Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
TEST(Core_OutputArrayCreate, _1997)
struct local {
static void create(OutputArray arr, Size submatSize, int type)
int sizes[] = {submatSize.width, submatSize.height};
arr.create(sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(sizes[0]), sizes, type);
Mat mat(Size(512, 512), CV_8U);
Size submatSize = Size(256, 256);
ASSERT_NO_THROW(local::create( mat(Rect(Point(), submatSize)), submatSize, mat.type() ));
TEST(Core_SaturateCast, NegativeNotClipped)
double d = -1.0;
unsigned int val = cv::saturate_cast<unsigned int>(d);
ASSERT_EQ(0xffffffff, val);
template<typename T, typename U>
static double maxAbsDiff(const T &t, const U &u)
Mat_<double> d;
absdiff(t, u, d);
double ret;
minMaxLoc(d, NULL, &ret);
return ret;
TEST(Core_OutputArrayAssign, _Matxd_Matd)
Mat expected = (Mat_<double>(2,3) << 1, 2, 3, .1, .2, .3);
Matx23d actualx;
OutputArray oa(actualx);
Mat actual = (Mat) actualx;
EXPECT_LE(maxAbsDiff(expected, actual), 0.0);
TEST(Core_OutputArrayAssign, _Matxd_Matf)
Mat expected = (Mat_<float>(2,3) << 1, 2, 3, .1, .2, .3);
Matx23d actualx;
OutputArray oa(actualx);
Mat actual = (Mat) actualx;
EXPECT_LE(maxAbsDiff(expected, actual), FLT_EPSILON);
TEST(Core_OutputArrayAssign, _Matxf_Matd)
Mat expected = (Mat_<double>(2,3) << 1, 2, 3, .1, .2, .3);
Matx23f actualx;
OutputArray oa(actualx);
Mat actual = (Mat) actualx;
EXPECT_LE(maxAbsDiff(expected, actual), FLT_EPSILON);
TEST(Core_OutputArrayAssign, _Matxd_UMatd)
Mat expected = (Mat_<double>(2,3) << 1, 2, 3, .1, .2, .3);
UMat uexpected = expected.getUMat(ACCESS_READ);
Matx23d actualx;
OutputArray oa(actualx);
Mat actual = (Mat) actualx;
EXPECT_LE(maxAbsDiff(expected, actual), 0.0);
TEST(Core_OutputArrayAssign, _Matxd_UMatf)
Mat expected = (Mat_<float>(2,3) << 1, 2, 3, .1, .2, .3);
UMat uexpected = expected.getUMat(ACCESS_READ);
Matx23d actualx;
OutputArray oa(actualx);
Mat actual = (Mat) actualx;
EXPECT_LE(maxAbsDiff(expected, actual), FLT_EPSILON);
TEST(Core_OutputArrayAssign, _Matxf_UMatd)
Mat expected = (Mat_<double>(2,3) << 1, 2, 3, .1, .2, .3);
UMat uexpected = expected.getUMat(ACCESS_READ);
Matx23f actualx;
OutputArray oa(actualx);
Mat actual = (Mat) actualx;
EXPECT_LE(maxAbsDiff(expected, actual), FLT_EPSILON);
TEST(Core_String, find_last_of__with__empty_string)
cv::String s;
size_t p = s.find_last_of("q", 0);
// npos is not exported: EXPECT_EQ(cv::String::npos, p);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string::npos, p);
TEST(Core_String, end_method_regression)
cv::String old_string = "012345";
cv::String new_string(old_string.begin(), old_string.end());
EXPECT_EQ(6u, new_string.size());
TEST(Core_Copy, repeat_regression_8972)
Mat src = (Mat_<int>(1, 4) << 1, 2, 3, 4);
repeat(src, 5, 1, src);
class ThrowErrorParallelLoopBody : public cv::ParallelLoopBody
ThrowErrorParallelLoopBody(cv::Mat& dst, int i) : dst_(dst), i_(i) {}
~ThrowErrorParallelLoopBody() {}
void operator()(const cv::Range& r) const
for (int i = r.start; i < r.end; i++)
CV_Assert(i != i_);
Mat dst_;
int i_;
TEST(Core_Parallel, propagate_exceptions)
Mat dst1(1000, 100, CV_8SC1, Scalar::all(0));
parallel_for_(cv::Range(0, dst1.rows), ThrowErrorParallelLoopBody(dst1, -1));
Mat dst2(1000, 100, CV_8SC1, Scalar::all(0));
parallel_for_(cv::Range(0, dst2.rows), ThrowErrorParallelLoopBody(dst2, dst2.rows / 2));
}, cv::Exception);
TEST(Core_Version, consistency)
// this test verifies that OpenCV version loaded in runtime
// is the same this test has been built with
EXPECT_EQ(CV_VERSION_MAJOR, cv::getVersionMajor());
EXPECT_EQ(CV_VERSION_MINOR, cv::getVersionMinor());
EXPECT_EQ(CV_VERSION_REVISION, cv::getVersionRevision());
EXPECT_EQ(String(CV_VERSION), cv::getVersionString());
}} // namespace