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// This file is part of OpenCV project. |
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory |
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. |
#include "opencv2/videoio/container_avi.private.hpp" |
#include <fstream> |
#include <limits> |
#include <typeinfo> |
namespace cv |
{ |
// Utility function for safe integer conversions |
template <typename D, typename S> |
inline D safe_int_cast(S val, const char * msg = 0) |
{ |
typedef std::numeric_limits<S> st; |
typedef std::numeric_limits<D> dt; |
CV_StaticAssert(st::is_integer && dt::is_integer, "Integer type is expected"); |
const bool in_range_r = (double)val <= (double)dt::max(); |
const bool in_range_l = (double)val >= (double)dt::min(); |
if (!in_range_r || !in_range_l) |
{ |
if (!msg) |
CV_Error_(Error::StsOutOfRange, ("Can not convert integer values (%s -> %s), value 0x%jx is out of range", typeid(S).name(), typeid(D).name(), (uintmax_t)val)); |
else |
CV_Error(Error::StsOutOfRange, msg); |
} |
return static_cast<D>(val); |
} |
const uint32_t RIFF_CC = CV_FOURCC('R','I','F','F'); |
const uint32_t LIST_CC = CV_FOURCC('L','I','S','T'); |
const uint32_t HDRL_CC = CV_FOURCC('h','d','r','l'); |
const uint32_t AVIH_CC = CV_FOURCC('a','v','i','h'); |
const uint32_t STRL_CC = CV_FOURCC('s','t','r','l'); |
const uint32_t STRH_CC = CV_FOURCC('s','t','r','h'); |
const uint32_t STRF_CC = CV_FOURCC('s','t','r','f'); |
const uint32_t VIDS_CC = CV_FOURCC('v','i','d','s'); |
const uint32_t MJPG_CC = CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G'); |
const uint32_t MOVI_CC = CV_FOURCC('m','o','v','i'); |
const uint32_t IDX1_CC = CV_FOURCC('i','d','x','1'); |
const uint32_t AVI_CC = CV_FOURCC('A','V','I',' '); |
const uint32_t AVIX_CC = CV_FOURCC('A','V','I','X'); |
const uint32_t JUNK_CC = CV_FOURCC('J','U','N','K'); |
const uint32_t INFO_CC = CV_FOURCC('I','N','F','O'); |
const uint32_t ODML_CC = CV_FOURCC('o','d','m','l'); |
const uint32_t DMLH_CC = CV_FOURCC('d','m','l','h'); |
String fourccToString(uint32_t fourcc); |
#pragma pack(push, 1) |
struct AviMainHeader |
{ |
uint32_t dwMicroSecPerFrame; // The period between video frames |
uint32_t dwMaxBytesPerSec; // Maximum data rate of the file |
uint32_t dwReserved1; // 0 |
uint32_t dwFlags; // 0x10 AVIF_HASINDEX: The AVI file has an idx1 chunk containing an index at the end of the file. |
uint32_t dwTotalFrames; // Field of the main header specifies the total number of frames of data in file. |
uint32_t dwInitialFrames; // Is used for interleaved files |
uint32_t dwStreams; // Specifies the number of streams in the file. |
uint32_t dwSuggestedBufferSize; // Field specifies the suggested buffer size forreading the file |
uint32_t dwWidth; // Fields specify the width of the AVIfile in pixels. |
uint32_t dwHeight; // Fields specify the height of the AVIfile in pixels. |
uint32_t dwReserved[4]; // 0, 0, 0, 0 |
}; |
struct AviStreamHeader |
{ |
uint32_t fccType; // 'vids', 'auds', 'txts'... |
uint32_t fccHandler; // "cvid", "DIB " |
uint32_t dwFlags; // 0 |
uint32_t dwPriority; // 0 |
uint32_t dwInitialFrames; // 0 |
uint32_t dwScale; // 1 |
uint32_t dwRate; // Fps (dwRate - frame rate for video streams) |
uint32_t dwStart; // 0 |
uint32_t dwLength; // Frames number (playing time of AVI file as defined by scale and rate) |
uint32_t dwSuggestedBufferSize; // For reading the stream |
uint32_t dwQuality; // -1 (encoding quality. If set to -1, drivers use the default quality value) |
uint32_t dwSampleSize; // 0 means that each frame is in its own chunk |
struct { |
short int left; |
short int top; |
short int right; |
short int bottom; |
} rcFrame; // If stream has a different size than dwWidth*dwHeight(unused) |
}; |
struct AviIndex |
{ |
uint32_t ckid; |
uint32_t dwFlags; |
uint32_t dwChunkOffset; |
uint32_t dwChunkLength; |
}; |
struct BitmapInfoHeader |
{ |
uint32_t biSize; // Write header size of BITMAPINFO header structure |
int32_t biWidth; // width in pixels |
int32_t biHeight; // height in pixels |
uint16_t biPlanes; // Number of color planes in which the data is stored |
uint16_t biBitCount; // Number of bits per pixel |
uint32_t biCompression; // Type of compression used (uncompressed: NO_COMPRESSION=0) |
uint32_t biSizeImage; // Image Buffer. Quicktime needs 3 bytes also for 8-bit png |
// (biCompression==NO_COMPRESSION)?0:xDim*yDim*bytesPerPixel; |
int32_t biXPelsPerMeter; // Horizontal resolution in pixels per meter |
int32_t biYPelsPerMeter; // Vertical resolution in pixels per meter |
uint32_t biClrUsed; // 256 (color table size; for 8-bit only) |
uint32_t biClrImportant; // Specifies that the first x colors of the color table. Are important to the DIB. |
}; |
struct RiffChunk |
{ |
uint32_t m_four_cc; |
uint32_t m_size; |
}; |
struct RiffList |
{ |
uint32_t m_riff_or_list_cc; |
uint32_t m_size; |
uint32_t m_list_type_cc; |
}; |
class VideoInputStream |
{ |
public: |
VideoInputStream(); |
VideoInputStream(const String& filename); |
~VideoInputStream(); |
VideoInputStream& read(char*, uint32_t); |
VideoInputStream& seekg(uint64_t); |
uint64_t tellg(); |
bool isOpened() const; |
bool open(const String& filename); |
void close(); |
operator bool(); |
private: |
VideoInputStream(const VideoInputStream&); |
VideoInputStream& operator=(const VideoInputStream&); |
private: |
std::ifstream input; |
bool m_is_valid; |
String m_fname; |
}; |
#pragma pack(pop) |
inline VideoInputStream& operator >> (VideoInputStream& is, AviMainHeader& avih) |
{ |
is.read((char*)(&avih), sizeof(AviMainHeader)); |
return is; |
} |
inline VideoInputStream& operator >> (VideoInputStream& is, AviStreamHeader& strh) |
{ |
is.read((char*)(&strh), sizeof(AviStreamHeader)); |
return is; |
} |
inline VideoInputStream& operator >> (VideoInputStream& is, BitmapInfoHeader& bmph) |
{ |
is.read((char*)(&bmph), sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader)); |
return is; |
} |
inline VideoInputStream& operator >> (VideoInputStream& is, AviIndex& idx1) |
{ |
is.read((char*)(&idx1), sizeof(idx1)); |
return is; |
} |
inline VideoInputStream& operator >> (VideoInputStream& is, RiffChunk& riff_chunk) |
{ |
is.read((char*)(&riff_chunk), sizeof(riff_chunk)); |
return is; |
} |
inline VideoInputStream& operator >> (VideoInputStream& is, RiffList& riff_list) |
{ |
is.read((char*)(&riff_list), sizeof(riff_list)); |
return is; |
} |
static const int AVIH_STRH_SIZE = 56; |
static const int STRF_SIZE = 40; |
static const int AVI_DWFLAG = 0x00000910; |
static const int AVI_DWSCALE = 1; |
static const int AVI_DWQUALITY = -1; |
static const int JUNK_SEEK = 4096; |
static const int AVIIF_KEYFRAME = 0x10; |
static const int MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC = 99999999; |
static const int SUG_BUFFER_SIZE = 1048576; |
String fourccToString(uint32_t fourcc) |
{ |
return format("%c%c%c%c", fourcc & 255, (fourcc >> 8) & 255, (fourcc >> 16) & 255, (fourcc >> 24) & 255); |
} |
VideoInputStream::VideoInputStream(): m_is_valid(false) |
{ |
m_fname = String(); |
} |
VideoInputStream::VideoInputStream(const String& filename): m_is_valid(false) |
{ |
m_fname = filename; |
open(filename); |
} |
bool VideoInputStream::isOpened() const |
{ |
return input.is_open(); |
} |
bool VideoInputStream::open(const String& filename) |
{ |
close(); |
input.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); |
m_is_valid = isOpened(); |
return m_is_valid; |
} |
void VideoInputStream::close() |
{ |
if(isOpened()) |
{ |
m_is_valid = false; |
input.close(); |
} |
} |
VideoInputStream& VideoInputStream::read(char* buf, uint32_t count) |
{ |
if(isOpened()) |
{ |
input.read(buf, safe_int_cast<std::streamsize>(count, "Failed to read AVI file: requested chunk size is too large")); |
m_is_valid = (input.gcount() == (std::streamsize)count); |
} |
return *this; |
} |
VideoInputStream& VideoInputStream::seekg(uint64_t pos) |
{ |
input.clear(); |
input.seekg(safe_int_cast<std::streamoff>(pos, "Failed to seek in AVI file: position is out of range")); |
m_is_valid = !input.eof(); |
return *this; |
} |
uint64_t VideoInputStream::tellg() |
{ |
return input.tellg(); |
} |
VideoInputStream::operator bool() |
{ |
return m_is_valid; |
} |
VideoInputStream::~VideoInputStream() |
{ |
close(); |
} |
AVIReadContainer::AVIReadContainer(): m_stream_id(0), m_movi_start(0), m_movi_end(0), m_width(0), m_height(0), m_fps(0), m_is_indx_present(false) |
{ |
m_file_stream = makePtr<VideoInputStream>(); |
} |
void AVIReadContainer::initStream(const String &filename) |
{ |
m_file_stream = makePtr<VideoInputStream>(filename); |
} |
void AVIReadContainer::initStream(Ptr<VideoInputStream> m_file_stream_) |
{ |
m_file_stream = m_file_stream_; |
} |
void AVIReadContainer::close() |
{ |
m_file_stream->close(); |
} |
bool AVIReadContainer::parseIndex(uint32_t index_size, frame_list& in_frame_list) |
{ |
uint64_t index_end = m_file_stream->tellg(); |
index_end += index_size; |
bool result = false; |
while(m_file_stream && (m_file_stream->tellg() < index_end)) |
{ |
AviIndex idx1; |
*m_file_stream >> idx1; |
if(idx1.ckid == m_stream_id) |
{ |
uint64_t absolute_pos = m_movi_start + idx1.dwChunkOffset; |
if(absolute_pos < m_movi_end) |
{ |
in_frame_list.push_back(std::make_pair(absolute_pos, idx1.dwChunkLength)); |
} |
else |
{ |
//unsupported case |
fprintf(stderr, "Frame offset points outside movi section.\n"); |
} |
} |
result = true; |
} |
return result; |
} |
bool AVIReadContainer::parseStrl(char stream_id, Codecs codec_) |
{ |
RiffChunk strh; |
*m_file_stream >> strh; |
if(m_file_stream && strh.m_four_cc == STRH_CC) |
{ |
AviStreamHeader strm_hdr; |
*m_file_stream >> strm_hdr; |
if (codec_ == MJPEG) |
{ |
if(strm_hdr.fccType == VIDS_CC && strm_hdr.fccHandler == MJPG_CC) |
{ |
uint8_t first_digit = (stream_id/10) + '0'; |
uint8_t second_digit = (stream_id%10) + '0'; |
if(m_stream_id == 0) |
{ |
m_stream_id = CV_FOURCC(first_digit, second_digit, 'd', 'c'); |
m_fps = double(strm_hdr.dwRate)/strm_hdr.dwScale; |
} |
else |
{ |
//second mjpeg video stream found which is not supported |
fprintf(stderr, "More than one video stream found within AVI/AVIX list. Stream %c%cdc would be ignored\n", first_digit, second_digit); |
} |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
void AVIReadContainer::skipJunk(RiffChunk& chunk) |
{ |
if(chunk.m_four_cc == JUNK_CC) |
{ |
m_file_stream->seekg(m_file_stream->tellg() + chunk.m_size); |
*m_file_stream >> chunk; |
} |
} |
void AVIReadContainer::skipJunk(RiffList& list) |
{ |
if(list.m_riff_or_list_cc == JUNK_CC) |
{ |
//JUNK chunk is 4 bytes less than LIST |
m_file_stream->seekg(m_file_stream->tellg() + list.m_size - 4); |
*m_file_stream >> list; |
} |
} |
bool AVIReadContainer::parseHdrlList(Codecs codec_) |
{ |
bool result = false; |
RiffChunk avih; |
*m_file_stream >> avih; |
if(m_file_stream && avih.m_four_cc == AVIH_CC) |
{ |
uint64_t next_strl_list = m_file_stream->tellg(); |
next_strl_list += avih.m_size; |
AviMainHeader avi_hdr; |
*m_file_stream >> avi_hdr; |
if(m_file_stream) |
{ |
m_is_indx_present = ((avi_hdr.dwFlags & 0x10) != 0); |
uint32_t number_of_streams = avi_hdr.dwStreams; |
CV_Assert(number_of_streams < 0xFF); |
m_width = avi_hdr.dwWidth; |
m_height = avi_hdr.dwHeight; |
//the number of strl lists must be equal to number of streams specified in main avi header |
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < number_of_streams; ++i) |
{ |
m_file_stream->seekg(next_strl_list); |
RiffList strl_list; |
*m_file_stream >> strl_list; |
if( m_file_stream && strl_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && strl_list.m_list_type_cc == STRL_CC ) |
{ |
next_strl_list = m_file_stream->tellg(); |
//RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read |
next_strl_list += (strl_list.m_size - 4); |
result = parseStrl((char)i, codec_); |
} |
else |
{ |
printError(strl_list, STRL_CC); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
printError(avih, AVIH_CC); |
} |
return result; |
} |
bool AVIReadContainer::parseAviWithFrameList(frame_list& in_frame_list, Codecs codec_) |
{ |
RiffList hdrl_list; |
*m_file_stream >> hdrl_list; |
if( m_file_stream && hdrl_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && hdrl_list.m_list_type_cc == HDRL_CC ) |
{ |
uint64_t next_list = m_file_stream->tellg(); |
//RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read |
next_list += (hdrl_list.m_size - 4); |
//parseHdrlList sets m_is_indx_present flag which would be used later |
if(parseHdrlList(codec_)) |
{ |
m_file_stream->seekg(next_list); |
RiffList some_list; |
*m_file_stream >> some_list; |
//an optional section INFO |
if(m_file_stream && some_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && some_list.m_list_type_cc == INFO_CC) |
{ |
next_list = m_file_stream->tellg(); |
//RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read |
next_list += (some_list.m_size - 4); |
parseInfo(); |
m_file_stream->seekg(next_list); |
*m_file_stream >> some_list; |
} |
//an optional section JUNK |
skipJunk(some_list); |
//we are expecting to find here movi list. Must present in avi |
if(m_file_stream && some_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && some_list.m_list_type_cc == MOVI_CC) |
{ |
bool is_index_found = false; |
m_movi_start = m_file_stream->tellg(); |
m_movi_start -= 4; |
m_movi_end = m_movi_start + some_list.m_size; |
//if m_is_indx_present is set to true we should find index |
if(m_is_indx_present) |
{ |
//we are expecting to find index section after movi list |
uint32_t indx_pos = (uint32_t)m_movi_start + 4; |
indx_pos += (some_list.m_size - 4); |
m_file_stream->seekg(indx_pos); |
RiffChunk index_chunk; |
*m_file_stream >> index_chunk; |
if(m_file_stream && index_chunk.m_four_cc == IDX1_CC) |
{ |
is_index_found = parseIndex(index_chunk.m_size, in_frame_list); |
//we are not going anywhere else |
} |
else |
{ |
printError(index_chunk, IDX1_CC); |
} |
} |
//index not present or we were not able to find it |
//parsing movi list |
if(!is_index_found) |
{ |
//not implemented |
parseMovi(in_frame_list); |
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse avi: index was not found\n"); |
//we are not going anywhere else |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
printError(some_list, MOVI_CC); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
printError(hdrl_list, HDRL_CC); |
} |
return in_frame_list.size() > 0; |
} |
std::vector<char> AVIReadContainer::readFrame(frame_iterator it) |
{ |
m_file_stream->seekg(it->first); |
RiffChunk chunk; |
*(m_file_stream) >> chunk; |
// Assertion added to prevent complaints from static analysis tools |
// as the chunk size is read from a file then used to allocate |
// memory. 64MB was chosen arbitrarily as an upper bound but it may |
// be useful to make it configurable. |
CV_Assert(chunk.m_size <= 67108864); |
std::vector<char> result; |
result.reserve(chunk.m_size); |
result.resize(chunk.m_size); |
m_file_stream->read(&(result[0]), chunk.m_size); // result.data() failed with MSVS2008 |
return result; |
} |
bool AVIReadContainer::parseRiff(frame_list &m_mjpeg_frames_) |
{ |
bool result = false; |
while(*m_file_stream) |
{ |
RiffList riff_list; |
*m_file_stream >> riff_list; |
if( *m_file_stream && riff_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == RIFF_CC && |
((riff_list.m_list_type_cc == AVI_CC) | (riff_list.m_list_type_cc == AVIX_CC)) ) |
{ |
uint64_t next_riff = m_file_stream->tellg(); |
//RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read |
next_riff += (riff_list.m_size - 4); |
bool is_parsed = parseAvi(m_mjpeg_frames_, MJPEG); |
result = result || is_parsed; |
m_file_stream->seekg(next_riff); |
} |
else |
{ |
break; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
void AVIReadContainer::printError(RiffList &list, uint32_t expected_fourcc) |
{ |
if(!m_file_stream) |
{ |
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected end of file while searching for %s list\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str()); |
} |
else if(list.m_riff_or_list_cc != LIST_CC) |
{ |
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected element. Expected: %s. Got: %s.\n", fourccToString(LIST_CC).c_str(), fourccToString(list.m_riff_or_list_cc).c_str()); |
} |
else |
{ |
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected list type. Expected: %s. Got: %s.\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str(), fourccToString(list.m_list_type_cc).c_str()); |
} |
} |
void AVIReadContainer::printError(RiffChunk &chunk, uint32_t expected_fourcc) |
{ |
if(!m_file_stream) |
{ |
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected end of file while searching for %s chunk\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str()); |
} |
else |
{ |
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected element. Expected: %s. Got: %s.\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str(), fourccToString(chunk.m_four_cc).c_str()); |
} |
} |
class BitStream |
{ |
public: |
BitStream(); |
~BitStream() { close(); } |
bool open(const String& filename); |
bool isOpened() const { return output.is_open(); } |
void close(); |
void writeBlock(); |
size_t getPos() const; |
void putByte(int val); |
void putBytes(const uchar* buf, int count); |
void putShort(int val); |
void putInt(uint32_t val); |
void jputShort(int val); |
void patchInt(uint32_t val, size_t pos); |
void jput(unsigned currval); |
void jflush(unsigned currval, int bitIdx); |
private: |
BitStream(const BitStream &); |
BitStream &operator=(const BitStream&); |
protected: |
std::ofstream output; |
std::vector<uchar> m_buf; |
uchar* m_start; |
uchar* m_end; |
uchar* m_current; |
size_t m_pos; |
bool m_is_opened; |
}; |
static const size_t DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = (1 << 15); |
BitStream::BitStream() |
{ |
m_buf.resize(DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE + 1024); |
m_start = &m_buf[0]; |
m_end = m_start + DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; |
m_is_opened = false; |
m_current = 0; |
m_pos = 0; |
} |
bool BitStream::open(const String& filename) |
{ |
close(); |
output.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); |
m_current = m_start; |
m_pos = 0; |
return true; |
} |
void BitStream::close() |
{ |
writeBlock(); |
output.close(); |
} |
void BitStream::writeBlock() |
{ |
ptrdiff_t wsz0 = m_current - m_start; |
if( wsz0 > 0 ) |
{ |
output.write((char*)m_start, wsz0); |
} |
m_pos += wsz0; |
m_current = m_start; |
} |
size_t BitStream::getPos() const { |
return safe_int_cast<size_t>(m_current - m_start, "Failed to determine AVI buffer position: value is out of range") + m_pos; |
} |
void BitStream::putByte(int val) |
{ |
*m_current++ = (uchar)val; |
if( m_current >= m_end ) |
writeBlock(); |
} |
void BitStream::putBytes(const uchar* buf, int count) |
{ |
uchar* data = (uchar*)buf; |
CV_Assert(data && m_current && count >= 0); |
if( m_current >= m_end ) |
writeBlock(); |
while( count ) |
{ |
int l = (int)(m_end - m_current); |
if (l > count) |
l = count; |
if( l > 0 ) |
{ |
memcpy(m_current, data, l); |
m_current += l; |
data += l; |
count -= l; |
} |
if( m_current >= m_end ) |
writeBlock(); |
} |
} |
void BitStream::putShort(int val) |
{ |
m_current[0] = (uchar)val; |
m_current[1] = (uchar)(val >> 8); |
m_current += 2; |
if( m_current >= m_end ) |
writeBlock(); |
} |
void BitStream::putInt(uint32_t val) |
{ |
m_current[0] = (uchar)val; |
m_current[1] = (uchar)(val >> 8); |
m_current[2] = (uchar)(val >> 16); |
m_current[3] = (uchar)(val >> 24); |
m_current += 4; |
if( m_current >= m_end ) |
writeBlock(); |
} |
void BitStream::jputShort(int val) |
{ |
m_current[0] = (uchar)(val >> 8); |
m_current[1] = (uchar)val; |
m_current += 2; |
if( m_current >= m_end ) |
writeBlock(); |
} |
void BitStream::patchInt(uint32_t val, size_t pos) |
{ |
if( pos >= m_pos ) |
{ |
ptrdiff_t delta = safe_int_cast<ptrdiff_t>(pos - m_pos, "Failed to seek in AVI buffer: value is out of range"); |
CV_Assert( delta < m_current - m_start ); |
m_start[delta] = (uchar)val; |
m_start[delta+1] = (uchar)(val >> 8); |
m_start[delta+2] = (uchar)(val >> 16); |
m_start[delta+3] = (uchar)(val >> 24); |
} |
else |
{ |
std::streamoff fpos = output.tellp(); |
output.seekp(safe_int_cast<std::streamoff>(pos, "Failed to seek in AVI file: value is out of range")); |
uchar buf[] = { (uchar)val, (uchar)(val >> 8), (uchar)(val >> 16), (uchar)(val >> 24) }; |
output.write((char *)buf, 4); |
output.seekp(fpos); |
} |
} |
void BitStream::jput(unsigned currval) |
{ |
uchar v; |
uchar* ptr = m_current; |
v = (uchar)(currval >> 24); |
*ptr++ = v; |
if( v == 255 ) |
*ptr++ = 0; |
v = (uchar)(currval >> 16); |
*ptr++ = v; |
if( v == 255 ) |
*ptr++ = 0; |
v = (uchar)(currval >> 8); |
*ptr++ = v; |
if( v == 255 ) |
*ptr++ = 0; |
v = (uchar)currval; |
*ptr++ = v; |
if( v == 255 ) |
*ptr++ = 0; |
m_current = ptr; |
if( m_current >= m_end ) |
writeBlock(); |
} |
void BitStream::jflush(unsigned currval, int bitIdx) |
{ |
uchar v; |
uchar* ptr = m_current; |
currval |= (1 << bitIdx)-1; |
while( bitIdx < 32 ) |
{ |
v = (uchar)(currval >> 24); |
*ptr++ = v; |
if( v == 255 ) |
*ptr++ = 0; |
currval <<= 8; |
bitIdx += 8; |
} |
m_current = ptr; |
if( m_current >= m_end ) |
writeBlock(); |
} |
AVIWriteContainer::AVIWriteContainer() : strm(makePtr<BitStream>()) |
{ |
outfps = 0; |
height = 0; |
width = 0; |
channels = 0; |
moviPointer = 0; |
strm->close(); |
} |
AVIWriteContainer::~AVIWriteContainer() { |
strm->close(); |
frameOffset.clear(); |
frameSize.clear(); |
AVIChunkSizeIndex.clear(); |
frameNumIndexes.clear(); |
} |
bool AVIWriteContainer::initContainer(const String& filename, double fps, Size size, bool iscolor) |
{ |
outfps = cvRound(fps); |
width = size.width; |
height = size.height; |
channels = iscolor ? 3 : 1; |
moviPointer = 0; |
bool result = strm->open(filename); |
return result; |
} |
void AVIWriteContainer::startWriteAVI(int stream_count) |
{ |
startWriteChunk(RIFF_CC); |
strm->putInt(AVI_CC); |
startWriteChunk(LIST_CC); |
strm->putInt(HDRL_CC); |
strm->putInt(AVIH_CC); |
strm->putInt(AVIH_STRH_SIZE); |
strm->putInt(cvRound(1e6 / outfps)); |
strm->putInt(MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(AVI_DWFLAG); |
frameNumIndexes.push_back(strm->getPos()); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(stream_count); // number of streams |
strm->putInt(SUG_BUFFER_SIZE); |
strm->putInt(width); |
strm->putInt(height); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
} |
void AVIWriteContainer::writeStreamHeader(Codecs codec_) |
{ |
// strh |
startWriteChunk(LIST_CC); |
strm->putInt(STRL_CC); |
strm->putInt(STRH_CC); |
strm->putInt(AVIH_STRH_SIZE); |
strm->putInt(VIDS_CC); |
switch (codec_) { |
case MJPEG: |
strm->putInt(MJPG_CC); |
break; |
} |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(AVI_DWSCALE); |
strm->putInt(outfps); |
strm->putInt(0); |
frameNumIndexes.push_back(strm->getPos()); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(SUG_BUFFER_SIZE); |
strm->putInt(static_cast<uint32_t>(AVI_DWQUALITY)); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putShort(0); |
strm->putShort(0); |
strm->putShort(width); |
strm->putShort(height); |
// strf (use the BITMAPINFOHEADER for video) |
startWriteChunk(STRF_CC); |
strm->putInt(STRF_SIZE); |
strm->putInt(width); |
strm->putInt(height); |
strm->putShort(1); // planes (1 means interleaved data (after decompression)) |
strm->putShort(8 * channels); // bits per pixel |
switch (codec_) { |
case MJPEG: |
strm->putInt(MJPG_CC); |
break; |
} |
strm->putInt(width * height * channels); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
// Must be indx chunk |
endWriteChunk(); // end strf |
endWriteChunk(); // end strl |
// odml |
startWriteChunk(LIST_CC); |
strm->putInt(ODML_CC); |
startWriteChunk(DMLH_CC); |
frameNumIndexes.push_back(strm->getPos()); |
strm->putInt(0); |
strm->putInt(0); |
endWriteChunk(); // end dmlh |
endWriteChunk(); // end odml |
endWriteChunk(); // end hdrl |
// JUNK |
startWriteChunk(JUNK_CC); |
size_t pos = strm->getPos(); |
for( ; pos < (size_t)JUNK_SEEK; pos += 4 ) |
strm->putInt(0); |
endWriteChunk(); // end JUNK |
// movi |
startWriteChunk(LIST_CC); |
moviPointer = strm->getPos(); |
strm->putInt(MOVI_CC); |
} |
void AVIWriteContainer::startWriteChunk(uint32_t fourcc) |
{ |
CV_Assert(fourcc != 0); |
strm->putInt(fourcc); |
AVIChunkSizeIndex.push_back(strm->getPos()); |
strm->putInt(0); |
} |
void AVIWriteContainer::endWriteChunk() |
{ |
if( !AVIChunkSizeIndex.empty() ) |
{ |
size_t currpos = strm->getPos(); |
CV_Assert(currpos > 4); |
currpos -= 4; |
size_t pospos = AVIChunkSizeIndex.back(); |
AVIChunkSizeIndex.pop_back(); |
CV_Assert(currpos >= pospos); |
uint32_t chunksz = safe_int_cast<uint32_t>(currpos - pospos, "Failed to write AVI file: chunk size is out of bounds"); |
strm->patchInt(chunksz, pospos); |
} |
} |
int AVIWriteContainer::getAVIIndex(int stream_number, StreamType strm_type) { |
char strm_indx[2]; |
strm_indx[0] = '0' + static_cast<char>(stream_number / 10); |
strm_indx[1] = '0' + static_cast<char>(stream_number % 10); |
switch (strm_type) { |
case db: return CV_FOURCC(strm_indx[0], strm_indx[1], 'd', 'b'); |
case dc: return CV_FOURCC(strm_indx[0], strm_indx[1], 'd', 'c'); |
case pc: return CV_FOURCC(strm_indx[0], strm_indx[1], 'p', 'c'); |
case wb: return CV_FOURCC(strm_indx[0], strm_indx[1], 'w', 'b'); |
} |
return CV_FOURCC(strm_indx[0], strm_indx[1], 'd', 'b'); |
} |
void AVIWriteContainer::writeIndex(int stream_number, StreamType strm_type) |
{ |
// old style AVI index. Must be Open-DML index |
startWriteChunk(IDX1_CC); |
int nframes = (int)frameOffset.size(); |
for( int i = 0; i < nframes; i++ ) |
{ |
strm->putInt(getAVIIndex(stream_number, strm_type)); |
strm->putInt(AVIIF_KEYFRAME); |
strm->putInt((int)frameOffset[i]); |
strm->putInt((int)frameSize[i]); |
} |
endWriteChunk(); // End idx1 |
} |
void AVIWriteContainer::finishWriteAVI() |
{ |
uint32_t nframes = safe_int_cast<uint32_t>(frameOffset.size(), "Failed to write AVI file: number of frames is too large"); |
// Record frames numbers to AVI Header |
while (!frameNumIndexes.empty()) |
{ |
size_t ppos = frameNumIndexes.back(); |
frameNumIndexes.pop_back(); |
strm->patchInt(nframes, ppos); |
} |
endWriteChunk(); // end RIFF |
} |
bool AVIWriteContainer::isOpenedStream() const { return strm->isOpened(); } |
size_t AVIWriteContainer::getStreamPos() const { return strm->getPos(); } |
void AVIWriteContainer::jputStreamShort(int val) { strm->jputShort(val); } |
void AVIWriteContainer::putStreamBytes(const uchar *buf, int count) { strm->putBytes( buf, count ); } |
void AVIWriteContainer::putStreamByte(int val) { strm->putByte(val); } |
void AVIWriteContainer::jputStream(unsigned currval) { strm->jput(currval); } |
void AVIWriteContainer::jflushStream(unsigned currval, int bitIdx) { strm->jflush(currval, bitIdx); } |