Open Source Computer Vision Library
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1723 lines
80 KiB
1723 lines
80 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python |
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals |
import sys, re, os.path, errno, fnmatch |
import json |
import logging |
import codecs |
import io |
from shutil import copyfile |
from pprint import pformat |
from string import Template |
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): # Python 3.8+ |
from shutil import copytree |
def copy_tree(src, dst): |
copytree(src, dst, dirs_exist_ok=True) |
else: |
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree |
try: |
from io import StringIO # Python 3 |
except: |
from io import BytesIO as StringIO |
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
# list of modules |
config = None |
ROOT_DIR = None |
total_files = 0 |
updated_files = 0 |
module_imports = [] |
# list of namespaces, which should be skipped by wrapper generator |
# the list is loaded from misc/objc/gen_dict.json defined for the module only |
namespace_ignore_list = [] |
# list of class names, which should be skipped by wrapper generator |
# the list is loaded from misc/objc/gen_dict.json defined for the module and its dependencies |
class_ignore_list = [] |
# list of enum names, which should be skipped by wrapper generator |
enum_ignore_list = [] |
# list of constant names, which should be skipped by wrapper generator |
# ignored constants can be defined using regular expressions |
const_ignore_list = [] |
# list of private constants |
const_private_list = [] |
# { Module : { public : [[name, val],...], private : [[]...] } } |
missing_consts = {} |
type_dict = { |
"" : {"objc_type" : ""}, # c-tor ret_type |
"void" : {"objc_type" : "void", "is_primitive" : True, "swift_type": "Void"}, |
"bool" : {"objc_type" : "BOOL", "is_primitive" : True, "to_cpp": "(bool)%(n)s", "swift_type": "Bool"}, |
"char" : {"objc_type" : "char", "is_primitive" : True, "swift_type": "Int8"}, |
"int" : {"objc_type" : "int", "is_primitive" : True, "out_type" : "int*", "out_type_ptr": "%(n)s", "out_type_ref": "*(int*)(%(n)s)", "swift_type": "Int32"}, |
"long" : {"objc_type" : "long", "is_primitive" : True, "swift_type": "Int"}, |
"float" : {"objc_type" : "float", "is_primitive" : True, "out_type" : "float*", "out_type_ptr": "%(n)s", "out_type_ref": "*(float*)(%(n)s)", "swift_type": "Float"}, |
"double" : {"objc_type" : "double", "is_primitive" : True, "out_type" : "double*", "out_type_ptr": "%(n)s", "out_type_ref": "*(double*)(%(n)s)", "swift_type": "Double"}, |
"size_t" : {"objc_type" : "size_t", "is_primitive" : True}, |
"int64" : {"objc_type" : "long", "is_primitive" : True, "swift_type": "Int"}, |
"string" : {"objc_type" : "NSString*", "is_primitive" : True, "from_cpp": "[NSString stringWithUTF8String:%(n)s.c_str()]", "cast_to": "std::string", "swift_type": "String"} |
} |
# Defines a rule to add extra prefixes for names from specific namespaces. |
# In example, cv::fisheye::stereoRectify from namespace fisheye is wrapped as fisheye_stereoRectify |
namespaces_dict = {} |
# { module: { class | "*" : [ header ]} } |
AdditionalImports = {} |
# { class : { func : {declaration, implementation} } } |
ManualFuncs = {} |
# { class : { func : { arg_name : {"ctype" : ctype, "attrib" : [attrib]} } } } |
func_arg_fix = {} |
# { class : { func : { prolog : "", epilog : "" } } } |
header_fix = {} |
# { class : { enum: fixed_enum } } |
enum_fix = {} |
# { class : { enum: { const: fixed_const} } } |
const_fix = {} |
# { (class, func) : objc_signature } |
method_dict = { |
("Mat", "convertTo") : "-convertTo:rtype:alpha:beta:", |
("Mat", "setTo") : "-setToScalar:mask:", |
("Mat", "zeros") : "+zeros:cols:type:", |
("Mat", "ones") : "+ones:cols:type:", |
("Mat", "dot") : "-dot:" |
} |
modules = [] |
class SkipSymbolException(Exception): |
def __init__(self, text): |
self.t = text |
def __str__(self): |
return self.t |
def read_contents(fname): |
with open(fname, 'r') as f: |
data = |
return data |
def mkdir_p(path): |
''' mkdir -p ''' |
try: |
os.makedirs(path) |
except OSError as exc: |
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): |
pass |
else: |
raise |
def header_import(hdr): |
""" converts absolute header path to import parameter """ |
pos = hdr.find('/include/') |
hdr = hdr[pos+9 if pos >= 0 else 0:] |
#pos = hdr.find('opencv2/') |
#hdr = hdr[pos+8 if pos >= 0 else 0:] |
return hdr |
def make_objcname(m): |
return "Cv"+m if (m[0] in "0123456789") else m |
def make_objcmodule(m): |
return "cv"+m if (m[0] in "0123456789") else m |
T_OBJC_CLASS_HEADER = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/objc_class_header.template')) |
T_OBJC_CLASS_BODY = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/objc_class_body.template')) |
T_OBJC_MODULE_HEADER = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/objc_module_header.template')) |
T_OBJC_MODULE_BODY = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/objc_module_body.template')) |
class GeneralInfo(): |
def __init__(self, type, decl, namespaces): |
self.symbol_id, self.namespace, self.classpath, self.classname, = self.parseName(decl[0], namespaces) |
for ns_ignore in namespace_ignore_list: |
if self.symbol_id.startswith(ns_ignore + '.'): |
raise SkipSymbolException('ignored namespace ({}): {}'.format(ns_ignore, self.symbol_id)) |
# parse doxygen comments |
self.params={} |
self.deprecated = False |
if type == "class": |
docstring = "// C++: class " + + "\n" |
else: |
docstring="" |
if len(decl)>5 and decl[5]: |
doc = decl[5] |
if"(@|\\\\)deprecated", doc): |
self.deprecated = True |
docstring += sanitize_documentation_string(doc, type) |
elif type == "class": |
docstring += "/**\n * The " + + " module\n */\n" |
self.docstring = docstring |
def parseName(self, name, namespaces): |
''' |
input: full name and available namespaces |
returns: (namespace, classpath, classname, name) |
''' |
name = name[name.find(" ")+1:].strip() # remove struct/class/const prefix |
spaceName = "" |
localName = name # <classes>.<name> |
for namespace in sorted(namespaces, key=len, reverse=True): |
if name.startswith(namespace + "."): |
spaceName = namespace |
localName = name.replace(namespace + ".", "") |
break |
pieces = localName.split(".") |
if len(pieces) > 2: # <class>.<class>.<class>.<name> |
return name, spaceName, ".".join(pieces[:-1]), pieces[-2], pieces[-1] |
elif len(pieces) == 2: # <class>.<name> |
return name, spaceName, pieces[0], pieces[0], pieces[1] |
elif len(pieces) == 1: # <name> |
return name, spaceName, "", "", pieces[0] |
else: |
return name, spaceName, "", "" # error?! |
def fullName(self, isCPP=False): |
result = ".".join([self.fullClass(),]) |
return result if not isCPP else get_cname(result) |
def fullClass(self, isCPP=False): |
result = ".".join([f for f in [self.namespace] + self.classpath.split(".") if len(f)>0]) |
return result if not isCPP else get_cname(result) |
class ConstInfo(GeneralInfo): |
def __init__(self, decl, addedManually=False, namespaces=[], enumType=None): |
GeneralInfo.__init__(self, "const", decl, namespaces) |
self.cname = get_cname( |
self.swift_name = None |
self.value = decl[1] |
self.enumType = enumType |
self.addedManually = addedManually |
if self.namespace in namespaces_dict: |
| = '%s_%s' % (namespaces_dict[self.namespace], |
def __repr__(self): |
return Template("CONST $name=$value$manual").substitute(, |
value=self.value, |
manual="(manual)" if self.addedManually else "") |
def isIgnored(self): |
for c in const_ignore_list: |
if re.match(c, |
return True |
return False |
def normalize_field_name(name): |
return name.replace(".","_").replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("_getNativeObjAddr()","_nativeObj") |
def normalize_class_name(name): |
return re.sub(r"^cv\.", "", name).replace(".", "_") |
def get_cname(name): |
return name.replace(".", "::") |
def cast_from(t): |
if t in type_dict and "cast_from" in type_dict[t]: |
return type_dict[t]["cast_from"] |
return t |
def cast_to(t): |
if t in type_dict and "cast_to" in type_dict[t]: |
return type_dict[t]["cast_to"] |
return t |
def gen_class_doc(docstring, module, members, enums): |
lines = docstring.splitlines() |
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " *") |
if len(members) > 0: |
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " * Member classes: " + ", ".join([("`" + m + "`") for m in members])) |
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " *") |
else: |
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " * Member of `" + module + "`") |
if len(enums) > 0: |
lines.insert(len(lines)-1, " * Member enums: " + ", ".join([("`" + m + "`") for m in enums])) |
return "\n".join(lines) |
class ClassPropInfo(): |
def __init__(self, decl): # [f_ctype, f_name, '', '/RW'] |
self.ctype = decl[0] |
| = decl[1] |
| = "/RW" in decl[3] |
def __repr__(self): |
return Template("PROP $ctype $name").substitute(ctype=self.ctype, |
class ClassInfo(GeneralInfo): |
def __init__(self, decl, namespaces=[]): # [ 'class/struct cname', ': base', [modlist] ] |
GeneralInfo.__init__(self, "class", decl, namespaces) |
self.cname = if not self.classname else self.classname + "_" + |
self.real_cname = if not self.classname else self.classname + "::" + |
self.methods = [] |
self.methods_suffixes = {} |
self.consts = [] # using a list to save the occurrence order |
self.private_consts = [] |
self.imports = set() |
self.props= [] |
self.objc_name = if not self.classname else self.classname + |
| = None # True if class stores Ptr<T>* instead of T* in nativeObj field |
self.additionalImports = None # additional import files |
self.enum_declarations = None # Objective-C enum declarations stream |
self.method_declarations = None # Objective-C method declarations stream |
self.method_implementations = None # Objective-C method implementations stream |
self.objc_header_template = None # Objective-C header code |
self.objc_body_template = None # Objective-C body code |
for m in decl[2]: |
if m.startswith("="): |
self.objc_name = m[1:] |
self.base = '' |
self.is_base_class = True |
self.native_ptr_name = "nativePtr" |
self.member_classes = [] # Only relevant for modules |
self.member_enums = [] # Only relevant for modules |
if decl[1]: |
self.base = re.sub(r"^.*:", "", decl[1].split(",")[0]).strip() |
if self.base: |
self.is_base_class = False |
self.native_ptr_name = "nativePtr" + self.objc_name |
def __repr__(self): |
return Template("CLASS $namespace::$classpath.$name : $base").substitute(**self.__dict__) |
def getImports(self, module): |
return ["#import \"%s.h\"" % make_objcname(c) for c in sorted([m for m in [type_dict[m]["import_module"] if m in type_dict and "import_module" in type_dict[m] else m for m in self.imports] if m !=])] |
def isEnum(self, c): |
return c in type_dict and type_dict[c].get("is_enum", False) |
def getForwardDeclarations(self, module): |
enum_decl = [x for x in self.imports if self.isEnum(x) and type_dict[x]["import_module"] != module] |
enum_imports = sorted(list(set([type_dict[m]["import_module"] for m in enum_decl]))) |
class_decl = [x for x in self.imports if not self.isEnum(x)] |
return ["#import \"%s.h\"" % make_objcname(c) for c in enum_imports] + [""] + ["@class %s;" % c for c in sorted(class_decl)] |
def addImports(self, ctype, is_out_type): |
if ctype == self.cname: |
return |
if ctype in type_dict: |
objc_import = None |
if "v_type" in type_dict[ctype]: |
objc_import = type_dict[type_dict[ctype]["v_type"]]["objc_type"] |
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[ctype]: |
objc_import = type_dict[type_dict[ctype]["v_v_type"]]["objc_type"] |
elif not type_dict[ctype].get("is_primitive", False): |
objc_import = type_dict[ctype]["objc_type"] |
if objc_import is not None and objc_import not in ["NSNumber*", "NSString*"] and not (objc_import in type_dict and type_dict[objc_import].get("is_primitive", False)): |
objc_import = objc_import[:-1] if objc_import[-1] == "*" else objc_import # remove trailing "*" |
if objc_import != self.cname: |
self.imports.add(objc_import) # remove trailing "*" |
def getAllMethods(self): |
result = [] |
result += [fi for fi in self.methods if fi.isconstructor] |
result += [fi for fi in self.methods if not fi.isconstructor] |
return result |
def addMethod(self, fi): |
self.methods.append(fi) |
def getConst(self, name): |
for cand in self.consts + self.private_consts: |
if == name: |
return cand |
return None |
def addConst(self, constinfo): |
# choose right list (public or private) |
consts = self.consts |
for c in const_private_list: |
if re.match(c, |
consts = self.private_consts |
break |
consts.append(constinfo) |
def initCodeStreams(self, Module): |
self.additionalImports = StringIO() |
self.enum_declarations = StringIO() |
self.method_declarations = StringIO() |
self.method_implementations = StringIO() |
if self.base: |
self.objc_header_template = T_OBJC_CLASS_HEADER |
self.objc_body_template = T_OBJC_CLASS_BODY |
else: |
self.base = "NSObject" |
if != Module: |
self.objc_header_template = T_OBJC_CLASS_HEADER |
self.objc_body_template = T_OBJC_CLASS_BODY |
else: |
self.objc_header_template = T_OBJC_MODULE_HEADER |
self.objc_body_template = T_OBJC_MODULE_BODY |
# misc handling |
if == Module: |
for i in module_imports or []: |
self.imports.add(i) |
def cleanupCodeStreams(self): |
self.additionalImports.close() |
self.enum_declarations.close() |
self.method_declarations.close() |
self.method_implementations.close() |
def generateObjcHeaderCode(self, m, M, objcM): |
return Template(self.objc_header_template + "\n\n").substitute( |
module = M, |
additionalImports = self.additionalImports.getvalue(), |
importBaseClass = '#import "' + make_objcname(self.base) + '.h"' if not self.is_base_class else "", |
forwardDeclarations = "\n".join([_f for _f in self.getForwardDeclarations(objcM) if _f]), |
enumDeclarations = self.enum_declarations.getvalue(), |
nativePointerHandling = Template( |
""" |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
@property(readonly)cv::Ptr<$cName> $native_ptr_name; |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
- (instancetype)initWithNativePtr:(cv::Ptr<$cName>)nativePtr; |
+ (instancetype)fromNative:(cv::Ptr<$cName>)nativePtr; |
#endif |
""" |
).substitute( |
cName = self.fullName(isCPP=True), |
native_ptr_name = self.native_ptr_name |
), |
manualMethodDeclations = "", |
methodDeclarations = self.method_declarations.getvalue(), |
name =, |
objcName = make_objcname(self.objc_name), |
cName = self.cname, |
imports = "\n".join(self.getImports(M)), |
docs = gen_class_doc(self.docstring, M, self.member_classes, self.member_enums), |
base = self.base) |
def generateObjcBodyCode(self, m, M): |
return Template(self.objc_body_template + "\n\n").substitute( |
module = M, |
nativePointerHandling=Template( |
""" |
- (instancetype)initWithNativePtr:(cv::Ptr<$cName>)nativePtr { |
self = [super $init_call]; |
if (self) { |
_$native_ptr_name = nativePtr; |
} |
return self; |
} |
+ (instancetype)fromNative:(cv::Ptr<$cName>)nativePtr { |
return [[$objcName alloc] initWithNativePtr:nativePtr]; |
} |
""" |
).substitute( |
cName = self.fullName(isCPP=True), |
objcName = self.objc_name, |
native_ptr_name = self.native_ptr_name, |
init_call = "init" if self.is_base_class else "initWithNativePtr:nativePtr" |
), |
manualMethodDeclations = "", |
methodImplementations = self.method_implementations.getvalue(), |
name =, |
objcName = self.objc_name, |
cName = self.cname, |
imports = "\n".join(self.getImports(M)), |
docs = gen_class_doc(self.docstring, M, self.member_classes, self.member_enums), |
base = self.base) |
class ArgInfo(): |
def __init__(self, arg_tuple): # [ ctype, name, def val, [mod], argno ] |
self.pointer = False |
ctype = arg_tuple[0] |
if ctype.endswith("*"): |
ctype = ctype[:-1] |
self.pointer = True |
self.ctype = ctype |
| = arg_tuple[1] |
self.defval = arg_tuple[2] |
self.out = "" |
if "/O" in arg_tuple[3]: |
self.out = "O" |
if "/IO" in arg_tuple[3]: |
self.out = "IO" |
def __repr__(self): |
return Template("ARG $ctype$p $name=$defval").substitute(ctype=self.ctype, |
p=" *" if self.pointer else "", |
|, |
defval=self.defval) |
class FuncInfo(GeneralInfo): |
def __init__(self, decl, module, namespaces=[]): # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ] |
GeneralInfo.__init__(self, "func", decl, namespaces) |
self.cname = get_cname(decl[0]) |
nested_type = self.classpath.find(".") != -1 |
self.objc_name = if not nested_type else self.classpath.replace(".", "") |
self.classname = self.classname if not nested_type else self.classpath.replace(".", "_") |
self.swift_name = |
self.cv_name = self.fullName(isCPP=True) |
self.isconstructor = == self.classname |
if "[" in |
self.objc_name = "getelem" |
if self.namespace in namespaces_dict: |
self.objc_name = '%s_%s' % (namespaces_dict[self.namespace], self.objc_name) |
for m in decl[2]: |
if m.startswith("="): |
self.objc_name = m[1:] |
self.static = ["","static"][ "/S" in decl[2] ] |
self.ctype = re.sub(r"^CvTermCriteria", "TermCriteria", decl[1] or "") |
self.args = [] |
func_fix_map = func_arg_fix.get(self.classname or module, {}).get(self.objc_name, {}) |
header_fixes = header_fix.get(self.classname or module, {}).get(self.objc_name, {}) |
self.prolog = header_fixes.get('prolog', None) |
self.epilog = header_fixes.get('epilog', None) |
for a in decl[3]: |
arg = a[:] |
arg_fix_map = func_fix_map.get(arg[1], {}) |
arg[0] = arg_fix_map.get('ctype', arg[0]) #fixing arg type |
arg[2] = arg_fix_map.get('defval', arg[2]) #fixing arg defval |
arg[3] = arg_fix_map.get('attrib', arg[3]) #fixing arg attrib |
self.args.append(ArgInfo(arg)) |
if type_complete(self.args, self.ctype): |
func_fix_map = func_arg_fix.get(self.classname or module, {}).get(self.signature(self.args), {}) |
name_fix_map = func_fix_map.get(, {}) |
self.objc_name = name_fix_map.get('name', self.objc_name) |
self.swift_name = name_fix_map.get('swift_name', self.swift_name) |
for arg in self.args: |
arg_fix_map = func_fix_map.get(, {}) |
arg.ctype = arg_fix_map.get('ctype', arg.ctype) #fixing arg type |
arg.defval = arg_fix_map.get('defval', arg.defval) #fixing arg type |
| = arg_fix_map.get('name', #fixing arg name |
def __repr__(self): |
return Template("FUNC <$ctype $namespace.$classpath.$name $args>").substitute(**self.__dict__) |
def __lt__(self, other): |
return self.__repr__() < other.__repr__() |
def signature(self, args): |
objc_args = build_objc_args(args) |
return "(" + type_dict[self.ctype]["objc_type"] + ")" + self.objc_name + " ".join(objc_args) |
def type_complete(args, ctype): |
for a in args: |
if a.ctype not in type_dict: |
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"): |
a.defval = 0 |
if a.defval: |
a.ctype = '' |
continue |
return False |
if ctype not in type_dict: |
return False |
return True |
def build_objc_args(args): |
objc_args = [] |
for a in args: |
if a.ctype not in type_dict: |
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"): |
a.defval = 0 |
if a.defval: |
a.ctype = '' |
continue |
if not a.ctype: # hidden |
continue |
objc_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"] |
if "v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]: |
if "O" in a.out: |
objc_type = "NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">*" |
else: |
objc_type = "NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*" |
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]: |
if "O" in a.out: |
objc_type = "NSMutableArray<NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">*>*" |
else: |
objc_type = "NSArray<NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*>*" |
if a.out and type_dict[a.ctype].get("out_type", ""): |
objc_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["out_type"] |
objc_args.append(( if len(objc_args) > 0 else '') + ':(' + objc_type + ')' + |
return objc_args |
def build_objc_method_name(args): |
objc_method_name = "" |
for a in args[1:]: |
if a.ctype not in type_dict: |
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"): |
a.defval = 0 |
if a.defval: |
a.ctype = '' |
continue |
if not a.ctype: # hidden |
continue |
objc_method_name += + ":" |
return objc_method_name |
def get_swift_type(ctype): |
has_swift_type = "swift_type" in type_dict[ctype] |
swift_type = type_dict[ctype]["swift_type"] if has_swift_type else type_dict[ctype]["objc_type"] |
if swift_type[-1:] == "*": |
swift_type = swift_type[:-1] |
if not has_swift_type: |
if "v_type" in type_dict[ctype]: |
swift_type = "[" + swift_type + "]" |
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[ctype]: |
swift_type = "[[" + swift_type + "]]" |
return swift_type |
def build_swift_extension_decl(name, args, constructor, static, ret_type): |
extension_decl = "@nonobjc " + ("class " if static else "") + (("func " + name) if not constructor else "convenience init") + "(" |
swift_args = [] |
for a in args: |
if a.ctype not in type_dict: |
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"): |
a.defval = 0 |
if a.defval: |
a.ctype = '' |
continue |
if not a.ctype: # hidden |
continue |
swift_type = get_swift_type(a.ctype) |
if "O" in a.out: |
if type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_type", False): |
swift_type = "UnsafeMutablePointer<" + swift_type + ">" |
elif "v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector", False) or type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector_vector", False): |
swift_type = "inout " + swift_type |
swift_args.append( + ': ' + swift_type) |
extension_decl += ", ".join(swift_args) + ")" |
if ret_type: |
extension_decl += " -> " + get_swift_type(ret_type) |
return extension_decl |
def extension_arg(a): |
return a.ctype in type_dict and (type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector", False) or type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector_vector", False) or (("v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]) and "O" in a.out)) |
def extension_tmp_arg(a): |
if a.ctype in type_dict: |
if type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector", False) or type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector_vector", False): |
return + "Vector" |
elif ("v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]) and "O" in a.out: |
return + "Array" |
return |
def make_swift_extension(args): |
for a in args: |
if extension_arg(a): |
return True |
return False |
def build_swift_signature(args): |
swift_signature = "" |
for a in args: |
if a.ctype not in type_dict: |
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"): |
a.defval = 0 |
if a.defval: |
a.ctype = '' |
continue |
if not a.ctype: # hidden |
continue |
swift_signature += + ":" |
return swift_signature |
def build_unrefined_call(name, args, constructor, static, classname, has_ret): |
swift_refine_call = ("let ret = " if has_ret and not constructor else "") + ((make_objcname(classname) + ".") if static else "") + (name if not constructor else "self.init") |
call_args = [] |
for a in args: |
if a.ctype not in type_dict: |
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"): |
a.defval = 0 |
if a.defval: |
a.ctype = '' |
continue |
if not a.ctype: # hidden |
continue |
call_args.append( + ": " + extension_tmp_arg(a)) |
swift_refine_call += "(" + ", ".join(call_args) + ")" |
return swift_refine_call |
def build_swift_logues(args): |
prologue = [] |
epilogue = [] |
for a in args: |
if a.ctype not in type_dict: |
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"): |
a.defval = 0 |
if a.defval: |
a.ctype = '' |
continue |
if not a.ctype: # hidden |
continue |
if a.ctype in type_dict: |
if type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector", False): |
prologue.append("let " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " = " + type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"][:-1] + "(" + + ")") |
if "O" in a.out: |
unsigned = type_dict[a.ctype].get("unsigned", False) |
array_prop = "array" if not unsigned else "unsignedArray" |
epilogue.append( + ".removeAll()") |
epilogue.append( + ".append(contentsOf: " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + "." + array_prop + ")") |
elif type_dict[a.ctype].get("primitive_vector_vector", False): |
if not "O" in a.out: |
prologue.append("let " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " = " + + ".map {" + type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"][:-1] + "($0) }") |
else: |
prologue.append("let " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " = NSMutableArray(array: " + + ".map {" + type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"][:-1] + "($0) })") |
epilogue.append( + ".removeAll()") |
epilogue.append( + ".append(contentsOf: " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + ".map { ($.0 as! " + type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"][:-1] + ").array })") |
elif ("v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] or "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]) and "O" in a.out: |
prologue.append("let " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " = NSMutableArray(array: " + + ")") |
epilogue.append( + ".removeAll()") |
epilogue.append( + ".append(contentsOf: " + extension_tmp_arg(a) + " as! " + get_swift_type(a.ctype) + ")") |
return prologue, epilogue |
def add_method_to_dict(class_name, fi): |
static = fi.static if fi.classname else True |
if (class_name, fi.objc_name) not in method_dict: |
objc_method_name = ("+" if static else "-") + fi.objc_name + ":" + build_objc_method_name(fi.args) |
method_dict[(class_name, fi.objc_name)] = objc_method_name |
def see_lookup(objc_class, see): |
semi_colon = see.find("::") |
see_class = see[:semi_colon] if semi_colon > 0 else objc_class |
see_method = see[(semi_colon + 2):] if semi_colon != -1 else see |
if (see_class, see_method) in method_dict: |
method = method_dict[(see_class, see_method)] |
if see_class == objc_class: |
return method |
else: |
return ("-" if method[0] == "-" else "") + "[" + see_class + " " + method[1:] + "]" |
else: |
return see |
class ObjectiveCWrapperGenerator(object): |
def __init__(self): |
self.header_files = [] |
self.clear() |
def clear(self): |
self.namespaces = ["cv"] |
mat_class_info = ClassInfo([ 'class Mat', '', [], [] ], self.namespaces) |
mat_class_info.namespace = "cv" |
self.classes = { "Mat" : mat_class_info } |
self.classes["Mat"].namespace = "cv" |
self.module = "" |
self.Module = "" |
self.extension_implementations = None # Swift extensions implementations stream |
self.ported_func_list = [] |
self.skipped_func_list = [] |
self.def_args_hist = {} # { def_args_cnt : funcs_cnt } |
def add_class(self, decl): |
classinfo = ClassInfo(decl, namespaces=self.namespaces) |
if in class_ignore_list: |
|'ignored: %s', classinfo) |
return None |
if != self.Module: |
self.classes[self.Module].member_classes.append(classinfo.objc_name) |
name = classinfo.cname |
if self.isWrapped(name) and not classinfo.base: |
logging.warning('duplicated: %s', classinfo) |
return None |
if name in self.classes: # TODO implement inner namespaces |
if self.classes[name].symbol_id != classinfo.symbol_id: |
logging.warning('duplicated under new id: {} (was {})'.format(classinfo.symbol_id, self.classes[name].symbol_id)) |
return None |
self.classes[name] = classinfo |
if name in type_dict and not classinfo.base: |
logging.warning('duplicated: %s', classinfo) |
return None |
if name != self.Module: |
type_dict.setdefault(name, {}).update( |
{ "objc_type" : classinfo.objc_name + "*", |
"from_cpp" : "[" + classinfo.objc_name + " fromNative:%(n)s]", |
"to_cpp" : "*(%(n)s." + classinfo.native_ptr_name + ")" } |
) |
# missing_consts { Module : { public : [[name, val],...], private : [[]...] } } |
if name in missing_consts: |
if 'public' in missing_consts[name]: |
for (n, val) in missing_consts[name]['public']: |
classinfo.consts.append( ConstInfo([n, val], addedManually=True) ) |
# class props |
for p in decl[3]: |
classinfo.props.append( ClassPropInfo(p) ) |
if name != self.Module: |
type_dict.setdefault("Ptr_"+name, {}).update( |
{ "objc_type" : classinfo.objc_name + "*", |
"c_type" : name, |
"real_c_type" : classinfo.real_cname, |
"to_cpp": "%(n)s." + classinfo.native_ptr_name, |
"from_cpp": "[" + name + " fromNative:%(n)s]"} |
) |
|'ok: class %s, name: %s, base: %s', classinfo, name, classinfo.base) |
return classinfo |
def add_const(self, decl, scope=None, enumType=None): # [ "const cname", val, [], [] ] |
constinfo = ConstInfo(decl, namespaces=self.namespaces, enumType=enumType) |
if constinfo.isIgnored(): |
|'ignored: %s', constinfo) |
else: |
objc_type = enumType.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] if enumType else "" |
if constinfo.enumType and constinfo.classpath: |
new_name = constinfo.classname + '_' + |
const_fix.setdefault(constinfo.classpath, {}).setdefault(objc_type, {})[] = new_name |
constinfo.swift_name = |
| = new_name |
|'use outer class prefix: %s', constinfo) |
if constinfo.classpath in const_fix and objc_type in const_fix[constinfo.classpath]: |
fixed_consts = const_fix[constinfo.classpath][objc_type] |
if in fixed_consts: |
fixed_const = fixed_consts[] |
| = fixed_const |
constinfo.cname = fixed_const |
if constinfo.value in fixed_consts: |
constinfo.value = fixed_consts[constinfo.value] |
if not self.isWrapped(constinfo.classname): |
|'class not found: %s', constinfo) |
if not + "_"): |
constinfo.swift_name = |
| = constinfo.classname + '_' + |
constinfo.classname = '' |
ci = self.getClass(constinfo.classname) |
duplicate = ci.getConst( |
if duplicate: |
if duplicate.addedManually: |
|'manual: %s', constinfo) |
else: |
logging.warning('duplicated: %s', constinfo) |
else: |
ci.addConst(constinfo) |
|'ok: %s', constinfo) |
def add_enum(self, decl): # [ "enum cname", "", [], [] ] |
enumType = decl[0].rsplit(" ", 1)[1] |
if enumType.endswith("<unnamed>"): |
enumType = None |
else: |
ctype = normalize_class_name(enumType) |
constinfo = ConstInfo(decl[3][0], namespaces=self.namespaces, enumType=enumType) |
objc_type = enumType.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] |
if objc_type in enum_ignore_list: |
return |
if constinfo.classname in enum_fix: |
objc_type = enum_fix[constinfo.classname].get(objc_type, objc_type) |
import_module = constinfo.classname if constinfo.classname and constinfo.classname != objc_type else self.Module |
type_dict[ctype] = { "cast_from" : "int", |
"cast_to" : get_cname(enumType), |
"objc_type" : objc_type, |
"is_enum" : True, |
"import_module" : import_module, |
"from_cpp" : "(" + objc_type + ")%(n)s"} |
type_dict[objc_type] = { "cast_to" : get_cname(enumType), |
"objc_type": objc_type, |
"is_enum": True, |
"import_module": import_module, |
"from_cpp": "(" + objc_type + ")%(n)s"} |
self.classes[self.Module].member_enums.append(objc_type) |
const_decls = decl[3] |
for decl in const_decls: |
self.add_const(decl, self.Module, enumType) |
def add_func(self, decl): |
fi = FuncInfo(decl, self.Module, namespaces=self.namespaces) |
classname = fi.classname or self.Module |
if classname in class_ignore_list: |
|'ignored: %s', fi) |
elif classname in ManualFuncs and fi.objc_name in ManualFuncs[classname]: |
|'manual: %s', fi) |
if "objc_method_name" in ManualFuncs[classname][fi.objc_name]: |
method_dict[(classname, fi.objc_name)] = ManualFuncs[classname][fi.objc_name]["objc_method_name"] |
elif not self.isWrapped(classname): |
logging.warning('not found: %s', fi) |
else: |
ci = self.getClass(classname) |
if ci.symbol_id != fi.symbol_id[0:fi.symbol_id.rfind('.')] and ci.symbol_id != self.Module: |
# TODO fix this (inner namepaces) |
logging.warning('SKIP: mismatched class: {} (class: {})'.format(fi.symbol_id, ci.symbol_id)) |
return |
ci.addMethod(fi) |
|'ok: %s', fi) |
# calc args with def val |
cnt = len([a for a in fi.args if a.defval]) |
self.def_args_hist[cnt] = self.def_args_hist.get(cnt, 0) + 1 |
add_method_to_dict(classname, fi) |
def save(self, path, buf): |
global total_files, updated_files |
if len(buf) == 0: |
return |
total_files += 1 |
if os.path.exists(path): |
with open(path, "rt") as f: |
content = |
if content == buf: |
return |
with, "w", "utf-8") as f: |
f.write(buf) |
updated_files += 1 |
def get_namespace_prefix(self, cname): |
namespace = self.classes[cname].namespace if cname in self.classes else "cv" |
return namespace.replace(".", "::") + "::" |
def gen(self, srcfiles, module, output_path, output_objc_path, common_headers, manual_classes): |
self.clear() |
self.module = module |
self.objcmodule = make_objcmodule(module) |
self.Module = module.capitalize() |
extension_implementations = StringIO() # Swift extensions implementations stream |
extension_signatures = [] |
# TODO: support UMat versions of declarations (implement UMat-wrapper for Java) |
parser = hdr_parser.CppHeaderParser(generate_umat_decls=False) |
module_ci = self.add_class( ['class ' + self.Module, '', [], []]) # [ 'class/struct cname', ':bases', [modlist] [props] ] |
module_ci.header_import = module + '.hpp' |
# scan the headers and build more descriptive maps of classes, consts, functions |
includes = [] |
for hdr in common_headers: |
|"\n===== Common header : %s =====", hdr) |
includes.append(header_import(hdr)) |
for hdr in srcfiles: |
decls = parser.parse(hdr) |
self.namespaces = sorted(parser.namespaces) |
|"\n\n===== Header: %s =====", hdr) |
|"Namespaces: %s", sorted(parser.namespaces)) |
if decls: |
includes.append(header_import(hdr)) |
else: |
|"Ignore header: %s", hdr) |
for decl in decls: |
|"\n--- Incoming ---\n%s", pformat(decl[:5], 4)) # without docstring |
name = decl[0] |
try: |
if name.startswith("struct") or name.startswith("class"): |
ci = self.add_class(decl) |
if ci: |
ci.header_import = header_import(hdr) |
elif name.startswith("const"): |
self.add_const(decl) |
elif name.startswith("enum"): |
# enum |
self.add_enum(decl) |
else: # function |
self.add_func(decl) |
except SkipSymbolException as e: |
|'SKIP: {} due to {}'.format(name, e)) |
self.classes[self.Module].member_classes += manual_classes |
|"\n\n===== Generating... =====") |
package_path = os.path.join(output_objc_path, self.objcmodule) |
mkdir_p(package_path) |
extension_file = "%s/%sExt.swift" % (package_path, make_objcname(self.Module)) |
for ci in sorted(self.classes.values(), key=lambda x: x.symbol_id): |
if == "Mat": |
continue |
ci.initCodeStreams(self.Module) |
self.gen_class(ci, self.module, extension_implementations, extension_signatures) |
classObjcHeaderCode = ci.generateObjcHeaderCode(self.module, self.Module, ci.objc_name) |
objc_mangled_name = make_objcname(ci.objc_name) |
header_file = "%s/%s.h" % (package_path, objc_mangled_name) |
|, classObjcHeaderCode) |
self.header_files.append(header_file) |
classObjcBodyCode = ci.generateObjcBodyCode(self.module, self.Module) |
|"%s/" % (package_path, objc_mangled_name), classObjcBodyCode) |
ci.cleanupCodeStreams() |
|, extension_implementations.getvalue()) |
extension_implementations.close() |
|, self.objcmodule+".txt"), self.makeReport()) |
def makeReport(self): |
''' |
Returns string with generator report |
''' |
report = StringIO() |
total_count = len(self.ported_func_list)+ len(self.skipped_func_list) |
report.write("PORTED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % (len(self.ported_func_list), total_count)) |
report.write("\n".join(self.ported_func_list)) |
report.write("\n\nSKIPPED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % (len(self.skipped_func_list), total_count)) |
report.write("".join(self.skipped_func_list)) |
for i in sorted(self.def_args_hist.keys()): |
report.write("\n%i def args - %i funcs" % (i, self.def_args_hist[i])) |
return report.getvalue() |
def fullTypeName(self, t): |
if not type_dict[t].get("is_primitive", False) or "cast_to" in type_dict[t]: |
if "cast_to" in type_dict[t]: |
return type_dict[t]["cast_to"] |
else: |
namespace_prefix = self.get_namespace_prefix(t) |
return namespace_prefix + t |
else: |
return t |
def build_objc2cv_prologue(self, prologue, vector_type, vector_full_type, objc_type, vector_name, array_name): |
if not (vector_type in type_dict and "to_cpp" in type_dict[vector_type] and type_dict[vector_type]["to_cpp"] != "%(n)s.nativeRef"): |
prologue.append("OBJC2CV(" + vector_full_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_name + ", " + array_name + ");") |
else: |
conv_macro = "CONV_" + array_name |
prologue.append("#define " + conv_macro + "(e) " + type_dict[vector_type]["to_cpp"] % {"n": "e"}) |
prologue.append("OBJC2CV_CUSTOM(" + vector_full_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_name + ", " + array_name + ", " + conv_macro + ");") |
prologue.append("#undef " + conv_macro) |
def build_cv2objc_epilogue(self, epilogue, vector_type, vector_full_type, objc_type, vector_name, array_name): |
if not (vector_type in type_dict and "from_cpp" in type_dict[vector_type] and type_dict[vector_type]["from_cpp"] != ("[" + objc_type[:-1] + " fromNative:%(n)s]")): |
epilogue.append("CV2OBJC(" + vector_full_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_name + ", " + array_name + ");") |
else: |
unconv_macro = "UNCONV_" + array_name |
epilogue.append("#define " + unconv_macro + "(e) " + type_dict[vector_type]["from_cpp"] % {"n": "e"}) |
epilogue.append("CV2OBJC_CUSTOM(" + vector_full_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_name + ", " + array_name + ", " + unconv_macro + ");") |
epilogue.append("#undef " + unconv_macro) |
def gen_func(self, ci, fi, extension_implementations, extension_signatures): |
|"%s", fi) |
method_declarations = ci.method_declarations |
method_implementations = ci.method_implementations |
decl_args = [] |
for a in fi.args: |
s = a.ctype or ' _hidden_ ' |
if a.pointer: |
s += "*" |
elif a.out: |
s += "&" |
s += " " + |
if a.defval: |
s += " = " + str(a.defval) |
decl_args.append(s) |
c_decl = "%s %s %s(%s)" % ( fi.static, fi.ctype, fi.cname, ", ".join(decl_args) ) |
# comment |
method_declarations.write( "\n//\n// %s\n//\n" % c_decl ) |
method_implementations.write( "\n//\n// %s\n//\n" % c_decl ) |
# check if we 'know' all the types |
if fi.ctype not in type_dict: # unsupported ret type |
msg = "// Return type '%s' is not supported, skipping the function\n\n" % fi.ctype |
self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg) |
method_declarations.write( " "*4 + msg ) |
logging.warning("SKIP:" + c_decl.strip() + "\t due to RET type " + fi.ctype) |
return |
for a in fi.args: |
if a.ctype not in type_dict: |
if not a.defval and a.ctype.endswith("*"): |
a.defval = 0 |
if a.defval: |
a.ctype = '' |
continue |
msg = "// Unknown type '%s' (%s), skipping the function\n\n" % (a.ctype, a.out or "I") |
self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg) |
method_declarations.write( msg ) |
logging.warning("SKIP:" + c_decl.strip() + "\t due to ARG type " + a.ctype + "/" + (a.out or "I")) |
return |
self.ported_func_list.append(c_decl) |
# args |
args = fi.args[:] # copy |
objc_signatures=[] |
while True: |
# method args |
cv_args = [] |
prologue = [] |
epilogue = [] |
if fi.ctype: |
ci.addImports(fi.ctype, False) |
for a in args: |
if not "v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype] and not "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]: |
cast = ("(" + type_dict[a.ctype]["cast_to"] + ")") if "cast_to" in type_dict[a.ctype] else "" |
cv_name = type_dict[a.ctype].get("to_cpp", cast + "%(n)s") if a.ctype else a.defval |
if a.pointer and not cv_name == "0": |
cv_name = "&(" + cv_name + ")" |
if "O" in a.out and type_dict[a.ctype].get("out_type", ""): |
cv_name = type_dict[a.ctype].get("out_type_ptr" if a.pointer else "out_type_ref", "%(n)s") |
cv_args.append(type_dict[a.ctype].get("cv_name", cv_name) % {"n":}) |
if not a.ctype: # hidden |
continue |
ci.addImports(a.ctype, "O" in a.out) |
if "v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]: # pass as vector |
vector_cpp_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["v_type"] |
objc_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"] |
has_namespace = vector_cpp_type.find("::") != -1 |
ci.addImports(a.ctype, False) |
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type) if not has_namespace else vector_cpp_type |
vector_cpp_name = + "Vector" |
cv_args.append(vector_cpp_name) |
self.build_objc2cv_prologue(prologue, vector_cpp_type, vector_full_cpp_type, objc_type, vector_cpp_name, |
if "O" in a.out: |
self.build_cv2objc_epilogue(epilogue, vector_cpp_type, vector_full_cpp_type, objc_type, vector_cpp_name, |
if "v_v_type" in type_dict[a.ctype]: # pass as vector of vector |
vector_cpp_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["v_v_type"] |
objc_type = type_dict[a.ctype]["objc_type"] |
ci.addImports(a.ctype, False) |
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type) |
vector_cpp_name = + "Vector2" |
cv_args.append(vector_cpp_name) |
prologue.append("OBJC2CV2(" + vector_full_cpp_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_cpp_name + ", " + + ");") |
if "O" in a.out: |
epilogue.append( |
"CV2OBJC2(" + vector_full_cpp_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", " + vector_cpp_name + ", " + + ");") |
# calculate method signature to check for uniqueness |
objc_args = build_objc_args(args) |
objc_signature = fi.signature(args) |
swift_ext = make_swift_extension(args) |
|"Objective-C: " + objc_signature) |
if objc_signature in objc_signatures: |
if args: |
args.pop() |
continue |
else: |
break |
# doc comment |
if fi.docstring: |
lines = fi.docstring.splitlines() |
toWrite = [] |
for index, line in enumerate(lines): |
p0 = line.find("@param") |
if p0 != -1: |
p0 += 7 # len("@param" + 1) |
p1 = line.find(' ', p0) |
p1 = len(line) if p1 == -1 else p1 |
name = line[p0:p1] |
for arg in args: |
if == name: |
toWrite.append(re.sub('\*\s*@param ', '* @param ', line)) |
break |
else: |
s0 = line.find("@see") |
if s0 != -1: |
sees = line[(s0 + 5):].split(",") |
toWrite.append(line[:(s0 + 5)] + ", ".join(["`" + see_lookup(ci.objc_name, see.strip()) + "`" for see in sees])) |
else: |
toWrite.append(line) |
for line in toWrite: |
method_declarations.write(line + "\n") |
# public wrapper method impl (calling native one above) |
# e.g. |
# public static void add( Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, Mat mask, int dtype ) |
# { add_0( src1.nativeObj, src2.nativeObj, dst.nativeObj, mask.nativeObj, dtype ); } |
ret_type = fi.ctype |
if fi.ctype.endswith('*'): |
ret_type = ret_type[:-1] |
ret_val = self.fullTypeName(fi.ctype) + " retVal = " |
ret = "return retVal;" |
tail = "" |
constructor = False |
if "v_type" in type_dict[ret_type]: |
objc_type = type_dict[ret_type]["objc_type"] |
vector_type = type_dict[ret_type]["v_type"] |
full_cpp_type = (self.get_namespace_prefix(vector_type) if (vector_type.find("::") == -1) else "") + vector_type |
prologue.append("NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">* retVal = [NSMutableArray new];") |
ret_val = "std::vector<" + full_cpp_type + "> retValVector = " |
self.build_cv2objc_epilogue(epilogue, vector_type, full_cpp_type, objc_type, "retValVector", "retVal") |
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[ret_type]: |
objc_type = type_dict[ret_type]["objc_type"] |
cpp_type = type_dict[ret_type]["v_v_type"] |
if cpp_type.find("::") == -1: |
cpp_type = self.get_namespace_prefix(cpp_type) + cpp_type |
prologue.append("NSMutableArray<NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">*>* retVal = [NSMutableArray new];") |
ret_val = "std::vector< std::vector<" + cpp_type + "> > retValVector = " |
epilogue.append("CV2OBJC2(" + cpp_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", retValVector, retVal);") |
elif ret_type.startswith("Ptr_"): |
cpp_type = type_dict[ret_type]["c_type"] |
real_cpp_type = type_dict[ret_type].get("real_c_type", cpp_type) |
namespace_prefix = self.get_namespace_prefix(cpp_type) |
ret_val = "cv::Ptr<" + namespace_prefix + real_cpp_type + "> retVal = " |
ret = "return [" + type_dict[ret_type]["objc_type"][:-1] + " fromNative:retVal];" |
elif ret_type == "void": |
ret_val = "" |
ret = "" |
elif ret_type == "": # c-tor |
constructor = True |
ret_val = "return [self initWithNativePtr:cv::Ptr<" + fi.fullClass(isCPP=True) + ">(new " |
tail = ")]" |
ret = "" |
elif self.isWrapped(ret_type): # wrapped class |
namespace_prefix = self.get_namespace_prefix(ret_type) |
ret_val = "cv::Ptr<" + namespace_prefix + ret_type + "> retVal = new " + namespace_prefix + ret_type + "(" |
tail = ")" |
ret_type_dict = type_dict[ret_type] |
from_cpp = ret_type_dict["from_cpp_ptr"] if "from_cpp_ptr" in ret_type_dict else ret_type_dict["from_cpp"] |
ret = "return " + (from_cpp % { "n" : "retVal" }) + ";" |
elif "from_cpp" in type_dict[ret_type]: |
ret = "return " + (type_dict[ret_type]["from_cpp"] % { "n" : "retVal" }) + ";" |
static = fi.static if fi.classname else True |
objc_ret_type = type_dict[fi.ctype]["objc_type"] if type_dict[fi.ctype]["objc_type"] else "void" if not constructor else "instancetype" |
if "v_type" in type_dict[ret_type]: |
objc_ret_type = "NSArray<" + objc_ret_type + ">*" |
elif "v_v_type" in type_dict[ret_type]: |
objc_ret_type = "NSArray<NSArray<" + objc_ret_type + ">*>*" |
prototype = Template("$static ($objc_ret_type)$objc_name$objc_args").substitute( |
static = "+" if static else "-", |
objc_ret_type = objc_ret_type, |
objc_args = " ".join(objc_args), |
objc_name = fi.objc_name if not constructor else ("init" + ("With" + (args[0].name[0].upper() + args[0].name[1:]) if len(args) > 0 else "")) |
) |
if fi.prolog is not None: |
method_declarations.write("\n%s\n\n" % fi.prolog) |
method_declarations.write( Template( |
"""$prototype$swift_name$deprecation_decl; |
""" |
).substitute( |
prototype = prototype, |
swift_name = " NS_SWIFT_NAME(" + fi.swift_name + "(" + build_swift_signature(args) + "))" if not constructor else "", |
deprecation_decl = " DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE" if fi.deprecated else "" |
) |
) |
if fi.epilog is not None: |
method_declarations.write("%s\n\n" % fi.epilog) |
method_implementations.write( Template( |
"""$prototype {$prologue |
$ret_val$obj_deref$cv_name($cv_args)$tail;$epilogue$ret |
} |
""" |
).substitute( |
prototype = prototype, |
ret = "\n " + ret if ret else "", |
ret_val = ret_val, |
prologue = "\n " + "\n ".join(prologue) if prologue else "", |
epilogue = "\n " + "\n ".join(epilogue) if epilogue else "", |
static = "+" if static else "-", |
obj_deref = ("self." + ci.native_ptr_name + "->") if not static and not constructor else "", |
cv_name = fi.cv_name if static else fi.fullClass(isCPP=True) if constructor else, |
cv_args = ", ".join(cv_args), |
tail = tail |
) |
) |
if swift_ext: |
prototype = build_swift_extension_decl(fi.swift_name, args, constructor, static, ret_type) |
if not (, prototype) in extension_signatures and not (ci.base, prototype) in extension_signatures: |
(pro, epi) = build_swift_logues(args) |
extension_implementations.write( Template( |
"""public extension $classname { |
$deprecation_decl$prototype { |
$prologue |
$unrefined_call$epilogue$ret |
} |
} |
""" |
).substitute( |
classname = make_objcname(, |
deprecation_decl = "@available(*, deprecated)\n " if fi.deprecated else "", |
prototype = prototype, |
prologue = " " + "\n ".join(pro), |
unrefined_call = " " + build_unrefined_call(fi.swift_name, args, constructor, static,, ret_type is not None and ret_type != "void"), |
epilogue = "\n " + "\n ".join(epi) if len(epi) > 0 else "", |
ret = "\n return ret" if ret_type is not None and ret_type != "void" and not constructor else "" |
) |
) |
extension_signatures.append((, prototype)) |
# adding method signature to dictionary |
objc_signatures.append(objc_signature) |
# processing args with default values |
if args and args[-1].defval: |
args.pop() |
else: |
break |
def gen_class(self, ci, module, extension_implementations, extension_signatures): |
|"%s", ci) |
additional_imports = [] |
if module in AdditionalImports: |
if "*" in AdditionalImports[module]: |
additional_imports += AdditionalImports[module]["*"] |
if in AdditionalImports[module]: |
additional_imports += AdditionalImports[module][] |
if hasattr(ci, 'header_import'): |
h = '"{}"'.format(ci.header_import) |
if not h in additional_imports: |
additional_imports.append(h) |
h = '"{}.hpp"'.format(module) |
if h in additional_imports: |
additional_imports.remove(h) |
h = '"opencv2/{}.hpp"'.format(module) |
if not h in additional_imports: |
additional_imports.insert(0, h) |
if additional_imports: |
ci.additionalImports.write('\n'.join(['#import %s' % make_objcname(h) for h in additional_imports])) |
# constants |
wrote_consts_pragma = False |
consts_map = { c for c in ci.private_consts} |
consts_map.update({ c for c in ci.consts}) |
def const_value(v): |
if v in consts_map: |
target = consts_map[v] |
assert target.value != v |
return const_value(target.value) |
return v |
if ci.consts: |
enumTypes = set([c.enumType for c in ci.consts]) |
grouped_consts = {enumType: [c for c in ci.consts if c.enumType == enumType] for enumType in enumTypes} |
for typeName in sorted(grouped_consts.keys(), key=lambda x: str(x) if x is not None else ""): |
consts = grouped_consts[typeName] |
|"%s", consts) |
if typeName: |
typeNameShort = typeName.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] |
if ci.cname in enum_fix: |
typeNameShort = enum_fix[ci.cname].get(typeNameShort, typeNameShort) |
ci.enum_declarations.write(""" |
// C++: enum {1} ({2}) |
typedef NS_ENUM(int, {1}) {{ |
{0}\n}};\n\n""".format( |
",\n ".join(["%s = %s" % ( + (" NS_SWIFT_NAME(" + c.swift_name + ")" if c.swift_name else ""), c.value) for c in consts]), |
typeNameShort, typeName) |
) |
else: |
if not wrote_consts_pragma: |
ci.method_declarations.write("#pragma mark - Class Constants\n\n") |
wrote_consts_pragma = True |
ci.method_declarations.write(""" |
{0}\n\n""".format("\n".join(["@property (class, readonly) int %s NS_SWIFT_NAME(%s);" % (, for c in consts])) |
) |
declared_consts = [] |
match_alphabet = re.compile("[a-zA-Z]") |
for c in consts: |
value = str(c.value) |
if |
for declared_const in sorted(declared_consts, key=len, reverse=True): |
regex = re.compile("(?<!" + ci.cname + ".)" + declared_const) |
value = regex.sub(ci.cname + "." + declared_const, value) |
ci.method_implementations.write("+ (int)%s {\n return %s;\n}\n\n" % (, value)) |
declared_consts.append( |
ci.method_declarations.write("#pragma mark - Methods\n\n") |
# methods |
for fi in ci.getAllMethods(): |
self.gen_func(ci, fi, extension_implementations, extension_signatures) |
# props |
for pi in ci.props: |
ci.method_declarations.write("\n //\n // C++: %s %s::%s\n //\n\n" % (pi.ctype, ci.fullName(isCPP=True), |
type_data = type_dict[pi.ctype] if pi.ctype != "uchar" else {"objc_type" : "unsigned char", "is_primitive" : True} |
objc_type = type_data.get("objc_type", pi.ctype) |
ci.addImports(pi.ctype, False) |
ci.method_declarations.write("@property " + ("(readonly) " if not else "") + objc_type + " " + + ";\n") |
ptr_ref = "self." + ci.native_ptr_name + "->" if not ci.is_base_class else "self.nativePtr->" |
if "v_type" in type_data: |
vector_cpp_type = type_data["v_type"] |
has_namespace = vector_cpp_type.find("::") != -1 |
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type) if not has_namespace else vector_cpp_type |
ret_val = "std::vector<" + vector_full_cpp_type + "> retValVector = " |
ci.method_implementations.write("-(NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*)" + + " {\n") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\tNSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">* retVal = [NSMutableArray new];\n") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ret_val + ptr_ref + + ";\n") |
epilogue = [] |
self.build_cv2objc_epilogue(epilogue, vector_cpp_type, vector_full_cpp_type, objc_type, "retValVector", "retVal") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ("\n\t".join(epilogue)) + "\n") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\treturn retVal;\n}\n\n") |
elif "v_v_type" in type_data: |
vector_cpp_type = type_data["v_v_type"] |
has_namespace = vector_cpp_type.find("::") != -1 |
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type) if not has_namespace else vector_cpp_type |
ret_val = "std::vector<std::vector<" + vector_full_cpp_type + ">> retValVectorVector = " |
ci.method_implementations.write("-(NSArray<NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*>*)" + + " {\n") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\tNSMutableArray<NSMutableArray<" + objc_type + ">*>* retVal = [NSMutableArray new];\n") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ret_val + ptr_ref + + ";\n") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\tCV2OBJC2(" + vector_full_cpp_type + ", " + objc_type[:-1] + ", retValVectorVector, retVal);\n") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\treturn retVal;\n}\n\n") |
elif self.isWrapped(pi.ctype): # wrapped class |
namespace_prefix = self.get_namespace_prefix(pi.ctype) |
ci.method_implementations.write("-(" + objc_type + ")" + + " {\n") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\tcv::Ptr<" + namespace_prefix + pi.ctype + "> retVal = new " + namespace_prefix + pi.ctype + "(" + ptr_ref + + ");\n") |
from_cpp = type_data["from_cpp_ptr"] if "from_cpp_ptr" in type_data else type_data["from_cpp"] |
ci.method_implementations.write("\treturn " + (from_cpp % {"n": "retVal"}) + ";\n}\n\n") |
else: |
from_cpp = type_data.get("from_cpp", "%(n)s") |
retVal = from_cpp % {"n": (ptr_ref +} |
ci.method_implementations.write("-(" + objc_type + ")" + + " {\n\treturn " + retVal + ";\n}\n\n") |
if |
if "v_type" in type_data: |
vector_cpp_type = type_data["v_type"] |
has_namespace = vector_cpp_type.find("::") != -1 |
vector_full_cpp_type = self.fullTypeName(vector_cpp_type) if not has_namespace else vector_cpp_type |
ci.method_implementations.write("-(void)set" +[0].upper() +[1:] + ":(NSArray<" + objc_type + ">*)" + + "{\n") |
prologue = [] |
self.build_objc2cv_prologue(prologue, vector_cpp_type, vector_full_cpp_type, objc_type, "valVector", |
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ("\n\t".join(prologue)) + "\n") |
ci.method_implementations.write("\t" + ptr_ref + + " = valVector;\n}\n\n") |
else: |
to_cpp = type_data.get("to_cpp", ("(" + type_data.get("cast_to") + ")%(n)s") if "cast_to" in type_data else "%(n)s") |
val = to_cpp % {"n":} |
ci.method_implementations.write("-(void)set" +[0].upper() +[1:] + ":(" + objc_type + ")" + + " {\n\t" + ptr_ref + + " = " + val + ";\n}\n\n") |
# manual ports |
if in ManualFuncs: |
for func in sorted(ManualFuncs[].keys()): |
|"manual function: %s", func) |
fn = ManualFuncs[][func] |
ci.method_declarations.write( "\n".join(fn["declaration"]) ) |
ci.method_implementations.write( "\n".join(fn["implementation"]) ) |
def getClass(self, classname): |
return self.classes[classname or self.Module] |
def isWrapped(self, classname): |
name = classname or self.Module |
return name in self.classes |
def isSmartClass(self, ci): |
''' |
Check if class stores Ptr<T>* instead of T* in nativeObj field |
''' |
if != None: |
return |
# if parents are smart (we hope) then children are! |
# if not we believe the class is smart if it has "create" method |
| = False |
if ci.base or == 'Algorithm': |
| = True |
else: |
for fi in ci.methods: |
if == "create": |
| = True |
break |
return |
def smartWrap(self, ci, fullname): |
''' |
Wraps fullname with Ptr<> if needed |
''' |
if self.isSmartClass(ci): |
return "Ptr<" + fullname + ">" |
return fullname |
def finalize(self, objc_target, output_objc_path, output_objc_build_path): |
opencv_header_file = os.path.join(output_objc_path, framework_name + ".h") |
opencv_header = "#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>\n\n" |
opencv_header += "// ! Project version number\nFOUNDATION_EXPORT double " + framework_name + "VersionNumber;\n\n" |
opencv_header += "// ! Project version string\nFOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char " + framework_name + "VersionString[];\n\n" |
opencv_header += "\n".join(["#define AVAILABLE_" + m['name'].upper() for m in config['modules']]) |
opencv_header += "\n\n" |
opencv_header += "\n".join(["#import <" + framework_name + "/%s>" % os.path.basename(f) for f in self.header_files]) |
|, opencv_header) |
opencv_modulemap_file = os.path.join(output_objc_path, framework_name + ".modulemap") |
opencv_modulemap = "framework module " + framework_name + " {\n" |
opencv_modulemap += " umbrella header \"" + framework_name + ".h\"\n" |
opencv_modulemap += "\n".join([" header \"%s\"" % os.path.basename(f) for f in self.header_files]) |
opencv_modulemap += "\n export *\n module * {export *}\n}\n" |
|, opencv_modulemap) |
available_modules = " ".join(["-DAVAILABLE_" + m['name'].upper() for m in config['modules']]) |
cmakelist_template = read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/cmakelists.template')) |
cmakelist = Template(cmakelist_template).substitute(modules = ";".join(modules), framework = framework_name, objc_target=objc_target, module_availability_defines=available_modules) |
|, "CMakeLists.txt"), cmakelist) |
mkdir_p(os.path.join(output_objc_build_path, "framework_build")) |
mkdir_p(os.path.join(output_objc_build_path, "test_build")) |
mkdir_p(os.path.join(output_objc_build_path, "doc_build")) |
with open(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../doc/')) as readme_in: |
readme_body = |
readme_body += "\n\n\n##Modules\n\n" + ", ".join(["`" + m.capitalize() + "`" for m in modules]) |
with open(os.path.join(output_objc_build_path, "doc_build/"), "w") as readme_out: |
readme_out.write(readme_body) |
if framework_name != "OpenCV": |
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(testdir, "test")): |
if dirname.endswith('/resources'): |
continue # don't touch resource binary files |
for filename in files: |
filepath = os.path.join(dirname, filename) |
with, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as file: |
body = |
body = body.replace("import OpenCV", "import " + framework_name) |
body = body.replace("#import <OpenCV/OpenCV.h>", "#import <" + framework_name + "/" + framework_name + ".h>") |
with, "w", "utf-8") as file: |
file.write(body) |
def copy_objc_files(objc_files_dir, objc_base_path, module_path, include = False): |
global total_files, updated_files |
objc_files = [] |
re_filter = re.compile(r'^.+\.(h|m|mm|swift)$') |
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(objc_files_dir): |
objc_files += [os.path.join(root, filename) for filename in filenames if re_filter.match(filename)] |
objc_files = [f.replace('\\', '/') for f in objc_files] |
re_prefix = re.compile(r'^.+/(.+)\.(h|m|mm|swift)$') |
for objc_file in objc_files: |
src = objc_file |
m = re_prefix.match(objc_file) |
target_fname = ( + '.' + if m else os.path.basename(objc_file) |
dest = os.path.join(objc_base_path, os.path.join(module_path, target_fname)) |
mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(dest)) |
total_files += 1 |
if include and == 'h': |
generator.header_files.append(dest) |
if (not os.path.exists(dest)) or (os.stat(src).st_mtime - os.stat(dest).st_mtime > 1): |
copyfile(src, dest) |
updated_files += 1 |
return objc_files |
def unescape(str): |
return str.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace("&", "&") |
def escape_underscore(str): |
return str.replace('_', '\\_') |
def escape_texttt(str): |
return re.sub(re.compile('texttt{(.*?)\}', re.DOTALL), lambda x: 'texttt{' + escape_underscore( + '}', str) |
def get_macros(tex): |
out = "" |
if"\\\\fork\s*{", tex): |
out += "\\newcommand{\\fork}[4]{ \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{l l} #1 & \\text{#2}\\\\\\\\ #3 & \\text{#4}\\\\\\\\ \\end{array} \\right.} " |
if"\\\\vecthreethree\s*{", tex): |
out += "\\newcommand{\\vecthreethree}[9]{ \\begin{bmatrix} #1 & #2 & #3\\\\\\\\ #4 & #5 & #6\\\\\\\\ #7 & #8 & #9 \\end{bmatrix} } " |
return out |
def fix_tex(tex): |
macros = get_macros(tex) |
fix_escaping = escape_texttt(unescape(tex)) |
return macros + fix_escaping |
def sanitize_documentation_string(doc, type): |
if type == "class": |
doc = doc.replace("@param ", "") |
doc = re.sub(re.compile('`\\$\\$(.*?)\\$\\$`', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$' + fix_tex( + '$$`', doc) |
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\{align\\*\\}\\{?(.*?)\\\\f\\}', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$\\begin{aligned} ' + fix_tex( + ' \\end{aligned}$$`', doc) |
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\{equation\\*\\}\\{(.*?)\\\\f\\}', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$\\begin{aligned} ' + fix_tex( + ' \\end{aligned}$$`', doc) |
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\$(.*?)\\\\f\\$', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$' + fix_tex( + '$$`', doc) |
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\[(.*?)\\\\f\\]', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$' + fix_tex( + '$$`', doc) |
doc = re.sub(re.compile('\\\\f\\{(.*?)\\\\f\\}', re.DOTALL), lambda x: '`$$' + fix_tex( + '$$`', doc) |
doc = doc.replace("@anchor", "") \ |
.replace("@brief ", "").replace("\\brief ", "") \ |
.replace("@cite", "CITE:") \ |
.replace("@code{.cpp}", "<code>") \ |
.replace("@code{.txt}", "<code>") \ |
.replace("@code", "<code>") \ |
.replace("@copydoc", "") \ |
.replace("@copybrief", "") \ |
.replace("@date", "") \ |
.replace("@defgroup", "") \ |
.replace("@details ", "") \ |
.replace("@endcode", "</code>") \ |
.replace("@endinternal", "") \ |
.replace("@file", "") \ |
.replace("@include", "INCLUDE:") \ |
.replace("@ingroup", "") \ |
.replace("@internal", "") \ |
.replace("@overload", "") \ |
.replace("@param[in]", "@param") \ |
.replace("@param[out]", "@param") \ |
.replace("@ref", "REF:") \ |
.replace("@note", "NOTE:") \ |
.replace("@returns", "@return") \ |
.replace("@sa ", "@see ") \ |
.replace("@snippet", "SNIPPET:") \ |
.replace("@todo", "TODO:") \ |
lines = doc.splitlines() |
in_code = False |
for i,line in enumerate(lines): |
if line.find("</code>") != -1: |
in_code = False |
lines[i] = line.replace("</code>", "") |
if in_code: |
lines[i] = unescape(line) |
if line.find("<code>") != -1: |
in_code = True |
lines[i] = line.replace("<code>", "") |
lines = list([x[x.find('*'):].strip() if x.lstrip().startswith("*") else x for x in lines]) |
lines = list(["* " + x[1:].strip() if x.startswith("*") and x != "*" else x for x in lines]) |
lines = list([x if x.startswith("*") else "* " + x if x and x != "*" else "*" for x in lines]) |
hasValues = False |
for line in lines: |
if line != "*": |
hasValues = True |
break |
return "/**\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n */" if hasValues else "" |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
# initialize logger |
logging.basicConfig(filename='gen_objc.log', format=None, filemode='w', level=logging.INFO) |
handler = logging.StreamHandler() |
handler.setLevel(os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL', logging.WARNING)) |
logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler) |
# parse command line parameters |
import argparse |
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='OpenCV Objective-C Wrapper Generator') |
arg_parser.add_argument('-p', '--parser', required=True, help='OpenCV header parser') |
arg_parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', required=True, help='OpenCV modules config') |
arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', required=True, help='Target (either ios or osx)') |
arg_parser.add_argument('-f', '--framework', required=True, help='Framework name') |
args=arg_parser.parse_args() |
# import header parser |
hdr_parser_path = os.path.abspath(args.parser) |
if hdr_parser_path.endswith(".py"): |
hdr_parser_path = os.path.dirname(hdr_parser_path) |
sys.path.append(hdr_parser_path) |
import hdr_parser |
with open(args.config) as f: |
config = json.load(f) |
ROOT_DIR = config['rootdir']; assert os.path.exists(ROOT_DIR) |
if 'objc_build_dir' in config: |
objc_build_dir = config['objc_build_dir'] |
assert os.path.exists(objc_build_dir), objc_build_dir |
else: |
objc_build_dir = os.getcwd() |
dstdir = "./gen" |
testdir = "./test" |
objc_base_path = os.path.join(dstdir, 'objc'); mkdir_p(objc_base_path) |
objc_test_base_path = testdir; mkdir_p(objc_test_base_path) |
copy_objc_files(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../test/test'), objc_test_base_path, 'test', False) |
copy_objc_files(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../test/dummy'), objc_test_base_path, 'dummy', False) |
copyfile(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../test/cmakelists.template'), os.path.join(objc_test_base_path, 'CMakeLists.txt')) |
# launch Objective-C Wrapper generator |
generator = ObjectiveCWrapperGenerator() |
gen_dict_files = [] |
framework_name = args.framework |
print("Objective-C: Processing OpenCV modules: %d" % len(config['modules'])) |
for e in config['modules']: |
(module, module_location) = (e['name'], os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, e['location'])) |
|"\n=== MODULE: %s (%s) ===\n" % (module, module_location)) |
modules.append(module) |
module_imports = [] |
srcfiles = [] |
common_headers = [] |
misc_location = os.path.join(module_location, 'misc/objc') |
srcfiles_fname = os.path.join(misc_location, 'filelist') |
if os.path.exists(srcfiles_fname): |
with open(srcfiles_fname) as f: |
srcfiles = [os.path.join(module_location, str(l).strip()) for l in f.readlines() if str(l).strip()] |
else: |
re_bad = re.compile(r'(private|.inl.hpp$|_inl.hpp$|.detail.hpp$|.details.hpp$|_winrt.hpp$|/cuda/|/legacy/)') |
# .h files before .hpp |
h_files = [] |
hpp_files = [] |
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(module_location, 'include')): |
h_files += [os.path.join(root, filename) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.h')] |
hpp_files += [os.path.join(root, filename) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.hpp')] |
srcfiles = h_files + hpp_files |
srcfiles = [f for f in srcfiles if not'\\', '/'))] |
|"\nFiles (%d):\n%s", len(srcfiles), pformat(srcfiles)) |
common_headers_fname = os.path.join(misc_location, 'filelist_common') |
if os.path.exists(common_headers_fname): |
with open(common_headers_fname) as f: |
common_headers = [os.path.join(module_location, str(l).strip()) for l in f.readlines() if str(l).strip()] |
|"\nCommon headers (%d):\n%s", len(common_headers), pformat(common_headers)) |
gendict_fname = os.path.join(misc_location, 'gen_dict.json') |
if os.path.exists(gendict_fname): |
with open(gendict_fname) as f: |
gen_type_dict = json.load(f) |
namespace_ignore_list = gen_type_dict.get("namespace_ignore_list", []) |
class_ignore_list += gen_type_dict.get("class_ignore_list", []) |
enum_ignore_list += gen_type_dict.get("enum_ignore_list", []) |
const_ignore_list += gen_type_dict.get("const_ignore_list", []) |
const_private_list += gen_type_dict.get("const_private_list", []) |
missing_consts.update(gen_type_dict.get("missing_consts", {})) |
type_dict.update(gen_type_dict.get("type_dict", {})) |
AdditionalImports[module] = gen_type_dict.get("AdditionalImports", {}) |
ManualFuncs.update(gen_type_dict.get("ManualFuncs", {})) |
func_arg_fix.update(gen_type_dict.get("func_arg_fix", {})) |
header_fix.update(gen_type_dict.get("header_fix", {})) |
enum_fix.update(gen_type_dict.get("enum_fix", {})) |
const_fix.update(gen_type_dict.get("const_fix", {})) |
namespaces_dict.update(gen_type_dict.get("namespaces_dict", {})) |
module_imports += gen_type_dict.get("module_imports", []) |
objc_files_dir = os.path.join(misc_location, 'common') |
copied_files = [] |
if os.path.exists(objc_files_dir): |
copied_files += copy_objc_files(objc_files_dir, objc_base_path, module, True) |
if == 'ios': |
ios_files_dir = os.path.join(misc_location, 'ios') |
if os.path.exists(ios_files_dir): |
copied_files += copy_objc_files(ios_files_dir, objc_base_path, module, True) |
if == 'osx': |
osx_files_dir = os.path.join(misc_location, 'macosx') |
if os.path.exists(osx_files_dir): |
copied_files += copy_objc_files(osx_files_dir, objc_base_path, module, True) |
objc_test_files_dir = os.path.join(misc_location, 'test') |
if os.path.exists(objc_test_files_dir): |
copy_objc_files(objc_test_files_dir, objc_test_base_path, 'test', False) |
objc_test_resources_dir = os.path.join(objc_test_files_dir, 'resources') |
if os.path.exists(objc_test_resources_dir): |
copy_tree(objc_test_resources_dir, os.path.join(objc_test_base_path, 'test', 'resources')) |
manual_classes = [x for x in [x[x.rfind('/')+1:-2] for x in [x for x in copied_files if x.endswith('.h')]] if x in type_dict] |
if len(srcfiles) > 0: |
generator.gen(srcfiles, module, dstdir, objc_base_path, common_headers, manual_classes) |
else: |
|"No generated code for module: %s", module) |
generator.finalize(, objc_base_path, objc_build_dir) |
print('Generated files: %d (updated %d)' % (total_files, updated_files))