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305 lines
8.2 KiB
//Calonder descriptor sample |
#include <cxcore.h> |
#include <cv.h> |
#include <cvaux.h> |
#include <highgui.h> |
#include <vector> |
using namespace std; |
// Number of training points (set to -1 to use all points) |
const int n_points = -1; |
//Draw the border of projection of train image calculed by averaging detected correspondences |
const bool draw_border = true; |
void cvmSet6(CvMat* m, int row, int col, float val1, float val2, float val3, float val4, float val5, float val6) |
{ |
cvmSet(m, row, col, val1); |
cvmSet(m, row, col + 1, val2); |
cvmSet(m, row, col + 2, val3); |
cvmSet(m, row, col + 3, val4); |
cvmSet(m, row, col + 4, val5); |
cvmSet(m, row, col + 5, val6); |
} |
void FindAffineTransform(const vector<CvPoint>& p1, const vector<CvPoint>& p2, CvMat* affine) |
{ |
int eq_num = 2*(int)p1.size(); |
CvMat* A = cvCreateMat(eq_num, 6, CV_32FC1); |
CvMat* B = cvCreateMat(eq_num, 1, CV_32FC1); |
CvMat* X = cvCreateMat(6, 1, CV_32FC1); |
for(int i = 0; i < (int)p1.size(); i++) |
{ |
cvmSet6(A, 2*i, 0, p1[i].x, p1[i].y, 1, 0, 0, 0); |
cvmSet6(A, 2*i + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, p1[i].x, p1[i].y, 1); |
cvmSet(B, 2*i, 0, p2[i].x); |
cvmSet(B, 2*i + 1, 0, p2[i].y); |
} |
cvSolve(A, B, X, CV_SVD); |
cvmSet(affine, 0, 0, cvmGet(X, 0, 0)); |
cvmSet(affine, 0, 1, cvmGet(X, 1, 0)); |
cvmSet(affine, 0, 2, cvmGet(X, 2, 0)); |
cvmSet(affine, 1, 0, cvmGet(X, 3, 0)); |
cvmSet(affine, 1, 1, cvmGet(X, 4, 0)); |
cvmSet(affine, 1, 2, cvmGet(X, 5, 0)); |
cvReleaseMat(&A); |
cvReleaseMat(&B); |
cvReleaseMat(&X); |
} |
void MapVectorAffine(const vector<CvPoint>& p1, vector<CvPoint>& p2, CvMat* transform) |
{ |
float a = cvmGet(transform, 0, 0); |
float b = cvmGet(transform, 0, 1); |
float c = cvmGet(transform, 0, 2); |
float d = cvmGet(transform, 1, 0); |
float e = cvmGet(transform, 1, 1); |
float f = cvmGet(transform, 1, 2); |
for(int i = 0; i < (int)p1.size(); i++) |
{ |
float x = a*p1[i].x + b*p1[i].y + c; |
float y = d*p1[i].x + e*p1[i].y + f; |
p2.push_back(cvPoint(x, y)); |
} |
} |
float CalcAffineReprojectionError(const vector<CvPoint>& p1, const vector<CvPoint>& p2, CvMat* transform) |
{ |
vector<CvPoint> mapped_p1; |
MapVectorAffine(p1, mapped_p1, transform); |
float error = 0; |
for(int i = 0; i < (int)p2.size(); i++) |
{ |
error += ((p2[i].x - mapped_p1[i].x)*(p2[i].x - mapped_p1[i].x)+(p2[i].y - mapped_p1[i].y)*(p2[i].y - mapped_p1[i].y)); |
} |
error /= p2.size(); |
return error; |
} |
int main( int argc, char** argv ) |
{ |
printf("calonder_sample is under construction\n"); |
return 0; |
IplImage* test_image; |
IplImage* train_image; |
if (argc < 3) |
{ |
test_image = cvLoadImage("box_in_scene.png",0); |
train_image = cvLoadImage("box.png ",0); |
if (!test_image || !train_image) |
{ |
printf("Usage: calonder_sample <train_image> <test_image>"); |
return 0; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
test_image = cvLoadImage(argv[2],0); |
train_image = cvLoadImage(argv[1],0); |
} |
if (!train_image) |
{ |
printf("Unable to load train image\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
if (!test_image) |
{ |
printf("Unable to load test image\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); |
CvSeq *objectKeypoints = 0, *objectDescriptors = 0; |
CvSeq *imageKeypoints = 0, *imageDescriptors = 0; |
CvSURFParams params = cvSURFParams(500, 1); |
cvExtractSURF( test_image, 0, &imageKeypoints, &imageDescriptors, storage, params ); |
cvExtractSURF( train_image, 0, &objectKeypoints, &objectDescriptors, storage, params ); |
cv::RTreeClassifier detector; |
int patch_width = cv::PATCH_SIZE; |
int patch_height = cv::PATCH_SIZE; |
vector<cv::BaseKeypoint> base_set; |
int i=0; |
CvSURFPoint* point; |
for (i=0;i<(n_points > 0 ? n_points : objectKeypoints->total);i++) |
{ |
point=(CvSURFPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(objectKeypoints,i); |
base_set.push_back(cv::BaseKeypoint(point->pt.x,point->pt.y,train_image)); |
} |
//Detector training |
cv::RNG rng( cvGetTickCount() ); |
cv::PatchGenerator gen(0,255,2,false,0.7,1.3,-CV_PI/3,CV_PI/3,-CV_PI/3,CV_PI/3); |
printf("RTree Classifier training...\n"); |
detector.train(base_set,rng,gen,24,cv::DEFAULT_DEPTH,2000,(int)base_set.size(),detector.DEFAULT_NUM_QUANT_BITS); |
printf("Done\n"); |
float* signature = new float[detector.original_num_classes()]; |
float* best_corr; |
int* best_corr_idx; |
if (imageKeypoints->total > 0) |
{ |
best_corr = new float[imageKeypoints->total]; |
best_corr_idx = new int[imageKeypoints->total]; |
} |
for(i=0; i < imageKeypoints->total; i++) |
{ |
point=(CvSURFPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(imageKeypoints,i); |
int part_idx = -1; |
float prob = 0.0f; |
CvRect roi = cvRect((int)(point->pt.x) - patch_width/2,(int)(point->pt.y) - patch_height/2, patch_width, patch_height); |
cvSetImageROI(test_image, roi); |
roi = cvGetImageROI(test_image); |
if(roi.width != patch_width || roi.height != patch_height) |
{ |
best_corr_idx[i] = part_idx; |
best_corr[i] = prob; |
} |
else |
{ |
cvSetImageROI(test_image, roi); |
IplImage* roi_image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(roi.width, roi.height), test_image->depth, test_image->nChannels); |
cvCopy(test_image,roi_image); |
detector.getSignature(roi_image, signature); |
for (int j = 0; j< detector.original_num_classes();j++) |
{ |
if (prob < signature[j]) |
{ |
part_idx = j; |
prob = signature[j]; |
} |
} |
best_corr_idx[i] = part_idx; |
best_corr[i] = prob; |
if (roi_image) |
cvReleaseImage(&roi_image); |
} |
cvResetImageROI(test_image); |
} |
float min_prob = 0.0f; |
vector<CvPoint> object; |
vector<CvPoint> features; |
for (int j=0;j<objectKeypoints->total;j++) |
{ |
float prob = 0.0f; |
int idx = -1; |
for (i = 0; i<imageKeypoints->total;i++) |
{ |
if ((best_corr_idx[i]!=j)||(best_corr[i] < min_prob)) |
continue; |
if (best_corr[i] > prob) |
{ |
prob = best_corr[i]; |
idx = i; |
} |
} |
if (idx >=0) |
{ |
point=(CvSURFPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(objectKeypoints,j); |
object.push_back(cvPoint((int)point->pt.x,(int)point->pt.y)); |
point=(CvSURFPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(imageKeypoints,idx); |
features.push_back(cvPoint((int)point->pt.x,(int)point->pt.y)); |
} |
} |
if ((int)object.size() > 3) |
{ |
CvMat* affine = cvCreateMat(2, 3, CV_32FC1); |
FindAffineTransform(object,features,affine); |
vector<CvPoint> corners; |
vector<CvPoint> mapped_corners; |
corners.push_back(cvPoint(0,0)); |
corners.push_back(cvPoint(0,train_image->height)); |
corners.push_back(cvPoint(train_image->width,0)); |
corners.push_back(cvPoint(train_image->width,train_image->height)); |
MapVectorAffine(corners,mapped_corners,affine); |
//Drawing the result |
IplImage* result = cvCreateImage(cvSize(test_image->width > train_image->width ? test_image->width : train_image->width, |
train_image->height + test_image->height), |
test_image->depth, test_image->nChannels); |
cvSetImageROI(result,cvRect(0,0,train_image->width, train_image->height)); |
cvCopy(train_image,result); |
cvResetImageROI(result); |
cvSetImageROI(result,cvRect(0,train_image->height,test_image->width, test_image->height)); |
cvCopy(test_image,result); |
cvResetImageROI(result); |
for (int i=0;i<(int)features.size();i++) |
{ |
cvLine(result,object[i],cvPoint(features[i].x,features[i].y+train_image->height),cvScalar(255)); |
} |
if (draw_border) |
{ |
cvLine(result,cvPoint(mapped_corners[0].x, mapped_corners[0].y+train_image->height), |
cvPoint(mapped_corners[1].x, mapped_corners[1].y+train_image->height),cvScalar(150),3); |
cvLine(result,cvPoint(mapped_corners[0].x, mapped_corners[0].y+train_image->height), |
cvPoint(mapped_corners[2].x, mapped_corners[2].y+train_image->height),cvScalar(150),3); |
cvLine(result,cvPoint(mapped_corners[1].x, mapped_corners[1].y+train_image->height), |
cvPoint(mapped_corners[3].x, mapped_corners[3].y+train_image->height),cvScalar(150),3); |
cvLine(result,cvPoint(mapped_corners[2].x, mapped_corners[2].y+train_image->height), |
cvPoint(mapped_corners[3].x, mapped_corners[3].y+train_image->height),cvScalar(150),3); |
} |
cvSaveImage("Result.jpg",result); |
cvNamedWindow("Result",0); |
cvShowImage("Result",result); |
cvWaitKey(); |
cvReleaseMat(&affine); |
cvReleaseImage(&result); |
} |
else |
{ |
printf("Unable to find correspondence\n"); |
} |
if (signature) |
delete[] signature; |
if (best_corr) |
delete[] best_corr; |
cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); |
cvReleaseImage(&train_image); |
cvReleaseImage(&test_image); |
return 0; |