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Graph API (gapi module)
In this section you will learn about graph-based image processing and how G-API module can be used for that.
@subpage tutorial_gapi_interactive_face_detection
Languages: C++
Compatibility: > OpenCV 4.2
Author: Dmitry Matveev
This tutorial illustrates how to build a hybrid video processing pipeline with G-API where Deep Learning and image processing are combined effectively to maximize the overall throughput. This sample requires Intel® distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit version 2019R2 or later.
@subpage tutorial_gapi_anisotropic_segmentation
Languages: C++
Compatibility: > OpenCV 4.0
Author: Dmitry Matveev
This is an end-to-end tutorial where an existing sample algorithm is ported on G-API, covering the basic intuition behind this transition process, and examining benefits which a graph model brings there.