Open Source Computer Vision Library
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263 lines
10 KiB
263 lines
10 KiB
#include <string> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <sstream> |
#include <stdexcept> |
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/video/video.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/videostab/videostab.hpp" |
using namespace std; |
using namespace cv; |
using namespace cv::videostab; |
Ptr<Stabilizer> stabilizer; |
double outputFps; |
string outputPath; |
bool quietMode; |
void run(); |
void printHelp(); |
void run() |
{ |
VideoWriter writer; |
Mat stabilizedFrame; |
while (!(stabilizedFrame = stabilizer->nextFrame()).empty()) |
{ |
if (!outputPath.empty()) |
{ |
if (!writer.isOpened()) |
|, CV_FOURCC('X','V','I','D'), outputFps, stabilizedFrame.size()); |
writer << stabilizedFrame; |
} |
if (!quietMode) |
{ |
imshow("stabilizedFrame", stabilizedFrame); |
char key = static_cast<char>(waitKey(3)); |
if (key == 27) |
break; |
} |
} |
cout << "\nfinished\n"; |
} |
void printHelp() |
{ |
cout << "OpenCV video stabilizer.\n" |
"Usage: videostab <file_path> [arguments]\n\n" |
"Arguments:\n" |
" -m, --model=(transl|transl_and_scale|affine)\n" |
" Set motion model. The default is affine.\n" |
" --outlier-ratio=<float_number>\n" |
" Outliers ratio in motion estimation. The default is 0.5.\n" |
" --min-inlier-ratio=<float_number>\n" |
" Minimum inlier ratio to decide if estimated motion is OK. The default is 0.1,\n" |
" but you may want to increase it.\n" |
" -r, --radius=<int_number>\n" |
" Set smoothing radius. The default is 15.\n" |
" --stdev=<float_number>\n" |
" Set smoothing weights standard deviation. The default is sqrt(radius).\n" |
" --deblur=(yes|no)\n" |
" Do deblurring.\n" |
" --deblur-sens=<float_number>\n" |
" Set deblurring sensitivity (from 0 to +inf). The default is 0.1.\n" |
" -t, --trim-ratio=<float_number>\n" |
" Set trimming ratio (from 0 to 0.5). The default is 0.\n" |
" --est-trim=(yes|no)\n" |
" Estimate trim ratio automatically. The default is yes (that leads to two passes,\n" |
" you can turn it off if you want to use one pass only).\n" |
" --incl-constr=(yes|no)\n" |
" Ensure the inclusion constraint is always satisfied. The default is no.\n" |
" --border-mode=(replicate|reflect|const)\n" |
" Set border extrapolation mode. The default is replicate.\n" |
" --mosaic=(yes|no)\n" |
" Do consistent mosaicing. The default is no.\n" |
" --mosaic-stdev=<float_number>\n" |
" Consistent mosaicing stdev threshold. The default is 10.\n" |
" --motion-inpaint=(yes|no)\n" |
" Do motion inpainting (requires GPU support). The default is no.\n" |
" --color-inpaint=(no|average|ns|telea)\n" |
" Do color inpainting. The defailt is no.\n" |
" --color-inpaint-radius=<float_number>\n" |
" Set color inpainting radius (for ns and telea options only).\n" |
" -o, --output=<file_path>\n" |
" Set output file path explicitely. The default is stabilized.avi.\n" |
" --fps=<int_number>\n" |
" Set output video FPS explicitely. By default the source FPS is used.\n" |
" -q, --quiet\n" |
" Don't show output video frames.\n" |
" -h, --help\n" |
" Print help.\n" |
"\n"; |
} |
int main(int argc, const char **argv) |
{ |
try |
{ |
const char *keys = |
"{ 1 | | | | }" |
"{ m | model | | }" |
"{ | min-inlier-ratio | | }" |
"{ | outlier-ratio | | }" |
"{ r | radius | | }" |
"{ | stdev | | }" |
"{ | deblur | | }" |
"{ | deblur-sens | | }" |
"{ | est-trim | | }" |
"{ t | trim-ratio | | }" |
"{ | incl-constr | | }" |
"{ | border-mode | | }" |
"{ | mosaic | | }" |
"{ | mosaic-stdev | | }" |
"{ | motion-inpaint | | }" |
"{ | color-inpaint | no | }" |
"{ | color-inpaint-radius | | }" |
"{ o | output | stabilized.avi | }" |
"{ | fps | | }" |
"{ q | quiet | false | }" |
"{ h | help | false | }"; |
CommandLineParser cmd(argc, argv, keys); |
// parse command arguments |
if (cmd.get<bool>("help")) |
{ |
printHelp(); |
return 0; |
} |
stabilizer = new Stabilizer(); |
string inputPath = cmd.get<string>("1"); |
if (inputPath.empty()) |
throw runtime_error("specify video file path"); |
VideoFileSource *frameSource = new VideoFileSource(inputPath); |
outputFps = frameSource->fps(); |
stabilizer->setFrameSource(frameSource); |
cout << "frame count: " << frameSource->frameCount() << endl; |
PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator *motionEstimator = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(); |
if (cmd.get<string>("model") == "transl") |
motionEstimator->setMotionModel(TRANSLATION); |
else if (cmd.get<string>("model") == "transl_and_scale") |
motionEstimator->setMotionModel(TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE); |
else if (cmd.get<string>("model") == "affine") |
motionEstimator->setMotionModel(AFFINE); |
else if (!cmd.get<string>("model").empty()) |
throw runtime_error("unknow motion mode: " + cmd.get<string>("model")); |
if (!cmd.get<string>("outlier-ratio").empty()) |
{ |
RansacParams ransacParams = motionEstimator->ransacParams(); |
ransacParams.eps = cmd.get<float>("outlier-ratio"); |
motionEstimator->setRansacParams(ransacParams); |
} |
if (!cmd.get<string>("min-inlier-ratio").empty()) |
motionEstimator->setMinInlierRatio(cmd.get<float>("min-inlier-ratio")); |
stabilizer->setMotionEstimator(motionEstimator); |
int smoothRadius = -1; |
float smoothStdev = -1; |
if (!cmd.get<string>("radius").empty()) |
smoothRadius = cmd.get<int>("radius"); |
if (!cmd.get<string>("stdev").empty()) |
smoothStdev = cmd.get<float>("stdev"); |
if (smoothRadius > 0 && smoothStdev > 0) |
stabilizer->setMotionFilter(new GaussianMotionFilter(smoothRadius, smoothStdev)); |
else if (smoothRadius > 0 && smoothStdev < 0) |
stabilizer->setMotionFilter(new GaussianMotionFilter(smoothRadius, sqrt(static_cast<float>(smoothRadius)))); |
if (cmd.get<string>("deblur") == "yes") |
{ |
WeightingDeblurer *deblurer = new WeightingDeblurer(); |
if (!cmd.get<string>("deblur-sens").empty()) |
deblurer->setSensitivity(cmd.get<float>("deblur-sens")); |
stabilizer->setDeblurer(deblurer); |
} |
if (!cmd.get<string>("est-trim").empty()) |
stabilizer->setEstimateTrimRatio(cmd.get<string>("est-trim") == "yes"); |
if (!cmd.get<string>("trim-ratio").empty()) |
stabilizer->setTrimRatio(cmd.get<float>("trim-ratio")); |
if (!cmd.get<string>("incl-constr").empty()) |
stabilizer->setInclusionConstraint(cmd.get<string>("incl-constr") == "yes"); |
if (cmd.get<string>("border-mode") == "reflect") |
stabilizer->setBorderMode(BORDER_REFLECT); |
else if (cmd.get<string>("border-mode") == "replicate") |
stabilizer->setBorderMode(BORDER_REPLICATE); |
else if (cmd.get<string>("border-mode") == "const") |
stabilizer->setBorderMode(BORDER_CONSTANT); |
else if (!cmd.get<string>("border-mode").empty()) |
throw runtime_error("unknown border extrapolation mode: " + cmd.get<string>("border-mode")); |
InpaintingPipeline *inpainters = new InpaintingPipeline(); |
if (cmd.get<string>("mosaic") == "yes") |
{ |
ConsistentMosaicInpainter *inpainter = new ConsistentMosaicInpainter(); |
if (!cmd.get<string>("mosaic-stdev").empty()) |
inpainter->setStdevThresh(cmd.get<float>("mosaic-stdev")); |
inpainters->pushBack(inpainter); |
} |
if (cmd.get<string>("motion-inpaint") == "yes") |
inpainters->pushBack(new MotionInpainter()); |
if (!cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint").empty()) |
{ |
if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "average") |
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorAverageInpainter()); |
else if (!cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint-radius").empty()) |
{ |
float radius = cmd.get<float>("color-inpaint-radius"); |
if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "ns") |
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_NS, radius)); |
else if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "telea") |
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_TELEA, radius)); |
else if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") != "no") |
throw runtime_error("unknown color inpainting method: " + cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint")); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "ns") |
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_NS)); |
else if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "telea") |
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_TELEA)); |
else if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") != "no") |
throw runtime_error("unknown color inpainting method: " + cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint")); |
} |
} |
if (!inpainters->empty()) |
stabilizer->setInpainter(inpainters); |
stabilizer->setLog(new LogToStdout()); |
outputPath = cmd.get<string>("output"); |
if (!cmd.get<string>("fps").empty()) |
outputFps = cmd.get<double>("fps"); |
quietMode = cmd.get<bool>("quiet"); |
// run video processing |
run(); |
} |
catch (const exception &e) |
{ |
cout << e.what() << endl; |
stabilizer.release(); |
return -1; |
} |
stabilizer.release(); |
return 0; |