Add googlenet tutorial

Vitaliy Lyudvichenko 10 years ago
parent e52a7eeedb
commit 3154fc0dba
  1. 123
  2. BIN
  3. 6
  4. 64

@ -51,18 +51,14 @@ using namespace cv::dnn;
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
/* It contains class number and probability of this class */
typedef std::pair<int, double> ClassProb;
/* Find best class for the blob (i. e. class with maximal probability) */
ClassProb getMaxClass(dnn::Blob &probBlob)
void getMaxClass(dnn::Blob &probBlob, int *classId, double *classProb)
Mat probMat = probBlob.matRefConst().reshape(1, 1);
double classProb;
Mat probMat = probBlob.matRefConst().reshape(1, 1); //reshape the blob to 1x1000 matrix
Point classNumber;
minMaxLoc(probMat, NULL, &classProb, NULL, &classNumber);
return std::make_pair(classNumber.x, classProb);
minMaxLoc(probMat, NULL, classProb, NULL, &classNumber);
*classId = classNumber.x;
std::vector<String> readClassNames(const char *filename = "synset_words.txt")
@ -89,75 +85,80 @@ std::vector<String> readClassNames(const char *filename = "synset_words.txt")
return classNames;
/* Create batch from the image */
dnn::Blob makeInputBlob(const String &imagefile)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Mat img = imread(imagefile);
if (img.empty())
String modelTxt = "bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
String modelBin = "bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
//! [importer_creation]
Ptr<dnn::Importer> importer;
try //Try to import Caffe GoogleNet model
importer = dnn::createCaffeImporter(modelTxt, modelBin);
catch (const cv::Exception &err) //importer can throw errors, we will catch them
std::cerr << err.msg << std::endl;
importer = Ptr<Importer>(); //NULL
//! [importer_creation]
if (!importer)
std::cerr << "Can't read image from file:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << imagefile << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Can't load network by using the following files: " << std::endl;
std::cerr << "prototxt: " << modelTxt << std::endl;
std::cerr << "caffemodel: " << modelBin << std::endl;
std::cerr << "bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel can be downloaded here:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "" << std::endl;
cvtColor(img, img, COLOR_BGR2RGB);
resize(img, img, Size(227, 227));
//! [network_initialization]
dnn::Net net;
return dnn::Blob(img); //construct 4-dim Blob (i. e. batch)
delete importer;
//! [network_initialization]
int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Initialize network */
dnn::Net net;
String imagefile = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "space_shuttle.jpg";
//! [input_blob_preparation]
Mat img = imread(imagefile);
if (img.empty())
String modelTxt = "bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
String modelBin = "bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
Ptr<dnn::Importer> importer; //Try to import Caffe GoogleNet model
importer = dnn::createCaffeImporter(modelTxt, modelBin);
catch(const cv::Exception &er) //importer can throw errors, we will catch them
std::cerr << er.msg << std::endl;
importer = Ptr<Importer>(); //NULL
if (!importer)
std::cerr << "Can't load network by using the following files: " << std::endl;
std::cerr << "prototxt: " << modelTxt << std::endl;
std::cerr << "caffemodel: " << modelBin << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Please, check them." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel can be downloaded here:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Can't read image from the file: " << imagefile << std::endl;
std::vector<String> classNames = readClassNames();
//GoogLeNet accepts only 224x224 RGB-images
cvtColor(img, img, COLOR_BGR2RGB);
resize(img, img, Size(224, 224));
String filename = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "space_shuttle.jpg";
dnn::Blob inputBlob = dnn::Blob(img);
//! [input_blob_preparation]
Blob inputBlob = makeInputBlob(filename); //make batch
net.setBlob(".data", inputBlob); //set this blob to the network input
//! [setup_blob]
net.setBlob(".data", inputBlob); //set the network input
//! [setup_blob]
//! [make_forward]
net.forward(); //compute output
//! [make_forward]
dnn::Blob prob = net.getBlob("prob"); //gather output of prob layer
ClassProb bc = getMaxClass(prob); //find best class
//! [get_output]
dnn::Blob prob = net.getBlob("prob"); //gather output of "prob" layer
String className =;
int classId;
double classProb;
getMaxClass(prob, &classId, &classProb); //find the best class
//! [get_output]
std::cout << "Best class:";
std::cout << " #" << bc.first;
std::cout << " (from " << << ")";
std::cout << " \"" + className << "\"";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Prob: " << bc.second * 100 << "%" << std::endl;
//! [print_info]
std::vector<String> classNames = readClassNames();
std::cout << "Best class: #" << classId << " '" << << "'" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Probability: " << classProb * 100 << "%" << std::endl;
//! [print_info]
return 0;

Binary file not shown.


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@ -32,18 +32,18 @@ git clone
- choose the preffered project generator (Makefiles for Linux, MS Visual Studio for Windows);
- also you can set many opencv build options, for more details see @ref tutorial_linux_install.
-# In the appeared list of variables find variable `OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH` and set it to the **opencv_root**/opencv_contrib.
-# In the appeared list of build parameters find parameter `OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH` and set it to the **opencv_root**/opencv_contrib.
-# *Configure* the project again, and set build options of dnn module:
- `BUILD_opencv_dnn` variable must exist and be checked.
- `BUILD_opencv_dnn` parameter must exist and be checked.
- dnn module covers waste part of [Caffe]( framework functionality.
However, to load Caffe networks libprotobuf is required.
You you can uncheck `BUILD_LIBPROTOBUF_FROM_SOURCES` flag to try use protobuf installed in your system.
Elsewise libpotobuf will be built from opencv sources.
- You can additionaly check `opencv_dnn_BUILD_TORCH_IMPORTER` variable to build [Torch7]( importer.
- You can additionaly check `opencv_dnn_BUILD_TORCH_IMPORTER` parameter to build [Torch7]( importer.
It allows you to use networks, generated by Torch7 [nn]( module.
-# *Generate* the project and build it:

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Load Caffe framework models {#tutorial_dnn_googlenet}
In this tutorial you will learn how to use opencv_dnn module for image classification by using
GoogLeNet trained network from [Caffe model zoo](
We will demostrate results of this example on the following picture.
![Buran space shuttle](images/space_shuttle.jpg)
Source Code
We will be using snippets from the example application, that can be downloaded [here](
-# Firstly, download GoogLeNet model files:
[bvlc_googlenet.prototxt ]( and
Also you need file with names of [ILSVRC2012]( classes:
Put these files into working dir of this program example.
-# Create the importer of Caffe models
@snippet dnn/samples/caffe_googlenet.cpp importer_creation
-# Create the network and initialize its by using the created importer
@snippet dnn/samples/caffe_googlenet.cpp network_initialization
-# Read input image and convert to the blob, acceptable by GoogleNet
@snippet dnn/samples/caffe_googlenet.cpp input_blob_preparation
Firstly, we resize the image and change its channel sequence order.
Now image is actually a 3-dimensional array with 224x224x3 shape.
Next, we convert the image to 4-dimensional blob (so-called batch) with 1x2x224x224 shape by using special @ref cv::dnn::Blob constructor.
-# Pass the blob to the network
@snippet dnn/samples/caffe_googlenet.cpp setup_blob
In bvlc_googlenet.prototxt the network input blob named as "data", therefore this blob labeled as ".data" in opencv_dnn API.
Other blobs labeled as "name_of_layer.name_of_layer_output".
-# Make forward pass
@snippet dnn/samples/caffe_googlenet.cpp make_forward
During the forward pass output of each network layer is computed, but in this example we need output from "prob" layer only.
-# Determine the best class
@snippet dnn/samples/caffe_googlenet.cpp get_output
We put the output of "prob" layer, which contain probabilities for each of 1000 ILSVRC2012 image classes, to the `prob` blob.
And find the index of element with maximal value in this one. This index correspond to the class of the image.
-# Print the results
@snippet dnn/samples/caffe_googlenet.cpp print_info
For our image we get:
> Best class: #812 'space shuttle'
> Probability: 99.6378%