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// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
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// License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Institute Of Software Chinese Academy Of Science, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2010-2012, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// @Authors
// Wu Xinglong,
// Sen Liu,
// Peng Xiao,
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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//#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_printf:enable
typedef int sumtype;
typedef float sqsumtype;
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(128))) GpuHidHaarTreeNode
int p[CV_HAAR_FEATURE_MAX][4] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
float weight[CV_HAAR_FEATURE_MAX] /*__attribute__((aligned (16)))*/;
float threshold /*__attribute__((aligned (4)))*/;
float alpha[3] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
int left __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int right __attribute__((aligned(4)));
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(32))) GpuHidHaarClassifier
int count __attribute__((aligned(4)));
GpuHidHaarTreeNode *node __attribute__((aligned(8)));
float *alpha __attribute__((aligned(8)));
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(64))) GpuHidHaarStageClassifier
int count __attribute__((aligned(4)));
float threshold __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int two_rects __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int reserved0 __attribute__((aligned(8)));
int reserved1 __attribute__((aligned(8)));
int reserved2 __attribute__((aligned(8)));
int reserved3 __attribute__((aligned(8)));
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(64))) GpuHidHaarClassifierCascade
int count __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int is_stump_based __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int has_tilted_features __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int is_tree __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int pq0 __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int pq1 __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int pq2 __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int pq3 __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int p0 __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int p1 __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int p2 __attribute__((aligned(4)));
int p3 __attribute__((aligned(4)));
float inv_window_area __attribute__((aligned(4)));
} GpuHidHaarClassifierCascade;
__kernel void gpuRunHaarClassifierCascade_scaled2(
global GpuHidHaarStageClassifier *stagecascadeptr,
global int4 *info,
global GpuHidHaarTreeNode *nodeptr,
global const int *restrict sum,
global const float *restrict sqsum,
global int4 *candidate,
const int rows,
const int cols,
const int step,
const int loopcount,
const int start_stage,
const int split_stage,
const int end_stage,
const int startnode,
global int4 *p,
global float *correction,
const int nodecount)
int grpszx = get_local_size(0);
int grpszy = get_local_size(1);
int grpnumx = get_num_groups(0);
int grpidx = get_group_id(0);
int lclidx = get_local_id(0);
int lclidy = get_local_id(1);
int lcl_sz = mul24(grpszx, grpszy);
int lcl_id = mad24(lclidy, grpszx, lclidx);
__local int glboutindex[1];
__local int lclcount[1];
__local int lcloutindex[64];
glboutindex[0] = 0;
int outputoff = mul24(grpidx, 256);
candidate[outputoff + (lcl_id << 2)] = (int4)0;
candidate[outputoff + (lcl_id << 2) + 1] = (int4)0;
candidate[outputoff + (lcl_id << 2) + 2] = (int4)0;
candidate[outputoff + (lcl_id << 2) + 3] = (int4)0;
int max_idx = rows * cols - 1;
for (int scalei = 0; scalei < loopcount; scalei++)
int4 scaleinfo1;
scaleinfo1 = info[scalei];
int width = (scaleinfo1.x & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
int height = scaleinfo1.x & 0xffff;
int grpnumperline = (scaleinfo1.y & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
int totalgrp = scaleinfo1.y & 0xffff;
float factor = as_float(scaleinfo1.w);
float correction_t = correction[scalei];
int ystep = (int)(max(2.0f, factor) + 0.5f);
for (int grploop = get_group_id(0); grploop < totalgrp; grploop += grpnumx)
int4 cascadeinfo = p[scalei];
int grpidy = grploop / grpnumperline;
int grpidx = grploop - mul24(grpidy, grpnumperline);
int ix = mad24(grpidx, grpszx, lclidx);
int iy = mad24(grpidy, grpszy, lclidy);
int x = ix * ystep;
int y = iy * ystep;
lcloutindex[lcl_id] = 0;
lclcount[0] = 0;
int nodecounter;
float mean, variance_norm_factor;
//if((ix < width) && (iy < height))
const int p_offset = mad24(y, step, x);
cascadeinfo.x += p_offset;
cascadeinfo.z += p_offset;
mean = (sum[clamp(mad24(cascadeinfo.y, step, cascadeinfo.x), 0, max_idx)]
- sum[clamp(mad24(cascadeinfo.y, step, cascadeinfo.z), 0, max_idx)] -
sum[clamp(mad24(cascadeinfo.w, step, cascadeinfo.x), 0, max_idx)]
+ sum[clamp(mad24(cascadeinfo.w, step, cascadeinfo.z), 0, max_idx)])
* correction_t;
variance_norm_factor = sqsum[clamp(mad24(cascadeinfo.y, step, cascadeinfo.x), 0, max_idx)]
- sqsum[clamp(mad24(cascadeinfo.y, step, cascadeinfo.z), 0, max_idx)] -
sqsum[clamp(mad24(cascadeinfo.w, step, cascadeinfo.x), 0, max_idx)]
+ sqsum[clamp(mad24(cascadeinfo.w, step, cascadeinfo.z), 0, max_idx)];
variance_norm_factor = variance_norm_factor * correction_t - mean * mean;
variance_norm_factor = variance_norm_factor >= 0.f ? sqrt(variance_norm_factor) : 1.f;
bool result = true;
nodecounter = startnode + nodecount * scalei;
for (int stageloop = start_stage; (stageloop < end_stage) && result; stageloop++)
float stage_sum = 0.f;
int stagecount = stagecascadeptr[stageloop].count;
for (int nodeloop = 0; nodeloop < stagecount;)
__global GpuHidHaarTreeNode *currentnodeptr = (nodeptr + nodecounter);
int4 info1 = *(__global int4 *)(&(currentnodeptr->p[0][0]));
int4 info2 = *(__global int4 *)(&(currentnodeptr->p[1][0]));
int4 info3 = *(__global int4 *)(&(currentnodeptr->p[2][0]));
float4 w = *(__global float4 *)(&(currentnodeptr->weight[0]));
float3 alpha3 = *(__global float3 *)(&(currentnodeptr->alpha[0]));
float nodethreshold = w.w * variance_norm_factor;
info1.x += p_offset;
info1.z += p_offset;
info2.x += p_offset;
info2.z += p_offset;
info3.x += p_offset;
info3.z += p_offset;
float classsum = (sum[clamp(mad24(info1.y, step, info1.x), 0, max_idx)]
- sum[clamp(mad24(info1.y, step, info1.z), 0, max_idx)] -
sum[clamp(mad24(info1.w, step, info1.x), 0, max_idx)]
+ sum[clamp(mad24(info1.w, step, info1.z), 0, max_idx)]) * w.x;
classsum += (sum[clamp(mad24(info2.y, step, info2.x), 0, max_idx)]
- sum[clamp(mad24(info2.y, step, info2.z), 0, max_idx)] -
sum[clamp(mad24(info2.w, step, info2.x), 0, max_idx)]
+ sum[clamp(mad24(info2.w, step, info2.z), 0, max_idx)]) * w.y;
classsum += (sum[clamp(mad24(info3.y, step, info3.x), 0, max_idx)]
- sum[clamp(mad24(info3.y, step, info3.z), 0, max_idx)] -
sum[clamp(mad24(info3.w, step, info3.x), 0, max_idx)]
+ sum[clamp(mad24(info3.w, step, info3.z), 0, max_idx)]) * w.z;
bool passThres = classsum >= nodethreshold;
stage_sum += passThres ? alpha3.y : alpha3.x;
bool isRootNode = (nodecounter & 1) == 0;
if( (passThres && currentnodeptr->right) ||
(!passThres && currentnodeptr->left))
nodecounter ++;
stage_sum += alpha3.x;
nodecounter += 2;
nodeloop ++;
stage_sum += (passThres ? alpha3.z : alpha3.y);
nodecounter ++;
nodeloop ++;
result = (int)(stage_sum >= stagecascadeptr[stageloop].threshold);
if (result && (ix < width) && (iy < height))
int queueindex = atomic_inc(lclcount);
lcloutindex[queueindex] = (y << 16) | x;
int queuecount = lclcount[0];
if (lcl_id < queuecount)
int temp = lcloutindex[lcl_id];
int x = temp & 0xffff;
int y = (temp & (int)0xffff0000) >> 16;
temp = atomic_inc(glboutindex);
int4 candidate_result; = (int2)convert_int_rtn(factor * 20.f);
candidate_result.x = x;
candidate_result.y = y;
candidate[outputoff + temp + lcl_id] = candidate_result;
__kernel void gpuscaleclassifier(global GpuHidHaarTreeNode *orinode, global GpuHidHaarTreeNode *newnode, float scale, float weight_scale, int nodenum)
int counter = get_global_id(0);
int tr_x[3], tr_y[3], tr_h[3], tr_w[3], i = 0;
GpuHidHaarTreeNode t1 = *(orinode + counter);
#pragma unroll
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
tr_x[i] = (int)(t1.p[i][0] * scale + 0.5f);
tr_y[i] = (int)(t1.p[i][1] * scale + 0.5f);
tr_w[i] = (int)(t1.p[i][2] * scale + 0.5f);
tr_h[i] = (int)(t1.p[i][3] * scale + 0.5f);
t1.weight[0] = t1.p[2][0] ? -(t1.weight[1] * tr_h[1] * tr_w[1] + t1.weight[2] * tr_h[2] * tr_w[2]) / (tr_h[0] * tr_w[0]) : -t1.weight[1] * tr_h[1] * tr_w[1] / (tr_h[0] * tr_w[0]);
counter += nodenum;
#pragma unroll
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
newnode[counter].p[i][0] = tr_x[i];
newnode[counter].p[i][1] = tr_y[i];
newnode[counter].p[i][2] = tr_x[i] + tr_w[i];
newnode[counter].p[i][3] = tr_y[i] + tr_h[i];
newnode[counter].weight[i] = t1.weight[i] * weight_scale;
newnode[counter].left = t1.left;
newnode[counter].right = t1.right;
newnode[counter].threshold = t1.threshold;
newnode[counter].alpha[0] = t1.alpha[0];
newnode[counter].alpha[1] = t1.alpha[1];
newnode[counter].alpha[2] = t1.alpha[2];