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///////////////////////////// OpenCL kernels for face detection //////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////// see the opencv/doc/license.txt ///////////////////////////////
// the code has been derived from the OpenCL Haar cascade kernel by
// Niko Li,
// Wang Weiyan,
// Jia Haipeng,
// Nathan,
// Peng Xiao,
// Erping Pang,
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(4))) OptHaarFeature
int4 ofs[3] __attribute__((aligned (4)));
float4 weight __attribute__((aligned (4)));
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(4))) OptLBPFeature
int16 ofs __attribute__((aligned (4)));
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(4))) Stump
float4 st __attribute__((aligned (4)));
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(4))) Node
int4 n __attribute__((aligned (4)));
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned (4))) Stage
int first __attribute__((aligned (4)));
int ntrees __attribute__((aligned (4)));
float threshold __attribute__((aligned (4)));
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned (4))) ScaleData
float scale __attribute__((aligned (4)));
int szi_width __attribute__((aligned (4)));
int szi_height __attribute__((aligned (4)));
int layer_ofs __attribute__((aligned (4)));
int ystep __attribute__((aligned (4)));
#ifndef SUM_BUF_SIZE
#define SUM_BUF_SIZE 0
#ifndef NODE_COUNT
#define NODE_COUNT 1
__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(LOCAL_SIZE_X,LOCAL_SIZE_Y,1)))
void runHaarClassifier(
int nscales, __global const ScaleData* scaleData,
__global const int* sum,
int _sumstep, int sumoffset,
__global const OptHaarFeature* optfeatures,
__global const Stage* stages,
__global const Node* nodes,
__global const float* leaves0,
volatile __global int* facepos,
int4 normrect, int sqofs, int2 windowsize)
int lx = get_local_id(0);
int ly = get_local_id(1);
int groupIdx = get_group_id(0);
int i, ngroups = get_global_size(0)/LOCAL_SIZE_X;
int scaleIdx, tileIdx, stageIdx;
int sumstep = (int)(_sumstep/sizeof(int));
int4 nofs0 = (int4)(mad24(normrect.y, sumstep, normrect.x),
mad24(normrect.y, sumstep, normrect.x + normrect.z),
mad24(normrect.y + normrect.w, sumstep, normrect.x),
mad24(normrect.y + normrect.w, sumstep, normrect.x + normrect.z));
int normarea = normrect.z * normrect.w;
float invarea = 1.f/normarea;
int lidx = ly*LOCAL_SIZE_X + lx;
#if SUM_BUF_SIZE > 0
int4 nofs = (int4)(mad24(normrect.y, SUM_BUF_STEP, normrect.x),
mad24(normrect.y, SUM_BUF_STEP, normrect.x + normrect.z),
mad24(normrect.y + normrect.w, SUM_BUF_STEP, normrect.x),
mad24(normrect.y + normrect.w, SUM_BUF_STEP, normrect.x + normrect.z));
int4 nofs = nofs0;
__local int lstore[SUM_BUF_SIZE + LOCAL_SIZE*5/2+1];
#if SUM_BUF_SIZE > 0
__local int* ibuf = lstore;
__local int* lcount = ibuf + SUM_BUF_SIZE;
__local int* lcount = lstore;
__local float* lnf = (__local float*)(lcount + 1);
__local float* lpartsum = lnf + LOCAL_SIZE;
__local short* lbuf = (__local short*)(lpartsum + LOCAL_SIZE);
for( scaleIdx = nscales-1; scaleIdx >= 0; scaleIdx-- )
__global const ScaleData* s = scaleData + scaleIdx;
int ystep = s->ystep;
int2 worksize = (int2)(max(s->szi_width - windowsize.x, 0), max(s->szi_height - windowsize.y, 0));
int2 ntiles = (int2)((worksize.x + LOCAL_SIZE_X-1)/LOCAL_SIZE_X,
(worksize.y + LOCAL_SIZE_Y-1)/LOCAL_SIZE_Y);
int totalTiles = ntiles.x*ntiles.y;
for( tileIdx = groupIdx; tileIdx < totalTiles; tileIdx += ngroups )
int ix0 = (tileIdx % ntiles.x)*LOCAL_SIZE_X;
int iy0 = (tileIdx / ntiles.x)*LOCAL_SIZE_Y;
int ix = lx, iy = ly;
__global const int* psum0 = sum + mad24(iy0, sumstep, ix0) + s->layer_ofs;
__global const int* psum1 = psum0 + mad24(iy, sumstep, ix);
if( ix0 >= worksize.x || iy0 >= worksize.y )
#if SUM_BUF_SIZE > 0
for( i = lidx*4; i < SUM_BUF_SIZE; i += LOCAL_SIZE_X*LOCAL_SIZE_Y*4 )
int dy = i/SUM_BUF_STEP, dx = i - dy*SUM_BUF_STEP;
vstore4(vload4(0, psum0 + mad24(dy, sumstep, dx)), 0, ibuf+i);
if( lidx == 0 )
lcount[0] = 0;
if( ix0 + ix < worksize.x && iy0 + iy < worksize.y )
__global const Stump* stump = (__global const Stump*)nodes;
__global const Node* node = nodes;
__global const float* leaves = leaves0;
#if SUM_BUF_SIZE > 0
__local const int* psum = ibuf + mad24(iy, SUM_BUF_STEP, ix);
__global const int* psum = psum1;
__global const float* psqsum = (__global const float*)(psum1 + sqofs);
float sval = (psum[nofs.x] - psum[nofs.y] - psum[nofs.z] + psum[nofs.w])*invarea;
float sqval = (psqsum[nofs0.x] - psqsum[nofs0.y] - psqsum[nofs0.z] + psqsum[nofs0.w])*invarea;
float nf = (float)normarea * sqrt(max(sqval - sval * sval, 0.f));
nf = nf > 0 ? nf : 1.f;
for( stageIdx = 0; stageIdx < SPLIT_STAGE; stageIdx++ )
int ntrees = stages[stageIdx].ntrees;
float s = 0.f;
for( i = 0; i < ntrees; i++ )
float4 st = stump[i].st;
__global const OptHaarFeature* f = optfeatures + as_int(st.x);
float4 weight = f->weight;
int4 ofs = f->ofs[0];
sval = (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.x;
ofs = f->ofs[1];
sval += (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.y;
if( weight.z > 0 )
ofs = f->ofs[2];
sval += (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.z;
s += (sval < st.y*nf) ? st.z : st.w;
stump += ntrees;
for( i = 0; i < ntrees; i++, node += NODE_COUNT, leaves += NODE_COUNT+1 )
int idx = 0;
int4 n = node[idx].n;
__global const OptHaarFeature* f = optfeatures + n.x;
float4 weight = f->weight;
int4 ofs = f->ofs[0];
sval = (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.x;
ofs = f->ofs[1];
sval += (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.y;
if( weight.z > 0 )
ofs = f->ofs[2];
sval += (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.z;
idx = (sval < as_float(n.y)*nf) ? n.z : n.w;
while(idx > 0);
s += leaves[-idx];
if( s < stages[stageIdx].threshold )
if( stageIdx == SPLIT_STAGE && (ystep == 1 || ((ix | iy) & 1) == 0) )
int count = atomic_inc(lcount);
lbuf[count] = (int)(ix | (iy << 8));
lnf[count] = nf;
for( stageIdx = SPLIT_STAGE; stageIdx < N_STAGES; stageIdx++ )
int nrects = lcount[0];
if( nrects == 0 )
if( lidx == 0 )
lcount[0] = 0;
#if NODE_COUNT == 1
__global const Stump* stump = (__global const Stump*)nodes + stages[stageIdx].first;
__global const Node* node = nodes + stages[stageIdx].first*NODE_COUNT;
__global const float* leaves = leaves0 + stages[stageIdx].first*(NODE_COUNT+1);
int nparts = LOCAL_SIZE / nrects;
int ntrees = stages[stageIdx].ntrees;
int ntrees_p = (ntrees + nparts - 1)/nparts;
int nr = lidx / nparts;
int partidx = -1, idxval = 0;
float partsum = 0.f, nf = 0.f;
if( nr < nrects )
partidx = lidx % nparts;
idxval = lbuf[nr];
nf = lnf[nr];
int ntrees0 = ntrees_p*partidx;
int ntrees1 = min(ntrees0 + ntrees_p, ntrees);
int ix1 = idxval & 255, iy1 = idxval >> 8;
#if SUM_BUF_SIZE > 0
__local const int* psum = ibuf + mad24(iy1, SUM_BUF_STEP, ix1);
__global const int* psum = psum0 + mad24(iy1, sumstep, ix1);
#if NODE_COUNT == 1
for( i = ntrees0; i < ntrees1; i++ )
float4 st = stump[i].st;
__global const OptHaarFeature* f = optfeatures + as_int(st.x);
float4 weight = f->weight;
int4 ofs = f->ofs[0];
float sval = (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.x;
ofs = f->ofs[1];
sval += (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.y;
//if( weight.z > 0 )
ofs = f->ofs[2];
sval += (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.z;
partsum += (sval < st.y*nf) ? st.z : st.w;
for( i = ntrees0; i < ntrees1; i++ )
int idx = 0;
int4 n = node[i*2 + idx].n;
__global const OptHaarFeature* f = optfeatures + n.x;
float4 weight = f->weight;
int4 ofs = f->ofs[0];
float sval = (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.x;
ofs = f->ofs[1];
sval += (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.y;
if( weight.z > 0 )
ofs = f->ofs[2];
sval += (psum[ofs.x] - psum[ofs.y] - psum[ofs.z] + psum[ofs.w])*weight.z;
idx = (sval < as_float(n.y)*nf) ? n.z : n.w;
while(idx > 0);
partsum += leaves[i*3-idx];
lpartsum[lidx] = partsum;
if( partidx == 0 )
float s = lpartsum[nr*nparts];
for( i = 1; i < nparts; i++ )
s += lpartsum[i + nr*nparts];
if( s >= stages[stageIdx].threshold )
int count = atomic_inc(lcount);
lbuf[count] = idxval;
lnf[count] = nf;
if( stageIdx == N_STAGES )
int nrects = lcount[0];
if( lidx < nrects )
int nfaces = atomic_inc(facepos);
if( nfaces < MAX_FACES )
volatile __global int* face = facepos + 1 + nfaces*3;
int val = lbuf[lidx];
face[0] = scaleIdx;
face[1] = ix0 + (val & 255);
face[2] = iy0 + (val >> 8);
#undef CALC_SUM_OFS_
#define CALC_SUM_OFS_(p0, p1, p2, p3, ptr) \
((ptr)[p0] - (ptr)[p1] - (ptr)[p2] + (ptr)[p3])
__kernel void runLBPClassifierStumpSimple(
int nscales, __global const ScaleData* scaleData,
__global const int* sum,
int _sumstep, int sumoffset,
__global const OptLBPFeature* optfeatures,
__global const Stage* stages,
__global const Stump* stumps,
__global const int* bitsets,
int bitsetSize,
volatile __global int* facepos,
int2 windowsize)
int lx = get_local_id(0);
int ly = get_local_id(1);
int local_size_x = get_local_size(0);
int local_size_y = get_local_size(1);
int groupIdx = get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0) + get_group_id(0);
int ngroups = get_num_groups(0)*get_num_groups(1);
int scaleIdx, tileIdx, stageIdx;
int sumstep = (int)(_sumstep/sizeof(int));
for( scaleIdx = nscales-1; scaleIdx >= 0; scaleIdx-- )
__global const ScaleData* s = scaleData + scaleIdx;
int ystep = s->ystep;
int2 worksize = (int2)(max(s->szi_width - windowsize.x, 0), max(s->szi_height - windowsize.y, 0));
int2 ntiles = (int2)((worksize.x/ystep + local_size_x-1)/local_size_x,
(worksize.y/ystep + local_size_y-1)/local_size_y);
int totalTiles = ntiles.x*ntiles.y;
for( tileIdx = groupIdx; tileIdx < totalTiles; tileIdx += ngroups )
int iy = ((tileIdx / ntiles.x)*local_size_y + ly)*ystep;
int ix = ((tileIdx % ntiles.x)*local_size_x + lx)*ystep;
if( ix < worksize.x && iy < worksize.y )
__global const int* p = sum + mad24(iy, sumstep, ix) + s->layer_ofs;
__global const Stump* stump = stumps;
__global const int* bitset = bitsets;
for( stageIdx = 0; stageIdx < N_STAGES; stageIdx++ )
int i, ntrees = stages[stageIdx].ntrees;
float s = 0.f;
for( i = 0; i < ntrees; i++, stump++, bitset += bitsetSize )
float4 st = stump->st;
__global const OptLBPFeature* f = optfeatures + as_int(st.x);
int16 ofs = f->ofs;
int cval = CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s5, ofs.s6, ofs.s9,, p );
int mask, idx = (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s0, ofs.s1, ofs.s4, ofs.s5, p ) >= cval ? 4 : 0); // 0
idx |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s1, ofs.s2, ofs.s5, ofs.s6, p ) >= cval ? 2 : 0); // 1
idx |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s2, ofs.s3, ofs.s6, ofs.s7, p ) >= cval ? 1 : 0); // 2
mask = (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s6, ofs.s7,,, p ) >= cval ? 16 : 0); // 5
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_(,,, ofs.sf, p ) >= cval ? 8 : 0); // 8
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s9,,,, p ) >= cval ? 4 : 0); // 7
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s8, ofs.s9,,, p ) >= cval ? 2 : 0); // 6
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s4, ofs.s5, ofs.s8, ofs.s9, p ) >= cval ? 1 : 0); // 7
s += (bitset[idx] & (1 << mask)) ? st.z : st.w;
if( s < stages[stageIdx].threshold )
if( stageIdx == N_STAGES )
int nfaces = atomic_inc(facepos);
if( nfaces < MAX_FACES )
volatile __global int* face = facepos + 1 + nfaces*3;
face[0] = scaleIdx;
face[1] = ix;
face[2] = iy;
__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(LOCAL_SIZE_X,LOCAL_SIZE_Y,1)))
void runLBPClassifierStump(
int nscales, __global const ScaleData* scaleData,
__global const int* sum,
int _sumstep, int sumoffset,
__global const OptLBPFeature* optfeatures,
__global const Stage* stages,
__global const Stump* stumps,
__global const int* bitsets,
int bitsetSize,
volatile __global int* facepos,
int2 windowsize)
int lx = get_local_id(0);
int ly = get_local_id(1);
int groupIdx = get_group_id(0);
int i, ngroups = get_global_size(0)/LOCAL_SIZE_X;
int scaleIdx, tileIdx, stageIdx;
int sumstep = (int)(_sumstep/sizeof(int));
int lidx = ly*LOCAL_SIZE_X + lx;
__local int lstore[SUM_BUF_SIZE + LOCAL_SIZE*3/2+1];
#if SUM_BUF_SIZE > 0
__local int* ibuf = lstore;
__local int* lcount = ibuf + SUM_BUF_SIZE;
__local int* lcount = lstore;
__local float* lpartsum = (__local float*)(lcount + 1);
__local short* lbuf = (__local short*)(lpartsum + LOCAL_SIZE);
for( scaleIdx = nscales-1; scaleIdx >= 0; scaleIdx-- )
__global const ScaleData* s = scaleData + scaleIdx;
int ystep = s->ystep;
int2 worksize = (int2)(max(s->szi_width - windowsize.x, 0), max(s->szi_height - windowsize.y, 0));
int2 ntiles = (int2)((worksize.x + LOCAL_SIZE_X-1)/LOCAL_SIZE_X,
(worksize.y + LOCAL_SIZE_Y-1)/LOCAL_SIZE_Y);
int totalTiles = ntiles.x*ntiles.y;
for( tileIdx = groupIdx; tileIdx < totalTiles; tileIdx += ngroups )
int ix0 = (tileIdx % ntiles.x)*LOCAL_SIZE_X;
int iy0 = (tileIdx / ntiles.x)*LOCAL_SIZE_Y;
int ix = lx, iy = ly;
__global const int* psum0 = sum + mad24(iy0, sumstep, ix0) + s->layer_ofs;
if( ix0 >= worksize.x || iy0 >= worksize.y )
#if SUM_BUF_SIZE > 0
for( i = lidx*4; i < SUM_BUF_SIZE; i += LOCAL_SIZE_X*LOCAL_SIZE_Y*4 )
int dy = i/SUM_BUF_STEP, dx = i - dy*SUM_BUF_STEP;
vstore4(vload4(0, psum0 + mad24(dy, sumstep, dx)), 0, ibuf+i);
if( lidx == 0 )
lcount[0] = 0;
if( ix0 + ix < worksize.x && iy0 + iy < worksize.y )
__global const Stump* stump = stumps;
__global const int* bitset = bitsets;
#if SUM_BUF_SIZE > 0
__local const int* p = ibuf + mad24(iy, SUM_BUF_STEP, ix);
__global const int* p = psum0 + mad24(iy, sumstep, ix);
for( stageIdx = 0; stageIdx < SPLIT_STAGE; stageIdx++ )
int ntrees = stages[stageIdx].ntrees;
float s = 0.f;
for( i = 0; i < ntrees; i++, stump++, bitset += bitsetSize )
float4 st = stump->st;
__global const OptLBPFeature* f = optfeatures + as_int(st.x);
int16 ofs = f->ofs;
int cval = CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s5, ofs.s6, ofs.s9,, p );
int mask, idx = (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s0, ofs.s1, ofs.s4, ofs.s5, p ) >= cval ? 4 : 0); // 0
idx |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s1, ofs.s2, ofs.s5, ofs.s6, p ) >= cval ? 2 : 0); // 1
idx |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s2, ofs.s3, ofs.s6, ofs.s7, p ) >= cval ? 1 : 0); // 2
mask = (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s6, ofs.s7,,, p ) >= cval ? 16 : 0); // 5
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_(,,, ofs.sf, p ) >= cval ? 8 : 0); // 8
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s9,,,, p ) >= cval ? 4 : 0); // 7
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s8, ofs.s9,,, p ) >= cval ? 2 : 0); // 6
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s4, ofs.s5, ofs.s8, ofs.s9, p ) >= cval ? 1 : 0); // 7
s += (bitset[idx] & (1 << mask)) ? st.z : st.w;
if( s < stages[stageIdx].threshold )
if( stageIdx == SPLIT_STAGE && (ystep == 1 || ((ix | iy) & 1) == 0) )
int count = atomic_inc(lcount);
lbuf[count] = (int)(ix | (iy << 8));
for( stageIdx = SPLIT_STAGE; stageIdx < N_STAGES; stageIdx++ )
int nrects = lcount[0];
if( nrects == 0 )
if( lidx == 0 )
lcount[0] = 0;
__global const Stump* stump = stumps + stages[stageIdx].first;
__global const int* bitset = bitsets + stages[stageIdx].first*bitsetSize;
int nparts = LOCAL_SIZE / nrects;
int ntrees = stages[stageIdx].ntrees;
int ntrees_p = (ntrees + nparts - 1)/nparts;
int nr = lidx / nparts;
int partidx = -1, idxval = 0;
float partsum = 0.f, nf = 0.f;
if( nr < nrects )
partidx = lidx % nparts;
idxval = lbuf[nr];
int ntrees0 = ntrees_p*partidx;
int ntrees1 = min(ntrees0 + ntrees_p, ntrees);
int ix1 = idxval & 255, iy1 = idxval >> 8;
#if SUM_BUF_SIZE > 0
__local const int* p = ibuf + mad24(iy1, SUM_BUF_STEP, ix1);
__global const int* p = psum0 + mad24(iy1, sumstep, ix1);
for( i = ntrees0; i < ntrees1; i++ )
float4 st = stump[i].st;
__global const OptLBPFeature* f = optfeatures + as_int(st.x);
int16 ofs = f->ofs;
#define CALC_SUM_OFS_(p0, p1, p2, p3, ptr) \
((ptr)[p0] - (ptr)[p1] - (ptr)[p2] + (ptr)[p3])
int cval = CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s5, ofs.s6, ofs.s9,, p );
int mask, idx = (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s0, ofs.s1, ofs.s4, ofs.s5, p ) >= cval ? 4 : 0); // 0
idx |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s1, ofs.s2, ofs.s5, ofs.s6, p ) >= cval ? 2 : 0); // 1
idx |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s2, ofs.s3, ofs.s6, ofs.s7, p ) >= cval ? 1 : 0); // 2
mask = (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s6, ofs.s7,,, p ) >= cval ? 16 : 0); // 5
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_(,,, ofs.sf, p ) >= cval ? 8 : 0); // 8
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s9,,,, p ) >= cval ? 4 : 0); // 7
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s8, ofs.s9,,, p ) >= cval ? 2 : 0); // 6
mask |= (CALC_SUM_OFS_( ofs.s4, ofs.s5, ofs.s8, ofs.s9, p ) >= cval ? 1 : 0); // 7
partsum += (bitset[i*bitsetSize + idx] & (1 << mask)) ? st.z : st.w;
lpartsum[lidx] = partsum;
if( partidx == 0 )
float s = lpartsum[nr*nparts];
for( i = 1; i < nparts; i++ )
s += lpartsum[i + nr*nparts];
if( s >= stages[stageIdx].threshold )
int count = atomic_inc(lcount);
lbuf[count] = idxval;
if( stageIdx == N_STAGES )
int nrects = lcount[0];
if( lidx < nrects )
int nfaces = atomic_inc(facepos);
if( nfaces < MAX_FACES )
volatile __global int* face = facepos + 1 + nfaces*3;
int val = lbuf[lidx];
face[0] = scaleIdx;
face[1] = ix0 + (val & 255);
face[2] = iy0 + (val >> 8);