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Open Source Computer Vision Library
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209 lines
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209 lines
8.9 KiB
# Classes and methods whitelist |
core = { |
'': [ |
'absdiff', 'add', 'addWeighted', 'bitwise_and', 'bitwise_not', 'bitwise_or', 'bitwise_xor', 'cartToPolar', |
'compare', 'convertScaleAbs', 'copyMakeBorder', 'countNonZero', 'determinant', 'dft', 'divide', 'eigen', |
'exp', 'flip', 'getOptimalDFTSize','gemm', 'hconcat', 'inRange', 'invert', 'kmeans', 'log', 'magnitude', |
'max', 'mean', 'meanStdDev', 'merge', 'min', 'minMaxLoc', 'mixChannels', 'multiply', 'norm', 'normalize', |
'perspectiveTransform', 'polarToCart', 'pow', 'randn', 'randu', 'reduce', 'repeat', 'rotate', 'setIdentity', 'setRNGSeed', |
'solve', 'solvePoly', 'split', 'sqrt', 'subtract', 'trace', 'transform', 'transpose', 'vconcat', |
'setLogLevel', 'getLogLevel', |
], |
'Algorithm': [], |
} |
imgproc = { |
'': [ |
'Canny', |
'GaussianBlur', |
'Laplacian', |
'HoughLines', |
'HoughLinesP', |
'HoughCircles', |
'Scharr', |
'Sobel', |
'adaptiveThreshold', |
'approxPolyDP', |
'arcLength', |
'bilateralFilter', |
'blur', |
'boundingRect', |
'boxFilter', |
'calcBackProject', |
'calcHist', |
'circle', |
'compareHist', |
'connectedComponents', |
'connectedComponentsWithStats', |
'contourArea', |
'convexHull', |
'convexityDefects', |
'cornerHarris', |
'cornerMinEigenVal', |
'createCLAHE', |
'createLineSegmentDetector', |
'cvtColor', |
'demosaicing', |
'dilate', |
'distanceTransform', |
'distanceTransformWithLabels', |
'drawContours', |
'ellipse', |
'ellipse2Poly', |
'equalizeHist', |
'erode', |
'filter2D', |
'findContours', |
'fitEllipse', |
'fitLine', |
'floodFill', |
'getAffineTransform', |
'getPerspectiveTransform', |
'getRotationMatrix2D', |
'getStructuringElement', |
'goodFeaturesToTrack', |
'grabCut', |
#'initUndistortRectifyMap', # 4.x: moved to calib3d |
'integral', |
'integral2', |
'isContourConvex', |
'line', |
'matchShapes', |
'matchTemplate', |
'medianBlur', |
'minAreaRect', |
'minEnclosingCircle', |
'moments', |
'morphologyEx', |
'pointPolygonTest', |
'putText', |
'pyrDown', |
'pyrUp', |
'rectangle', |
'remap', |
'resize', |
'sepFilter2D', |
'threshold', |
#'undistort', # 4.x: moved to calib3d |
'warpAffine', |
'warpPerspective', |
'warpPolar', |
'watershed', |
'fillPoly', |
'fillConvexPoly', |
'polylines', |
], |
'CLAHE': ['apply', 'collectGarbage', 'getClipLimit', 'getTilesGridSize', 'setClipLimit', 'setTilesGridSize'], |
'segmentation_IntelligentScissorsMB': [ |
'IntelligentScissorsMB', |
'setWeights', |
'setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit', |
'setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters', |
'setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters', |
'applyImage', |
'applyImageFeatures', |
'buildMap', |
'getContour' |
], |
} |
objdetect = {'': ['groupRectangles'], |
'HOGDescriptor': ['load', 'HOGDescriptor', 'getDefaultPeopleDetector', 'getDaimlerPeopleDetector', 'setSVMDetector', 'detectMultiScale'], |
'CascadeClassifier': ['load', 'detectMultiScale2', 'CascadeClassifier', 'detectMultiScale3', 'empty', 'detectMultiScale'], |
'QRCodeDetector': ['QRCodeDetector', 'decode', 'decodeCurved', 'detect', 'detectAndDecode', 'detectMulti', 'setEpsX', 'setEpsY']} |
video = { |
'': [ |
'CamShift', |
'calcOpticalFlowFarneback', |
'calcOpticalFlowPyrLK', |
'createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2', |
'findTransformECC', |
'meanShift', |
], |
'BackgroundSubtractorMOG2': ['BackgroundSubtractorMOG2', 'apply'], |
'BackgroundSubtractor': ['apply', 'getBackgroundImage'], |
# issue #21070: 'Tracker': ['init', 'update'], |
'TrackerMIL': ['create'], |
'TrackerMIL_Params': [], |
} |
dnn = {'dnn_Net': ['setInput', 'forward', 'setPreferableBackend'], |
'': ['readNetFromCaffe', 'readNetFromTensorflow', 'readNetFromTorch', 'readNetFromDarknet', |
'readNetFromONNX', 'readNet', 'blobFromImage']} |
features2d = {'Feature2D': ['detect', 'compute', 'detectAndCompute', 'descriptorSize', 'descriptorType', 'defaultNorm', 'empty', 'getDefaultName'], |
'BRISK': ['create', 'getDefaultName'], |
'ORB': ['create', 'setMaxFeatures', 'setScaleFactor', 'setNLevels', 'setEdgeThreshold', 'setFirstLevel', 'setWTA_K', 'setScoreType', 'setPatchSize', 'getFastThreshold', 'getDefaultName'], |
'MSER': ['create', 'detectRegions', 'setDelta', 'getDelta', 'setMinArea', 'getMinArea', 'setMaxArea', 'getMaxArea', 'setPass2Only', 'getPass2Only', 'getDefaultName'], |
'FastFeatureDetector': ['create', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNonmaxSuppression', 'getNonmaxSuppression', 'setType', 'getType', 'getDefaultName'], |
'AgastFeatureDetector': ['create', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNonmaxSuppression', 'getNonmaxSuppression', 'setType', 'getType', 'getDefaultName'], |
'GFTTDetector': ['create', 'setMaxFeatures', 'getMaxFeatures', 'setQualityLevel', 'getQualityLevel', 'setMinDistance', 'getMinDistance', 'setBlockSize', 'getBlockSize', 'setHarrisDetector', 'getHarrisDetector', 'setK', 'getK', 'getDefaultName'], |
# 'SimpleBlobDetector': ['create'], |
'KAZE': ['create', 'setExtended', 'getExtended', 'setUpright', 'getUpright', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNOctaves', 'getNOctaves', 'setNOctaveLayers', 'getNOctaveLayers', 'setDiffusivity', 'getDiffusivity', 'getDefaultName'], |
'AKAZE': ['create', 'setDescriptorType', 'getDescriptorType', 'setDescriptorSize', 'getDescriptorSize', 'setDescriptorChannels', 'getDescriptorChannels', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNOctaves', 'getNOctaves', 'setNOctaveLayers', 'getNOctaveLayers', 'setDiffusivity', 'getDiffusivity', 'getDefaultName'], |
'DescriptorMatcher': ['add', 'clear', 'empty', 'isMaskSupported', 'train', 'match', 'knnMatch', 'radiusMatch', 'clone', 'create'], |
'BFMatcher': ['isMaskSupported', 'create'], |
'': ['drawKeypoints', 'drawMatches', 'drawMatchesKnn']} |
photo = {'': ['createAlignMTB', 'createCalibrateDebevec', 'createCalibrateRobertson', \ |
'createMergeDebevec', 'createMergeMertens', 'createMergeRobertson', \ |
'createTonemapDrago', 'createTonemapMantiuk', 'createTonemapReinhard', 'inpaint'], |
'CalibrateCRF': ['process'], |
'AlignMTB' : ['calculateShift', 'shiftMat', 'computeBitmaps', 'getMaxBits', 'setMaxBits', \ |
'getExcludeRange', 'setExcludeRange', 'getCut', 'setCut'], |
'CalibrateDebevec' : ['getLambda', 'setLambda', 'getSamples', 'setSamples', 'getRandom', 'setRandom'], |
'CalibrateRobertson' : ['getMaxIter', 'setMaxIter', 'getThreshold', 'setThreshold', 'getRadiance'], |
'MergeExposures' : ['process'], |
'MergeDebevec' : ['process'], |
'MergeMertens' : ['process', 'getContrastWeight', 'setContrastWeight', 'getSaturationWeight', \ |
'setSaturationWeight', 'getExposureWeight', 'setExposureWeight'], |
'MergeRobertson' : ['process'], |
'Tonemap' : ['process' , 'getGamma', 'setGamma'], |
'TonemapDrago' : ['getSaturation', 'setSaturation', 'getBias', 'setBias', \ |
'getSigmaColor', 'setSigmaColor', 'getSigmaSpace','setSigmaSpace'], |
'TonemapMantiuk' : ['getScale', 'setScale', 'getSaturation', 'setSaturation'], |
'TonemapReinhard' : ['getIntensity', 'setIntensity', 'getLightAdaptation', 'setLightAdaptation', \ |
'getColorAdaptation', 'setColorAdaptation'] |
} |
aruco = {'': ['detectMarkers', 'drawDetectedMarkers', 'drawAxis', 'estimatePoseSingleMarkers', 'estimatePoseBoard', 'estimatePoseCharucoBoard', 'interpolateCornersCharuco', 'drawDetectedCornersCharuco'], |
'aruco_Dictionary': ['get', 'drawMarker'], |
'aruco_Board': ['create'], |
'aruco_GridBoard': ['create', 'draw'], |
'aruco_CharucoBoard': ['create', 'draw'], |
'aruco_DetectorParameters': ['create'] |
} |
_3d = { |
'': [ |
'findHomography', |
'calibrateCameraExtended', |
'drawFrameAxes', |
'estimateAffine2D', |
'getDefaultNewCameraMatrix', |
'initUndistortRectifyMap', |
'Rodrigues', |
'solvePnP', |
'solvePnPRansac', |
'solvePnPRefineLM', |
'projectPoints', |
'undistort', |
], |
} |
calib = { |
'': [ |
# cv::fisheye namespace |
'fisheye_initUndistortRectifyMap', |
'fisheye_projectPoints', |
], |
} |
white_list = makeWhiteList([core, imgproc, objdetect, video, dnn, features2d, photo, aruco, _3d, calib]) |
# namespace_prefix_override['dnn'] = '' # compatibility stuff (enabled by default) |
# namespace_prefix_override['aruco'] = '' # compatibility stuff (enabled by default)