- **aruco**: ArUco and ChArUco Markers -- Augmented reality ArUco marker and "ChARUco" markers where ArUco markers embedded inside the white areas of the checker board.
- **ccalib**: Custom Calibration -- Patterns for 3D reconstruction, omnidirectional camera calibration, random pattern calibration and multi-camera calibration.
- **cnn_3dobj**: Deep Object Recognition and Pose -- Uses Caffe Deep Neural Net library to build, train and test a CNN model of visual object recognition and pose.
- **contrib_world**: opencv_contrib holder -- contrib_world is the module that when built, contains all other opencv_contrib modules. It may be used for the more convenient redistribution of opencv binaries.
- **cvv**: Computer Vision Debugger -- Simple code that you can add to your program that pops up a GUI allowing you to interactively and visually debug computer vision programs.
- **datasets**: Datasets Reader -- Code for reading existing computer vision databases and samples of using the readers to train, test and run using that dataset's data.
- **hdf**: Hierarchical Data Storage -- This module contains I/O routines for Hierarchical Data Format: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_Data_Format meant to store large amounts of data.
- **reg**: Image Registration -- Pixels based image registration for precise alignment. Follows the paper "Image Alignment and Stitching: A Tutorial", by Richard Szeliski.
- **sfm**: Structure from Motion -- This module contains algorithms to perform 3d reconstruction from 2d images. The core of the module is a light version of Libmv.
- **xobjdetect**: Boosted 2D Object Detection -- Uses a Waldboost cascade and local binary patterns computed as integral features for 2D object detection.