Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
// If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
// copy or use the software.
// Intel License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#ifndef __CXTS_H__
#define __CXTS_H__
#include "cxcore.h"
#include "cxmisc.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
#pragma warning( disable: 4710 )
#define CV_TS_VERSION "CxTest 0.1"
#define __BEGIN__ __CV_BEGIN__
#define __END__ __CV_END__
#define EXIT __CV_EXIT__
// Helper class for growing vector (to avoid dependency from STL)
template < typename T > class CvTestVec
CvTestVec() { _max_size = _size = 0; _buf = 0; }
~CvTestVec() { delete[] _buf; }
T& operator []( int i ) { assert( (unsigned)i < (unsigned)_size ); return _buf[i]; }
T at( int i ) { assert( (unsigned)i < (unsigned)_size ); return _buf[i]; }
T pop() { assert( _size > 0 ); return _buf[--_size]; }
void push( const T& elem )
if( _size >= _max_size )
int i, _new_size = _max_size < 16 ? 16 : _max_size*3/2;
T* temp = new T[_new_size];
for( i = 0; i < _size; i++ )
temp[i] = _buf[i];
delete[] _buf;
_max_size = _new_size;
_buf = temp;
_buf[_size++] = elem;
int size() { return _size; }
T* data() { return _buf; }
void clear() { _size = 0; }
T* _buf;
int _size, _max_size;
* Base class for tests *
class CvTest;
class CvTS;
class CV_EXPORTS CvTest
// constructor(s) and destructor
CvTest( const char* test_name, const char* test_funcs, const char* test_descr = "" );
virtual ~CvTest();
virtual int init( CvTS* system );
// writes default parameters to file storage
virtual int write_defaults(CvTS* ts);
// the main procedure of the test
virtual void run( int start_from );
// the wrapper for run that cares of exceptions
virtual void safe_run( int start_from );
const char* get_name() const { return name; }
const char* get_func_list() const { return tested_functions; }
const char* get_description() const { return description; }
const char* get_group_name( char* buffer ) const;
CvTest* get_next() { return next; }
static CvTest* get_first_test();
static const char* get_parent_name( const char* name, char* buffer );
// returns true if and only if the different test cases do not depend on each other
// (so that test system could get right to a problematic test case)
virtual bool can_do_fast_forward();
// deallocates all the memory.
// called by init() (before initialization) and by the destructor
virtual void clear();
// returns the testing modes supported by the particular test
int get_support_testing_modes();
static CvTest* first;
static CvTest* last;
static int test_count;
CvTest* next;
const char** default_timing_param_names; // the names of timing parameters to write
const CvFileNode* timing_param_names; // and the read param names
const CvFileNode** timing_param_current; // the current tuple of timing parameters
const CvFileNode** timing_param_seqs; // the array of parameter sequences
int* timing_param_idxs; // the array of indices
int timing_param_count; // the number of parameters in the tuple
int support_testing_modes;
int test_case_count; // the total number of test cases
// called from write_defaults
virtual int write_default_params(CvFileStorage* fs);
// read test params
virtual int read_params( CvFileStorage* fs );
// returns the number of tests or -1 if it is unknown a-priori
virtual int get_test_case_count();
// prepares data for the next test case. rng seed is updated by the function
virtual int prepare_test_case( int test_case_idx );
// checks if the test output is valid and accurate
virtual int validate_test_results( int test_case_idx );
// calls the tested function. the method is called from run_test_case()
virtual void run_func(); // runs tested func(s)
// prints results of timing test
virtual void print_time( int test_case_idx, double time_usecs, double time_cpu_clocks );
// updates progress bar
virtual int update_progress( int progress, int test_case_idx, int count, double dt );
// finds test parameter
const CvFileNode* find_param( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* param_name );
// writes parameters
void write_param( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* paramname, int val );
void write_param( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* paramname, double val );
void write_param( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* paramname, const char* val );
void write_string_list( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* paramname, const char** val, int count=-1 );
void write_int_list( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* paramname, const int* val,
int count, int stop_value=INT_MIN );
void write_real_list( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* paramname, const double* val,
int count, double stop_value=DBL_MIN );
void start_write_param( CvFileStorage* fs );
// returns the specified parameter from the current parameter tuple
const CvFileNode* find_timing_param( const char* paramname );
// gets the next tuple of timing parameters
int get_next_timing_param_tuple();
// name of the test (it is possible to locate a test by its name)
const char* name;
// comma-separated list of functions that are invoked
// (and, thus, tested explicitly or implicitly) by the test
// methods of classes can be grouped using {}.
// a few examples:
// "cvCanny, cvAdd, cvSub, cvMul"
// "CvImage::{Create, CopyOf}, cvMatMulAdd, CvCalibFilter::{PushFrame, SetCameraCount}"
const char* tested_functions;
// description of the test
const char* description;
// pointer to the system that includes the test
CvTS* ts;
int hdr_state;
* Information about a failed test *
typedef struct CvTestInfo
// pointer to the test
CvTest* test;
// failure code (CV_FAIL*)
int code;
// seed value right before the data for the failed test case is prepared.
uint64 rng_seed;
// seed value right before running the test
uint64 rng_seed0;
// index of test case, can be then passed to CvTest::proceed_to_test_case()
int test_case_idx;
// index of the corrupted or leaked block
int alloc_index;
// index of the first block in the group
// (used to adjust alloc_index when some test/test cases are skipped).
int base_alloc_index;
* Base Class for test system *
class CvTestMemoryManager;
typedef CvTestVec<int> CvTestIntVec;
typedef CvTestVec<void*> CvTestPtrVec;
typedef CvTestVec<CvTestInfo> CvTestInfoVec;
// constructor(s) and destructor
virtual ~CvTS();
// low-level printing functions that are used by individual tests and by the system itself
virtual void printf( int streams, const char* fmt, ... );
virtual void vprintf( int streams, const char* fmt, va_list arglist );
// runs the tests (the whole set or some selected tests)
virtual int run( int argc, char** argv, const char** blacklist=0 );
// updates the context: current test, test case, rng state
virtual void update_context( CvTest* test, int test_case_idx, bool update_ts_context );
const CvTestInfo* get_current_test_info() { return &current_test_info; }
// sets information about a failed test
virtual void set_failed_test_info( int fail_code, int alloc_index = -1 );
// types of tests
// the modes of timing tests:
enum { AVG_TIME = 1, MIN_TIME = 2 };
// test error codes
// everything is Ok
// generic error: stub value to be used
// temporarily if the error's cause is unknown
// the test is missing some essential data to proceed further
// the tested function raised an error via cxcore error handler
// an exception has been raised;
// for memory and arithmetic exception
// there are two specialized codes (see below...)
// a memory exception
// (access violation, access to missed page, stack overflow etc.)
// arithmetic exception (overflow, division by zero etc.)
// the tested function corrupted memory (no exception have been raised)
// the tested function (or test ifself) do not deallocate some memory
// the tested function returned invalid object, e.g. matrix, containing NaNs,
// structure with NULL or out-of-range fields (while it should not)
// the tested function returned valid object, but it does not match to
// the original (or produced by the test) object
// the tested function returned valid object (a single number or numerical array),
// but it differs too much from the original (or produced by the test) object
// the tested function hung. Sometimes, can be determined by unexpectedly long
// processing time (in this case there should be possibility to interrupt such a function
// unexpected responce on passing bad arguments to the tested function
// (the function crashed, proceed succesfully (while it should not), or returned
// error code that is different from what is expected)
// the test data (in whole or for the particular test case) is invalid
// the test has been skipped because it is not in the selected subset of the tests to run,
// because it has been run already within the same run with the same parameters, or because
// of some other reason and this is not considered as an error.
// Normally CvTS::run() (or overrided method in the derived class) takes care of what
// needs to be run, so this code should not occur.
// get file storage
CvFileStorage* get_file_storage() { return fs; }
// get RNG to generate random input data for a test
CvRNG* get_rng() { return &rng; }
// returns the current error code
int get_err_code() { return current_test_info.code; }
// retrieves the first registered test
CvTest* get_first_test() { return CvTest::get_first_test(); }
// retrieves one of global options of the test system
int is_debug_mode() { return params.debug_mode; }
// returns the current testing mode
int get_testing_mode() { return params.test_mode; }
// returns the current timing mode
int get_timing_mode() { return params.timing_mode; }
// returns the test extensivity scale
double get_test_case_count_scale() { return params.test_case_count_scale; }
int find_written_param( CvTest* test, const char* paramname,
int valtype, const void* val );
const char* get_data_path() { return params.data_path ? params.data_path : ""; }
// deallocates memory buffers and closes all the streams;
// called by init() and from destructor. It does not remove any tests!!!
virtual void clear();
// retrieves information about the test libraries (names, versions, build dates etc.)
virtual const char* get_libs_info( const char** loaded_ipp_modules );
// returns textual description of failure code
virtual const char* str_from_code( int code );
// prints header of summary of test suite run.
// It goes before the results of individual tests and contains information about tested libraries
// (as reported by get_libs_info()), information about test environment (CPU, test machine name),
// date and time etc.
virtual void print_summary_header( int streams );
// prints tailer of summary of test suite run.
// it goes after the results of individual tests and contains the number of
// failed tests, total running time, exit code (whether the system has been crashed,
// interrupted by the user etc.), names of files with additional information etc.
virtual void print_summary_tailer( int streams );
// reads common parameters of the test system; called from init()
virtual int read_params( CvFileStorage* fs );
// checks, whether the test needs to be run (1) or not (0); called from run()
virtual int filter( CvTest* test, const char** blacklist=0 );
// makes base name of output files
virtual void make_output_stream_base_name( const char* config_name );
// forms default test configuration file that can be
// customized further
virtual void write_default_params( CvFileStorage* fs );
// enables/disables the specific output stream[s]
virtual void enable_output_streams( int streams, int flag );
// sets memory and exception handlers
virtual void set_handlers( bool on );
// changes the path to test data files
virtual void set_data_path( const char* data_path );
// prints the information about command-line parameters
virtual void print_help();
// changes the text color in console
virtual void set_color(int color);
// a sequence of tests to run
CvTestPtrVec* selected_tests;
// a sequence of written test params
CvTestPtrVec* written_params;
// a sequence of failed tests
CvTestInfoVec* failed_tests;
// base name for output streams
char* ostrm_base_name;
const char* ostrm_suffixes[MAX_IDX];
// parameters that can be read from file storage
CvFileStorage* fs;
// common parameters:
// if non-zero, the tests are run in unprotected mode to debug possible crashes,
// otherwise the system tries to catch the exceptions and continue with other tests
int debug_mode;
// if non-zero, the header is not print
bool skip_header;
// if non-zero, the system includes only failed tests into summary
bool print_only_failed;
// rerun failed tests in debug mode
bool rerun_failed;
// if non-zero, the failed tests are rerun immediately
bool rerun_immediately;
// choose_tests or choose_functions;
int test_filter_mode;
// correctness or performance [or bad-arg, stress etc.]
int test_mode;
// timing mode
int timing_mode;
// pattern for choosing tests
const char* test_filter_pattern;
// RNG seed, passed to and updated by every test executed.
uint64 rng_seed;
// relative or absolute path of directory containing subfolders with test data
const char* resource_path;
// whether to use IPP, MKL etc. or not
int use_optimized;
// extensivity of the tests, scale factor for test_case_count
double test_case_count_scale;
// the path to data files used by tests
char* data_path;
// whether the output to console should be colored
int color_terminal;
// these are allocated within a test to try keep them valid in case of stack corruption
CvRNG rng;
// test system start time
time_t start_time;
// test system version (=CV_TS_VERSION by default)
const char* version;
// name of config file
const char* config_name;
// information about the current test
CvTestInfo current_test_info;
// memory manager used to detect memory corruptions and leaks
CvTestMemoryManager* memory_manager;
// output streams
struct StreamInfo
FILE* f;
//const char* filename;
int default_handle; // for stderr
int enable;
StreamInfo output_streams[MAX_IDX];
int ostream_testname_mask;
std::string logbuf;
* Subclass of CvTest for testing functions that process dense arrays *
class CV_EXPORTS CvArrTest : public CvTest
// constructor(s) and destructor
CvArrTest( const char* test_name, const char* test_funcs, const char* test_descr = "" );
virtual ~CvArrTest();
virtual int write_default_params( CvFileStorage* fs );
virtual void clear();
virtual int read_params( CvFileStorage* fs );
virtual int prepare_test_case( int test_case_idx );
virtual int validate_test_results( int test_case_idx );
virtual void prepare_to_validation( int test_case_idx );
virtual void get_test_array_types_and_sizes( int test_case_idx, CvSize** sizes, int** types );
virtual void get_timing_test_array_types_and_sizes( int test_case_idx, CvSize** sizes, int** types,
CvSize** whole_sizes, bool *are_images );
virtual void fill_array( int test_case_idx, int i, int j, CvMat* arr );
virtual void get_minmax_bounds( int i, int j, int type, CvScalar* low, CvScalar* high );
virtual double get_success_error_level( int test_case_idx, int i, int j );
virtual void print_time( int test_case_idx, double time_usecs, double time_cpu_clocks );
virtual void print_timing_params( int test_case_idx, char* ptr, int params_left=TIMING_EXTRA_PARAMS );
bool cvmat_allowed;
bool iplimage_allowed;
bool optional_mask;
bool element_wise_relative_error;
int min_log_array_size;
int max_log_array_size;
int max_arr; // = MAX_ARR by default, the number of different types of arrays
int max_hdr; // size of header buffer
const CvSize* size_list;
const CvSize* whole_size_list;
const int* depth_list;
const int* cn_list;
CvTestPtrVec* test_array;
CvMat* test_mat[MAX_ARR];
CvMat* hdr;
float buf[4];
class CV_EXPORTS CvBadArgTest : public CvTest
// constructor(s) and destructor
CvBadArgTest( const char* test_name, const char* test_funcs, const char* test_descr = "" );
virtual ~CvBadArgTest();
virtual int run_test_case( int expected_code, const char* descr );
virtual void run_func(void) = 0;
int test_case_idx;
int progress;
double t, freq;
template<class F>
int run_test_case( int expected_code, const char* descr, F f)
double new_t = (double)cv::getTickCount(), dt;
if( test_case_idx < 0 )
test_case_idx = 0;
progress = 0;
dt = 0;
dt = (new_t - t)/(freq*1000);
t = new_t;
progress = update_progress(progress, test_case_idx, 0, dt);
int errcount = 0;
bool thrown = false;
descr = "";
catch(const cv::Exception& e)
thrown = true;
if( e.code != expected_code )
ts->printf(CvTS::LOG, "%s (test case #%d): the error code %d is different from the expected %d\n",
descr, test_case_idx, e.code, expected_code);
errcount = 1;
thrown = true;
ts->printf(CvTS::LOG, "%s (test case #%d): unknown exception was thrown (the function has likely crashed)\n",
descr, test_case_idx);
errcount = 1;
ts->printf(CvTS::LOG, "%s (test case #%d): no expected exception was thrown\n",
descr, test_case_idx);
errcount = 1;
return errcount;
* Utility Functions *
CV_EXPORTS const char* cvTsGetTypeName( int type );
CV_EXPORTS int cvTsTypeByName( const char* type_name );
inline int cvTsClipInt( int val, int min_val, int max_val )
if( val < min_val )
val = min_val;
if( val > max_val )
val = max_val;
return val;
// return min & max values for given type, e.g. for CV_8S ~ -128 and 127, respectively.
CV_EXPORTS double cvTsMinVal( int type );
CV_EXPORTS double cvTsMaxVal( int type );
// returns c-norm of the array
CV_EXPORTS double cvTsMaxVal( const CvMat* arr );
inline CvMat* cvTsGetMat( const CvMat* arr, CvMat* stub, int* coi=0 )
return cvGetMat( arr, stub, coi );
// fills array with random numbers
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsRandUni( CvRNG* rng, CvMat* a, CvScalar param1, CvScalar param2 );
inline unsigned cvTsRandInt( CvRNG* rng )
uint64 temp = *rng;
temp = (uint64)(unsigned)temp*1554115554 + (temp >> 32);
*rng = temp;
return (unsigned)temp;
inline double cvTsRandReal( CvRNG* rng )
return cvTsRandInt( rng ) * 2.3283064365386962890625e-10 /* 2^-32 */;
// fills c with zeros
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsZero( CvMat* c, const CvMat* mask=0 );
// initializes scaled identity matrix
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsSetIdentity( CvMat* c, CvScalar diag_value );
// copies a to b (whole matrix or only the selected region)
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsCopy( const CvMat* a, CvMat* b, const CvMat* mask=0 );
// converts one array to another
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsConvert( const CvMat* src, CvMat* dst );
// working with multi-channel arrays
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsExtract( const CvMat* a, CvMat* plane, int coi );
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsInsert( const CvMat* plane, CvMat* a, int coi );
// c = alpha*a + beta*b + gamma
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsAdd( const CvMat* a, CvScalar alpha, const CvMat* b, CvScalar beta,
CvScalar gamma, CvMat* c, int calc_abs );
// c = a*b*alpha
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsMul( const CvMat* _a, const CvMat* _b, CvScalar alpha, CvMat* _c );
// c = a*alpha/b
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsDiv( const CvMat* _a, const CvMat* _b, CvScalar alpha, CvMat* _c );
enum { CV_TS_MIN = 0, CV_TS_MAX = 1 };
// min/max
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsMinMax( const CvMat* _a, const CvMat* _b, CvMat* _c, int op_type );
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsMinMaxS( const CvMat* _a, double scalar, CvMat* _c, int op_type );
// checks that the array does not have NaNs and/or Infs and all the elements are
// within [min_val,max_val). idx is the index of the first "bad" element.
CV_EXPORTS int cvTsCheck( const CvMat* data, double min_val, double max_val, CvPoint* idx );
// compares two arrays. max_diff is the maximum actual difference,
// success_err_level is maximum allowed difference, idx is the index of the first
// element for which difference is >success_err_level
// (or index of element with the maximum difference)
CV_EXPORTS int cvTsCmpEps( const CvMat* data, const CvMat* etalon, double* max_diff,
double success_err_level, CvPoint* idx,
bool element_wise_relative_error );
// a wrapper for the previous function. in case of error prints the message to log file.
CV_EXPORTS int cvTsCmpEps2( CvTS* ts, const CvArr* _a, const CvArr* _b, double success_err_level,
bool element_wise_relative_error, const char* desc );
CV_EXPORTS int cvTsCmpEps2_64f( CvTS* ts, const double* val, const double* ref_val, int len,
double eps, const char* param_name );
// compares two arrays. the result is 8s image that takes values -1, 0, 1
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsCmp( const CvMat* a, const CvMat* b, CvMat* result, int cmp_op );
// compares array and a scalar.
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsCmpS( const CvMat* a, double fval, CvMat* result, int cmp_op );
// retrieves C, L1 or L2 norm of array or its region
CV_EXPORTS double cvTsNorm( const CvMat* _arr, const CvMat* _mask, int norm_type, int coi );
// retrieves mean, standard deviation and the number of nonzero mask pixels
CV_EXPORTS int cvTsMeanStdDevNonZero( const CvMat* _arr, const CvMat* _mask,
CvScalar* _mean, CvScalar* _stddev, int coi );
// retrieves global extremums and their positions
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsMinMaxLoc( const CvMat* _arr, const CvMat* _mask,
double* _minval, double* _maxval,
CvPoint* _minidx, CvPoint* _maxidx, int coi );
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsLogic( const CvMat* a, const CvMat* b, CvMat* c, int logic_op );
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsLogicS( const CvMat* a, CvScalar s, CvMat* c, int logic_op );
enum { CV_TS_GEMM_A_T = 1, CV_TS_GEMM_B_T = 2, CV_TS_GEMM_C_T = 4 };
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsGEMM( const CvMat* a, const CvMat* b, double alpha,
const CvMat* c, double beta, CvMat* d, int flags );
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsConvolve2D( const CvMat* a, CvMat* b, const CvMat* kernel, CvPoint anchor );
// op_type == CV_TS_MIN/CV_TS_MAX
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsMinMaxFilter( const CvMat* a, CvMat* b,
const IplConvKernel* element, int op_type );
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsPrepareToFilter( const CvMat* a, CvMat* b, CvPoint ofs,
int border_mode = CV_TS_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar fill_val=cvScalarAll(0));
CV_EXPORTS double cvTsCrossCorr( const CvMat* a, const CvMat* b );
CV_EXPORTS CvMat* cvTsSelect( const CvMat* a, CvMat* header, CvRect rect );
CV_EXPORTS CvMat* cvTsTranspose( const CvMat* a, CvMat* b );
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsFlip( const CvMat* a, CvMat* b, int flip_type );
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsTransform( const CvMat* a, CvMat* b, const CvMat* transmat, const CvMat* shift );
// modifies values that are close to zero
CV_EXPORTS void cvTsPatchZeros( CvMat* mat, double level );