@ -41,196 +41,191 @@ |
#include "opencv2/datasets/track_vot.hpp" |
#include <sys/stat.h> |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
using namespace std; |
namespace cv |
{ |
namespace datasets |
{ |
class TRACK_votImpl : public TRACK_vot |
{ |
public: |
TRACK_votImpl() |
{ |
activeDatasetID = 1; |
frameCounter = 0; |
} |
virtual ~TRACK_votImpl() {} |
//Load Dataset
virtual void load(const string &path); |
protected: |
virtual int getDatasetsNum(); |
virtual int getDatasetLength(int id); |
virtual bool initDataset(int id); |
virtual bool getNextFrame(Mat &frame); |
virtual vector <Point2d> getGT(); |
void loadDataset(const string &path); |
string numberToString(int number); |
}; |
void TRACK_votImpl::load(const string &path) |
{ |
loadDataset(path); |
} |
string TRACK_votImpl::numberToString(int number) |
{ |
string out; |
char numberStr[9]; |
sprintf(numberStr, "%u", number); |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8 - strlen(numberStr); ++i) |
{ |
out += "0"; |
} |
out += numberStr; |
return out; |
} |
inline bool fileExists(const std::string& name) |
{ |
struct stat buffer; |
return (stat(name.c_str(), &buffer) == 0); |
} |
void TRACK_votImpl::loadDataset(const string &rootPath) |
{ |
string nameListPath = rootPath + "/list.txt"; |
ifstream namesList(nameListPath.c_str()); |
vector <int> datasetsLengths; |
string datasetName; |
if (namesList.is_open()) |
{ |
int currDatasetID = 0; |
//All datasets/folders loop
while (getline(namesList, datasetName)) |
{ |
currDatasetID++; |
vector <Ptr<TRACK_votObj> > objects; |
//All frames/images loop
Ptr<TRACK_votObj> currDataset(new TRACK_votObj); |
//Open dataset's ground truth file
string gtListPath = rootPath + "/" + datasetName + "/groundtruth.txt"; |
ifstream gtList(gtListPath.c_str()); |
if (!gtList.is_open()) |
printf("Error to open groundtruth.txt!!!"); |
//Make a list of datasets lengths
int currFrameID = 1; |
if (currDatasetID == 0) |
printf("VOT 2015 Dataset Initialization...\n"); |
bool trFLG = true; |
do |
{ |
currFrameID++; |
string fullPath = rootPath + "/" + datasetName + "/" + numberToString(currFrameID) + ".jpg"; |
if (!fileExists(fullPath)) |
break; |
//Make VOT Object
Ptr<TRACK_votObj> currObj(new TRACK_votObj); |
currObj->imagePath = fullPath; |
currObj->id = currFrameID; |
//Get Ground Truth data
double x1 = 0, y1 = 0, |
x2 = 0, y2 = 0, |
x3 = 0, y3 = 0, |
x4 = 0, y4 = 0; |
string tmp; |
getline(gtList, tmp); |
sscanf(tmp.c_str(), "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &x3, &y3, &x4, &y4); |
currObj->gtbb.push_back(Point2d(x1, y1)); |
currObj->gtbb.push_back(Point2d(x2, y2)); |
currObj->gtbb.push_back(Point2d(x3, y3)); |
currObj->gtbb.push_back(Point2d(x4, y4)); |
//Add object to storage
objects.push_back(currObj); |
} while (trFLG); |
datasetsLengths.push_back(currFrameID - 1); |
data.push_back(objects); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
printf("Couldn't find a *list.txt* in VOT 2015 folder!!!"); |
} |
namesList.close(); |
return; |
} |
int TRACK_votImpl::getDatasetsNum() |
{ |
return (int)(data.size()); |
} |
int TRACK_votImpl::getDatasetLength(int id) |
{ |
if (id > 0 && id <= (int)data.size()) |
return (int)(data[id - 1].size()); |
else |
{ |
printf("Dataset ID is out of range...\nAllowed IDs are: 1~%d\n", (int)data.size()); |
return -1; |
} |
} |
bool TRACK_votImpl::initDataset(int id) |
{ |
if (id > 0 && id <= (int)data.size()) |
{ |
activeDatasetID = id; |
return true; |
} |
else |
{ |
printf("Dataset ID is out of range...\nAllowed IDs are: 1~%d\n", (int)data.size()); |
return false; |
} |
} |
bool TRACK_votImpl::getNextFrame(Mat &frame) |
{ |
if (frameCounter >= (int)data[activeDatasetID - 1].size()) |
return false; |
string imgPath = data[activeDatasetID - 1][frameCounter]->imagePath; |
frame = imread(imgPath); |
frameCounter++; |
return !frame.empty(); |
} |
Ptr<TRACK_vot> TRACK_vot::create() |
{ |
return Ptr<TRACK_votImpl>(new TRACK_votImpl); |
} |
vector <Point2d> TRACK_votImpl::getGT() |
{ |
Ptr <TRACK_votObj> currObj = data[activeDatasetID - 1][frameCounter - 1]; |
return currObj->gtbb; |
} |
namespace datasets |
{ |
class TRACK_votImpl : public TRACK_vot |
{ |
public: |
TRACK_votImpl() |
{ |
activeDatasetID = 1; |
frameCounter = 0; |
} |
virtual ~TRACK_votImpl() {} |
//Load Dataset
virtual void load(const string &path); |
virtual int getDatasetsNum(); |
virtual int getDatasetLength(int id); |
virtual bool initDataset(int id); |
virtual bool getNextFrame(Mat &frame); |
virtual vector <Point2d> getGT(); |
private: |
void loadDataset(const string &path); |
string numberToString(int number); |
}; |
void TRACK_votImpl::load(const string &path) |
{ |
loadDataset(path); |
} |
string TRACK_votImpl::numberToString(int number) |
{ |
string out; |
char numberStr[9]; |
sprintf(numberStr, "%u", number); |
for (unsigned int i=0; i<8-strlen(numberStr); ++i) |
{ |
out += "0"; |
} |
} |
out += numberStr; |
return out; |
} |
inline bool fileExists(const std::string& name) |
{ |
struct stat buffer; |
return (stat(name.c_str(), &buffer) == 0); |
} |
void TRACK_votImpl::loadDataset(const string &rootPath) |
{ |
ifstream namesList(rootPath + "/list.txt"); |
//ifstream lengthsList(rootPath + "/lengths.txt");
vector <int> datasetsLengths; |
string datasetName; |
if (namesList.is_open()) |
{ |
int currDatasetID = 0; |
//All datasets/folders loop
while (getline(namesList, datasetName)) |
{ |
currDatasetID++; |
vector <Ptr<TRACK_votObj> > objects; |
//All frames/images loop
Ptr<TRACK_votObj> currDataset(new TRACK_votObj); |
//Open dataset's ground truth file
ifstream gtList(rootPath + "/" + datasetName + "/groundtruth.txt"); |
if (!gtList.is_open()) |
cout << "Error to open groundtruth.txt!!!"; |
//Make a list of datasets lengths
int currFrameID = 1; |
if (currDatasetID == 0) |
cout << "VOT 2015 Dataset Initialization...\n"; |
do |
{ |
currFrameID++; |
string fullPath = rootPath + "/" + datasetName + "/" + numberToString(currFrameID) + ".jpg"; |
if (!fileExists(fullPath)) |
break; |
//Make VOT Object
Ptr<TRACK_votObj> currObj(new TRACK_votObj); |
currObj->imagePath = fullPath; |
currObj->id = currFrameID; |
//Get Ground Truth data
double x1 = 0, y1 = 0, |
x2 = 0, y2 = 0, |
x3 = 0, y3 = 0, |
x4 = 0, y4 = 0; |
string tmp; |
getline(gtList, tmp); |
sscanf(tmp.c_str(), "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &x3, &y3, &x4, &y4); |
currObj->gtbb.push_back(Point2d(x1, y1)); |
currObj->gtbb.push_back(Point2d(x2, y2)); |
currObj->gtbb.push_back(Point2d(x3, y3)); |
currObj->gtbb.push_back(Point2d(x4, y4)); |
//Add object to storage
objects.push_back(currObj); |
} while (true); |
datasetsLengths.push_back(currFrameID-1); |
data.push_back(objects); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
cout << rootPath + "Couldn't find a *list.txt* in VOT 2015 folder!!!"; |
} |
namesList.close(); |
return; |
} |
int TRACK_votImpl::getDatasetsNum() |
{ |
return data.size(); |
} |
int TRACK_votImpl::getDatasetLength(int id) |
{ |
if (id > 0 && id <= (int)data.size()) |
return data[id - 1].size(); |
else |
{ |
cout << "Dataset ID is out of range...\n " << "Allowed IDs are: 1~" << (int)data.size() << endl; |
return -1; |
} |
} |
bool TRACK_votImpl::initDataset(int id) |
{ |
if (id > 0 && id <= (int)data.size()) |
{ |
activeDatasetID = id; |
return true; |
} |
else |
{ |
cout << "Dataset ID is out of range...\n " << "Allowed IDs are: 1~" << (int)data.size() << endl; |
return false; |
} |
} |
bool TRACK_votImpl::getNextFrame(Mat &frame) |
{ |
frame = imread(data[activeDatasetID - 1][frameCounter]->imagePath); |
frameCounter++; |
return !frame.empty(); |
} |
Ptr<TRACK_vot> TRACK_vot::create() |
{ |
return Ptr<TRACK_votImpl>(new TRACK_votImpl); |
} |
vector <Point2d> TRACK_votImpl::getGT() |
{ |
Ptr <TRACK_votObj> currObj = data[activeDatasetID - 1][frameCounter - 1]; |
return currObj->gtbb; |
} |
} |
} |