Open Source Computer Vision Library
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38 KiB

#include "precomp.hpp"
# include <sys/time.h>
using namespace perf;
int64 TestBase::timeLimitDefault = 0;
unsigned int TestBase::iterationsLimitDefault = (unsigned int)(-1);
int64 TestBase::_timeadjustment = 0;
const char *command_line_keys =
"{ |perf_max_outliers |8 |percent of allowed outliers}"
"{ |perf_min_samples |10 |minimal required numer of samples}"
"{ |perf_force_samples |100 |force set maximum number of samples for all tests}"
"{ |perf_seed |809564 |seed for random numbers generator}"
"{ |perf_tbb_nthreads |-1 |if TBB is enabled, the number of TBB threads}"
"{ |perf_write_sanity |false |allow to create new records for sanity checks}"
"{ |perf_time_limit |6.0 |default time limit for a single test (in seconds)}"
"{ |perf_affinity_mask |0 |set affinity mask for the main thread}"
"{ |perf_log_power_checkpoints |false |additional xml logging for power measurement}"
"{ |perf_time_limit |3.0 |default time limit for a single test (in seconds)}"
"{ |perf_max_deviation |1.0 |}"
"{h |help |false |}"
static double param_max_outliers;
static double param_max_deviation;
static unsigned int param_min_samples;
static unsigned int param_force_samples;
static uint64 param_seed;
static double param_time_limit;
static int param_tbb_nthreads;
static bool param_write_sanity;
static int param_affinity_mask;
static bool log_power_checkpoints;
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <pthread.h>
static void setCurrentThreadAffinityMask(int mask)
pid_t pid=gettid();
int syscallres=syscall(__NR_sched_setaffinity, pid, sizeof(mask), &mask);
if (syscallres)
int err=errno;
err=err;//to avoid warnings about unused variables
LOGE("Error in the syscall setaffinity: mask=%d=0x%x err=%d=0x%x", mask, mask, err, err);
void randu(cv::Mat& m)
const int bigValue = 0x00000FFF;
if (m.depth() < CV_32F)
int minmax[] = {0, 256};
cv::Mat mr = cv::Mat(m.rows, (int)(m.cols * m.elemSize()), CV_8U, m.ptr(), m.step[0]);
cv::randu(mr, cv::Mat(1, 1, CV_32S, minmax), cv::Mat(1, 1, CV_32S, minmax + 1));
else if (m.depth() == CV_32F)
//float minmax[] = {-FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX};
float minmax[] = {-bigValue, bigValue};
cv::Mat mr = m.reshape(1);
cv::randu(mr, cv::Mat(1, 1, CV_32F, minmax), cv::Mat(1, 1, CV_32F, minmax + 1));
//double minmax[] = {-DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX};
double minmax[] = {-bigValue, bigValue};
cv::Mat mr = m.reshape(1);
cv::randu(mr, cv::Mat(1, 1, CV_64F, minmax), cv::Mat(1, 1, CV_64F, minmax + 1));
* inner exception class for early termination
class PerfEarlyExitException: public cv::Exception {};
* ::perf::Regression
Regression& Regression::instance()
static Regression single;
return single;
Regression& Regression::add(const std::string& name, cv::InputArray array, double eps, ERROR_TYPE err)
return instance()(name, array, eps, err);
void Regression::Init(const std::string& testSuitName, const std::string& ext)
instance().init(testSuitName, ext);
void Regression::init(const std::string& testSuitName, const std::string& ext)
if (!storageInPath.empty())
LOGE("Subsequent initialisation of Regression utility is not allowed.");
const char *data_path_dir = getenv("OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH");
const char *path_separator = "/";
if (data_path_dir)
int len = (int)strlen(data_path_dir)-1;
if (len < 0) len = 0;
std::string path_base = (data_path_dir[0] == 0 ? std::string(".") : std::string(data_path_dir))
+ (data_path_dir[len] == '/' || data_path_dir[len] == '\\' ? "" : path_separator)
+ "perf"
+ path_separator;
storageInPath = path_base + testSuitName + ext;
storageOutPath = path_base + testSuitName;
storageInPath = testSuitName + ext;
storageOutPath = testSuitName;
if (, cv::FileStorage::READ))
rootIn = storageIn.root();
if (storageInPath.length() > 3 && storageInPath.substr(storageInPath.length()-3) == ".gz")
storageOutPath += "_new";
storageOutPath += ext;
catch(cv::Exception& ex)
LOGE("Failed to open sanity data for reading: %s", storageInPath.c_str());
storageOutPath = storageInPath;
Regression::Regression() : regRNG(cv::getTickCount())//this rng should be really random
if (storageIn.isOpened())
if (storageOut.isOpened())
if (!currentTestNodeName.empty())
storageOut << "}";
cv::FileStorage& Regression::write()
if (!storageOut.isOpened() && !storageOutPath.empty())
int mode = (storageIn.isOpened() && storageInPath == storageOutPath)
? cv::FileStorage::APPEND : cv::FileStorage::WRITE;, mode);
if (!storageOut.isOpened())
LOGE("Could not open \"%s\" file for writing", storageOutPath.c_str());
else if (mode == cv::FileStorage::WRITE && !rootIn.empty())
//TODO: write content of rootIn node into the storageOut
return storageOut;
std::string Regression::getCurrentTestNodeName()
const ::testing::TestInfo* const test_info =
if (test_info == 0)
return "undefined";
std::string nodename = std::string(test_info->test_case_name()) + "--" + test_info->name();
size_t idx = nodename.find_first_of('/');
if (idx != std::string::npos)
const char* type_param = test_info->type_param();
if (type_param != 0)
(nodename += "--") += type_param;
const char* value_param = test_info->value_param();
if (value_param != 0)
(nodename += "--") += value_param;
for(size_t i = 0; i < nodename.length(); ++i)
if (!isalnum(nodename[i]) && '_' != nodename[i])
nodename[i] = '-';
return nodename;
bool Regression::isVector(cv::InputArray a)
return a.kind() == cv::_InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT || a.kind() == cv::_InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR;
double Regression::getElem(cv::Mat& m, int y, int x, int cn)
switch (m.depth())
case CV_8U: return *(m.ptr<unsigned char>(y, x) + cn);
case CV_8S: return *(m.ptr<signed char>(y, x) + cn);
case CV_16U: return *(m.ptr<unsigned short>(y, x) + cn);
case CV_16S: return *(m.ptr<signed short>(y, x) + cn);
case CV_32S: return *(m.ptr<signed int>(y, x) + cn);
case CV_32F: return *(m.ptr<float>(y, x) + cn);
case CV_64F: return *(m.ptr<double>(y, x) + cn);
default: return 0;
void Regression::write(cv::Mat m)
double min, max;
cv::minMaxLoc(m, &min, &max);
write() << "min" << min << "max" << max;
write() << "last" << "{" << "x" << m.cols-1 << "y" << m.rows-1
<< "val" << getElem(m, m.rows-1, m.cols-1, m.channels()-1) << "}";
int x, y, cn;
x = regRNG.uniform(0, m.cols);
y = regRNG.uniform(0, m.rows);
cn = regRNG.uniform(0, m.channels());
write() << "rng1" << "{" << "x" << x << "y" << y;
if(cn > 0) write() << "cn" << cn;
write() << "val" << getElem(m, y, x, cn) << "}";
x = regRNG.uniform(0, m.cols);
y = regRNG.uniform(0, m.rows);
cn = regRNG.uniform(0, m.channels());
write() << "rng2" << "{" << "x" << x << "y" << y;
if (cn > 0) write() << "cn" << cn;
write() << "val" << getElem(m, y, x, cn) << "}";
static double evalEps(double expected, double actual, double _eps, ERROR_TYPE err)
if (err == ERROR_ABSOLUTE)
return _eps;
else if (err == ERROR_RELATIVE)
return std::max(std::abs(expected), std::abs(actual)) * err;
return 0;
void Regression::verify(cv::FileNode node, cv::Mat actual, double _eps, std::string argname, ERROR_TYPE err)
double actual_min, actual_max;
cv::minMaxLoc(actual, &actual_min, &actual_max);
double eps = evalEps((double)node["min"], actual_min, _eps, err);
ASSERT_NEAR((double)node["min"], actual_min, eps)
<< " " << argname << " has unexpected minimal value";
eps = evalEps((double)node["max"], actual_max, _eps, err);
ASSERT_NEAR((double)node["max"], actual_max, eps)
<< " " << argname << " has unexpected maximal value";
cv::FileNode last = node["last"];
double actualLast = getElem(actual, actual.rows - 1, actual.cols - 1, actual.channels() - 1);
ASSERT_EQ((int)last["x"], actual.cols - 1)
<< " " << argname << " has unexpected number of columns";
ASSERT_EQ((int)last["y"], actual.rows - 1)
<< " " << argname << " has unexpected number of rows";
eps = evalEps((double)last["val"], actualLast, _eps, err);
ASSERT_NEAR((double)last["val"], actualLast, eps)
<< " " << argname << " has unexpected value of last element";
cv::FileNode rng1 = node["rng1"];
int x1 = rng1["x"];
int y1 = rng1["y"];
int cn1 = rng1["cn"];
eps = evalEps((double)rng1["val"], getElem(actual, y1, x1, cn1), _eps, err);
ASSERT_NEAR((double)rng1["val"], getElem(actual, y1, x1, cn1), eps)
<< " " << argname << " has unexpected value of ["<< x1 << ":" << y1 << ":" << cn1 <<"] element";
cv::FileNode rng2 = node["rng2"];
int x2 = rng2["x"];
int y2 = rng2["y"];
int cn2 = rng2["cn"];
eps = evalEps((double)rng2["val"], getElem(actual, y2, x2, cn2), _eps, err);
ASSERT_NEAR((double)rng2["val"], getElem(actual, y2, x2, cn2), eps)
<< " " << argname << " has unexpected value of ["<< x2 << ":" << y2 << ":" << cn2 <<"] element";
void Regression::write(cv::InputArray array)
write() << "kind" << array.kind();
write() << "type" << array.type();
if (isVector(array))
int total = (int);
int idx = regRNG.uniform(0, total);
write() << "len" << total;
write() << "idx" << idx;
cv::Mat m = array.getMat(idx);
if ( * m.channels() < 26) //5x5 or smaller
write() << "val" << m;
if ( * array.channels() < 26) //5x5 or smaller
write() << "val" << array.getMat();
static int countViolations(const cv::Mat& expected, const cv::Mat& actual, const cv::Mat& diff, double eps, double* max_violation = 0, double* max_allowed = 0)
cv::Mat diff64f;
diff.reshape(1).convertTo(diff64f, CV_64F);
cv::Mat expected_abs = cv::abs(expected.reshape(1));
cv::Mat actual_abs = cv::abs(actual.reshape(1));
cv::Mat maximum, mask;
cv::max(expected_abs, actual_abs, maximum);
cv::multiply(maximum, cv::Vec<double, 1>(eps), maximum, CV_64F);
cv::compare(diff64f, maximum, mask, cv::CMP_GT);
int v = cv::countNonZero(mask);
if (v > 0 && max_violation != 0 && max_allowed != 0)
int loc[10];
cv::minMaxIdx(maximum, 0, max_allowed, 0, loc, mask);
*max_violation =<double>(loc[1], loc[0]);
return v;
void Regression::verify(cv::FileNode node, cv::InputArray array, double eps, ERROR_TYPE err)
ASSERT_EQ((int)node["kind"], array.kind()) << " Argument \"" << << "\" has unexpected kind";
ASSERT_EQ((int)node["type"], array.type()) << " Argument \"" << << "\" has unexpected type";
cv::FileNode valnode = node["val"];
if (isVector(array))
ASSERT_EQ((int)node["len"], (int) << " Vector \"" << << "\" has unexpected length";
int idx = node["idx"];
cv::Mat actual = array.getMat(idx);
if (valnode.isNone())
ASSERT_LE((size_t)26, * (size_t)actual.channels())
<< " \"" << << "[" << idx << "]\" has unexpected number of elements";
verify(node, actual, eps, cv::format("%s[%d]",, idx), err);
cv::Mat expected;
valnode >> expected;
ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), actual.size())
<< " " << << "[" << idx<< "] has unexpected size";
cv::Mat diff;
cv::absdiff(expected, actual, diff);
if (err == ERROR_ABSOLUTE)
if (!cv::checkRange(diff, true, 0, 0, eps))
double max;
cv::minMaxLoc(diff.reshape(1), 0, &max);
FAIL() << " Absolute difference (=" << max << ") between argument \""
<< << "[" << idx << "]\" and expected value is bugger than " << eps;
else if (err == ERROR_RELATIVE)
double maxv, maxa;
int violations = countViolations(expected, actual, diff, eps, &maxv, &maxa);
if (violations > 0)
FAIL() << " Relative difference (" << maxv << " of " << maxa << " allowed) between argument \""
<< << "[" << idx << "]\" and expected value is bugger than " << eps << " in " << violations << " points";
if (valnode.isNone())
ASSERT_LE((size_t)26, * (size_t)array.channels())
<< " Argument \"" << << "\" has unexpected number of elements";
verify(node, array.getMat(), eps, "Argument " +, err);
cv::Mat expected;
valnode >> expected;
cv::Mat actual = array.getMat();
ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), actual.size())
<< " Argument \"" << << "\" has unexpected size";
cv::Mat diff;
cv::absdiff(expected, actual, diff);
if (err == ERROR_ABSOLUTE)
if (!cv::checkRange(diff, true, 0, 0, eps))
double max;
cv::minMaxLoc(diff.reshape(1), 0, &max);
FAIL() << " Difference (=" << max << ") between argument \"" <<
<< "\" and expected value is bugger than " << eps;
else if (err == ERROR_RELATIVE)
double maxv, maxa;
int violations = countViolations(expected, actual, diff, eps, &maxv, &maxa);
if (violations > 0)
FAIL() << " Relative difference (" << maxv << " of " << maxa << " allowed) between argument \"" <<
<< "\" and expected value is bugger than " << eps << " in " << violations << " points";
Regression& Regression::operator() (const std::string& name, cv::InputArray array, double eps, ERROR_TYPE err)
std::string nodename = getCurrentTestNodeName();
cv::FileNode n = rootIn[nodename];
if (nodename != currentTestNodeName)
if (!currentTestNodeName.empty())
write() << "}";
currentTestNodeName = nodename;
write() << nodename << "{";
write() << name << "{";
write() << "}";
cv::FileNode this_arg = n[name];
if (!this_arg.isMap())
ADD_FAILURE() << " No regression data for " << name << " argument";
verify(this_arg, array, eps, err);
return *this;
* ::perf::performance_metrics
bytesIn = 0;
bytesOut = 0;
samples = 0;
outliers = 0;
gmean = 0;
gstddev = 0;
mean = 0;
stddev = 0;
median = 0;
min = 0;
frequency = 0;
terminationReason = TERM_UNKNOWN;
* ::perf::TestBase
void TestBase::Init(int argc, const char* const argv[])
cv::CommandLineParser args(argc, argv, command_line_keys);
param_max_outliers = std::min(100., std::max(0., args.get<double>("perf_max_outliers")));
param_min_samples = std::max(1u, args.get<unsigned int>("perf_min_samples"));
param_max_deviation = std::max(0., args.get<double>("perf_max_deviation"));
param_seed = args.get<uint64>("perf_seed");
param_time_limit = std::max(0., args.get<double>("perf_time_limit"));
param_force_samples = args.get<unsigned int>("perf_force_samples");
param_write_sanity = args.get<bool>("perf_write_sanity");
param_tbb_nthreads = args.get<int>("perf_tbb_nthreads");
param_affinity_mask = args.get<int>("perf_affinity_mask");
log_power_checkpoints = args.get<bool>("perf_log_power_checkpoints");
if (args.get<bool>("help"))
timeLimitDefault = param_time_limit == 0.0 ? 1 : (int64)(param_time_limit * cv::getTickFrequency());
iterationsLimitDefault = param_force_samples == 0 ? (unsigned)(-1) : param_force_samples;
_timeadjustment = _calibrate();
int64 TestBase::_calibrate()
class _helper : public ::perf::TestBase
performance_metrics& getMetrics() { return calcMetrics(); }
virtual void TestBody() {}
virtual void PerfTestBody()
//the whole system warmup
cv::Mat a(2048, 2048, CV_32S, cv::Scalar(1));
cv::Mat b(2048, 2048, CV_32S, cv::Scalar(2));
double s = 0;
for(declare.iterations(20); startTimer(), next(); stopTimer());
//self calibration
for(declare.iterations(1000); startTimer(), next(); stopTimer()){}
_timeadjustment = 0;
_helper h;
double compensation = h.getMetrics().min;
LOGD("Time compensation is %.0f", compensation);
return (int64)compensation;
TestBase::TestBase(): declare(this)
void TestBase::declareArray(SizeVector& sizes, cv::InputOutputArray a, int wtype)
if (!a.empty())
sizes.push_back(std::pair<int, cv::Size>(getSizeInBytes(a), getSize(a)));
warmup(a, wtype);
else if (a.kind() != cv::_InputArray::NONE)
ADD_FAILURE() << " Uninitialized input/output parameters are not allowed for performance tests";
void TestBase::warmup(cv::InputOutputArray a, int wtype)
if (a.empty()) return;
if (a.kind() != cv::_InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT && a.kind() != cv::_InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR)
warmup_impl(a.getMat(), wtype);
size_t total =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < total; ++i)
warmup_impl(a.getMat((int)i), wtype);
int TestBase::getSizeInBytes(cv::InputArray a)
if (a.empty()) return 0;
int total = (int);
if (a.kind() != cv::_InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT && a.kind() != cv::_InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR)
return total * CV_ELEM_SIZE(a.type());
int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < total; ++i)
size += (int) * CV_ELEM_SIZE(a.type(i));
return size;
cv::Size TestBase::getSize(cv::InputArray a)
if (a.kind() != cv::_InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT && a.kind() != cv::_InputArray::STD_VECTOR_VECTOR)
return a.size();
return cv::Size();
bool TestBase::next()
bool has_next = ++currentIter < nIters && totalTime < timeLimit;
if (log_power_checkpoints)
timeval tim;
gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
unsigned long long t1 = tim.tv_sec * 1000LLU + (unsigned long long)(tim.tv_usec / 1000.f);
if (currentIter == 1) RecordProperty("test_start", cv::format("%llu",t1).c_str());
if (!has_next) RecordProperty("test_complete", cv::format("%llu",t1).c_str());
return has_next;
void TestBase::warmup_impl(cv::Mat m, int wtype)
unsigned int TestBase::getTotalInputSize() const
unsigned int res = 0;
for (SizeVector::const_iterator i = inputData.begin(); i != inputData.end(); ++i)
res += i->first;
return res;
unsigned int TestBase::getTotalOutputSize() const
unsigned int res = 0;
for (SizeVector::const_iterator i = outputData.begin(); i != outputData.end(); ++i)
res += i->first;
return res;
void TestBase::startTimer()
lastTime = cv::getTickCount();
void TestBase::stopTimer()
int64 time = cv::getTickCount();
if (lastTime == 0)
ADD_FAILURE() << " stopTimer() is called before startTimer()";
lastTime = time - lastTime;
totalTime += lastTime;
lastTime -= _timeadjustment;
if (lastTime < 0) lastTime = 0;
lastTime = 0;
performance_metrics& TestBase::calcMetrics()
if ((metrics.samples == (unsigned int)currentIter) || times.size() == 0)
return metrics;
metrics.bytesIn = getTotalInputSize();
metrics.bytesOut = getTotalOutputSize();
metrics.frequency = cv::getTickFrequency();
metrics.samples = (unsigned int)times.size();
metrics.outliers = 0;
if (metrics.terminationReason != performance_metrics::TERM_INTERRUPT && metrics.terminationReason != performance_metrics::TERM_EXCEPTION)
if (currentIter == nIters)
metrics.terminationReason = performance_metrics::TERM_ITERATIONS;
else if (totalTime >= timeLimit)
metrics.terminationReason = performance_metrics::TERM_TIME;
metrics.terminationReason = performance_metrics::TERM_UNKNOWN;
std::sort(times.begin(), times.end());
//estimate mean and stddev for log(time)
double gmean = 0;
double gstddev = 0;
int n = 0;
for(TimeVector::const_iterator i = times.begin(); i != times.end(); ++i)
double x = (double)*i;
if (x < DBL_EPSILON) continue;
double lx = log(x);
double delta = lx - gmean;
gmean += delta / n;
gstddev += delta * (lx - gmean);
gstddev = n > 1 ? sqrt(gstddev / (n - 1)) : 0;
TimeVector::const_iterator start = times.begin();
TimeVector::const_iterator end = times.end();
//filter outliers assuming log-normal distribution
int offset = 0;
if (gstddev > DBL_EPSILON)
double minout = exp(gmean - 3 * gstddev);
double maxout = exp(gmean + 3 * gstddev);
while(*start < minout) ++start, ++metrics.outliers, ++offset;
do --end, ++metrics.outliers; while(*end > maxout);
++end, --metrics.outliers;
metrics.min = (double)*start;
//calc final metrics
n = 0;
gmean = 0;
gstddev = 0;
double mean = 0;
double stddev = 0;
int m = 0;
for(; start != end; ++start)
double x = (double)*start;
if (x > DBL_EPSILON)
double lx = log(x);
double gdelta = lx - gmean;
gmean += gdelta / m;
gstddev += gdelta * (lx - gmean);
double delta = x - mean;
mean += delta / n;
stddev += delta * (x - mean);
metrics.mean = mean;
metrics.gmean = exp(gmean);
metrics.gstddev = m > 1 ? sqrt(gstddev / (m - 1)) : 0;
metrics.stddev = n > 1 ? sqrt(stddev / (n - 1)) : 0;
metrics.median = n % 2
? (double)times[offset + n / 2]
: 0.5 * (times[offset + n / 2] + times[offset + n / 2 - 1]);
return metrics;
void TestBase::validateMetrics()
performance_metrics& m = calcMetrics();
if (HasFailure()) return;
ASSERT_GE(m.samples, 1u)
<< " No time measurements was performed.\nstartTimer() and stopTimer() commands are required for performance tests.";
EXPECT_GE(m.samples, param_min_samples)
<< " Only a few samples are collected.\nPlease increase number of iterations or/and time limit to get reliable performance measurements.";
if (m.gstddev > DBL_EPSILON)
EXPECT_GT(/*m.gmean * */1., /*m.gmean * */ 2 * sinh(m.gstddev * param_max_deviation))
<< " Test results are not reliable ((mean-sigma,mean+sigma) deviation interval is bigger than measured time interval).";
EXPECT_LE(m.outliers, std::max((unsigned int)cvCeil(m.samples * param_max_outliers / 100.), 1u))
<< " Test results are not reliable (too many outliers).";
void TestBase::reportMetrics(bool toJUnitXML)
performance_metrics& m = calcMetrics();
if (toJUnitXML)
RecordProperty("bytesIn", (int)m.bytesIn);
RecordProperty("bytesOut", (int)m.bytesOut);
RecordProperty("term", m.terminationReason);
RecordProperty("samples", (int)m.samples);
RecordProperty("outliers", (int)m.outliers);
RecordProperty("frequency", cv::format("%.0f", m.frequency).c_str());
RecordProperty("min", cv::format("%.0f", m.min).c_str());
RecordProperty("median", cv::format("%.0f", m.median).c_str());
RecordProperty("gmean", cv::format("%.0f", m.gmean).c_str());
RecordProperty("gstddev", cv::format("%.6f", m.gstddev).c_str());
RecordProperty("mean", cv::format("%.0f", m.mean).c_str());
RecordProperty("stddev", cv::format("%.0f", m.stddev).c_str());
const ::testing::TestInfo* const test_info = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info();
const char* type_param = test_info->type_param();
const char* value_param = test_info->value_param();
#if defined(ANDROID) && defined(USE_ANDROID_LOGGING)
LOGD("[ FAILED ] %s.%s", test_info->test_case_name(), test_info->name());
if (type_param) LOGD("type = %11s", type_param);
if (value_param) LOGD("params = %11s", value_param);
switch (m.terminationReason)
case performance_metrics::TERM_ITERATIONS:
LOGD("termination reason: reached maximum number of iterations");
case performance_metrics::TERM_TIME:
LOGD("termination reason: reached time limit");
case performance_metrics::TERM_INTERRUPT:
LOGD("termination reason: aborted by the performance testing framework");
case performance_metrics::TERM_EXCEPTION:
LOGD("termination reason: unhandled exception");
case performance_metrics::TERM_UNKNOWN:
LOGD("termination reason: unknown");
LOGD("bytesIn =%11lu", (unsigned long)m.bytesIn);
LOGD("bytesOut =%11lu", (unsigned long)m.bytesOut);
if (nIters == (unsigned int)-1 || m.terminationReason == performance_metrics::TERM_ITERATIONS)
LOGD("samples =%11u", m.samples);
LOGD("samples =%11u of %u", m.samples, nIters);
LOGD("outliers =%11u", m.outliers);
LOGD("frequency =%11.0f", m.frequency);
if (m.samples > 0)
LOGD("min =%11.0f = %.2fms", m.min, m.min * 1e3 / m.frequency);
LOGD("median =%11.0f = %.2fms", m.median, m.median * 1e3 / m.frequency);
LOGD("gmean =%11.0f = %.2fms", m.gmean, m.gmean * 1e3 / m.frequency);
LOGD("gstddev =%11.8f = %.2fms for 97%% dispersion interval", m.gstddev, m.gmean * 2 * sinh(m.gstddev * 3) * 1e3 / m.frequency);
LOGD("mean =%11.0f = %.2fms", m.mean, m.mean * 1e3 / m.frequency);
LOGD("stddev =%11.0f = %.2fms", m.stddev, m.stddev * 1e3 / m.frequency);
void TestBase::SetUp()
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
if (param_tbb_nthreads > 0) {
p_tbb_initializer=new tbb::task_scheduler_init(param_tbb_nthreads);
if (param_affinity_mask)
lastTime = 0;
totalTime = 0;
nIters = iterationsLimitDefault;
currentIter = (unsigned int)-1;
timeLimit = timeLimitDefault;
cv::theRNG().state = param_seed;//this rng should generate same numbers for each run
void TestBase::TearDown()
if (HasFailure())
const ::testing::TestInfo* const test_info = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info();
const char* type_param = test_info->type_param();
const char* value_param = test_info->value_param();
if (value_param) printf("[ VALUE ] \t%s\n", value_param), fflush(stdout);
if (type_param) printf("[ TYPE ] \t%s\n", type_param), fflush(stdout);
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
std::string TestBase::getDataPath(const std::string& relativePath)
if (relativePath.empty())
ADD_FAILURE() << " Bad path to test resource";
throw PerfEarlyExitException();
const char *data_path_dir = getenv("OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH");
const char *path_separator = "/";
std::string path;
if (data_path_dir)
int len = (int)strlen(data_path_dir) - 1;
if (len < 0) len = 0;
path = (data_path_dir[0] == 0 ? std::string(".") : std::string(data_path_dir))
+ (data_path_dir[len] == '/' || data_path_dir[len] == '\\' ? "" : path_separator);
path = ".";
path += path_separator;
if (relativePath[0] == '/' || relativePath[0] == '\\')
path += relativePath.substr(1);
path += relativePath;
FILE* fp = fopen(path.c_str(), "r");
if (fp)
ADD_FAILURE() << " Requested file \"" << path << "\" does not exist.";
throw PerfEarlyExitException();
return path;
void TestBase::RunPerfTestBody()
metrics.terminationReason = performance_metrics::TERM_INTERRUPT;
return;//no additional failure logging
catch(cv::Exception e)
metrics.terminationReason = performance_metrics::TERM_EXCEPTION;
FAIL() << "Expected: PerfTestBody() doesn't throw an exception.\n Actual: it throws:\n " << e.what();
metrics.terminationReason = performance_metrics::TERM_EXCEPTION;
FAIL() << "Expected: PerfTestBody() doesn't throw an exception.\n Actual: it throws.";
* ::perf::TestBase::_declareHelper
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::iterations(unsigned int n)
test->nIters = std::min(n, TestBase::iterationsLimitDefault);
test->currentIter = (unsigned int)-1;
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::time(double timeLimitSecs)
test->currentIter = (unsigned int)-1;
test->timeLimit = (int64)(timeLimitSecs * cv::getTickFrequency());
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::tbb_threads(int n)
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
if (n > 0)
test->p_tbb_initializer=new tbb::task_scheduler_init(n);
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::in(cv::InputOutputArray a1, int wtype)
if (!test->times.empty()) return *this;
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a1, wtype);
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::in(cv::InputOutputArray a1, cv::InputOutputArray a2, int wtype)
if (!test->times.empty()) return *this;
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a1, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a2, wtype);
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::in(cv::InputOutputArray a1, cv::InputOutputArray a2, cv::InputOutputArray a3, int wtype)
if (!test->times.empty()) return *this;
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a1, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a2, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a3, wtype);
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::in(cv::InputOutputArray a1, cv::InputOutputArray a2, cv::InputOutputArray a3, cv::InputOutputArray a4, int wtype)
if (!test->times.empty()) return *this;
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a1, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a2, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a3, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->inputData, a4, wtype);
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::out(cv::InputOutputArray a1, int wtype)
if (!test->times.empty()) return *this;
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a1, wtype);
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::out(cv::InputOutputArray a1, cv::InputOutputArray a2, int wtype)
if (!test->times.empty()) return *this;
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a1, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a2, wtype);
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::out(cv::InputOutputArray a1, cv::InputOutputArray a2, cv::InputOutputArray a3, int wtype)
if (!test->times.empty()) return *this;
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a1, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a2, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a3, wtype);
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper& TestBase::_declareHelper::out(cv::InputOutputArray a1, cv::InputOutputArray a2, cv::InputOutputArray a3, cv::InputOutputArray a4, int wtype)
if (!test->times.empty()) return *this;
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a1, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a2, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a3, wtype);
TestBase::declareArray(test->outputData, a4, wtype);
return *this;
TestBase::_declareHelper::_declareHelper(TestBase* t) : test(t)
* ::perf::PrintTo
namespace perf
void PrintTo(const MatType& t, ::std::ostream* os)
switch( CV_MAT_DEPTH((int)t) )
case CV_8U: *os << "8U"; break;
case CV_8S: *os << "8S"; break;
case CV_16U: *os << "16U"; break;
case CV_16S: *os << "16S"; break;
case CV_32S: *os << "32S"; break;
case CV_32F: *os << "32F"; break;
case CV_64F: *os << "64F"; break;
case CV_USRTYPE1: *os << "USRTYPE1"; break;
default: *os << "INVALID_TYPE"; break;
*os << 'C' << CV_MAT_CN((int)t);
} //namespace perf
* ::cv::PrintTo
namespace cv {
void PrintTo(const Size& sz, ::std::ostream* os)
*os << /*"Size:" << */sz.width << "x" << sz.height;
} // namespace cv
* ::cv::PrintTo