@ -150,48 +150,98 @@ namespace omnidir |
@param xi The parameter xi for CMei's model. |
@param Knew Camera matrix of the distorted image. If it is not assigned, it is just K. |
@param new_size The new image size. By default, it is the size of distorted. |
@param newSize The new image size. By default, it is the size of distorted. |
@param R Rotation matrix between the input and output images. By default, it is identity matrix. |
*/ |
CV_EXPORTS_W void undistortImage(InputArray distorted, OutputArray undistorted, InputArray K, InputArray D, InputArray xi, int flags, |
InputArray Knew = cv::noArray(), const Size& new_size = Size(), InputArray R = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F)); |
InputArray Knew = cv::noArray(), const Size& newSize = Size(), InputArray R = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F)); |
/** @brief Estimates new camera intrinsic matrix for undistortion or rectification. Function is optimized for perspective (RECTIFY_PERSPECTIVE)
and spherical (RECTIFY_LONGLATI) projection. For all other projection types supported by the omnidirectional model the new camera matrix is |
estimated as for the spherical projection. |
@param K Camera matrix \f$K = \vecthreethree{f_x}{s}{c_x}{0}{f_y}{c_y}{0}{0}{_1}\f$. |
@param D Input vector of distortion coefficients \f$(k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2)\f$. |
@param xi The parameter xi for CMei's model. |
@param imageSize Size of the image |
@param R Rectification transformation in the object space: 3x3 1-channel, or vector: 3x1/1x3 |
1-channel or 1x1 3-channel |
@param P New camera matrix (3x3) |
@param rectificationType Flag indicates the rectification type for the output, possibilities: |
RECTIFY_PERSPECTIVE and the other one for all other projection types. |
@param scale0 If rectificationType is RECTIFY_PERSPECTIVE, this parameter sets the new focal length in the range between the min focal |
length and the max focal length (needs to be in the range of [0, 1]). For other rectificationTypes, this parameter is used to scale the |
horizontal field of view (fov) (> 1: increase fov, < 1: decrease fov, needs to be >0). |
@param scale1 If rectificationType is RECTIFY_PERSPECTIVE, this parameter is used as divisor for the new focal length. For other |
rectificationTypes, this parameter is used to scale the vertical field of view (fov) (> 1: increase fov, < 1: decrease fov, needs to be >0). |
@param newSize the new size of the image after undistortion or rectification |
Estimates new camera intrinsic matrix for undistortion or rectification depending on the rectification/projection type (rectificationType): |
Output matrix is calculated by estimating the focal length (\f$f_{new}\f$) and the camera center (\f$c_{new}\f$) of the undistorted image. |
For that, points on the border of the distorted image plane are undistorted. From these the min and max focal distance as well as the center |
point of the undistorted image can be calculated. Finally, \f$f_{new}\f$ is determined by scaling between the min and max focal length using |
scale0, dividing by scale1 and by applying a scale depending on newSize. \f$c_{new}\f$ is obtained from the center point and the focal length. |
The final output matrix looks as follows: \f[P = \vecthreethree{f_{new}(x)}{0}{c_{new}(x)}{0}{f_{new}(y)}{c_{new}(y)}{0}{0}{1}.\f] |
This is the exact same procedure as done in the fisheye model function @ref cv::fisheye::estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify. |
Output matrix P contains scaling parameters to convert from pixels to angles (horizontal and vertical) and the offset of the |
image center in pixels. For that, points on the border of the distorted image plane are undistorted. The minimum and maximum x and |
y values of the undistorted points are used to define points on the unit sphere. From these the horizontal and vertical field of view (fov) |
angles \f$\theta\f$ (longitude) and \f$\phi\f$ (latitude) are calculated. \f$\theta\f$ is then scaled by scale0 and \f$\phi\f$ by scale1. |
Then, the horizontal and vertical pixels per radiant ratios (\f$r_x\f$, \f$r_y\f$) are calculated as follows, using the width and height |
(\f$w_n\f$, \f$h_n\f$) of the output image (newSize): |
\f[\begin{bmatrix}r_x \\ r_y\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\frac{w_n}{\theta} \\ \frac{h_n}{\phi}\end{bmatrix}.\f] |
Further, the longitude and latitude angles (\f$\theta_c\f$, \f$\phi_c\f$) between the minimum points (for x and y) and the |
center point (x=0, y=0) on the unit sphere are calculated to estimate the angle offsets of the principal point. For the LONGLATI projection, |
the default fov is assumed to be \f$\pi\f$, with the center point at \f$\frac{\pi}{2}\f$. Therefore, the angle offset is calculated as |
follows: \f[\begin{bmatrix}\alpha_x \\ \alpha_y\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\frac{\pi}{2} - \theta_c \\ \frac{\pi}{2} - \phi_c\end{bmatrix}.\f] |
The pixel offsets of the principal point (\f$o_x\f$, \f$o_y\f$) are obtained as following: |
\f[\begin{bmatrix}c_x \\ c_y\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\alpha_x \cdot r_x \\ \alpha_y \cdot r_y\end{bmatrix}.\f] |
The final output matrix is then defined as follows: \f[P = \vecthreethree{r_x}{0}{-o_x}{0}{r_y}{-o_y}{0}{0}{1}.\f] |
*/ |
CV_EXPORTS_W void estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(InputArray K, InputArray D, InputArray xi, const Size &imageSize, InputArray R, |
OutputArray P, int rectificationType, double scale0 = 0.0, double scale1 = 1.0, const Size& newSize = Size()); |
/** @brief Perform omnidirectional camera calibration, the default depth of outputs is CV_64F.
@param objectPoints Vector of vector of Vec3f object points in world (pattern) coordinate. |
@param objectPoints Vector of vectors of Vec3f holding object points in the object (pattern) coordinate system. |
It also can be vector of Mat with size 1xN/Nx1 and type CV_32FC3. Data with depth of 64_F is also acceptable. |
@param imagePoints Vector of vector of Vec2f corresponding image points of objectPoints. It must be the same |
size and the same type with objectPoints. |
@param imagePoints Vector of vectors of Vec2f holding image points corresponding to the objectPoints. |
Must be the same size and the same type as objectPoints. |
@param size Image size of calibration images. |
@param K Output calibrated camera matrix. |
@param xi Output parameter xi for CMei's model |
@param D Output distortion parameters \f$(k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2)\f$ |
@param rvecs Output rotations for each calibration images |
@param tvecs Output translation for each calibration images |
@param rvecs Output rotation for each calibration image |
@param tvecs Output translation for each calibration image |
@param flags The flags that control calibrate |
@param criteria Termination criteria for optimization |
@param idx Indices of images that pass initialization, which are really used in calibration. So the size of rvecs is the |
same as idx.total(). |
@param idx Indices of images that pass initialization and which are really used for calibration. So the size of rvecs |
and tvecs is the same as idx.total(). |
*/ |
CV_EXPORTS_W double calibrate(InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints, Size size, |
InputOutputArray K, InputOutputArray xi, InputOutputArray D, OutputArrayOfArrays rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays tvecs, |
int flags, TermCriteria criteria, OutputArray idx=noArray()); |
/** @brief Stereo calibration for omnidirectional camera model. It computes the intrinsic parameters for two
cameras and the extrinsic parameters between two cameras. The default depth of outputs is CV_64F. |
cameras and the extrinsic parameters between the two cameras. The default depth of outputs is CV_64F. |
@param objectPoints Object points in world (pattern) coordinate. Its type is vector<vector<Vec3f> >. |
@param objectPoints Object points in the object (pattern) coordinate sytem. Its type is vector<vector<Vec3f> >. |
It also can be vector of Mat with size 1xN/Nx1 and type CV_32FC3. Data with depth of 64_F is also acceptable. |
@param imagePoints1 The corresponding image points of the first camera, with type vector<vector<Vec2f> >. |
@param imagePoints1 The image points of the first camera corresponding to objectPoints, with type vector<vector<Vec2f> >. |
It must be the same size and the same type as objectPoints. |
@param imagePoints2 The corresponding image points of the second camera, with type vector<vector<Vec2f> >. |
@param imagePoints2 The image points of the second camera corresponding to objectPoints, with type vector<vector<Vec2f> >. |
It must be the same size and the same type as objectPoints. |
@param imageSize1 Image size of calibration images of the first camera. |
@param imageSize2 Image size of calibration images of the second camera. |
@param K1 Output camera matrix for the first camera. |
@param xi1 Output parameter xi of Mei's model for the first camera |
@param D1 Output distortion parameters \f$(k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2)\f$ for the first camera |
@param K2 Output camera matrix for the first camera. |
@param K2 Output camera matrix for the second camera. |
@param xi2 Output parameter xi of CMei's model for the second camera |
@param D2 Output distortion parameters \f$(k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2)\f$ for the second camera |
@param rvec Output rotation between the first and second camera |
@ -200,8 +250,8 @@ namespace omnidir |
@param tvecsL Output translation for each image of the first camera |
@param flags The flags that control stereoCalibrate |
@param criteria Termination criteria for optimization |
@param idx Indices of image pairs that pass initialization, which are really used in calibration. So the size of rvecs is the |
same as idx.total(). |
@param idx Indices of image pairs that pass initialization and which are really used for calibration. So the size of rvecsL |
and tvecsL is the same as idx.total(). |
@ |
*/ |
CV_EXPORTS_W double stereoCalibrate(InputOutputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputOutputArrayOfArrays imagePoints1, InputOutputArrayOfArrays imagePoints2, |
@ -210,8 +260,8 @@ namespace omnidir |
/** @brief Stereo rectification for omnidirectional camera model. It computes the rectification rotations for two cameras
@param R Rotation between the first and second camera |
@param T Translation between the first and second camera |
@param R Rotation between the first and second camera (rotation of second camera into first one) |
@param T Translation between the first and second camera (translation of second camera into first one) |
@param R1 Output 3x3 rotation matrix for the first camera |
@param R2 Output 3x3 rotation matrix for the second camera |
*/ |