ago
commit 34f910bb72
  1. 21

@ -322,7 +322,6 @@ int ICP::registerModelToScene(const Mat& srcPC, const Mat& dstPC, double& residu
// initialize pose
matrixIdentity(4, pose.val);
void* flann = indexPCFlann(dstPC0);
Mat M = Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64F);
double tempResidual = 0;
@ -342,18 +341,14 @@ int ICP::registerModelToScene(const Mat& srcPC, const Mat& dstPC, double& residu
Mat srcPCT = transformPCPose(srcPC0, pose.val);
const int sampleStep = cvRound((double)n/(double)numSamples);
std::vector<int> srcSampleInd;
srcPCT = samplePCUniform(srcPCT, sampleStep);
Note by Tolga Birdal
Downsample the model point clouds. If more optimization is required,
one could also downsample the scene points, but I think this might
decrease the accuracy. That's why I won't be implementing it at this
Also note that you have to compute a KD-tree for each level.
Tolga Birdal thinks that downsampling the scene points might decrease the accuracy.
Hamdi Sahloul, however, noticed that accuracy increased (pose residual decreased slightly).
srcPCT = samplePCUniformInd(srcPCT, sampleStep, srcSampleInd);
Mat dstPCS = samplePCUniform(dstPC0, sampleStep);
void* flann = indexPCFlann(dstPCS);
double fval_old=9999999999;
double fval_perc=0;
@ -416,7 +411,7 @@ int ICP::registerModelToScene(const Mat& srcPC, const Mat& dstPC, double& residu
// is assigned to the same model point m_j, then select p_i that corresponds
// to the minimum distance
hashtable_int* duplicateTable = getHashtable(newJ, numElSrc, dstPC0.rows);
hashtable_int* duplicateTable = getHashtable(newJ, numElSrc, dstPCS.rows);
for (di=0; di<duplicateTable->size; di++)
@ -463,7 +458,7 @@ int ICP::registerModelToScene(const Mat& srcPC, const Mat& dstPC, double& residu
const int indModel = indicesModel[di];
const int indScene = indicesScene[di];
const float *srcPt = srcPCT.ptr<float>(indModel);
const float *dstPt = dstPC0.ptr<float>(indScene);
const float *dstPt = dstPCS.ptr<float>(indScene);
double *srcMatchPt = Src_Match.ptr<double>(di);
double *dstMatchPt = Dst_Match.ptr<double>(di);
int ci=0;
@ -516,6 +511,7 @@ int ICP::registerModelToScene(const Mat& srcPC, const Mat& dstPC, double& residu
delete[] indices;
tempResidual = fval_min;
// Pose(1:3, 4) = Pose(1:3, 4)./scale;
@ -533,7 +529,6 @@ int ICP::registerModelToScene(const Mat& srcPC, const Mat& dstPC, double& residu
residual = tempResidual;
return 0;
