26 changed files with 124 additions and 694 deletions
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ |
set(GoogleNet_url "") |
set(GoogleNet_dst "$ENV{OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH}/dnn/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel") |
set(GoogleNet_sha "405fc5acd08a3bb12de8ee5e23a96bec22f08204") |
set(VGG16_url "") |
set(GG16_dst "$ENV{OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH}/dnn/VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers.caffemodel") |
set(voc-fcn32s_url "") |
set(voc-fcn32s_dst "$ENV{OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH}/dnn/fcn32s-heavy-pascal.caffemodel") |
set(Alexnet_url "") |
set(Alexnet_dst "$ENV{OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH}/dnn/bvlc_alexnet.caffemodel") |
set(Alexnet_sha "9116a64c0fbe4459d18f4bb6b56d647b63920377") |
set(Inception_url "") |
set(Inception_dst "$ENV{OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH}/dnn/tensorflow_inception_graph.pb") |
set(Enet_url "") |
set(Enet_dst "$ENV{OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH}/dnn/") |
set(Fcn_url "") |
set(Fcn_dst "$ENV{OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH}/dnn/fcn8s-heavy-pascal.caffemodel") |
if(NOT model) |
set(model "GoogleNet") |
endif() |
message(STATUS "Downloading ${${model}_url} to ${${model}_dst}") |
if(NOT EXISTS ${${model}_dst}) |
if(${${model}_sha}) |
file(DOWNLOAD ${${model}_url} ${${model}_dst} SHOW_PROGRESS EXPECTED_HASH SHA1=${${model}_sha} STATUS status_vec) |
else() |
file(DOWNLOAD ${${model}_url} ${${model}_dst} SHOW_PROGRESS STATUS status_vec) |
endif() |
list(GET status_vec 0 status) |
list(GET status_vec 1 status_msg) |
if(status EQUAL 0) |
message(STATUS "Ok! ${status_msg}") |
else() |
message(STATUS "Fail! ${status_msg}") |
endif() |
endif() |
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ |
set(PROTOBUF_CPP_NAME "libprotobuf") |
set(PROTOBUF_CPP_DOWNLOAD_HASH "bd5e3eed635a8d32e2b99658633815ef") |
set(PROTOBUF_CPP_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/3rdparty/protobuf/sources") # /protobuf-3.1.0 subdirectory |
function(ocv_protobuf_download file ID) |
# Files have been downloaded and checked by the previous CMake run |
return() |
else() |
if(EXISTS ${${ID}_PATH}) |
message(STATUS "${${ID}_NAME}: Removing previous unpacked files: ${${ID}_PATH}") |
endif() |
endif() |
file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.download/.gitignore" "*\n") |
ocv_download(PACKAGE ${file} |
ocv_assert(EXISTS "${${ID}_ARCHIVE}") |
ocv_assert(NOT EXISTS "${${ID}_PATH}") |
ocv_assert(EXISTS "${${ID}_PATH}") |
file(WRITE "${${ID}_PATH}/.gitignore" "*\n") |
message(STATUS "${${ID}_NAME}: Unpacking ${file} to ${${ID}_PATH}...") |
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xz "${${ID}_ARCHIVE}" |
if(NOT __result EQUAL 0) |
message(FATAL_ERROR "${${ID}_NAME}: Failed to unpack ${ID} archive from ${${ID}_ARCHIVE} to ${${ID}_PATH} with error ${__result}") |
endif() |
ocv_assert(EXISTS "${${ID}_PATH}") |
#message(STATUS "${${ID}_NAME}: Successfully downloaded") |
endfunction() |
ocv_protobuf_download(v3.1.0/protobuf-cpp-3.1.0.tar.gz PROTOBUF_CPP) |
@ -1 +0,0 @@ |
*.caffemodel |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_Convolution" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
type: "Convolution" |
convolution_param |
{ |
group: 3 |
num_output: 12 |
pad_h: 0 |
pad_w: 1 |
kernel_h: 4 |
kernel_w: 5 |
stride_h: 2 |
stride_w: 3 |
weight_filler{ |
type: 'uniform' |
min: -1 |
max: 1 |
} |
bias_filler { |
type: 'uniform' |
min: -1 |
max: 1 |
} |
} |
name: "output" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_Convolution" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 12 |
input_dim: 36 |
input_dim: 37 |
layer { |
type: "Deconvolution" |
convolution_param |
{ |
group: 3 |
num_output: 12 |
pad_h: 0 |
pad_w: 1 |
kernel_h: 4 |
kernel_w: 5 |
stride_h: 2 |
stride_w: 3 |
weight_filler{ |
type: 'uniform' |
min: -1 |
max: 1 |
} |
bias_filler { |
type: 'uniform' |
min: -1 |
max: 1 |
} |
} |
name: "output" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_InnerProduct" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
type: "InnerProduct" |
inner_product_param |
{ |
axis: 3 |
num_output: 2 |
weight_filler{ |
type: 'uniform' |
min: -1 |
max: 1 |
} |
bias_filler { |
type: 'uniform' |
min: -1 |
max: 1 |
} |
} |
name: "output" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_LRN_channels" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
type: "LRN" |
lrn_param { |
norm_region: ACROSS_CHANNELS; |
local_size: 5 |
alpha: 1.1 |
beta: 0.75 |
} |
name: "output" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_LRN_spatial" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
type: "LRN" |
lrn_param { |
norm_region: WITHIN_CHANNEL; |
local_size: 5 |
alpha: 0.9 |
beta: 0.75 |
} |
name: "output" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_MVN_channels" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
type: "MVN" |
mvn_param { |
eps: 0.1 |
across_channels: false |
normalize_variance: true |
} |
name: "output" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_Pooling_max" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
type: "Pooling" |
pooling_param |
{ |
pool: AVE |
pad_h: 2 |
pad_w: 1 |
kernel_h: 3 |
kernel_w: 5 |
stride_h: 2 |
stride_w: 1 |
} |
name: "output" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_Pooling_max" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
type: "Pooling" |
pooling_param |
{ |
pool: MAX |
pad_h: 2 |
pad_w: 1 |
kernel_h: 3 |
kernel_w: 5 |
stride_h: 2 |
stride_w: 1 |
} |
name: "output" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_Softmax" |
input: "input" |
input_dim: 2 |
input_dim: 6 |
input_dim: 75 |
input_dim: 113 |
layer { |
type: "Softmax" |
name: "output" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ |
name: "test_reshape_splice_split" |
input: "input" |
layer{ |
type: "Split" |
name: "dummy_split" |
bottom: "input" |
top: "dummy_split_0" |
top: "dummy_split_1" |
} |
layer{ |
type: "Slice" |
name: "dummy_slice_0" |
bottom: "dummy_split_0" |
slice_param{ |
slice_point: 1 |
slice_point: 2 |
} |
top: "dummy_slice_0_0" |
top: "dummy_slice_0_1" |
top: "dummy_slice_0_2" |
} |
layer{ |
type: "Slice" |
name: "dummy_slice_1" |
bottom: "dummy_split_1" |
slice_param{ |
slice_point: 1 |
slice_point: 2 |
} |
top: "dummy_slice_1_0" |
top: "dummy_slice_1_1" |
top: "dummy_slice_1_2" |
} |
layer{ |
type: "Sigmoid" |
name: "alter_sliced_split" |
bottom: "dummy_slice_1_2" |
top: "dummy_slice_1_2" |
} |
layer{ |
type: "Concat" |
name: "dummy_concat" |
bottom: "dummy_slice_0_0" |
bottom: "dummy_slice_1_1" |
bottom: "dummy_slice_0_2" |
top: "dummy_concat" |
} |
layer{ |
type: "Reshape" |
name: "dummy_reshape" |
bottom: "dummy_concat" |
reshape_param{ |
shape{ |
dim: 0 |
dim: 1 |
dim: 1 |
dim: -1 |
dim: 1 |
} |
axis: 1 |
num_axes: 1 |
} |
top: "dummy_reshape" |
} |
layer{ |
type: "Flatten" |
name: "dummy_reshape_undo" |
bottom: "dummy_reshape" |
top: "dummy_reshape_undo" |
} |
layer{ |
type: "Split" |
name: "output" |
bottom: "dummy_reshape_undo" |
top: "output" |
} |
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ |
# coding: utf-8 |
import sys, os, glob |
CAFFE_ROOT = "/home/vitaliy/opencv/caffe/" |
sys.path.insert(0, CAFFE_ROOT + 'python') |
import numpy as np |
import caffe |
#import cv2 |
def get_cafe_output(inp_blob, proto_name, caffemodel_name): |
caffe.set_mode_cpu() |
net = caffe.Net(proto_name, caffe.TEST) |
#net.blobs['input'].reshape(*inp_blob.shape) |
net.blobs['input'].data[...] = inp_blob |
net.forward() |
out_blob = net.blobs['output'].data[...]; |
if net.params.get('output'): |
print "Params count:", len(net.params['output']) |
|||| |
return out_blob |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
proto_filenames = glob.glob("layer_*.prototxt") |
for proto_filename in proto_filenames: |
proto_filename = os.path.basename(proto_filename) |
proto_basename = os.path.splitext(proto_filename)[0] |
cfmod_basename = proto_basename + ".caffemodel" |
npy_filename = proto_basename + ".npy" |
inp_blob_name = proto_basename + ".input.npy" |
inp_blob = np.load(inp_blob_name) if os.path.exists(inp_blob_name) else np.load('blob.npy') |
print "\nGenerate data for:" |
print cfmod_basename, inp_blob.shape |
out_blob = get_cafe_output(inp_blob, proto_filename, cfmod_basename) |
print out_blob.shape |
||||, out_blob) |
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ |
import 'nn' |
function fill_net(net) |
if net.modules then |
for i = 1, #net.modules do |
fill_net(net.modules[i]) |
end |
end |
if net.weight then |
net.weight = torch.rand(net.weight:size()) |
end |
if net.bias then |
net.bias = torch.rand(net.bias:size()) |
end |
if net.train then |
net.train = 0 |
end |
end |
function save(net, input, label) |
fill_net(net) |
output = net:forward(input) |
|||| .. '_net.dat', net) |
|||| .. '_net.txt', net, 'ascii') |
|||| .. '_input.dat', input) |
|||| .. '_input.txt', input, 'ascii') |
|||| .. '_output.dat', output) |
|||| .. '_output.txt', output, 'ascii') |
return net |
end |
local net_simple = nn.Sequential() |
net_simple:add(nn.ReLU()) |
net_simple:add(nn.SpatialConvolution(3,64, 11,7, 3,4, 3,2)) |
net_simple:add(nn.SpatialMaxPooling(4,5, 3,2, 1,2)) |
net_simple:add(nn.Sigmoid()) |
save(net_simple, torch.Tensor(2, 3, 25, 35), 'net_simple') |
local net_pool_max = nn.Sequential() |
net_pool_max:add(nn.SpatialMaxPooling(4,5, 3,2, 1,2):ceil()) --TODO: add ceil and floor modes |
local net = save(net_pool_max, torch.rand(2, 3, 50, 30), 'net_pool_max') |
||||'net_pool_max_output_2.txt', net.modules[1].indices - 1, 'ascii') |
local net_pool_ave = nn.Sequential() |
net_pool_ave:add(nn.SpatialAveragePooling(4,5, 2,1, 1,2)) |
save(net_pool_ave, torch.rand(2, 3, 50, 30), 'net_pool_ave') |
local net_conv = nn.Sequential() |
net_conv:add(nn.SpatialConvolution(3,64, 11,7, 3,4, 3,2)) |
save(net_conv, torch.rand(1, 3, 50, 60), 'net_conv') |
local net_reshape = nn.Sequential() |
net_reshape:add(nn.Reshape(5, 4, 3, 2)) |
save(net_reshape, torch.rand(2, 3, 4, 5), 'net_reshape') |
local net_reshape_batch = nn.Sequential() |
net_reshape_batch:add(nn.Reshape(5, 4, 3, true)) |
save(net_reshape_batch, torch.rand(2, 3, 4, 5), 'net_reshape_batch') |
save(nn.Linear(7, 3), torch.rand(13, 7), 'net_linear_2d') |
local net_parallel = nn.Parallel(4, 2) |
net_parallel:add(nn.Sigmoid()) |
net_parallel:add(nn.Tanh()) |
save(net_parallel, torch.rand(2, 6, 4, 2), 'net_parallel') |
local net_concat = nn.Concat(2) |
net_concat:add(nn.ReLU()) |
net_concat:add(nn.Tanh()) |
net_concat:add(nn.Sigmoid()) |
save(net_concat, torch.rand(2, 6, 4, 3) - 0.5, 'net_concat') |
local net_deconv = nn.Sequential() |
net_deconv:add(nn.SpatialFullConvolution(3, 9, 4, 5, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1)) |
save(net_deconv, torch.rand(2, 3, 4, 3) - 0.5, 'net_deconv') |
local net_batch_norm = nn.Sequential() |
net_batch_norm:add(nn.SpatialBatchNormalization(4, 1e-3)) |
save(net_batch_norm, torch.rand(1, 4, 5, 6) - 0.5, 'net_batch_norm') |
local net_prelu = nn.Sequential() |
net_prelu:add(nn.PReLU(5)) |
save(net_prelu, torch.rand(1, 5, 40, 50) - 0.5, 'net_prelu') |
local net_cadd_table = nn.Sequential() |
local sum = nn.ConcatTable() |
sum:add(nn.Identity()):add(nn.Identity()) |
net_cadd_table:add(sum):add(nn.CAddTable()) |
save(net_cadd_table, torch.rand(1, 5, 40, 50) - 0.5, 'net_cadd_table') |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
require 'nn' |
print("nn module exists!") |
@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ |
set(the_description "Contributed/Experimental Algorithms for Salient 2D Features Detection") |
ocv_define_module(xfeatures2d opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_calib3d OPTIONAL opencv_shape opencv_cudaarithm WRAP python java) |
include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/download_vgg.cmake) |
include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/download_boostdesc.cmake) |
set(DOWNLOAD_DIR "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/downloads/xfeatures2d") |
download_boost_descriptors("${DOWNLOAD_DIR}" boost_status) |
download_vgg_descriptors("${DOWNLOAD_DIR}" vgg_status) |
if(NOT boost_status OR NOT vgg_status) |
ocv_module_disable(xfeatures2d) |
endif() |
ocv_module_include_directories("${DOWNLOAD_DIR}") |
Reference in new issue