#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp>
#include <opencv2/saliency.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static const char* keys =
{ "{@saliency_algorithm | | Saliency algorithm <saliencyAlgorithmType.[saliencyAlgorithmTypeSubType]> }"
"{@video_name | | video name }"
"{@start_frame |1| Start frame }" };
static void help()
cout << "\nThis example shows the functionality of \"Saliency \""
"./example_saliency_computeSaliency <SALIENCY.[saliencyAlgorithmSubType]> <video_name> <start_frame> \n"
<< endl;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv, keys );
String saliency_algorithm = parser.get<String>( 0 );
String video_name = parser.get<String>( 1 );
int start_frame = parser.get<int>( 2 );
if( saliency_algorithm.empty() || video_name.empty() )
return -1;
//open the capture
VideoCapture cap;
cap.open( video_name );
cap.set( CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, start_frame );
if( !cap.isOpened() )
cout << "***Could not initialize capturing...***\n";
cout << "Current parameter's value: \n";
return -1;
Mat frame;
//instantiates the specific Saliency
Ptr<Saliency> saliencyAlgorithm = Saliency::create( saliency_algorithm );
if( saliencyAlgorithm == NULL )
cout << "***Error in the instantiation of the saliency algorithm...***\n";
return -1;
Mat binaryMap;
Mat image;
//OutputArray saliencyMap( image );
cap >> frame;
if( frame.empty() )
return 0;
frame.copyTo( image );
if( saliency_algorithm.find( "SPECTRAL_RESIDUAL" ) == 0 )
Mat saliencyMap;
if( saliencyAlgorithm->computeSaliency( image, saliencyMap ) )
StaticSaliencySpectralResidual spec;
//Mat salMat=saliencyMap.getMat();
spec.computeBinaryMap( saliencyMap, binaryMap );
//saliencyAlgorithm->computeBinaryMap( saliencyMap, binaryMap );
imshow( "Saliency Map", saliencyMap );
imshow( "Original Image", image );
imshow( "Binary Map", binaryMap );
waitKey( 0 );
else if( saliency_algorithm.find( "BING" ) == 0 )
vector<Vec4i> saliencyMap;
if( saliencyAlgorithm->computeSaliency( image, saliencyMap ) )
std::cout << "-----------------OBJECTNESS-----------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "OBJ BB VECTOR SIZE" << saliencyMap.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << saliencyMap[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << saliencyMap[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << saliencyMap[2] << std::endl;
return 0;