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187 lines
7.7 KiB
187 lines
7.7 KiB
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <vector> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <opencv2/objdetect/charuco_detector.hpp> |
#include "aruco_samples_utility.hpp" |
using namespace std; |
using namespace cv; |
namespace { |
const char* about = "Detect ChArUco markers"; |
const char* keys = |
"{sl | 100 | Square side length (in meters) }" |
"{ml | 60 | Marker side length (in meters) }" |
"{d | 10 | dictionary: DICT_4X4_50=0, DICT_4X4_100=1, DICT_4X4_250=2," |
"DICT_4X4_1000=3, DICT_5X5_50=4, DICT_5X5_100=5, DICT_5X5_250=6, DICT_5X5_1000=7, " |
"DICT_6X6_50=8, DICT_6X6_100=9, DICT_6X6_250=10, DICT_6X6_1000=11, DICT_7X7_50=12," |
"DICT_7X7_100=13, DICT_7X7_250=14, DICT_7X7_1000=15, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL = 16}" |
"{cd | | Input file with custom dictionary }" |
"{c | | Output file with calibrated camera parameters }" |
"{as | | Automatic scale. The provided number is multiplied by the last" |
"diamond id becoming an indicator of the square length. In this case, the -sl and " |
"-ml are only used to know the relative length relation between squares and markers }" |
"{v | | Input from video file, if ommited, input comes from camera }" |
"{ci | 0 | Camera id if input doesnt come from video (-v) }" |
"{dp | | File of marker detector parameters }" |
"{refine | | Corner refinement: CORNER_REFINE_NONE=0, CORNER_REFINE_SUBPIX=1," |
const string refineMethods[4] = { |
"None", |
"Subpixel", |
"Contour", |
"AprilTag" |
}; |
} |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { |
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys); |
parser.about(about); |
float squareLength = parser.get<float>("sl"); |
float markerLength = parser.get<float>("ml"); |
bool estimatePose = parser.has("c"); |
bool autoScale = parser.has("as"); |
float autoScaleFactor = autoScale ? parser.get<float>("as") : 1.f; |
aruco::Dictionary dictionary = readDictionatyFromCommandLine(parser); |
Mat camMatrix, distCoeffs; |
readCameraParamsFromCommandLine(parser, camMatrix, distCoeffs); |
aruco::DetectorParameters detectorParams = readDetectorParamsFromCommandLine(parser); |
if (parser.has("refine")) { |
// override cornerRefinementMethod read from config file |
int user_method = parser.get<aruco::CornerRefineMethod>("refine"); |
if (user_method < 0 || user_method >= 4) |
{ |
std::cout << "Corner refinement method should be in range 0..3" << std::endl; |
return 0; |
} |
detectorParams.cornerRefinementMethod = user_method; |
} |
std::cout << "Corner refinement method: " << refineMethods[detectorParams.cornerRefinementMethod] << std::endl; |
int camId = parser.get<int>("ci"); |
String video; |
if(parser.has("v")) { |
video = parser.get<String>("v"); |
} |
if(!parser.check()) { |
parser.printErrors(); |
return 0; |
} |
VideoCapture inputVideo; |
int waitTime; |
if(!video.empty()) { |
inputVideo.open(video); |
waitTime = 0; |
} else { |
inputVideo.open(camId); |
waitTime = 10; |
} |
double totalTime = 0; |
int totalIterations = 0; |
aruco::CharucoBoard charucoBoard(Size(3, 3), squareLength, markerLength, dictionary); |
aruco::CharucoDetector detector(charucoBoard, aruco::CharucoParameters(), detectorParams); |
while(inputVideo.grab()) { |
Mat image, imageCopy; |
inputVideo.retrieve(image); |
double tick = (double)getTickCount(); |
//! [detect_diamonds] |
vector<int> markerIds; |
vector<Vec4i> diamondIds; |
vector<vector<Point2f> > markerCorners, diamondCorners; |
vector<Vec3d> rvecs, tvecs; |
detector.detectDiamonds(image, diamondCorners, diamondIds, markerCorners, markerIds); |
//! [detect_diamonds] |
//! [diamond_pose_estimation] |
// estimate diamond pose |
size_t N = diamondIds.size(); |
if(estimatePose && N > 0) { |
cv::Mat objPoints(4, 1, CV_32FC3); |
rvecs.resize(N); |
tvecs.resize(N); |
if(!autoScale) { |
// set coordinate system |
objPoints.ptr<Vec3f>(0)[0] = Vec3f(-squareLength/2.f, squareLength/2.f, 0); |
objPoints.ptr<Vec3f>(0)[1] = Vec3f(squareLength/2.f, squareLength/2.f, 0); |
objPoints.ptr<Vec3f>(0)[2] = Vec3f(squareLength/2.f, -squareLength/2.f, 0); |
objPoints.ptr<Vec3f>(0)[3] = Vec3f(-squareLength/2.f, -squareLength/2.f, 0); |
// Calculate pose for each marker |
for (size_t i = 0ull; i < N; i++) |
solvePnP(objPoints, diamondCorners.at(i), camMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs.at(i), tvecs.at(i)); |
//! [diamond_pose_estimation] |
/* //! [diamond_pose_estimation_as_charuco] |
for (size_t i = 0ull; i < N; i++) { // estimate diamond pose as Charuco board |
Mat objPoints_b, imgPoints; |
// The coordinate system of the diamond is placed in the board plane centered in the bottom left corner |
vector<int> charucoIds = {0, 1, 3, 2}; // if CCW order, Z axis pointing in the plane |
// vector<int> charucoIds = {0, 2, 3, 1}; // if CW order, Z axis pointing out the plane |
charucoBoard.matchImagePoints(diamondCorners[i], charucoIds, objPoints_b, imgPoints); |
solvePnP(objPoints_b, imgPoints, camMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs[i], tvecs[i]); |
} |
//! [diamond_pose_estimation_as_charuco] */ |
} |
else { |
// if autoscale, extract square size from last diamond id |
for(size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { |
float sqLenScale = autoScaleFactor * float(diamondIds[i].val[3]); |
vector<vector<Point2f> > currentCorners; |
vector<Vec3d> currentRvec, currentTvec; |
currentCorners.push_back(diamondCorners[i]); |
// set coordinate system |
objPoints.ptr<Vec3f>(0)[0] = Vec3f(-sqLenScale/2.f, sqLenScale/2.f, 0); |
objPoints.ptr<Vec3f>(0)[1] = Vec3f(sqLenScale/2.f, sqLenScale/2.f, 0); |
objPoints.ptr<Vec3f>(0)[2] = Vec3f(sqLenScale/2.f, -sqLenScale/2.f, 0); |
objPoints.ptr<Vec3f>(0)[3] = Vec3f(-sqLenScale/2.f, -sqLenScale/2.f, 0); |
solvePnP(objPoints, diamondCorners.at(i), camMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs.at(i), tvecs.at(i)); |
} |
} |
} |
double currentTime = ((double)getTickCount() - tick) / getTickFrequency(); |
totalTime += currentTime; |
totalIterations++; |
if(totalIterations % 30 == 0) { |
cout << "Detection Time = " << currentTime * 1000 << " ms " |
<< "(Mean = " << 1000 * totalTime / double(totalIterations) << " ms)" << endl; |
} |
// draw results |
image.copyTo(imageCopy); |
if(markerIds.size() > 0) |
aruco::drawDetectedMarkers(imageCopy, markerCorners); |
//! [draw_diamonds] |
if(diamondIds.size() > 0) { |
aruco::drawDetectedDiamonds(imageCopy, diamondCorners, diamondIds); |
//! [draw_diamonds] |
//! [draw_diamond_pose_estimation] |
if(estimatePose) { |
for(size_t i = 0u; i < diamondIds.size(); i++) |
cv::drawFrameAxes(imageCopy, camMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs[i], tvecs[i], squareLength*1.1f); |
} |
//! [draw_diamond_pose_estimation] |
} |
imshow("out", imageCopy); |
char key = (char)waitKey(waitTime); |
if(key == 27) break; |
} |
return 0; |