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// fed.cpp
// Authors: Pablo F. Alcantarilla (1), Jesus Nuevo (2)
// Institutions: Georgia Institute of Technology (1)
// TrueVision Solutions (2)
// Date: 15/09/2013
// Email:
// AKAZE Features Copyright 2013, Pablo F. Alcantarilla, Jesus Nuevo
// All Rights Reserved
// See LICENSE for the license information
* @file fed.cpp
* @brief Functions for performing Fast Explicit Diffusion and building the
* nonlinear scale space
* @date Sep 15, 2013
* @author Pablo F. Alcantarilla, Jesus Nuevo
* @note This code is derived from FED/FJ library from Grewenig et al.,
* The FED/FJ library allows solving more advanced problems
* Please look at the following papers for more information about FED:
* [1] S. Grewenig, J. Weickert, C. Schroers, A. Bruhn. Cyclic Schemes for
* PDE-Based Image Analysis. Technical Report No. 327, Department of Mathematics,
* Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, March 2013
* [2] S. Grewenig, J. Weickert, A. Bruhn. From box filtering to fast explicit diffusion.
* DAGM, 2010
#include "../precomp.hpp"
#include "fed.h"
using namespace std;
* @brief This function allocates an array of the least number of time steps such
* that a certain stopping time for the whole process can be obtained and fills
* it with the respective FED time step sizes for one cycle
* The function returns the number of time steps per cycle or 0 on failure
* @param T Desired process stopping time
* @param M Desired number of cycles
* @param tau_max Stability limit for the explicit scheme
* @param reordering Reordering flag
* @param tau The vector with the dynamic step sizes
int fed_tau_by_process_time(const float& T, const int& M, const float& tau_max,
const bool& reordering, std::vector<float>& tau) {
// All cycles have the same fraction of the stopping time
return fed_tau_by_cycle_time(T/(float)M,tau_max,reordering,tau);
* @brief This function allocates an array of the least number of time steps such
* that a certain stopping time for the whole process can be obtained and fills it
* it with the respective FED time step sizes for one cycle
* The function returns the number of time steps per cycle or 0 on failure
* @param t Desired cycle stopping time
* @param tau_max Stability limit for the explicit scheme
* @param reordering Reordering flag
* @param tau The vector with the dynamic step sizes
int fed_tau_by_cycle_time(const float& t, const float& tau_max,
const bool& reordering, std::vector<float> &tau) {
int n = 0; // Number of time steps
float scale = 0.0; // Ratio of t we search to maximal t
// Compute necessary number of time steps
n = (int)(ceilf(sqrtf(3.0f*t/tau_max+0.25f)-0.5f-1.0e-8f)+ 0.5f);
scale = 3.0f*t/(tau_max*(float)(n*(n+1)));
// Call internal FED time step creation routine
return fed_tau_internal(n,scale,tau_max,reordering,tau);
* @brief This function allocates an array of time steps and fills it with FED
* time step sizes
* The function returns the number of time steps per cycle or 0 on failure
* @param n Number of internal steps
* @param scale Ratio of t we search to maximal t
* @param tau_max Stability limit for the explicit scheme
* @param reordering Reordering flag
* @param tau The vector with the dynamic step sizes
int fed_tau_internal(const int& n, const float& scale, const float& tau_max,
const bool& reordering, std::vector<float> &tau) {
float c = 0.0, d = 0.0; // Time savers
vector<float> tauh; // Helper vector for unsorted taus
if (n <= 0) {
return 0;
// Allocate memory for the time step size
tau = vector<float>(n);
if (reordering) {
tauh = vector<float>(n);
// Compute time saver
c = 1.0f / (4.0f * (float)n + 2.0f);
d = scale * tau_max / 2.0f;
// Set up originally ordered tau vector
for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
float h = cosf((float)CV_PI * (2.0f * (float)k + 1.0f) * c);
if (reordering) {
tauh[k] = d / (h * h);
else {
tau[k] = d / (h * h);
// Permute list of time steps according to chosen reordering function
int kappa = 0, prime = 0;
if (reordering == true) {
// Choose kappa cycle with k = n/2
// This is a heuristic. We can use Leja ordering instead!!
kappa = n / 2;
// Get modulus for permutation
prime = n + 1;
while (!fed_is_prime_internal(prime)) {
// Perform permutation
for (int k = 0, l = 0; l < n; ++k, ++l) {
int index = 0;
while ((index = ((k+1)*kappa) % prime - 1) >= n) {
tau[l] = tauh[index];
return n;
* @brief This function checks if a number is prime or not
* @param number Number to check if it is prime or not
* @return true if the number is prime
bool fed_is_prime_internal(const int& number) {
bool is_prime = false;
if (number <= 1) {
return false;
else if (number == 1 || number == 2 || number == 3 || number == 5 || number == 7) {
return true;
else if ((number % 2) == 0 || (number % 3) == 0 || (number % 5) == 0 || (number % 7) == 0) {
return false;
else {
is_prime = true;
int upperLimit = (int)sqrt(1.0f + number);
int divisor = 11;
while (divisor <= upperLimit ) {
if (number % divisor == 0)
is_prime = false;
divisor +=2;
return is_prime;