Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation
#include <utility> // std::tuple
#include <opencv2/gapi/gkernel.hpp>
/** \defgroup gapi_video G-API Video processing functionality
namespace cv { namespace gapi {
namespace video
using GOptFlowLKOutput = std::tuple<cv::GArray<cv::Point2f>,
static std::tuple<GArrayDesc,GArrayDesc,GArrayDesc> outMeta(GMatDesc,GMatDesc,GArrayDesc,
GArrayDesc,const Size&,int,
const TermCriteria&,int,double)
return std::make_tuple(empty_array_desc(), empty_array_desc(), empty_array_desc());
static std::tuple<GArrayDesc,GArrayDesc,GArrayDesc> outMeta(GArrayDesc,GArrayDesc,
const Size&,int,
const TermCriteria&,int,double)
return std::make_tuple(empty_array_desc(), empty_array_desc(), empty_array_desc());
} //namespace video
//! @addtogroup gapi_video
//! @{
/** @brief Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade
method with pyramids.
See @cite Bouguet00 .
@note Function textual ID is ""
@param prevImg first 8-bit input image (GMat) or pyramid (GArray<GMat>) constructed by
@param nextImg second input image (GMat) or pyramid (GArray<GMat>) of the same size and the same
type as prevImg.
@param prevPts GArray of 2D points for which the flow needs to be found; point coordinates must be
single-precision floating-point numbers.
@param predPts GArray of 2D points initial for the flow search; make sense only when
OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW flag is passed; in that case the vector must have the same size as in
the input.
@param winSize size of the search window at each pyramid level.
@param maxLevel 0-based maximal pyramid level number; if set to 0, pyramids are not used (single
level), if set to 1, two levels are used, and so on; if pyramids are passed to input then
algorithm will use as many levels as pyramids have but no more than maxLevel.
@param criteria parameter, specifying the termination criteria of the iterative search algorithm
(after the specified maximum number of iterations criteria.maxCount or when the search window
moves by less than criteria.epsilon).
@param flags operation flags:
- **OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW** uses initial estimations, stored in nextPts; if the flag is
not set, then prevPts is copied to nextPts and is considered the initial estimate.
- **OPTFLOW_LK_GET_MIN_EIGENVALS** use minimum eigen values as an error measure (see
minEigThreshold description); if the flag is not set, then L1 distance between patches
around the original and a moved point, divided by number of pixels in a window, is used as a
error measure.
@param minEigThresh the algorithm calculates the minimum eigen value of a 2x2 normal matrix of
optical flow equations (this matrix is called a spatial gradient matrix in @cite Bouguet00), divided
by number of pixels in a window; if this value is less than minEigThreshold, then a corresponding
feature is filtered out and its flow is not processed, so it allows to remove bad points and get a
performance boost.
@return GArray of 2D points (with single-precision floating-point coordinates)
containing the calculated new positions of input features in the second image.
@return status GArray (of unsigned chars); each element of the vector is set to 1 if
the flow for the corresponding features has been found, otherwise, it is set to 0.
@return GArray of errors (doubles); each element of the vector is set to an error for the
corresponding feature, type of the error measure can be set in flags parameter; if the flow wasn't
found then the error is not defined (use the status parameter to find such cases).
GAPI_EXPORTS std::tuple<GArray<Point2f>, GArray<uchar>, GArray<float>>
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(const GMat &prevImg,
const GMat &nextImg,
const GArray<Point2f> &prevPts,
const GArray<Point2f> &predPts,
const Size &winSize = Size(21, 21),
int maxLevel = 3,
const TermCriteria &criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT |
30, 0.01),
int flags = 0,
double minEigThresh = 1e-4);
@note Function textual ID is ""
GAPI_EXPORTS std::tuple<GArray<Point2f>, GArray<uchar>, GArray<float>>
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(const GArray<GMat> &prevPyr,
const GArray<GMat> &nextPyr,
const GArray<Point2f> &prevPts,
const GArray<Point2f> &predPts,
const Size &winSize = Size(21, 21),
int maxLevel = 3,
const TermCriteria &criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT |
30, 0.01),
int flags = 0,
double minEigThresh = 1e-4);
//! @} gapi_video
} //namespace gapi
} //namespace cv