Open Source Computer Vision Library
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Cookbook |
======== |
.. highlight:: python |
Here is a collection of code fragments demonstrating some features |
of the OpenCV Python bindings. |
Convert an image |
---------------- |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import cv |
>>> im = cv.LoadImageM("building.jpg") |
>>> print type(im) |
<type 'cv.cvmat'> |
>>> cv.SaveImage("foo.png", im) |
.. |
Resize an image |
--------------- |
To resize an image in OpenCV, create a destination image of the appropriate size, then call |
:ref:`Resize` |
. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import cv |
>>> original = cv.LoadImageM("building.jpg") |
>>> thumbnail = cv.CreateMat(original.rows / 10, original.cols / 10, cv.CV_8UC3) |
>>> cv.Resize(original, thumbnail) |
.. |
Compute the Laplacian |
--------------------- |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import cv |
>>> im = cv.LoadImageM("building.jpg", 1) |
>>> dst = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(im), cv.IPL_DEPTH_16S, 3) |
>>> laplace = cv.Laplace(im, dst) |
>>> cv.SaveImage("foo-laplace.png", dst) |
.. |
Using GoodFeaturesToTrack |
------------------------- |
To find the 10 strongest corner features in an image, use |
:ref:`GoodFeaturesToTrack` |
like this: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import cv |
>>> img = cv.LoadImageM("building.jpg", cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) |
>>> eig_image = cv.CreateMat(img.rows, img.cols, cv.CV_32FC1) |
>>> temp_image = cv.CreateMat(img.rows, img.cols, cv.CV_32FC1) |
>>> for (x,y) in cv.GoodFeaturesToTrack(img, eig_image, temp_image, 10, 0.04, 1.0, useHarris = True): |
... print "good feature at", x,y |
good feature at 198.0 514.0 |
good feature at 791.0 260.0 |
good feature at 370.0 467.0 |
good feature at 374.0 469.0 |
good feature at 490.0 520.0 |
good feature at 262.0 278.0 |
good feature at 781.0 134.0 |
good feature at 3.0 247.0 |
good feature at 667.0 321.0 |
good feature at 764.0 304.0 |
.. |
Using GetSubRect |
---------------- |
GetSubRect returns a rectangular part of another image. It does this without copying any data. |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import cv |
>>> img = cv.LoadImageM("building.jpg") |
>>> sub = cv.GetSubRect(img, (60, 70, 32, 32)) # sub is 32x32 patch within img |
>>> cv.SetZero(sub) # clear sub to zero, which also clears 32x32 pixels in img |
.. |
Using CreateMat, and accessing an element |
----------------------------------------- |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import cv |
>>> mat = cv.CreateMat(5, 5, cv.CV_32FC1) |
>>> cv.Set(mat, 1.0) |
>>> mat[3,1] += 0.375 |
>>> print mat[3,1] |
1.375 |
>>> print [mat[3,i] for i in range(5)] |
[1.0, 1.375, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] |
.. |
ROS image message to OpenCV |
--------------------------- |
See this tutorial: |
`Using CvBridge to convert between ROS images And OpenCV images <>`_ |
. |
PIL Image to OpenCV |
------------------- |
(For details on PIL see the |
`PIL handbook <>`_ |
.) |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import Image, cv |
>>> pi ='building.jpg') # PIL image |
>>> cv_im = cv.CreateImageHeader(pi.size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) |
>>> cv.SetData(cv_im, pi.tostring()) |
>>> print pi.size, cv.GetSize(cv_im) |
(868, 600) (868, 600) |
>>> print pi.tostring() == cv_im.tostring() |
True |
.. |
OpenCV to PIL Image |
------------------- |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import Image, cv |
>>> cv_im = cv.CreateImage((320,200), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) |
>>> pi = Image.fromstring("L", cv.GetSize(cv_im), cv_im.tostring()) |
>>> print pi.size |
(320, 200) |
.. |
NumPy and OpenCV |
---------------- |
Using the |
`array interface <>`_ |
, to use an OpenCV CvMat in NumPy: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import cv, numpy |
>>> mat = cv.CreateMat(3, 5, cv.CV_32FC1) |
>>> cv.Set(mat, 7) |
>>> a = numpy.asarray(mat) |
>>> print a |
[[ 7. 7. 7. 7. 7.] |
[ 7. 7. 7. 7. 7.] |
[ 7. 7. 7. 7. 7.]] |
.. |
and to use a NumPy array in OpenCV: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import cv, numpy |
>>> a = numpy.ones((480, 640)) |
>>> mat = cv.fromarray(a) |
>>> print mat.rows |
480 |
>>> print mat.cols |
640 |
.. |
also, most OpenCV functions can work on NumPy arrays directly, for example: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> picture = numpy.ones((640, 480)) |
>>> cv.Smooth(picture, picture, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN, 15, 15) |
.. |
Given a 2D array, |
the |
:ref:`fromarray` |
function (or the implicit version shown above) |
returns a single-channel |
:ref:`CvMat` |
of the same size. |
For a 3D array of size |
:math:`j \times k \times l` |
, it returns a |
:ref:`CvMat` |
sized |
:math:`j \times k` |
with |
:math:`l` |
channels. |
Alternatively, use |
:ref:`fromarray` |
with the |
``allowND`` |
option to always return a |
:ref:`cvMatND` |
. |
OpenCV to pygame |
---------------- |
To convert an OpenCV image to a |
`pygame <>`_ |
surface: |
.. doctest:: |
>>> import pygame.image, cv |
>>> src = cv.LoadImage("lena.jpg") |
>>> src_rgb = cv.CreateMat(src.height, src.width, cv.CV_8UC3) |
>>> cv.CvtColor(src, src_rgb, cv.CV_BGR2RGB) |
>>> pg_img = pygame.image.frombuffer(src_rgb.tostring(), cv.GetSize(src_rgb), "RGB") |
>>> print pg_img |
<Surface(512x512x24 SW)> |
.. |
OpenCV and OpenEXR |
------------------ |
Using |
`OpenEXR's Python bindings <>`_ |
you can make a simple |
image viewer: |
:: |
import OpenEXR, Imath, cv |
filename = "GoldenGate.exr" |
exrimage = OpenEXR.InputFile(filename) |
dw = exrimage.header()['dataWindow'] |
(width, height) = (dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1, dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1) |
def fromstr(s): |
mat = cv.CreateMat(height, width, cv.CV_32FC1) |
cv.SetData(mat, s) |
return mat |
pt = Imath.PixelType(Imath.PixelType.FLOAT) |
(r, g, b) = [fromstr(s) for s in exrimage.channels("RGB", pt)] |
bgr = cv.CreateMat(height, width, cv.CV_32FC3) |
cv.Merge(b, g, r, None, bgr) |
cv.ShowImage(filename, bgr) |
cv.WaitKey() |
.. |