Open Source Computer Vision Library
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96 lines
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async function loadOpenCV(paths, onloadCallback) {
let OPENCV_URL = "";
let asmPath = "";
let wasmPath = "";
let simdPath = "";
let threadsPath = "";
let threadsSimdPath = "";
if(!(paths instanceof Object)) {
throw new Error("The first input should be a object that points the path to the OpenCV.js");
if ("asm" in paths) {
asmPath = paths["asm"];
if ("wasm" in paths) {
wasmPath = paths["wasm"];
if ("threads" in paths) {
threadsPath = paths["threads"];
if ("simd" in paths) {
simdPath = paths["simd"];
if ("threadsSimd" in paths) {
threadsSimdPath = paths["threadsSimd"];
let wasmSupported = !(typeof WebAssembly === 'undefined');
if (!wasmSupported && OPENCV_URL === "" && asmPath != "") {
OPENCV_URL = asmPath;
console.log("The OpenCV.js for Asm.js is loaded now");
} else if (!wasmSupported && asmPath == ""){
throw new Error("The browser supports the Asm.js only, but the path of OpenCV.js for Asm.js is empty");
let simdSupported = wasmSupported ? await wasmFeatureDetect.simd() : false;
let threadsSupported = wasmSupported ? await wasmFeatureDetect.threads() : false;
if (simdSupported && threadsSupported && threadsSimdPath != "") {
OPENCV_URL = threadsSimdPath;
console.log("The OpenCV.js with simd and threads optimization is loaded now");
} else if (simdSupported && simdPath != "") {
if (threadsSupported && threadsSimdPath === "") {
console.log("The browser supports simd and threads, but the path of OpenCV.js with simd and threads optimization is empty");
OPENCV_URL = simdPath;
console.log("The OpenCV.js with simd optimization is loaded now.");
} else if (threadsSupported && threadsPath != "") {
if (simdSupported && threadsSimdPath === "") {
console.log("The browser supports simd and threads, but the path of OpenCV.js with simd and threads optimization is empty");
OPENCV_URL = threadsPath;
console.log("The OpenCV.js with threads optimization is loaded now");
} else if (wasmSupported && wasmPath != "") {
if(simdSupported && threadsSupported) {
console.log("The browser supports simd and threads, but the path of OpenCV.js with simd and threads optimization is empty");
if (simdSupported) {
console.log("The browser supports simd optimization, but the path of OpenCV.js with simd optimization is empty");
if (threadsSupported) {
console.log("The browser supports threads optimization, but the path of OpenCV.js with threads optimization is empty");
OPENCV_URL = wasmPath;
console.log("The OpenCV.js for wasm is loaded now");
} else if (wasmSupported) {
console.log("The browser supports wasm, but the path of OpenCV.js for wasm is empty");
if (OPENCV_URL === "") {
throw new Error("No available OpenCV.js, please check your paths");
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('async', '');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.addEventListener('load', () => {
script.addEventListener('error', () => {
console.log('Failed to load opencv.js');
script.src = OPENCV_URL;
let node = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
if (node.src != OPENCV_URL) {
node.parentNode.insertBefore(script, node);